All Chapters of Amatucci Family: Chapter 291 - Chapter 300
341 Chapters
Chapter 291 - Eden
Once I was done eating, I told Jessa and Willow that I wanted to meet with the girls. The guys had knocked their mission down in less than a day. And considering how at ease Massi seemed now, I couldn't wait to get rid of Hugo and start feeling light and breezy as well. Gathered in the mission ops room with just the girls, I gave them the information I'd found last night. "So, it seems that in addition to losing quite a bit of money since I left, Uncle Hugo has gotten in a bit too deep with a loan shark in Portugal. He's running up a huge interest tab and has already suffered some broken bones for his lack of payment."Nik snorted. "The man is former special forces, and he gets hammered by a local thug? Doesn't seem too badass to me."I smiled. "Well, he's gotten fat and lazy since I became his cash cow. Which works all the better for our mission."Mags slapped her palms against each other and rubbed them together. "Finally. I've been getting old and grumpy waiting for some ac
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Chapter 292 - Massimo
I heard the feminine shout of QUEENS just outside the door. Smiled to myself. When the doors were shoved open, I almost spilled the pull of ice water I'd just taken. Eden, my soft, quiet, unconfident Eden was leading the charge of women. Her face was bright, her eyes sparkled, and the authority that stiffened her little body had my own going hard and hot. This was the woman I saw in private. The one I shared my soul with. She was fierce and demanding and took no shit. As if a small field of energy wrapped around her from wispy hair to the tips of her shoes, she practically vibrated with it. I felt it when she rocked up in front of me. Inches between our faces. Before I could do, say, or think anything else, she grabbed my face and kissed me as if I was the oxygen she needed to live. When she broke away, a sexy gasp on her lips, I was more than ready to steal her away to a different room. One dark brow cocked up high on her forehead. "Want to guard my body?"Uh? I had othe
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Chapter 293 - Eden
I wrenched my arm from Mags' grip again. Glared up at her. "Thank you for doing such a good job. Bitch." My tone was cold and completely at odds with my words. She sneered back the smile that threatened. "Just keep your hands to yourself and we'll be just fine. But cross me one more time and I'll slit your throat myself. This family doesn't need your kind of trouble." She gave me a sharp shove as we walked down the sidewalk in a nearby town. Not huge, but more than just a sleepy bedroom community, it was big enough for our purposes. And I was purposely not looking for anyone in the family. I wanted to make it seem like I was trying to find a way out of their grip, not make it tighten around me more. We stomped along in silence. I felt her presence at my back like an almost physical weight. After a handful of minutes, I stopped in front of a store. Watched my surroundings for a second in the storefront window. "Do you have a thing for Rafe?" I asked her quietly. My lips bare
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Chapter 294 - Massimo
Sprinting to the kitchens, I saw that some of the security detail had gotten there before us. The last of their ranks disappeared around the doorway. As I rounded the corner, I prayed with everything inside me that everyone was okay. That Amara was still here, still safe. Jolting to a stop, it took only seconds to take in the carnage. But as my brain registered what had happened, my heart almost exploded out of my chest when I couldn't find Amara immediately.Willow had the man's hands spread wide on the butcher block counter. Blades buried to their hilts in each palm. Blood splattered her face and clothes. Her lips were pulled back as her growling breaths panted so hard they disturbed the flour on the counter. Jessa was curled around Carys in the corner. Her face sheet white and horror etched into her pretty features. Tears tracked down her cheeks as she shook her head over and over. "Amara. Amara. Amara. Amara." With a shaking finger, she pointed towards the kitchen island.
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Chapter 295 - Eden
With his hands still pierced and immobile, I got a stool and perched on it so I could look down into my great uncle's face. The last few months had been hard on him. Harder than I thought, judging by the appearance of new lines and broken blood vessels around his nose. "What brings you by, Uncle?" I asked softly. He glared at me. "You should have come home a long time ago, Shadow. You know what you make me do when you disobey direct commands."I smiled. "Yes. I do know. But I think my letter to you should have been quite self-explanatory. I made my plans and my desires no secret."I felt Massi stiffen next to me. Going over everything in my head, I realized I probably hadn't told him about the note I'd left this human stain. As soon as Hugo was dead, I would tell Massi all about it. Hugo sneered. "You've left notes before. How was I to know this one was the time you actually meant to leave?""Probably because it was accompanied by the head of your security lead as the pa
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Chapter 296 - Massimo
I wasn't really surprised when Rafe stuck his head around the corner. How he always managed to show up at the end of things was either an incredible talent or just sucky timing. Either way, he was here. I tapped my nose to Eden's. Pulled back so I could sign to her. Asked her to interpret for me. She nodded. "Rafe, Massi has something he wants to say to you."Rafe stopped in his tracks, wiped all emotion from his face. He nodded. Eden looked back at me. Her eyebrows up in expectation. "Kitchen, clean it."Eden's lips twitched as she repeated my words. The trill of suppressed laughter was a balm to my aching soul. She was the best woman in the world. And she was all mine. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Rafe's hands twitch before he clenched them into fists. Behind him, the room filled with the rest of our family. Probably coming to see what all the fuss was about. As Jessa came in behind Rafe, Carys no longer in her arms, I saw the tears on her face. "I'm so so
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Chapter 297 - Eden
I pulled the knife from Rafe's chest. Stuffed a wad of towels into his wound. Slapped his face. Maybe a little harder than I should have, but he'd just made me kill him in front of his loved ones. "Wake up, you little shit. I know you're not dead." Yet. His eyelids twitched before he opened his eyes fully. "Wh-wha-"I shoved a clean towel into his mouth. "I just killed you. In front of your family. For them. Not for you. But I now own your ass. Your life is mine to do with as I please. And despite your death wish, now isn't your time to die."He worked up a weak glare. I smiled down at him. "You're going to leave. Go get yourself fixed up. I'll send you a text message. Meet me at the address I list. If you miss the appointment, I'll tear your life into so many pieces you'll never put it back together. And if you think to disobey me so I'll kill you, I'll make sure you stay alive forever. You don't get to waltz around here like the spoiled little brat you are anymore. You don'
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Chapter 298 - Eden
Stunned silence was thick enough I could hardly breathe. It felt like a herd of buffalo were sitting on my chest, squeezing my heart and lungs into stillness. Under the heavy weight, I could feel the barest sigh of relief. It was peppered through the room, coming from different people. But it was there. And it was slowly growing. Willow came over, wrapped me in her arms. "I'm so sorry, babe."I cuddled her back. For every tear that fell on my shoulder, I put another tally mark in the sins list of Rafe's life. He had a lot to answer for. The least of which was hurting these people. Soon, the entire Amatucci family surrounded me. There was no ill will. No recriminations. My kill had been clean in their eyes. They grieved for the man they loved as their son. The man he should have been. The man he could have been. Momma cleared her throat from the back of the pack. "From all accounts, Rafe had raised a gun against his sister, Eden." Her voice cracked. She shook her head as b
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Chapter 299 - Massimo
A week laterWe all stood around in mission ops. Waited for Papa to finish the eulogy for Rafe. A conflicting mass of feelings swamped me, just as they had over the past seven days. I felt like I was still trying to just tread water, to keep my head above the surface of everything. Eden and Amara were the only bright points in my life at the moment. Every single moment I was awake, I was with them. Holding them. Loving them. Cherishing them. They would know, beyond any shadow of doubt, that they were loved. Amara squirmed in Eden's arms. Gave a pouty sigh. "Fi'shed?" She looked up at me with hope in her eyes. She made the sign in the air as she asked.Eden kissed her nose. "Almost, Monkey. Almost."Amara nodded. Stuffing her fingers in Eden's hair, she twirled them around a long lock of pure black. Laying her head on Eden's shoulder, she closed her eyes. "And so we gather here today to pray for the peace and mercy of our Heavenly Father. Please accept Rafe into your grac
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Chapter 300 - Eden
Shoving my phone back into my bra, I walked back into the ballroom. Apparently the kitchen staff had been prepared for Nik's rushed nuptials. The room was decked out and was almost dreamy. Massi walked up to me, Amara in his arms. "Feel better?" he asked softly. His voice was back after an entire week of resting it. I nodded. "Much." He held out his hand, pulled me into his arms with him and Amara. He tapped Amara's nose, tilted his head at me. Amara's shoulder drifted up to her ears. A huge smile on her face. "Wiet!" she yelled in the mostly calm room. "Daddy has westions!"Massi chuckled. He dropped to one knee, Amara perched on it. They both looked up at me. Massi tapped Amara's shoulder. "Mama, will you marry us?" she asked. Massi looked up at me, his heart in his eyes. Tears flooded my eyes as I nodded. "Of course, Monkey." I leaned down, gave her kisses. Then I switched my kisses to her daddy. Sandwiched between us, she giggled and slapped at our faces. "Ki
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