All Chapters of Aegis Group: Chapter 461 - Chapter 470
490 Chapters
Chapter 461: Sunday. Safe House, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
SILAS FROWNED AT THE phone so long the screen went dark.Was he imagining things, or was Zain dodging his answer? Did they have more possible backup than just two guys?Silas shook his head. This solo job was screwing with his head. He was too on edge. Too invested. Too bad knowing all that didn't change his reality.He slid the phone back in his pocket and turned toward where Ekko and Chayan were pretending to eat."Good news." He clapped his hands together and pasted on a smile. "Our backup will be here tomorrow fairly early. They've already picked up your new passports so we should be good to go as soon as they arrive."Ekko's brow furrowed. "What's the plan? We can't just walk in there like last time.""No, we cannot." Silas perched on the coffee table facing the two. "Our very rough plan is for us to separate. Chayan will go with our backup on a chartered flight to Kemerovo Airport in Russia. From there the team will take commercial flights under their real names to Moscow t
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Chapter 462: Sunday. Safe House, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
Silas escaped the room for a few moments. After brushing his teeth he returned and found Ekko where he'd left her, staring at the curtains as if she could see out the window at the inky darkness and all those stars.He stripped out of his clothes, down to his boxers, and joined her between the sheets. He wrapped an arm around her waist and tugged. She folded sideways, tucking herself against him, her head on his shoulder.Maybe it was time Silas thought about what kind of a future he really wanted. The job stayed the same, for the most part, but the people around him were changing.If Paxton and Coco didn't end up married in the next few years, he'd be shocked.Two of their other roommates had settled down and moved out to start lives with women they'd met. It made a guy think."You're thinking awfully hard," Ekko mumbled."It's nothing." He stroked her back.She tilted her head up. "You dodge bullets and have taken on the responsibility of my crazy plan. I think I owe you an ea
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Chapter 463: Sunday. Safe House, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
EKKO LAY ON HER back staring at the vaulted ceiling of the bedroom. There was just enough light from outside that she could make out the decorative molding and tin tiles. At least she thought they were tin tiles. It was hard to say and she wasn't familiar with Mongolian architecture. Regardless of what it was, it was a beautiful detail in a lovingly maintained condo.She should be asleep, and yet she couldn't find rest. Not even snuggled in next to Silas.He'd finally rolled over, releasing her from his hold. While she wasn't as warm as she'd like to be, it was better this way. Her thoughts were too chaotic for him to be up in her personal space right now and he was too central to them.What the hell was she doing with this man?She turned her head and stared at his broad shoulders.She knew there were scars there. She could almost trace them from memory. Whatever caused them, she was glad he'd survived. The world was better because of men like Silas. Ones who did the right thing
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Chapter 464: Monday. DSS Safe House, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
IGNEY COULDN'T BELIEVE HE had to waste precious moments going in search of Pasley.Where the hell was he?Igney grabbed his phone and hit the speed dial for the admin desk for their Ulaanbaatar team."Yes?" a cold voice said after one ring. There was always someone manning the desk."I need the location of my partner. Now.""One moment."Igney paced the hall outside their bedroom. The last he'd seen Pasley, he'd been lying in bed staring at his phone. Of all the useless things to do when they were the last remaining team from the original job. Granted, if the local police asked too many more questions Igney knew they'd be recalled.He didn't want to go back to Dauria. They could do better work here. Work that would impact the well-being of all their people."Officer Pasley is in the building. Check the third floor commons."Igney hung up and headed for the stairs. He climbed them two and three at a time then sprinted down the hall. He burst into the commons room. Only a few la
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Chapter 465: Monday. Safe House, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
SILAS PATTED CHAYAN'S SHOULDER. Silas wished there was something more he could do for Chayan. The man was a mess. He'd already changed once from sweating through his clothes once, and already there were dark lines down the back of his clean shirt.At least Ekko was holding it together well enough. She hadn't been sick since the night at the hotel despite everything that had happened."Everything's going to be fine. Brett and Vito are here. It's all good, man." Silas offered Chayan a smile.Shit, he hoped Brett was ready to deal with Chayan's nerves. Chayan had more or less pulled himself together yesterday and hid the grief, but even that had to be just below the surface. At some point it would all surface again. Vito was the quiet, silent type. It would be up to Brett to manage the mood of their team when they headed out.A rhythmic knock sounded on the front door.Silas frowned at the sound, not because it was odd but because he knew that sound. But...he wasn't supposed to be h
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Chapter 466: Monday. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
PASLEY KEPT HIS FEET braced on the floorboard. The SUV hadn't stopped moving. It also hadn't gone where Pasley had expected it to. Then again, he had seen another SUV at the curb while Igney was focused on the Americans.What were the chances Pasley was this lucky? Could his simple ploy to get some distance from the SUV and Aegis Group team have worked?He didn't dare hope. Hope was dangerous. He still might have to kill the targets even though that wasn't what he wanted to do. He'd much prefer to slip away, go off to live his own, quiet life.What would it be like to never again be expected to kill someone?He stared down at his hands.Sometimes he could still see blood on them that wasn't there.Did he dare hope to be free?"Finally," Igney mumbled.Pasley glanced up at the SUV. It had stopped outside of a large, suburban home. They were miles from the condo he'd tracked the targets to. That didn't mean they hadn't moved.He held his breath as the passenger doors opened.Ig
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Chapter 467: Monday. Dalanzadgad Airport, Dalanzadgad, Mongolia.
EKKO CLENCHED THE ARMRESTS of her window seat on the narrow commercial flight bound for London.Were they really going to make it out of the country? Was this happening?She hadn't taken an easy breath since leaving the condo. After days spent cooped up, she'd felt exposed and vulnerable venturing out even with Silas and Paxton on either side of her. Their ride to the private airport had gone smoothly. Boring even. The crew on the small plane chartered to take them to Dalanzadgad hadn't so much as glanced at them.Paxton had said their forged passports were simply an extra layer of protection should they be needed. Of course they hadn't really known if those were needed until they landed, which was when their tickets to London were officially purchased by the Aegis Group support staff.Everything had gone through without a hitch.It was too easy.Silas' hand covered hers. He squeezed gently as the nose of the plane tipped up.Something could still go wrong...The cabin bounced
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Chapter 468: Monday. Heathrow Airport, United Kingdom.
ONE OF THE THINGS Silas hated most about travel was the tedious process of disembarking from an airplane. It was always a time-consuming process with people bumbling along.Today, however, he was content to sit in his seat holding Ekko's hand.The trip wasn't over. They weren't out of danger. But they should be in the home stretch now. With any luck, they'd given the DSS operatives the slip. It would take them six to twenty-four hours to pick up their trail. That was more than enough lead time for them to get on a plane headed back to New York City, and from there it really was over.Paxton stood and glanced over his shoulder. Silas met his gaze and nodded.It wouldn't make sense for Paxton to wait for them here. They'd meet up in the terminal."Silas...""Hm?" He turned his head.Ekko was staring agape at her phone screen."What?" He peered over her shoulder.The headline read, Youth Rioters Killed in Dauria.The image under the bold words was that of two young people. A boy
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Chapter 469: Monday. Unknown, London, United Kingdom.
EKKO STARED AT THE concrete floor. It had that artfully distressed look that went with the exposed brick and rustic ceiling beams, but was at odds with the stainless steel kitchen and stark white furniture.Why white?Why would anyone want white furniture?For one, it was boring.Second, it would get dirty and shabby in no time.Third, why the fuck did she care?Chayan was gone.Arrested.For a crime he hadn't necessarily committed. She'd gotten the passport. Not him. But he'd used it knowing it wasn't real.This was her fault.If she'd left well enough alone, he would have worked through his grief on his own. Yes, his home life would have been lonely. Chances were he'd get depressed, but couldn't talk about it for fear of bringing on the attention of the DSS.She cradled her head in her hands.If she'd never engaged in this plan those kids from the article would merely be grumbling under their breath.Why had she ever said anything?Ekko had seen firsthand how far Dauria
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Chapter 470: Tuesday. Heathrow Airport, United Kingdom.
SILAS PEERED OVER THE top of his phone and the glasses.No sign of the targets. Yet.Earlier that morning he'd managed to crawl out of bed without waking Ekko when his phone had gone off. It was news he'd been hoping for.Someone had identified their DSS operatives.Igney and Pasley Bootur.Despite the men sharing the same surname, they weren't related. In fact, it was telling.Chayan had explained while lecturing about the DSS that children taken in before the age of five were stripped of family surnames and given one of a few state names. The Bootur surname came from the Yakut people, one of many who had contributed to the Daurain population. The name had been selected for two purposes. The first Minister of Public Affairs had roots that went back to the Yakut people, and the name meant protector. Since many of the protective service members were children conscripted from the state-run orphanages, the surname was a brand setting those kids apart. Bootur was also the name given
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