All Chapters of Amatucci Family: Chapter 271 - Chapter 280
341 Chapters
Chapter 271 - Massimo
Standing in the dark, I watched her sleep. Pure. Innocent. I would do everything in my power to keep her that way. To keep her from the darker sides of the life I called mine. Ours.Turning, I looked at the woman sleeping in the chair next to the crib. She carried darkness within her as well. But it was a different kind. A different hue. Amara, the daughter I'd recovered from human traffickers not even three months ago, made a noise in her sleep. A soft cooing that lifted the shadows from my heart for a brief moment.As I watched her, the past washed over me in waves. Through long practice, I let them come. Let them take me over. It was no use trying to fight them. To put them to the side. They were part of me. I took a deep breath and plunged myself beneath the surface.Warm blood coated my fingers as I pulled the knife from his belly. I fought back the urge to empty my stomach at the sucking noise his guts made under his harsh inhale. In that moment, I knew I would car
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Chapter 272 - Eden
Blinking against the shaft of light that snuck through the crack in the curtains, I blew out a breath. Another day alive. I said a quick prayer of thanks. We weren't guaranteed any days on this earth, and I was so thankful for every single one that I was gifted. I knew before turning that Massi wouldn't be behind me. But it didn't stop me from reaching out a hand to feel for his heat. The last two months had been nothing short of a dream. His attention. His declaration in front of his friends and family. His more ready smiles and willingness to allow me into his personal space. Whatever the girls had said to him, he had taken it to heart. With a long stretch, I sat up. Rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I prayed today would be the day my crippling social anxiety would let me have a normal conversation. Pushing up from the bed, I walked through the room and into the attached bathroom. The Amatucci house was actually a small compound of smaller homes that all branched off a main
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Chapter 273 - Massimo
I waited for Eden to make it to the kitchen before I turned back to my little brother. Saw the rage that ate at him from the inside. "You thought to strike her with a blade?" I asked softly. He flinched, seemed to wilt in front of me. "Answer him, Raphael," Papa barked. Rafe jolted, swallowed. "She pissed me off."My lip curled up at his petulant answer. "And that makes it okay? A woman under my protection. My woman. In our family home, and you thought it was a good idea?" My voice felt like nothing more than gravel in my throat as I forced myself not to kill him where he stood. I felt the faint heat of power surge through my system. The urge to break him into pieces and light them on fire. As if everyone that had gathered in the hallway sucked in their collective breaths, I waited for his answer. Like a kicked puppy, he couldn't look at me. He nodded without meeting my gaze. I turned to look at Papa, raised a single brow in question. Papa shook his head. "No, I
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Chapter 274 - Eden
After breakfast, Massi and I took Amara for a little walk around the property. I'd been to Sicily before, but never during the day. She had a different kind of vibrance washed under the sun. A slower, lazy rhythm that seemed to speak to my soul. Amara dashed and darted everywhere her chubby little legs would take her. And the girl could climb like she was a monkey. Up rocks in the garden. Over the edge of the fencing. It felt like every five minutes, Massi was rushing towards her as he attempted to rescue her from one height or another. Her little fingers were scrabbling at the edge of the boulder she'd fearlessly attacked. I squeezed Massi's hand, silently telling him to let me handle it.Walking over, I stood behind her so she wouldn't fall. "Up here, Monkey." I tapped a low spot with my fingers. "Put your foot here. You can do it. You're big and strong and brave."Amara's brows lowered in concentration as she attempted to lift her leg up. I helped place it when I saw it wa
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Chapter 275 - Massimo
We stood at our posts. Silent in the aftermath of the explosion. With sign language, I was able to check in with each of my team. Thankful once again that my brothers all ranged out into different groups. If this kind of shit kept happening, I was going to force every single one of them to learn sign language.No one had any idea of what was actually happening. We were still waiting on word from the tech chief. Namely Nik, since she was in-house. That woman ran technology better than a plant synthesized sunlight. One of the guys on my team handed me the inner ear comms device. Shoving it in my ear, I tried to listen in as the various teams registered the all clear in their zones. Nothing from Nik. I turned to Striker, my preferred tech guy. Nik says what? I asked through sign language. He shook his head. Held up his hand in an O shape, shook it slightly. Nothing. Drawing a question mark in the air, I told him to ask her. "Grasshopper, this is Striker. Wraith wants inte
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Chapter 276 - Eden
I stuck my face up into the burning cold water that fell from the shower faucet. Shivering and crying, I tried to get myself under control. Tried to keep from shaking apart from the inside out. Raging against the cage I felt closing in around me never helped. Nothing did really. Not medication. Not meditation. Nothing. Just having to wait it out. I'd thrown out my Valium when we traveled to Italy. I didn't need customs looking too closely at me. And my prescription was way too old for me to legally have the drugs in my possession anymore. So here I was, hiding in my shower like the frightened little mouse Rafe had called me. I hung my head. Shoving the faucet handle all the way to the far side, I bit my lip to keep from screaming as the water changed from arctic temperatures to Saharan desert in the middle of the summer. I heard him walk into the room. The sound of the shower no match for his energy. Like a huge spring tornado, I had no idea how others didn't notice him. Su
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Chapter 277 - Massimo
Raising my head, I stared down at my woman. Something was off. I couldn't tell what it was...yet. But I would. But right now, we both needed to actually shower. Hoisting myself up off of the haven of her body, I drew her up with me. Pulling her into my arms, I carried her back into the bathroom. Hit the shower handle to give us some more warm water. Settling her on her feet, I guided her under the water. Watched as the water caressed her skin. Her complexion was the embodiment of strawberries and cream. And tasted just as sweet. Pumping a handful of shampoo into my palm, I set to washing her hair. I would never admit it, but I loved washing her long tresses. It was so soothing. The scent of the jasmine and vanilla shampoo, the feel of her hair between my fingers. The suds that made her silky smooth as they vanished under the pounding stream of water. She closed her eyes, tipped her head back. With her hands against my chest and her heart next to mine, I took care of her. Wh
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Chapter 278 - Eden
My eyes widened as I watched the men all glare and snarl under their breath. Caught between conflicting emotions, I glanced up at Massi's face. Saw the slight smile that pulled at his delicious mouth. Everything inside me settled. As long as Massi wasn't mad at me. One of the girls snagged my arm, pulled me to the girls' side of the imaginary line. "Eden's ours, too. And from what we just learned, she's even better than Mas. So get ready to get spanked like bratty babies," Tali said, a smile in her voice. From over my shoulder, she shooed Massi to the other side of the room. "Go on. Get over there. We've got her and we'll protect her."While I wasn't quite sure what kind of protection she thought they could offer, I wasn't really willing to speak up to change her mind. Assuming I could work up the courage to actually use my voice when it felt like everyone was glaring at me. "YAY, EED!" Amara clapped from the sidelines with Momma. "Girls best!"Momma chuckled as she circle
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Chapter 279 - Massimo
I watched Eden as she tentatively joined in the female camaraderie that was the women of my family and extended family. I had no reservations about her joining their ranks. In fact, I hoped she would. Let some of their confidence and badassery rub off on her. This time, when her cheeks flushed, I could see the twinkle of joy in her eyes. Embarrassment wasn't even a shadow in her blue gaze. If she could stick it out, let them in, let herself out, they would be a great support network for her. None of us got through this life alone. As much as I wished I could. But if she fit in somewhere, I wanted it to be here. With me. With them. With us. Turo tapped my shoulder. Jerked his head over to the cabal we'd just created. "Get your head in the game, bro. We're going to need your help and extensive network to beat our girls."I just smiled. Nodded. Turning to Striker, I signed, "Who runs tech?"His eyes widened as he voiced my question to the group.Every single man in my famil
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Chapter 280 - Eden
We walked out of the huge kitchen and wandered back through the halls towards the mission ops room. Why they all wanted to meet there was a reason I couldn't fully understand, but I was just happy to be involved. Talking to Nik at lunch had been nicer than I thought possible. Even if it had been just a simple conversation with another woman. Massi squeezed my hand, drawing my attention.I turned to look at him. "I proud you," he signed. My soul exploded into little animated hearts and sweetly singing birds like in the old school Disney movies. I leaned against him, rested my head on his shoulder. "I'm proud of me, too."My voice was so quiet, I could barely hear it. But he stopped me just outside the doors to mission ops. He lifted my chin. Pressed his lips to mine. When he pulled back, his entire face was glowing. He ran his nose up the length of mine. Pressed another kiss to my forehead. We stood in the quiet, sunlit hallway. How every single space of this main hou
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