All Chapters of Aegis Group Lepta Team: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
258 Chapters
Chapter 81: Nolan
NOLAN SHOULD BE HAPPY with Yvonne's forgiveness. Getting to hold her was a boon he hadn't expected. He was fairly certain if he'd kept kissing her she'd have melted in his arms, but he couldn't do that when he knew she was holding back from him. Under the blush and flirty looks was a wary shadow he didn't know how to chase away. He could only stick with her and hope that he'd prove-what? Where did he think this was going?They'd had a great time in Vegas. Yesterday and today proved that they had chemistry. But what did that amount to? Or was sex her goal? Was she only interested in him for the orgasms?He lifted a hand and smoothed her hair behind her ear, giving him a clear view of her face. Her lashes were dark against her pale skin. This close he could see a faint smattering of freckles over her nose and cheeks.She reached for his hand and pulled it back around her waist.Nolan chuckled and kissed her hair.If sex was what she wanted that made things a lot easier.His c
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Chapter 82: Nolan
Nolan sat up and glanced at the clock.He had a little more than an hour till he needed to report for his shift. He wanted a good twelve hours with Yvonne, but he'd take what he could get. For now.Yvonne stepped out of the bathroom, completely naked, holding a strip of three condoms."Fucking..."His mouth dried up and his body went tight. All his blood rushed to his groin.Yvonne hid a luscious body under all those conservative outfits. Generous breasts and a round ass, she was made for a man's hands.She sauntered toward him, her hair curling down over the tops of her breasts."You're over-dressed," she said.The hell he was.He reached down and yanked his polo over his head.Yvonne tipped her head to the side and stared at his Kevlar vest. "That's new.""Not really." He yanked the straps securing it into place then slid out of it and placed the vest on the foot of the bed."Do these work?" She placed her fingertips on the vest."Yeah.""Good. I like you
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Chapter 83: Yvonne
Thursday. Grimaldi Place, Chevy Chase, MD.THE ONLY THING YVONNE had ever snuck out of was a party. If she'd known giving her parents, the slip was so easy she might have tried it a few times growing up. Too bad today's excursion wasn't about having illicit fun.She tugged at the seatbelt across her chest.Melody hadn't yet said a word to her, but the professional veneer had rubbed off a bit. She kept glancing at her phone, the rearview mirror. Her anxiety was going to rub off on Yvonne."Are we sure they won't have seen me get in the car?" she asked."It'll look like you went for a walk. When they can't get you back on camera, they'll call you and you can tell them you went back to the house. Your tracking device will support that claim. They'll spend the rest of the day doing tests to figure out the blind spot we don't have.""Oh." Yvonne slid down in her seat a little bit. "Thank you for doing this."The bubble of tension in the car seemed to pop and Melody glanced
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Chapter 84: Lee, Nolan
Thursday. Surveillance Van, Chevy Chase, MD."SOMEONE GET EYES ON her. Now," Lee snarled into the radio.He'd been playing catch-up ever since one of his warm bodies had reported the Krieger girl slipping off the property.Yvonne Krieger was his second pick. Her role in the company was more operational and focused on number crunching. She wouldn't have the information his clients needed, but she was at the top of the food chain. There was no doubt in his mind she had access to the codes he was after."I see her." That was one of Lee's men. The ones he could trust."And?" Lee bounced his knee."Surrounded by cops.""Fuck."Lee squeezed his eyes shut.This job should have been easy.Follow the family on their trip, assess the security, then do a snatch and grab absconding with both Yvonne and Theodore Krieger into Malaysia where they'd disappear as far as anyone else was concerned.Lee wasn't keen on doing a kidnapping on US soil with high profile targets. It was
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Chapter 85: Yvonne, Samuel
Thursday. Grimaldi Place Guest House, Chevy Chase, MD.YVONNE KNEW SHE WAS in trouble. Bad trouble. Maybe the worst of her life.And all for doing what mother had asked her to do.She closed her eyes and willed her heart to slow down a bit. A deep breath in and she felt as though someone sucker punched her with a fistful of lavender. The candle was across the room on Dad's desk.Wasn't one of the side effects of pregnancy a heightened sense of smell?The silence in the room was absolute. Both of her brothers had retreated to the sofa.Her feelings teetered back and forth. On one hand, she was ashamed that she'd allowed herself to be pulled into this deception. Her mother had asked her to do many things for the good of the family, but nothing like this. On the other hand, Mom had gift wrapped Yvonne's way out. In the future, she would need to remember today. It would serve as a reminder why she was putting the best interests of her child above that of her family.Becaus
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Chapter 86: Nolan
Thursday. Grimaldi Place, Chevy Chase, MD.NOLAN OPENED THE FRIDGE, but it was empty."Who took the last water out of here?" He turned to glare at Brenden and Grant standing at the breakfast bar. "The rule is whoever takes the last has to refill the God damn fridge."Grant stared back at him. "You need to check your tone.""Fuck you," Nolan muttered under his breath.He grabbed the case of bottled water and began filling the door with the bottles.When he'd finally crashed after another run to de-stress, he'd hoped that a little sleep would ease the anger and frustration knotting his back. Instead he'd woken with knots so tight it hurt to breathe.All because of Yvonne.He'd trusted her to be the reasonable one. The rational asset who wouldn't take unnecessary risk. And she was the one who succeeded in getting off the property for hours without anyone the wiser.It was salt to the wound to know that Yvonne hadn't turned to him for help. He didn't care if she'd deci
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Chapter 87: Nolan, Lee
Nolan exited the house without leaving an update on the chalk board. He lifted his phone and tapped on the text icon.He hadn't messaged Yvonne yet.Should he ask for permission or forgiveness for what he was about to do? And where was she?He changed his mind and tapped her contact, activating the call as he walked.The line rang once, twice, a third time.She could be ignoring him like he was with his mother."Yes?" Yvonne's voice was soft, maybe a little wary."I'd like to see you.""Why?""To apologize properly.""I'm not sure that's a good idea.""I was an ass. Again."Silence."Vee?""I can see you just fine."He glanced at her windows, but from what he could see at this distance the curtains were shut."Not there," she said.There were too many windows on the house to search.A bird twittered in the background through the phone.She was outside.Nolan kept walking, but now he examined the grass, the trees, until-there. Near the wall, almos
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Chapter 88: Yvonne
Friday. Grimaldi Place, Chevy Chase, MD.YVONNE WOKE WITH A start to the sound of something thudding against the hardwood next to her bed. She sat up, clutching the comforter to her chest, and blinked across the dim room at the hulking shadow hunched over at the side of her bed."Shit, sorry," the shadow muttered.Heart racing, it took a moment for the voice to register.She knew that voice."Nolan?" She reached over and clicked on the bedside lamp."Sh." He glanced back at the door.The floor creaked out in the hall.Someone was there.Nolan braced his hand on the mattress and leaned toward her, mouthing more than whispering, "Doug might have seen me."Yvonne glanced at the clock.She'd gone through so many time zones her body didn't know what time it was.Eight.Nine hours ago she'd left the guest house after nearly laughing herself sick at Vaughn and Nolan carrying on. It had been one of the most relaxing, easiest evenings she'd spent out in...she couldn
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Chapter 89: Yvonne
Yvonne slid her arms around his neck and he took her mouth. The kiss was possessive, branding. His stubble scraped her chin and though she might have initiated contact, he was taking over. Her nipples pebbled, growing harder until she wanted to rub against him to find some sort of relief, like a cat in heat."No," Nolan rumbled against her mouth."No?" She panted for breath, head spinning."You should eat something first." He flicked the top of the donut box open."I could eat later.""You'll eat now." He plucked a strawberry donut from the box."Bossy.""Yup." One side of his mouth kicked up. "I bet you spend most of your days telling people what to do. Maybe taking orders is good for you?""Maybe you're delusional?""I am a guy. I like my delusions." He held the donut to her lips, drawing a line across her mouth with the frosting.Yvonne had to hand it to him. He was right. She was the woman in charge at work and she chafed at being on the receiving end of orders
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Chapter 90: Nolan
Friday. Grimaldi Place, Chevy Chase, MD.NOLAN SPARED YVONNE'S BED one last glance. He didn't want to trudge back to the guest house and pass out on the hard-as-a-rock mattress there. Things with Yvonne were too new to push for some sort of privilege. Plus, he should be present to do his job with the others should the need arise.He clipped his gun on his hip and was ready to go.Yvonne sat in the middle of the bed, wrapped in a fuzzy robe, her wet hair piled on top of her head."Plans today?" he asked."I really need to do some work.""How much longer can you remote in?""Maybe a week or two?" She grimaced. "There's some things I just need to handle personally. Ready?""Yeah."Yvonne swung her legs over the side, giving him a glimpse of her thighs and the maroon and teal plaid shorts she'd put on after the shower. He watched her pad to the window and peer out."Coast clear?" He circled the bed and came up behind her.She leaned back against his chest without u
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