All Chapters of Aegis Group: Chapter 371 - Chapter 380
490 Chapters
Chapter 371: Thursday. Unknown Location.
VARA COULDN'T FEEL HER toes. Her feet were completely numb. The blanket they'd given her upon arriving at their destination was practically a lap blanket. Her head was foggy from lack of sleep and the bone chilling weather. Her stomach growled for food. Her mouth was dry. About the only positive was that she was no longer restrained.The door to her room opened and Wyatt stood on the other side flanked by Ivan and tough guy she didn't recognize."What do you want?" She still couldn't wrap her head around Wyatt working with these guys."Come with us," he said."Why?""Because you don't have a choice. I also brought you these." Wyatt tossed a pair of ballet flats on the floor.They were a little worn, and she had to wonder where they'd come from. But Vara couldn't be picky. There were two things she needed if she was going to make it out of here, shoes and a coat. Here was half of that solution."How about some water or something to eat?" Vara crossed the room, the blanket wrapped
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Chapter 372: Thursday. Private Island, Bering Sea.
WYATT WHIRLED AT THE sound of gunfire.One shot.They hadn't killed her, had they?He was running before he realized it, sprinting down the hall toward the break room. He skidded through the door, bumping into Ivan.A man Wyatt sort of recognized lay on the floor bleeding out.The computer geek was frozen to the spot, watching blood creep toward him.Kolya stood in the doorway leading to the outside yelling in Russian."Where is she?" Wyatt snarled. Kolya had promised him Vara.Outside men ran past."You let her get away?" Wyatt's vision hazed red.It was an island. They had one job, to get her talking, and they couldn't do that.He stalked across the room and shoved past Kolya."Which way did she go?" Wyatt demanded."Stay inside," Kolya said."You let her get away." Wyatt turned and glared at the Russian mob boss. This was ill advised, and yet he couldn't rein it in."It's a small island. They'll find her.""Before or after her CIA or whatever pals get here?" Wyatt sh
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Chapter 373: Friday. Ulak Island, Bering Sea.
WYATT WATCHED THE HORIZON.He hadn't slept. He couldn't. There was too much at stake. His family could not die because of a few incompetent idiots.The first bit of light tinged the horizon gray.It was time.Today he was hunting Vara. He'd capture her if he could or kill her. They both knew she was no hacker. She was a thieving bitch and his family would not die for her.***Friday. Tanaga Island, Bering Sea.ALEC HEFTED HIS GEAR and stepped off the plane and onto the tarmac. The old, run down facility had once been a Navy emergency landing field back in the 40s, now it was being overrun by the island. Tree roots broke up the pavement. Weeds and grass encroached on the buildings. Their landing left a lot to be desired, but they were here.Paxton and Brett filed off the plane after him."Think our guy's waiting for us?" Paxton asked."Brett said he knew a guy." Alec shrugged. "He's proven useful so far."Alec's phone vibrated. He glanced at the screen.Zain.If Alec
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Chapter 374: Friday. Ulak Island, Bering Sea.
"WE NEED TO BE smart about this." Wyatt stood up against the wall. It was as close to the map of the island as Kolya would allow him to be. He should be back out there, not in here talking. "Vara's out there, dug in somewhere, with four guns and we don't know how many bullets. Just throwing men out there to look at her is going to get them killed and give her more supplies. How long until she hits someone who has a phone she can unlock?"They'd stopped telling Wyatt to be quiet and were outright ignoring him now, continuing their conversations he couldn't understand.This was bullshit.The woman was resourceful and dangerous when her back was up against a wall. She'd gotten him and the team out of a few tight spots over the years he hadn't thought they'd survive. He'd always said she was the one person he didn't want to go toe-to-toe with, and here he was with everything on the lineWyatt would be dead if it weren't for Vara. But he'd almost died because of her, too.She'd screwed
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Chapter 375: Friday. Ulak Island, Bering Sea.
ALEC DOVE FORWARD AND fired at the glint of metal behind the rocks.Vara's knees hit the ground, and she pitched forward, but caught herself on her left hand. Her right still clutched a gun."Go," she gasped.Her feet worked, sliding for a moment before her too large boots got traction.God damn she was amazing.Two shots fired over his head, his guys covering for them."Go," she said again.He hooked his arm under hers and turned.Brett and Paxton stood behind the cover of the trees, watching for a threat. Where the fuck had they been when the shooter hit Vara?A bullet blew a chunk out of a tree a few feet from Alec."Get that shooter," he said."There's two of them," Paxton replied. "You two go. I'll hold them off."Alec didn't second guess Paxton's order. The guy was a former sniper. If any of them were going to hit a target that didn't want to be seen, it was him."I'm fine. We need to run." Vara's breath wheezed out of her lungs. She nudged Alec away from her. "We're
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Chapter 376: Friday. Ulak Island, Bering Sea.
SACRIFICE HAPPENS.It was a cardinal truth that came with leading people.Vara knew it, and so did Alec. But he was too blinded by emotion to accept that for them to survive she had to take a risk. And possibly sacrifice herself. Otherwise none of them were getting off this rock alive."I'm coming out, Wyatt. Hear me?" Vara called out.Alec shook his head. Even with the paint she could see the rage lines around his mouth and nose."I have to," she whispered."No," he snarled, for her ears alone.She pulled against his grasp. "Alec, trust me?""He's going to kill you." Alec's hold remained fast."You won't let him.""We have to do something," Brett said again."Toss your guns first," Wyatt yelled."Alec, we have to do this." She pulled out the handgun she'd used earlier. It was one of the firearms she had strapped to her body."Fine." Alec closed his eyes and released her.She wanted to kiss him, to tell him it would be okay, but she didn't dare test his resolve."Okay. I
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Chapter 377: Saturday. Alaska Regional Hospital, Anchorage, Alaska.
ALEC SWIPED THE WET rag over his face. He glanced to his left, through the curtain to where Vara lay on a stretcher while a doctor stitched up her wound.It was over.Or at least their part was.Wyatt might very well live.Kolya Sokolov was in federal custody.And Vara was alive. Alec's heart was intact.God, he never wanted to do this again."Esposito," a harsh voice barked.He winced and turned his attention toward Zain. It wasn't normal to see him in the field. Their boss was more of a behind the scenes, tech wizard, but some jobs just needed the personal touch."How much trouble am I in?" Alec asked."A lot." Zain's cool gaze promised retribution. "I promised our CIA friends I'd have your ass for the shit you pulled. The FBI is pleased with the results and want to thank you for forcing their hand. We'll split the difference and call it even."Alec blew out a breath. "Thanks, boss man.""Wheels up. You boys should be home by dinner time." Zain slapped a hand on Alec's sh
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Chapter 378: Epilogue. Three months later. Alec's House, Seattle, Washington.
ALEC SLID HIS HAND down Vara's back to cup her ass, tugging her up against his body."Stop." She chuckled and pushed at his shoulder."You've been gone two whole weeks." He walked her back until he had her pinned to the wall."You were working." She curled her fingers through his hair. "You wouldn't have gotten to see me if I was here because you weren't.""Exactly." He kissed her cheek when she turned her head."Stop. Dinner's almost done."The smell of the grill and the brisket that had been cooking most of the day had his stomach growling. But he was far more hungry for the woman in his arms."I'll eat later." He kissed her jaw and then her neck. "You haven't told me how your first week on the job was.""Vara? Alec?" Carson called out.Alec dropped his head to Vara's shoulder and groaned."Yeah?" Vara hugged him to her and laughed."You guys going to come out?" Carson's voice vibrated with laughter. She'd spent a lot of time around the house and had gotten close to Vara.
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Chapter 379: Wednesday. Mlilo Animal Reserve, South Africa.
Volume 8: Dangerous HeatPAXTON MILLS PEERED OUT at the passing landscape from behind his sunglasses. There was far too much sunshine after spending twenty-seven hours on planes. All for a wedding. His first wedding, to be exact. He still wasn't entirely sure why he'd agreed to come to this one when he'd avoided every other wedding to date.It was the animal angle. He was intrigued.In a few days' time he and the rest of the guys would head out and assist the park staff and other conservationists in ensuring the safety of the wildlife. Namely, from poachers. It was essentially the same job he always did as a bodyguard. Only these bodies would weigh a couple tons or have fangs and claws or who knew what else.Silas reached over and flicked Paxton's sunglasses, causing them to fall in his lap."What the fuck, man?" He turned his head and glared across the aisle at his best friend. When they'd been paired up in the Marines as a sniper pair Paxton hadn't expected to like Silas. Now
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Chapter 380: Wednesday. Mlilo Animal Reserve, South Africa.
COCO DE JONG FLOPPED down on the padded bench and watched her best friend carry on an animated discussion with the man who would officiate tomorrow's wedding.This was all so surreal.She should have said no and run away when Lacey asked Coco to be the maid of honor. If she'd been in her right mind she would have, but at the time she'd been floored that out of everyone Lacey knew she wanted her. Coco. All her life she'd been picked last or not at all, and now someone made her their first pick.It's no big deal, she kept chanting to herself.Except tomorrow she'd be standing front and center with her crazy, unruly hair alongside these beautiful women. On one side would be Lacey, blonde, slim, perfect in white. On Coco's other was Omarosa, a model gorgeous woman who worked for National Geographic with skin so dark it glowed. And her hair. Coco had so much envy over the woman's sleek, a long curtain of jet-black hair she could scream.Story of Coco's life. Stuck in the middle with he
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