All Chapters of Amatucci Family: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
341 Chapters
Chapter 161 - Turo
Just as I was getting out of the shower, my phone rang again. I strode naked across the room, scooped up my phone. I smiled as Nik's name flashed on the screen. "Hey, Cricket, -""Excuse me, can you tell me who belongs to this phone?" a man asked. My back went ramrod straight. "A woman, about five-eleven, twenty-five, red hair, hazel eyes. Where are you that you have her phone?""I'm standing next to her body on the street. I used her fingerprint to unlock her phone and dialed the last number.""Why is she in the street?" I shook my head, that wasn't important right now. "Give me your address. Now.""It looks like she was run over, man. I don't know. The corner of High and Washington. I need to call 911."Fuck. I wanted him to stay on the line with me. "Do that. Then call me right back. I'm on my way to you."I tossed the phone down and scrambled into a set of clothes. I stuffed my naked feet into a pair of shoes, grabbed my phone back up and ran from the room. As I w
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Chapter 162 - Nik
Searing pain brought me to the surface of the ocean of oblivion. I moaned as I tried to get away from it. What the hell had happened to me?I licked my lips as I blinked against the brightness that was trying to stab my brain. My stomach revolted and my eyes slammed shut again. I tried to breathe through my nose, felt something in my chest snap. Shrieking screams ripped from my mouth as another burst of agony swamped me. "Ma'am, you're in an ambulance. Do you remember what happened to you?" someone asked. I couldn't answer. Everything inside me was focused on the torture. As if the pressure in my chest wasn't enough, my left hip started shrieking her pain. I wanted to curl up into a ball and die. "Ma'am. Can you hear me?" the person asked again. "You're on the way to the hospital. Good Shepherd. Your friend is following us in his car."I heard the words but could do nothing but silently scream. I had no air, no voice, no control. Every molecule in my body was angry. I d
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Chapter 163 - Turo
Two burly security guards held me back as Jessa ran down the hall with Nik. The sound of her pain would haunt me forever. I'd heard animals in death throes that sounded less tortured. My phone jumped and buzzed in my hand again. Shaking off the guards, I held up my hands and backed away. "I'm good." I strode off in the other direction. Answered the call. "What?""You cut me off so quickly, Arturo. Has something happened?" her voice purred down the line. I bit back the snarl. Now was not the time to react. Now was the time to listen and plan. To learn. "How the hell are you calling me, Callie?" Her chuckle made the hairs on the back of my neck rise up. "That's for me to know.""Did you do this?" I asked. "Do what, Arturo?""Hurt Nik.""Who's Nick? How could I hurt a man I've never met?"My belly relaxed. "What do you want?""I want what you took from me. You belong to me, Arturo. I saw the way you looked at her. You're mine. She can have what's left."My so
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Chapter 164 - Nik
The swirling black slowly eased away. Gone was the bone crushing pain and the struggle to breathe. I could feel my fingers and toes as my body yearned for a full stretch. I coughed around something in my mouth. Felt my entire body tense up as I realized something was hooked against my lips. It invaded my mouth, slid down my throat. A beeping went crazy behind me as my heart rate seemed to match the loud, irritating signal. Blinking away the tears of fear that flooded my eyes, I saw two familiar faces appear at the side of my vision. One of them leaned forward. The other went back out into the hallway."You've got an intubation tube in. You're fine," Willow said. She looked at something over my shoulder. "On my count, you're going to take a big deep breath." She slid her hand into mine. ""She squeezed my hand as I took as big a breath as I could handle. My head went a little fuzzy, but I pushed that part away. "Good, Nik. And push it out." She squeezed my ha
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Chapter 165 - Turo
I glared at the screen. Nothing on it made sense to me. I wasn't an idiot, but I certainly didn't speak high tech geek. Nik made it all look so effortless. Nik. My belly clenched again as I thought of her lying unconscious in the room. Willow and Tali still hadn't called to let me know she'd woken up yet. I was spinning my wheels here. Spinning my wheels and getting ready to throw my computer across the room. My phone buzzed. I snatched it up. "Speak.""She's awake. And pull that stick out of your ass, big brother," Tali snarled. Everything inside me relaxed at her first two words. I didn't even bother to comment on her barb. Nik was awake. "How is she? When's she getting released? Does she have someone arranged to pick her up?" Not that it mattered a whole lot. I was going to be the one to pick her up. "No idea. Call her yourself. After you remove the aforementioned stick. She's carrying some dark stuff, Turo. Don't crawl up her ass about it."I stilled as I r
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Chapter 166 - Nik
I looked at the clock over the door once more. Gritted my teeth when I saw only ten minutes had passed since Jessa had called Turo. I needed that fucking phone and a laptop. If he wasn't here in the next twenty minutes, I was going to steal Jessa's car and go find him myself. I paced the small room, my breaths panting, my chest aching. Stupid body. Stupid asshole who'd run me over right after a snowfall. What the fuck was the matter with people? Didn't they know how to drive any better than that? I'd been on the freaking sidewalk and the guy had obviously lost control of his car, jumped the curb, and flattened me. I hope they caught the guy behind the wheel. The whole incident washed over my mind's eye. The black car had swerved and bounced around the street like a pinball. Either the guy driving had been high as a kite or he didn't deal well with adrenaline, because the last thing I remembered seeing were his teeth as he smiled wide. I shivered, thankful I didn't have any
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Chapter 167 - Turo
I saw the blow land. Saw it devastate her world. Right before she rebuilt her barriers bigger and stronger. But this time...this time I was inside the walls. And I wasn't fucking leaving.I nodded. "Who is Annie Pells, Cricket?"She shook her head. Her dark red hair cascading over her shoulders. Her hazel eyes were wide and slightly unfocused."Cricket, tell me." I bit the words out. She jolted in my arms. Strong, sexy, steely Nik quaked and shivered as if nothing more than a northern breeze would knock her over. Clenching her eyes, she shook her head again. "No, Turo. You don't get that."I snarled. "Which part of you are mine, did you misinterpret? I want your past, present, and I'll damn sure be having your future. Your only choice now is how hard you're going to make this on yourself."Her eyes popped open right before they narrowed down into slits. There she is. There's my strong, brave cricket. My girl doesn't flinch away from the horror. Or the truth. No, she sta
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Chapter 168 - Nik
I glared at the cocky man in the front passenger seat. If he thought I was going to be okay with being kidnapped, the man obviously had suffered some kind of brain damage. As soon as I got myself free, I was going to beat the snot out of him. Maybe even before I got free. I did have to give the big Viking guy props. He'd had me trussed and gagged in very short order. Edi had never seemed fast or quick. More of a lumbering oaf kind of fella. That'll teach me to make rash decisions. The man was faster than a snake. Since it seemed the two men who had abducted me were content to ignore me, I looked around the mostly empty cargo van. No seats in the back. Just black lining on the floor. And a selection of bags that looked big enough to hold bodies. I shuffled around until I could lean against one. My left hip was now screaming bloody murder at me. I just wanted to ease some of the pain that was trying to consume all of my attention and mental focus. With everything going on in
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Chapter 169 - Turo
I blew out a breath as I watched her breathing even out under the intermittent lights of the highway. "That was close," I whispered. Edi grumbled low in his chest. "I still don't understand why you couldn't just tell her where we're going. She's going to be pissed enough as it is. Why did you have to make it worse? That woman is violent."I smiled. "Yeah, she is." Heat curled through my body."I said violent. Not dressed in sex-me clothes panting for you. There is a difference." He looked at me like I was crazy. "Maybe to you." I turned to look at him. "Besides, you're gay. What do you know about women and sex-me clothes?"He smiled. "I was just assuming. Andrei has this little pair of sh-" He held his hands up mere inches apart, a gleam in his golden eyes that was just visible with the instrumental console lights. I held up a hand. "Don't want to know. You keep your sexual games to yourself and I'll do the same with mine."His laugh was big enough to shake his shoulde
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Chapter 170 - Nik
I blew out a breath. "Damn."Turo nodded. "He was making bad decisions for the family. Professionally and personally. Some said he went crazy. Momma wasn't willing to stand for his mismanagement or assholic behaviors anymore. She shot him at the dinner table in front of everyone else when he hit my grandmother in the face for saying something he disagreed with."I blinked. "Damn, Momma is a queen." If it were humanly possible to love a person platonically and still want to carry her babies, mine was Momma. That woman was everything I aspired to be. Strong, loving, protective, stalwart, funny, a fabulous cook, had the respect of not only her family, but everyone under her, and was also the head of a seriously scary organization of crime and shady dealings. Okay, I could leave out the organized crime and shady dealings in my future, but damn did she make it look easy and appealing. She was my adult goals. I sighed. "That's beautiful," I said softly. Amato turned to me. I cou
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