All Chapters of Aegis Group: Chapter 471 - Chapter 480
490 Chapters
Chapter 471: Tuesday. Unknown, London, United Kingdom.
SILAS NARROWED HIS GAZE, every fiber focused on the car ahead of them.Was the car actually stopping or was this another slow their roll then go?Vito had been forced to follow at a much greater length. They were currently almost a city block away around the corner waiting at a stop sign."Someone's coming up behind us," Paxton said, drawing attention to the unsuspecting driver who was likely just trying to get somewhere.Ahead of them the doors on the silver car opened.Silas threw his door open."Down the street, around the corner and back," Brett said to Vito, ignoring both Silas and Paxton getting out of the car.They couldn't follow the car and they couldn't let the people out of sight. Which meant they had to take a risk and go on foot.Each of them had traded jackets with the other two men. Disguises didn't have to be elaborate. All they had to do was look slightly different to fade into the background.Silas and Paxton fell into step, both watching the four men gatheri
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Chapter 472: Tuesday. Safe House, London, United Kingdom.
IGNEY FOLLOWED THE MAN down the cramped hall. Their driver had only introduced himself as Li, a name Igney doubted was real.The hall was ancient. Bricks were missing in places with the holes sealed in with more concrete or plaster. It was barely wide enough to walk without his shoulders brushing. Pasley must have to walk almost sideways.Just where were they going?Igney bit his tongue to keep from asking more questions. It was obvious after the initial greeting that these two men weren't going to divulge details. Igney wasn't even sure why the two Chinese men were the ones to pick them up at the airport. There was a whole contingent of DSS in the city. Why hadn't they come?One thing Igney did know about the men who'd picked them up from the airport was that they were killers. It was the way they moved, how they looked at a person. Igney knew both had killed before.The tunnel seemed to go on forever. Or maybe it just seemed that way because of the tight confines.There were tw
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Chapter 473: Tuesday. Safe House, London, United Kingdom.
PASLEY TRIED TO IGNORE the pointed stare of the man who'd called himself Li. The man was just staring at the side of his head."You are Pasley, correct?" Li asked."Yes," Pasley said, keeping his attention on Igney as he demanded answers from Chayan."Is that a common name?""I don't know.""How long have you been tracking this man?"Why the sudden chattiness? Why was the man interested in Pasley?Igney punched Chayan in the gut. Pasley resisted the urge to wince. Igney didn't know how to do things in half measures. He wouldn't have held back.Li continued staring at Pasley's profile.What did he want to know?Pasley knew that the Chinese offered support to the Daurian government. In many things they worked together closely. Including cyber security.Was it possible he'd done something, even by mistake, that would make him a person of interest? Were there questions about him?"The restrooms." Pasley turned his head. "Where are they?"The man directed Pasley down a hall and
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Chapter 474: Tuesday. Safe House, London, United Kingdom.
SILAS' HEART THROBBED IN his throat. He caught sight of Chayan ahead of them down a continuation of the subterranean hall through a group of people.Who was the other victim? Was there someone else?Was Ekko okay?He shoved the last whisper of fear aside."What's happening?" Brett demanded."On three," Paxton said in a steady tone.Neither actually counted out loud. They'd worked together for so long that Silas could feel the count under his skin.One...Silas picked his target. The man on the right holding back.Two.Paxton would obviously focus on the left side.Three...Silas fired in unison with Paxton, but it was Silas who moved first. He darted forward. The remaining two men hovering over the downed man whirled, but Silas was already on them."Fucking, fuck, fuck, fuck," Brett growled over the headset.The man on the right struck out before Silas could fire.It was that guy. Iggy or whatever his name was. From the park.Silas' right arm smacked against the wall. H
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Chapter 475: Tuesday. CIA Safe House, London, United Kingdom.
EKKO PACED THE LENGTH of the bar, back and forth, her eyes locked on a shirtless Silas leaning against the kitchen counter.He'd gone and gotten himself hurt.The idiot man.Silas' face scrunched up."What are you doing?" She braced her hands on the bar.Paxton glanced at her. "Making the stitches tight.""Do you have to?" She gestured at Silas. "Look at his face.""He's a wimp," Paxton said."I'm a wimp?" Silas snorted though his voice was strained. "Should I tell her about that one time I had to..."Paxton's scowl silenced Silas. "We agreed we were never talking about that."Silas merely grinned and winked at her.How was he so cavalier about this?She should go to him. She should help.Except she was banned from the kitchen for trying to help.Ekko wrapped her arms around herself and forced herself to watch.She'd woken up alone, fuzzy headed and with nothing but a two sentence note informing her about where everyone had gone.That had been hours ago. She'd been read
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Chapter 476: Tuesday. CIA Safe House, London, United Kingdom.
SILAS RESISTED THE URGE to follow Ekko down the hall. She was just going to the bathroom. They were leaving in minutes. She'd be fine. Still, he couldn't silence this urge that told him to go to her. Stay with her just in case someone else tried to snatch her from him.God, he was pathetic.His mind rejected that thought no sooner than it had formed.This thing with her, this partnership, it wasn't pathetic. It was special. He just didn't know what to do about it."How do the stitches feel?" Paxton leaned on the counter across from him and twisted the top off a water bottle.Silas glanced back at his best friend and partner. "Fine. You do good work, nerd."Paxton studied Silas. It was a calculating look, parsing Silas down to his parts and weighing him. In the very beginning when they'd met, Silas hadn't liked that look. It had made him uneasy, which had driven him to poke at the then silent kid. That poking had turned into an initial dislike, but they'd gotten over it. Even that
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Chapter 477: Tuesday. Safe House, London, United Kingdom.
IGNEY STARED AT THE returning men.None of them would meet his gaze."Well?" he snapped. "Someone answer me.""They don't speak your language." Li came to stand next to Igney. He spoke to the three men in Mandarin, dismissing them before focusing on Igney. "What are you doing?" Igney couldn't help but glare."Yelling at them won't change reality.""How fucking hard is it to do your job?" Igney sneered.Li just stared at Igney. "You'll want to speak to your superiors.""Not yet. I need answers.""You mistake me. You'll want to speak to them now. They're waiting." Li gestured through the door to the desk where he'd been.Igney had heard the phone ring.Shit.Had Li already informed Igney's superiors about everything? Pasley's defection? The escape?Igney dragged his hand over his hair. He'd hoped for time to put together something-anything that might keep his ass out of the fire. As Pasley's partner, Igney would be responsible for this. He should have seen the signs. He sho
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Chapter 478: Tuesday. MI6 Safe House, London, United Kingdom.
EKKO SLID ONTO THE stool next to Silas. It was so close to him their arms brushed as he moved. She should do the polite thing and scoot away, but she couldn't make herself.When she'd woken up alone, without him anywhere, she'd panicked. At least she had once her head to clear enough for her to feel anything. Then when she'd seen him covered in blood...She wanted to be near him. To assure herself he was okay, that he was alive.Despite not having done much during the day beyond wait, worry and ride around in a car, she was worn out. They'd moved to another location. According to Brett this place was better than the last, something about it being an MI6 safe house rather than the CIA crash pad. Whatever the difference was, it didn't matter to her. They were safe and dinner was on the table.Silas nudged her with his elbow. "Eat up.""Oh, yeah." She picked at the lasagna without much interest. Her stomach was too tied in knots to be all that hungry.Chayan was asleep, courtesy of
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Chapter 479: Tuesday. MI6 Safe House, London, United Kingdom.
SILAS TRIED TO NOT count the minutes.How long before it would be appropriate for him to follow her to bed?Brett hadn't asked about sleeping arrangements upon arriving at their new crash pad. The others had assumed Silas would sleep with Ekko. They weren't wrong, but were they right?"Stare any harder and you'll strain yourself," Paxton mumbled.Silas glared at his friend. It really was only fair. How much shit had Silas dished out to Paxton the last few months?Yeah, Silas had made himself a target and he didn't even care.Maybe he shouldn't have left things with Ekko as he had?Paxton had assumed things. Things Silas wasn't certain about. And now Ekko was thinking.What if she decided all of this was too much?The only thing that made this job abnormal was the lack of communication in the beginning. The rest of it? Running from people shooting at them, rescuing people, being in danger, that was normal. And it wasn't something every woman could handle.Had Ekko figured all
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Chapter 480: Wednesday. John F. Kennedy International Airport, New York City, New York.
EKKO CLUNG TIGHT TO Silas' hand as they left the terminal. She'd learned last time that just because they got to their destination didn't mean all was well. It wasn't until Chayan had cleared customs that she relaxed even a little bit.There were still many hurdles.First, it was almost six. The United Nations was no doubt closed for the day, which meant it would be tomorrow before they could even attempt to talk to someone. Ekko had no idea what was going on with the investigative team in Dauria, much less the protests. She hadn't heard from any of her contacts in days, and even before that things had been scarce. God, she wanted to know if they were okay. She needed information, but more than that, they needed to be somewhere safe."Stay close, everyone," Silas said as they headed for the doors.Before they reached the entry, the doors parted and Brett strode in."Ride's here. Let's go," he said.There was an energy ushering them forward. It made Ekko nervous while Silas and th
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