All Chapters of Amatucci Family: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
341 Chapters
Chapter 71 - Ryker
I paced the living area as Jessa talked to Willow. It killed me that Jessa wanted to talk to Willow alone. That she'd asked I move away from the door even. Jessa didn't ask much, and since it was for Willow...I'd caved."Sit the fuck down, Penn. You're giving me a headache," Nico said as he came back into the room. "The smash, smash, smash of your shoes is like a jackhammer in my brain." He stalked to the seat he'd occupied earlier, eased down into its depths. He slouched down, rested his head on the back. "Sorry." I moved over to the couch Willow had been stretched out on. "How're you feeling?""Like shit," he mumbled. "Are we supposed to share our feelings and braid each other's hair now that Turo let you in the family?"I snarled, held up my hands. "Fine. Sorry. Damn." I was on edge. Tangling with Nico wasn't going to help calm me down either. I drummed my fingers on my thighs. Tried to will the women to hurry up. I wanted Willow in my arms. And I wanted her in my arms w
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Chapter 72 - Willow
Cradled in Ryker's arms, I sighed. While I liked being in his arms, it was also starting to piss me off. Both for very different reasons. Hopefully, Jessa would be able to get that CT scan figured out and I'd get an actual recovery date. "Well, it's been real. It's been fun. It just hasn't been real fun. Time for you both to leave," Ryker said to Jessa and Nico.They jerked away from each other as if they'd been having sex on the kitchen island and not just talking. Or arguing, if the red flush in Nico's cheeks was anything to go by. He didn't really ever get red in the face that I'd ever seen. "Chop, chop. Times a'wasting," Ryker prompted. If his hands had been free, I'm sure he would have clapped them at the two people we considered friends. I rolled my eyes. "You're both more than welcome to stay. In fac-""She's lying. We're going to bake. You're not invited. Leave now," Ryker said, cutting me off. He leaned down to whisper in my ear. "What the hell, cupcake?""Yo
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Chapter 73 - Ryker
My phone buzzed in my pocket as our laughter died. I set her back, straightened my leg so I could get my phone. "Penn," I barked down the line as I thumbed away the streaks of tears off my girl's face. "Are you ready for the shitshow, you little fucker?" John Cavendish said down the line. I jerked as a low snarl purled from my throat. I pulled the phone from my ear, hit the recording button. "What shitshow, you bastard?"Willow snapped to attention on the couch. I laid a hand on her belly. Petted her. She narrowed her sage green eyes at me. I smiled. "Seems you're getting caught up with the local riffraff, Penn." He made little tsking noises. "You should know better than to associate with the criminal underground. Didn't your daddy ever teach you any better?"I barked a laugh. "The things my daddy taught me would make you shit your pants, Cavendish. What do you want?""I want the charges against Everette dropped," he snarled. "We've already had this discussio
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Chapter 74 - Willow
The ride was frenetic. The car was full of expectant horror. I could almost see Ryker's brain rolling over every possible worst case scenario. I finally found Jessa's name on his contact list. I hit the button to connect the call. Holding the phone up to my ear, I was looking at the sideview mirror when I noticed a Porsche pull out into traffic after us. "Ryker, I haven't gotten it set up yet. I'm not a miracle worker," Jessa said, a smile evident in her voice. "Hey Jessa. It's Willow. Ryker got a call from Good Shepherd. They said Grams had fallen. We're on our way. Could you call and see what happened? He needs some more information," I said softly. I didn't want to break my guy's concentration as we darted and dipped in and out of traffic. "Oh my lands. Yes. Give me two minutes. I'll call you right back." She hung up. "She'll call right back with some news," I said. He nodded again as his fingers blanched around the curve of the steering wheel. I heard a faint groa
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Chapter 75 - Willow
The mangled car jetted forward as Ryker's foot must have been on the gas when he went unconscious. I unbuckled my seat belt as I tried to push him back. The phone slid to the floor. "No, no, no, no, no." I got him pushed back enough that I could move the steering wheel. We scraped the sides of no less than three cars as I tried to point us in the direction of the hospital in a runaway Range Rover. I slammed on the horn as we sailed through the intersection. A cop was sitting at the light. He flipped his lights on and joined in the run behind us, his sirens blaring. I stabbed at the buttons on the dashboard. There had to be some kind of remote alarm system. Something that connected me to a human in case of an emergency. "Land Rover InControl, what can I help you with?" a pleasant female voice said. "We've been in an accident. The driver has been shot. He's still currently in the driver's seat with the gas pedal depressed. A cop is following us. Please help!" I shouted.
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Chapter 76 - Ryker
Searing pain was like a fire in my lower right side. Willow's face was in my lap and we were barreling down the road. "Ma'am? Ma'am, did you manage the gearshift?" a man's voice called over the system's speakers."What the fuck is going on?" I lifted my foot off the gas pedal. "Sir? Are you the driver of the car?" the man asked me. "Of course I fucking am." What kind of idiot had Willow called. "I'm the police officer following you. Your passenger alerted us to an issue. You've been shot. We're trying to get the car to slow down."That's what the fiery pain was. I eased Willow back against my chest as I tried to lift my leg to step on the break. "We were headed to Good Shepherd.""Yes. We have their ambulances en route. We just need to know your end destination," a woman called. "I'm Claire with Land Rover InControl." I snorted a laugh. "InControl."Her laugh was a bit hoarse. "A bit of a misnomer at this point in time. Are you okay, sir?""I can feel that bull
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Chapter 77 - Willow
I settled back against the gurney as the fireman stepped back to make room for the EMTs. "Previous arterial injury?" the female technician asked me.I nodded. Pushed the black clouds of pain from my mind as much as possible. "Arterial separation from sharp implement."Her brown eyes widened. "Where?"I pointed to my right hip. "Femoral artery."She yanked me flat, slapped an oxygen mask on my face. "I've got to cut your dress. Less chance it depositing anything into an open wound. You don't have any blood, but I need to do an examination."I nodded as she jumped up on the gurney with me. Her partner started running with us as she relayed medical terms I was completely unfamiliar with. "Good Shepherd is expecting us. Dr. Sweeten has been alerted. She's waiting for you," the female tech said. "Your incision looks good. No open wounds or even leakage. No irregular heat or redness. What kind of pain?""Like someone stabbed me and now they're wiggling the blade all around."He
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Chapter 78 - Willow
Just as she was about to get her hands on me, a clear loop of plastic tubing was lowered over her head. She jerked back. Her eyes bulged as her tongue protruded from her mouth slightly. Nico's face appeared from over her shoulder. "Not today, bitch." Angela's fingers went to her neck. Her nails dug bloody grooves into her flesh as she tried to loosen the makeshift noose. I would remember her sobbing gurgles in my nightmares. All at once, my room was full of people. Shouted questions ricocheted from one end of the room to the other. I couldn't hear any particular thought, just a loud, screaming cacophony that made my teeth ache and my jaw clench. Putting two fingers in my mouth, I whistled once. A sharp, shrill cry that shut everyone up in an instant. The blessed silence wrapped around me. "One person at a time, for crap's sake." This was a hospital with fully functioning adults, right?A distinguished black gentleman moved to the front of the medical posse. "What is go
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Chapter 79 - Ryker
"You keep wiggling around and I'm going to restrain you to that bed. I don't like my work being ripped open, Ryker Anthony Penn," Jessa snarled at me. "Then either bring Willow here or let me go to her and neither of us will have a problem, Jessa Rose Sweeten." I was seconds away from launching myself from this stupid hospital bed. I couldn't escape the feeling of phantom hands all over my body. Just the thought of it had my belly dancing a jig that made sweat bead on my brow. I just hoped Jessa didn't think it was because I was running a fever. The other, more important, horrifying thought settled in my brain again: I had been unconscious and lost Willow. Not only was she lost, she was out of my sight and hurting. I was the one who took care of her. Me. The only one allowed to touch her. I needed to see her. See with my own eyes that she was fine. I needed to feel her skin against mine. "Jamie is bringing her down this way for the CT scan. I'll make sure you can talk to
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Chapter 80 - Willow
As I lay on the table while the giant donut machine made images of my body, I treasured the knowledge that Ryker loved me. He knew every part of me, the ugly, the dark, the broken, and he still said he loved me. Except for the Amatucci family, no one had ever said those words to me. Not my parents. Certainly not Ethan. Not even during our dating stage. I'd said it to him, but I had been in love with an illusion. I'd never gotten to know the real Ethan. Not really. From start to finish, he'd been a chameleon. Never trusting anyone to reveal his true self too. I snorted. Probably a good thing, that. Although, if he'd been locked up earlier in life, I wouldn't be so crazy. I also wouldn't have met Ryker. The thought blew through my mind with all the subtlety of a spring tornado in Kansas. Because of Ethan, I met Ryker. Because of Ethan, I was keeping Ryker. Thanking my goddess for her divine intervention, I yawned as the machine gave another whir. The lights had been lowere
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