All Chapters of Amatucci Family: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
341 Chapters
Chapter 141 - Ryker
I stuck my head out the door, looked both directions. When it was clear, I pulled her from the depths. I smiled. She was the absolute best thing that had ever happened to me. If I didn't hate the bastard with a fiery passion in my soul, I'd probably thank Ethan Errington. But that was beyond my ability. Escorting the sexiest woman back to the party, we ran into Jessa and Nico and Nik and Turo as they came in. I glanced at my watch. Raised my brows at Nico.He rolled his eyes. "Women."Willow snorted. "Men," she said it with the exact same inflection. Jessa and Nik laughed. "You'd think it was our fault, but he had to change his tux twice so it would be the ‘same undertone' as Jessa's dress," Nik said. She made air quotes around the appropriate words. Turo nodded. "It's disgusting. He has more clothes than most women."Nico stuck his nose in the air. "Can I get a drink now, please?"I looked over the people I'd claimed as my family. Jessa and Nico were a striking couple
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Chapter 142 - Willow
I swallowed as I blinked against the glaring lights. "Hi. I'm Willow." She gave a little wave. The crowd chuckled. Called out, "Hi Willow" like we were on some kind of ridiculous Saturday morning kids' show. She chuckled. "Winslow and Beverly are correct. I've a new man, and, boy, do we have some news to share. Buckle your seatbelts."The lights dimmed dramatically. "As Winslow stated, I was married to Ethan Errington. Winslow and Beverly actually set us up."The crowd gave a joint ‘ah.' Fuckers. My smile was brittle. "What I recently found out was that they paid him ten million dollars to do it."The crowd didn't laugh or give any cutesy little audience participation lines. "Willow, what in heaven's name are you talking about?" Beverly said, motherly shame sharp in her voice. I smiled out at the crowd. That was Nik's cue. The screen behind me went live. I blocked out the sound of Ethan's voice as he himself declared that my creation donors had paid him. Turo
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Chapter 143 - Ryker
My chest swelled with pride as Willow, Jessa, and Tali all gathered on the stage. "Taylor Pankoswki, age fourteen," Willow said, her voice strong. A picture showed on the screen behind us. A young girl who had seen too much life in her years. Her blue eyes were hazy, her brown hair hung in straggles down her face.A woman in the crowd screamed. "That's my baby. That monster had my baby?""Born January 14, 2006. Died -"The woman shouted and wailed.Tali's fists clenched. "Died June 28, 2019.""Cause of death: traumatic blood loss," Jessa said. The woman collapsed into tears and grief. Several around her either moved to help comfort her or stepped away. Their gazes lowered, their shoulders hunched. The guilty would out themselves by the time this was done. The next picture was displayed. The group of gathered monsters and innocents sucked in a collective breath. "Marigold Lightfoot, age fifty-five." Willow didn't take her gaze off the crowd. Blue eyes, red hair, ro
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Chapter 144 - Willow
Two days laterI hugged Daphne. "Are you sure you don't want to stay any longer? I know Corrie would like you to," I said with an eyebrow wiggle.Daphne laughed. "That girl would sit at Massimo's feet for the rest of their natural lives. No, we're leaving. She has to get back to school on Monday, just like the normal girl she's trying to be."I smiled. "Well, tell her I tried." Daphne smiled. "I'll do that." She looked around the two-story foyer of our new home. "You know, I never really thought about Ryker living anywhere other than in the Towers." She turned back to me. "But this suits him. Suits both of you."I smiled. "And I can't thank you enough for wrangling the team of movers. That was a huge blessing that I'll never be able to repay you for."Her smile went soft. "You give him the love, support, protection, and care that I could never find within myself. If there is someone who can't repay a blessing, it's me to you. I hope I'm doing better with Corrie, but I know
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Chapter 145 - Ryker
Next weekend"Archie, you look so handsome," Grams said as she came into the room on Baxter's arm. Baxter helped her to a chair. "That's Ryker, Alda. He's your grandson."My heart ached for a moment. I'd been hoping she would have a good day. A day she'd never forget. I guess it had been a bit of a pipe dream. Dementia didn't discriminate on stealing memories. It eventually stole them all and it was a greedy bitch. Grams' face clouded for a second. Then her green eyes brightened. "I know my own boy, Baxie. Stop fussing. Go away now." She slapped at the man's arm. "I need to impart some wisdom on him."I nodded at Baxter. He walked back to the door, but didn't leave. "What's up, Grams?"She looked up at me. "I can see that you're happy. Which is good. But you need to know that marriage is more than just the happy. It's the boring, the normal, the sad, the horrible."I squatted down, took her hand. "I know that, you old bird. I thought you were going to tell me something
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Chapter 146 - Nik
I smiled as one of the best men I knew married one of the strongest women I'd ever met. Grams stood up with Ryker and Baxter and fulfilled her best man duties with a style and panache I could only hope I still had at her age. Tali and Momma stood with Willow. All three women were radiant in the late afternoon sun. Thankfully the new digs Ryker and Willow had just bought came with a fully heated patio section off the pool area. The open scenery of their lake and the setting sun were the perfect backdrop. Turo wiggled beside me. "Ah, an actual smile today. Imagining yourself in a white dress, a young man across from you while you exchange promises?" he asked softly.I looked at him. "What are we doing, Arturo?" I asked him bluntly but quietly. He jolted. "I'm asking you a question, cricket."I ground my teeth at the nickname. "I've asked you repeatedly to stop calling me that."His smile was all teeth and potent sexuality. "Then I guess you need to simply get accustomed to
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Chapter 147 - Arturo
I wanted to punch myself in the face as she turned away from me. Again. How could one slim, far too young woman make me feel like a teenager? I said the wrong thing. Every. Single. Time. I'd had more cold showers and solo jack off sessions than I cared to admit. She'd made it so that none of my previous companions did anything for me. Other than turn my stomach. They were all too soft. Too...needy. But Nik. She was strong. Probably stronger than I fully knew. And she didn't need any man. Hell, I was pretty sure she didn't need anyone. And fuck if I didn't want to be needed for the first time in my life. Mas was watching me from across the small impromptu aisle. He raised a single brow. I flipped him off. He'd always told me I was going to find a woman who'd treat me like I treated women. Disposable. Toys. Nothing more than a release. He'd laugh his damn head off if he found out Nik had given me more than ample opportunity but that I choked each time. I was runni
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Chapter 148 - Nik
I gritted my teeth. Tried to act like I was having fun. My body shook and jostled under the thrusting body of the guy I'd picked up at the club. He'd been pumping away for the last half hour. The only thing I was close to was being chafed raw. Stupid Arturo Amatucci's face flashing in my mind. A low curl of heat twisted through me. Suddenly, it was Turo's body that curled over mine. His skin that I dug my short nails into. I closed my eyes, sank into the -"Fuck, baby, yeah. Just like that," the guy said.I wanted to choke him as my fantasy went up in smoke. I glared at the ceiling. This was doing nothing but pissing me off even more.I dropped my legs from around his waist. Pushed at his shoulders. "Okay, we're done. You can leave now." He grunted against my neck as if he thought I was joking. "Right. I know you're having fun."I threaded my fingers through his dark hair. I wanted to snatch his scalp bald. Asshole. I yanked his head up. "No. I'm not. Not only do you suck
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Chapter 149 - Turo
My adrenaline spiked as I watched her slide towards me with all the grace of an attacking lioness. Silent in her approach, had I not been watching her, I wouldn't have been able to track her movements at all. She was fucking fantastic. I slapped her first attack away. Felt my belly tighten with heat as the rage was quickly controlled on her pixie face. She spun with the deflection, went for my legs. From standing tall over her almost delicate frame to being flat on my back and wrapped up in her thighs, staring at the ceiling, in the space of a heartbeat. Once I could breathe again, I was going to -She rose up on one knee...that was planted in my crotch. She leaned down into my face, her strawberry scented wet hair trailed cold fingers over my cheek. "If you want to get out of here without permanent damage, stop trying to start shit you can't finish." She sneered at me. "On any level. You don't want me? Fine. But you will treat me with respect." She emphasized her point with so
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Chapter 150 - Nik
I stared at the door for long moments as the sound of the slam finally stopped ringing in my ears. Had that really just happened? I...I was at a loss. I didn't need a vibrator. Hell, I could use about a gallon of ice cream, really. But neither would be happening. I hadn't been lying. I did have to work in the morning. Prowling Chaos every night for a hookup was getting exhausting. And none of them were any good anyways. Tonight wasn't any better. No, tonight had just been the cherry on the top of my particular shit cake. Cake. Now, I wanted some of Willow's cupcakes. I set the alarm on my security system. Reset all of my deadbolts. Setting the anti-burglar bar under the doorknob, I made sure it was secure before heading back to my bedroom. I was tempted to just grab a blanket and sleep on the couch.But that felt like failure. And I didn't do failure. Ever. I stomped into the hallway, ripped open the linen closet doors. Getting down a set of flannel sheets, I decided I was g
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