All Chapters of Amatucci Family: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
341 Chapters
Chapter 61 - Willow
My wound dressed to Ryker's exacting standards, and I was back up in his arms as he carried me to the couch in the living room. He set me down. Gave me a kiss. "What do you want for breakfast?" Papa laughed from over at the kitchen island. "Momma and I brought everything a healing body needs. We can all eat together."Ryker looked up and over. Nodded. "That works for me." He left me on the couch and went over to help Papa. Tali took his spot. "What the hell is going on? I've never seen Momma so quiet and subdued."I nodded. "Ryker set her back on her heels. Not one shit was given, Tali. If I'd been able to climb him like a tree, we certainly wouldn't be having breakfast right now. It was really hot...after I wanted to punch him in the face for it."Tali snickered. "I'm surprised he tamed the beastie."I smiled. "With a couple sentences. It was amazing. A little brutal, but amazing. Papa even backed Ryker."Tali whistled low. "Damn.""Yeah. Good luck finding anyone who
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Chapter 62 - Ryker
The man looked like hell. While most of me rejoiced at the fact, I couldn't help but wince in sympathy. I'd been on the receiving end of the Amatucci brothers' love for Willow. How much worse had it been when one of their own had endangered her? Not that he hadn't deserved every inch of pain and bruising. Angelo stalked over to the front door like a silent, deadly wraith. Not even his shoes made noise on the cement floor. He shut the door with a quiet snick. The rest of the Amatucci family seemed to pull in a collective breath and hold it. I looked at them, met each of their gazes. Maria's was the only one that didn't have my death promised in the dark gaze. In fact, I'd never seen that combination of emotions on a face at one time. Disappointment tinged with satisfaction and sorrow. Must be a parent thing. I was going to catch some heat for my role in the current situation. Although technically it had been Massimo who spilled the full can of beans, I had opened said ca
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Chapter 63 - Willow
My heart in my throat, I waited for him to make his decision. Willed him to let me in, to let me help. I needed to know what had happened to him. What had formed him. How he came to be the man he was. As the silence dragged on, I could feel myself shrinking, imploding. He was going to push me away. Break the bonds that had already formed. Set them on fire and run for the hills. I gave him a sad smile, nodded. I'd known it was too good to be true. I wasn't keepable. I was too broken and dark to be with someone who lived in the light like he did. From the very beginning, I'd known. Bad guys didn't help strangers. Not like he had. He'd felt guilty that I'd been kidnapped after he dropped me back off at the bakery. But he was seeing what my life was really like. How closely I was tied to the Amatuccis. He saw how deep the pits I lived in were. How dark. How much I'd become like those pits. Unsaveable. I wasn't fit for the light and that's all he was. Lightness, gentleness-albei
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Chapter 64 - Ryker
Her broken tears washed me clean. As if she'd brought some bleach and sterilized the memories, I felt lighter. Not so heavy, not so dark. Lighter. My eyes were dry, so fucking dry. I hadn't cried since that day, I realized. Another thing that bastard had stolen from me. The memory of Angelo and Domenico weeping in each other's arms ran through my mind again. That's what family should be. They might have ethics as flexible as a Slinky, but their morals and values were hard as granite. I couldn't understand anything of what she was saying, but her touch and spirit gentled me. Calmed me. Soothed me as nothing ever had in the past. I'd jostled her in my arms, forced her to grab onto my shoulders. I hadn't been able to ask for her touch there, but I'd needed it. Demanded it. So we lay there. Two broken people trying to act like we were whole. Our darkness spoke to each other's darkness. They communed together. No brighter for the coming together, but certainly no darker for i
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Chapter 65 - Ryker
I grabbed Turo's hand as his face went thunderous. "Sorry. Thank you. I was trying not to let her know my middle name. Something about her wanting to yell at me using all three." I shook my head. His face cleared as he laughed. He nodded. "Yeah, when she's really pissed she uses all three like Momma does." He leaned in. "I think it's cute, but don't tell her that. She'd just get even more pissed and I like my confectionaries."I chuckled as we let go. "Making her angry is pretty fun."He snorted. "Do it at your own risk. And don't eat anything she makes you after she's been angry." He shuddered. "It won't end well.""Stop snickering about me, you turds." "Speak of the devil," I said. A pillow punched into the back of my head. "Jerk." Her stomach growled again. Loud enough that I heard it from the middle of the room. I turned back to her. "Seriously, do you have a small feral animal who lives inside you?"She flipped me off as she laughed. "Just feed me.""Momma le
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Chapter 66 - Willow
Tali held me under the shoulders as I went to the bathroom. I don't think I'd ever been so humiliated in my life. "Just think of it as me holding your wedding dress."I snorted into Tali's shoulder. "Except you're holding me, not my clothes. I feel like an idiot.""It's this or stay in the hospital. From what I heard, Ryker had to pull some strings to get Dr. Sweeten to release you into his care. Technically, you should still be there. I think the stay was about fourteen days? Something like that, anyway. Besides, what's a little pee between best friends slash sisters?"I laughed. "Does that mean you're going to help me go when I'm at Ryker's?" I'd never really thought about the mechanics of personal hygiene before I had to rely on someone else to help me stay upright. We managed it and she only dropped me on the toilet once. We were both in tears from laughing so hard by the end of it, my body was screaming in delicious pain. "It-t-t hurtssss, Tal-l-li. Help me up-p-p,"
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Chapter 67 - Ryker
Shivers and goosebumps rose along my arms and spine as she scratched her nails against my scalp. How I missed the simple pleasure of that my whole life, I didn't know. But, along with just about everything else about this woman, I was addicted to it. I dipped down so she could get the front door. "Oh, I need my purse," she said. I straightened. "Right. Do you know where it is?" She stiffened a bit, looked over my shoulder. "No. Last I remember having it was in the car at the bakery."I winced even as I appreciated her not stating the fact that I was the reason she was currently forced to be in my arms. I nodded. I would make that up to her. Spend my life making it up to her. "I'll have Baxter go back to the bakery. I think your car is still there. You'll need to get your bank information changed, just in case. What about your driver's license? Social security card? All of that?""In the far corner. Fireproof safe under the desk." She pointed over my shoulder. Careful
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Chapter 68 - Willow
I woke up when I heard a female voice calling my man baby. "That better have been your Grams, mister, or you've got some ‘splaining to do." I glared up at Ryker. His smile was gorgeous as he lowered the phone. "Not quite. My mother. And surprise, you're going to meet her today."Only his hand on my rib cage kept me from jackknifing upright in shock. "What the hell, Ryker!" I looked down at my dress. Well, I guess it could be worse. Oh wait! I couldn't even fucking stand on my own and I was going to meet the woman who had to be higher ranking than freaking Wonder Woman in Ryker's eyes. She was going to hate me. Think I was a slob who couldn't be bothered to stand up to meet her. Ryker's sigh was big enough to fell a gigantic tree. "Whatever crap is rolling through your mind, you better get it straightened out before I do. She's going to love you." He opened his mouth again. Seemed to catch himself from saying anything else. He turned, looked out the window, his jaw hard.
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Chapter 69 - Ryker
I jumped between my mother and Willow, cutting off my mom's view of her. "Don't ever talk to her like that again.""You get stabbed, kill a man, and now you're lying to the police? For her?" She shot to her feet. "You can do so much better than this, baby." She reached out to me. I stepped back. Kept walking backward until I bumped into the couch. I tipped my head to the side. "You just defended her. Threatened a police lieutenant."Mom snorted. "No. I corrected a bad police woman's attitude. I didn't defend Winslow Chase's daughter." She shook her head. The odd glances, the deliberately rude behavior fell into place. "That's what this is about? Making the daughter wear the sins of the father?"My mom jerked back as if I'd slapped her. I spread my arms. "Get to dressing, Mom. We both know Dad's sins. Better start pinning them to my chest.""No! She doesn't get to talk to you like that. Not in front of me she doesn't," Willow said from behind me. My mom snarled. She
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Chapter 70 - Willow
Ryker moved to lift me into his arms again. And as much as I wanted to be there, I also wanted to walk. To move under my own steam. To be able to be in charge of my body. I grabbed his hands with mine. "Now, before you deny me out of hand, I want you to listen."He leaned back, hurt on his face. "I always listen to you."I grimaced. Squeezed his fingers. "Sorry. Yes, you do. And I appreciate it. But I want to walk." Clouds of doubt covered his features. His lips pursed as I saw the wheels start turning in his brain. "I'm not saying no. But I am going to ask Jessa." He pressed a kiss to my nose before turning to his bedroom door. He hollered after the pretty doctor. I didn't hear her answer, but I did hear the click, click, click of her shoes as she walked towards his bedroom once again. "She wants to what?" She popped her head through the door, her eyebrows up near her hairline. "You want to walk? Willow, you just had arterial surgery two days ago."I sighed. Pushed b
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