All Chapters of Aegis Group: Chapter 381 - Chapter 390
490 Chapters
Chapter 381: Wednesday. Mlilo Animal Reserve, South Africa.
GOD DAMN IT.Paxton's head was too fuzzy and his mouth wouldn't work properly to get his thoughts out before Coco bolted from the table. He pushed to his feet then had to wait for the ground to stop spinning.He really should have eaten before that first round of drinks. Or the second.One foot got tangled in his chair and he tripped, barely regaining his balance before he face planted on the lawn. In that short amount of time Coco was gone."Shit," he muttered and looked around the party.Except she'd said she was leaving.He turned toward the west. He caught a glimpse of a shadow that looked an awful lot like a curvy woman passing under the boughs of a large tree.Paxton took off, keeping to the level ground until he found the path Coco had taken. She easily outdistanced him, but he was determined. At least he hadn't finished that last drink.The lights grew farther apart, and the music faded. The resort sat inside a sizeable portion of fenced-in land. It was cultivated and k
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Chapter 382: Wednesday. Mlilo Animal Reserve, South Africa.
Before Paxton could answer the bike zipped forward. He found the pegs for his feet and held onto the underside of his seat as Coco pushed the bike faster, only pausing to enter the code to admit them to their destination.The conservation part of the park was located in the old resort area. What he'd read online had impressed him. The operations side of the resort had moved into the old, main building. They'd opened up research facilities for different teams on the grounds, allowing several studies to be conducted at once. Most animals inhabiting this part were temporary patients on the road to recovery and re-release. Those animals that couldn't be released were kept until a suitable new home could be lined up. It was all rather impressive.Here lights chased away the shadows. There weren't any people around, unlike earlier when it had been bustling with activity. Coco steered them toward a cinderblock building with a corrugated metal roof just like any other set of buildings. The
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Chapter 383: Wednesday. Mlilo Animal Reserve, South Africa.
COCO HADN'T EXPECTED deep and meaningful from Paxton. The only thing they could have was a hot fling. Knowing more about him, that he was a genuinely good guy under the good looks and rough edges, had her liking him more. If only it did anything for her nerves.Her hands were sweating as she led him up the walk to her home. The red brick villa lacked the sophistication of the new resort. It was just a couple of rectangles fitted together, but this was her home.She fit her key in the lock and glanced back at the man looming over her.He braced his hands on either side of the door and bent his head to her shoulder where he pressed the gentlest kiss to her bare skin.Who was this man? How could someone raised among so much bad turn out so good?She twisted the key and pushed the door in, flipping on the two lamps with the door switch."This is it." She stepped to the side and gestured at the furniture she hadn't changed from when she'd moved in.How did this look to an outsider? T
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Chapter 384: Wednesday. Mlilo Animal Reserve, South Africa.
"Yes," Coco said. Paxton could do whatever he wanted so long as he kept touching her.He pushed up and undid the button on her shorts then yanked those and her panties down her legs and over her boots. She didn't even have the presence of mind to be self conscious it all happened so fast. And then Paxton was leaning over her again, touching her stomach, kissing her chest then her hip. Her mind was awash in pleasure and sensory overload.A kiss on her mound made her jump, both from surprise and because it was too much. He pressed his palm to the spot, as though he understood her nerves were too raw. But the respite only lasted a moment.He sank to the floor, his arms under and around her legs holding her prisoner, and then she felt his tongue. A very intimate touch against her folds. She reached down and grasped his wrist in a vain attempt to pull him up. He pressed against her, exploring her sex with his tongue and mouth, kissing her in a far more intimate way.His blunt fingers pr
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Chapter 385: Wednesday. Mlilo Animal Reserve, South Africa.
AFTER TWO DAYS of travel, Paxton was enjoying lying in a big, comfortable bed. The only thing missing was Coco. He kept his eyes shut, listening to the subtle sounds of her going through her evening routine behind the bathroom door. The minutes stretched on.Was she stalling? Had he done something?He sat up and frowned at the door, replaying the last hour in his head. His dick twitched, getting the wrong idea.Should he go? Was he not reading the signals right?The truth was he didn't fully trust himself even if the evening had gone well. With a lineage like his he had to be careful. His earliest examples of how to be a man were toxic.Paxton ran a hand through his hair.If he were at home and if this night had happened with a girl from a bar or one of the hangers on that used to get brought to their former bachelor pad, this was the moment when he'd find somewhere else to be. A reason to end things before the girl got the wrong idea. And yet, that was the last thing he wanted t
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Chapter 386: Wednesday. Johannesburg, South Africa.
LUKE NODORF STALKED around his desk. The office was too small. He was too far up to pace out to the street and take a walk. Times like these, he missed the little home he'd grown up in. He'd been something of an anomaly in those days, a white boy in the ghetto, but it was the best his family could afford. Even now he'd buy his parents a real home if they'd let him, but they just turned their nose up whenever he offered to help.The simple fact was that Luke didn't need them anymore. He'd offered out of respect. If his parents wanted to ride their high horse into the grave, so be it. That was their dying wish.Luke had bigger problems to worry about. Like the National Council of Provinces.Two more of his loyal men were out. This was after nearly a dozen representatives Luke had counted on lost their elections. At this point there were less than twenty-four sitting representatives for him to ply with cash and promises to sway votes his way.And what a time to be on the outs with so
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Chapter 387: Thursday. Mlilo Animal Reserve, South Africa.
COCO COULDN'T KEEP hiding in the bathroom, but beyond that door was a man. A man she'd allowed to sleep in her bed, hold her and do unspeakably pleasurable things to her.What had she been thinking?She hadn't. She'd been feeling. And that was a very deep pool she didn't know how to get out of. The truth of it was that Coco had allowed herself to get swept up in all those feel-good things. She'd been touch-starved, and he'd offered her a buffet.Now what did she do?Coco had never brought a man to her place before. Her previous boyfriend had fizzled out years before and the few, brief romantic interludes were always the sort of thing where she had to go to them. All of which left her totally unprepared for what the hell she should be doing now.She paced the length of the bathroom. In the light of day it was easier to examine the things she'd felt and thought. Her heart had gone way over the line. While he might have drunk too much, she'd been drunk on feelings.He had to go. She
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Chapter 388: Thursday. Mlilo Animal Reserve, South Africa.
PAXTON WRAPPED HIS arm around Coco's shoulders from behind and knelt with her in the grass. Sobs shook her. Hell, just looking at the wounds that had taken down such a magnificent creature made him want to weep. But he had a job to do. Aegis Group had volunteered to come down and help with the poaching problem and here it was for him to see.He pressed a kiss to the silk turban still containing her curls then stood.Before leaving home, Paxton had sat in on a seminar like everyone else on the basics of poaching and what they were up against. There were many similarities in the methods used to combat the crimes that ran parallel to Paxton's current work, both making use of his training from the Marines. He dusted off his hands and pushed the animal loving kid inside of him to the side so he could examine the scene.He circled the body.Several tranq darts stuck out of the animal's thick hide. He wasn't a good guess at the rhino's weight, but it had to at least weigh over two tons. T
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Chapter 389: Thursday. Mlilo Animal Reserve, South Africa.
COCO PULLED HER phone out of her pocket as she walked up the lane toward the honeymoon villa at the new resort. Still no new texts or missed calls. Not a single notification.Why was she disappointed she hadn't heard from Paxton after kicking him out the way she had? Could she blame him?She slid her phone into her pocket then covered her face in her hands, muffling her groan. A half hour alone had helped her find her calm, but it also made room for the guilt.Paxton had been kind, considerate, sweet, even gentle with her at times. And how had she repaid that? By snapping in his face and yelling at him to get out.Had she yelled?It had been so quiet and her voice was loud in the small space. It had felt like she'd yelled.There was no changing her introverted nature. Sometimes she just needed to be away from people. It was a fact and it wouldn't change anytime soon, but she could have been nicer. Now she wasn't sure if she should reach out of what the correct thing to do was. Fo
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Chapter 390: Thursday. Mlilo Animal Reserve, South Africa.
PAXTON KEPT HIS hands on his knees, tapping his fingers against his shins.There was still time to leave. Lots more people than he'd anticipated had shown up for the wedding. No one would miss him.Probably not even Coco.He didn't like admitting that, but it was the truth. Why did that truth bother him? He wasn't in the habit of letting people get to him this much.Fuck it.He was going.Paxton stood as a man wearing clerical robes accompanied Shane to stand under the spread of flowers and leaves that had been hung from the trees overhead. Lights twinkled behind him as the sun cast a riot of color across the late afternoon sky."Sit, man." Silas chopped the back of Paxton's knee, causing his leg to buckle.He sat down hard as the first strands of music hushed the crowd.He'd waited too long.His throat tightened, and he clenched his fists. He really didn't want to be here.The stragglers rushed to their seats and most people turned to watch back up the aisle. Paxton wasn't
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