All Chapters of Aegis Group Lepta Team: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
258 Chapters
Chapter 71: Samuel
Tuesday. Location, Kyoto, Japan.SAMUEL STARED AT THE manpower reports his assistant had run. The numbers didn't lie. If he ran with the opportunity he'd been given, he'd run out of men long before they attained their goals. Which put him in the unfortunate predicament of needing more men.On boarding people was a time-consuming, slow process. For the work they did, he had to trust every person he hired. But that was when he only managed half the business. The kind of work he did required a great deal of trust among a slice of the population not known for their virtue.It would be immensely easier to hire more men on the other side. Let them think they were doing an honest day's work, when in truth they were helping Samuel on another level."Sir?""Show him in." Samuel waved his hand at his assistant. He didn't need to be told what time it was or who was here.A moment later Karuki entered the home office that Sota had once claimed as his primary work space. The kind of
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Chapter 72: Yvonne
Wednesday. Grimaldi Place, Chevy Chase, MD.YVONNE STUDIED HER APPEARANCE in the mirror. She ran her fingers over her neck and up her cheek.No hickies. Not even a love bite.Thank goodness.She still couldn't believe she'd allowed yesterday to happen. It wasn't smart. Unlike her brothers she couldn't get away with whatever she wanted. History had proven that she would always get caught.But it was worth it.She slapped her hand over her mouth as though she could silence the voice in her mind.Mom didn't have mind-reading powers, but she had always known what Yvonne's brothers were up to. Yvonne was going to have to be very careful in how she conducted herself around the family today.Yvonne smiled at her reflection, then laughed for no reason.That wouldn't do, but she'd been doing it since Nolan escorted her to her bedroom yesterday.She'd managed to avoid her family last night by claiming she needed rest to feel her best again. Mom was still fussing over Dougl
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Chapter 73: Yvonne
Yvonne turned and followed in her brother's wake.The living room was the one space in the house that didn't look like a room out of a museum. The walls at either end were floor to ceiling books, broken up only by the two fireplaces. Windows ran along the far wall with French doors that let out onto a small terrace. The furniture was large and leather.Douglas sat in grandpa's old recliner still wearing yesterday's clothes. Mom paced the width of the living room while Dad had his phone to his ear staring out the windows. Theodore was the only one who acknowledged Yvonne's entrance, and he merely nodded at her."Can someone please tell me what's going on?" She set her laptop and phone down on the table."Close the door," Theodore said.Mom whirled to face her. Today's outfit was a powder blue shift dress and cardigan. "They're leaving?""Why do they need to?" Yvonne kept her voice down and glanced from Mom to Theodore.Mom's eyes bulged, and she threw her hands up in the a
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Chapter 74: Nolan
Wednesday. Grimaldi Place, Chevy Chase, MD.NOLAN LEANED AWAY FROM the monitor in time to see Yvonne on one of the feeds push open the patio door and step out onto the wide terrace leading down to the pool. She put a hand to her hair, running her fingers through the strands, and tipped her chin up.It was an overcast day with little to no chance of rain, but it made for a dreary atmosphere.Had she talked some sense into her family?"How's the picture look?" Vaughn sat back on his heels. The poor guy had been up most of the night. He'd just crawled into bed when Mrs. Krieger burst in and told them to get out."Good," Nolan replied."The picture, not the woman, dumbass."He presented his middle finger to Vaughn.Vaughn chuckled and pulled himself up into the desk chair next to Nolan. "You've never been this friendly with a client before. You think I'm going to pass up the chance to give you shit?"Nolan didn't reply. It was a damned if he did, damned if he didn't si
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Chapter 75: Nolan
Nolan held her gaze. "Plenty. How do you like your coffee?""Sweet and creamy.""Just like you." He'd tasted her cream and knew first hand just how sweet she was.She glanced away, a little spark in her eyes and color in her cheeks. "Stop that.""Do I have to?" He cupped her chin and lifted her face. "Hm?"Her eyes were on his mouth. "What?"Nolan kissed her, suckling her lower lip until she groaned and clutched his shoulders. He lifted his face and stared down at her. During these moments she let him past that polished exterior and he got to see the real her. The one he hadn't been expecting."Are you trying to seduce answers out of me?" One side of her mouth quirked up. She wasn't serious."Would you tell me if it was working?"A bit of the brightness dimmed, and she stared at his shoulder, tracing her fingers over the words Aegis Group stitched there."I can't. I think moving your team out of the house is a mistake, but they aren't going back on it. They believe
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Chapter 76: Yvonne
YVONNE COULDN'T SEE THE house. Even the grass a few feet in front of her was blurry.She lifted a hand and swiped at her face, doing her best to stem the tears. There was a difference between knowing her place in the family, and others seeing it. She'd always played the role of the dutiful daughter, content to work in the shadows, because she was part of something. Yes, Theodore had a bad habit of not passing along the praise for her work, but he had a lot on his plate, too. It wasn't like he sat back doing nothing. They each did their part.Instead of heading for the patio, she cut through the grass toward the old oak tree and the tree house. As kids Theodore used to say she wasn't allowed inside because she was a girl, but Douglas would sneak her up when their oldest brother wasn't looking. They'd spent happier days up there.The old oak was on the east side of the yard, twenty or so feet from the fence. She didn't remember when the landscaping company had put in the stone path
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Chapter 77: Samuel, Nolan
Wednesday. Location, Kyoto, Japan.SAMUEL LOCKED HIS OFFICE door before tapping on the email his contact had sent him. Assuming control of the company was going relatively smoothly now that he had a few crucial people on his side. His next steps had to be about protecting himself.So far he'd managed to eliminate those Yakuza who knew he was their intended target, not Sato. The Lyme employees were pathetic pencil pushers that had the unfortunate luck to find themselves indebted to the wrong people.That left only one loose end.The drone.He skimmed the email then tapped the attachment.A document popped up. He turned the phone sideways for a better view of the images detailing the personal security and surveillance drone. The very one someone had used to kill his brother.The tech specs were most important. He'd already seen how well it shot bullets.There.A full grid listed out the spectrum of image and-fuck me-video capability. Another section detailed the audi
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Chapter 78: Yvonne
Wednesday. Grimaldi Place, Chevy Chase, MD.YVONNE TIP TOED INTO the kitchen. She could hear Theodore's voice echoing off the walls, doing his best to capture the attention of the family. He really was a great brother.She grabbed bread, peanut butter, a banana and knife, stacked it on top of her laptop and headed for the stairs. Her to-do list was full of things she couldn't write down like, find a doctor that wouldn't tattle on her to her parents.Loaded down with her bounty, she scurried across to the rear stair and up to the second floor. She held her breath all the way to her bedroom door and didn't breathe until she'd ducked inside.She dumped her things on the desk then changed back into her pajamas and out of her dusty wrap dress. So much for looking nice enough to escape criticism today. That done, she set about making herself a sandwich.Or tried to.She got as far as opening the jar of peanut butter before the scent had her stomach churning. Her shaking hands
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Chapter 79: Nolan
Wednesday. Grimaldi Place, Chevy Chase, MD.NOLAN STARED UP AT the ceiling.He'd gone to bed fixated on one thing, the image of Yvonne's face, the surprise and hurt etched into her features at his words. It was clearer now that he'd had some sleep.Why did he have to open his God damn mouth?He rolled out of bed and onto his feet.Yvonne was under his skin. He didn't know how or when it had happened, but that was the truth. There were no rules for how to handle this situation. At least not rules he knew.He checked the time.Dinner was scheduled to be there soon, which would leave a few hours for him to do other things before he went on shift.The need to talk to Yvonne ate at him. But she'd never shared her phone details, and he wasn't keen on talking to her through a device. No, he wanted to see her in person.None of the guys had cracked on him about the activity report findings, but the way they looked at him said they'd all drawn their own conclusions. If he w
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Chapter 80: Yvonne
Wednesday. Grimaldi Place, Chevy Chase, MD.YVONNE STARED AT HER phone, waiting for Tabby's next message. She wished she could talk to Tabby, but twelve hours time difference and shoddy reception in the remote part of Japan Tabby was currently in made that impossible.Yvonne scrolled back through the messages from the last half hour.I can't believe you didn't tell me!I've checked all flights. There's no way I can get back before Sunday.I wish I could be there for you tomorrow.Tabby was really the best friend a girl could ask for. Yvonne wished Tabby could be there at the clinic, but the need to know was more pressing than her need for a hand to hold.Maybe Yvonne could video chat Tabby in on the appointment when it was time to get the results back. Even that virtual hand holding might be better than nothing.A rhythmic knock on the door brought Yvonne back to the present.She powered her screen off, locking the phone, and slid it under her pillow.
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