All Chapters of Mafia High: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
111 Chapters
Dante“What the fuck do you mean, she’s gone?” I demanded.Megan had knocked on the dorm room door before I had my fucking coffee and she was hysterical.“She wouldn’t listen to me. Mr. Xavier came, they packed her stuff, and they left.”“This happened last night and you’re just here now?”It was sinking in. Chaney left. I fucking pushed it with her and she ran. Fuck, fuck, fuck.“Mr. Xavier threatened me. He said I wasn’t to leave the room or use my cell until this morning. I came here sooner than I should have. She wouldn’t listen to anything I said. Nothing.”I stormed into my room, grabbed my uniform, and got dressed. I then stormed to Rochester’s administration office.“Get me in touch with Mr. Xavier,” I demanded to the poor secretary who shouldn’t have had a clue what was going on.“He’s waiting for you in the back office on the right.”The fuck!I marched in, throwing the door open. Mr. Xavier was looking outside the window and slowly turned.“Have a seat, Mr. Laterza.”“I am
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DanteMy father leaned back in his chair. I noticed the oxygen tank beside him but he didn’t have the nose piece on. It’s the first time I’d seen him bring anything into his office that made him look weak.I stood and walked around his desk to the tank and lifted the rubber tubing for him. He took it and placed the oxygen over his nose and ears. His hands trembled and I could see the disease taking over. It was hard for him when I witnessed these times but he’d been honest with me during the hours we spent in his room over the summer where I really saw the toll it took on him.He squeezed my hand before I walked around the desk and took the chair again and yes, I squeezed his back.“Her family was powerful but most of that was due to their money. Their wealth far surpassed ours along with most other families.” He coughed. “After Gimonde senior and his son went down, much happened to level the balance of power. As you know, we came out on top in the transaction.”He took a few moments
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ChaneyI was not happy but I was at peace. I’d finally decided to take charge of my own destiny. I was sixteen and that was a huge problem.Mr. Xavier smoothed the way once he knew what I needed, or demanded was more like it. His lips twitched after that talk. It was the closest I’d come to a smile when he wasn’t with Madison and Brightly.I had to be emancipated. It required a judge. In less than a week it happened. Financials were turned over to me and I spent another week discovering how rich I was and what all the investments were. It boggled the mind and I didn’t understand half of it. I knew someone who would—no, not Dante, but Caine. He would tear through the info and have a plan in hours not days or weeks.I started looking at real estate. I narrowed my search to California, Colorado, and Oregon. I needed to be as far from the families as possible. I also needed to be safe. I started looking into security and came up empty. I talked to Mr. Xavier on one of his visits. I’d leas
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DanteCaine showed up a few days before I left to return to Rochester. He had a look in his eyes that gave me hope.“I have a letter from my father to your father.”He patted his jacket pocket. It was fucking snowing outside and he wore a light coat.“He’s in his office. I told him we would be speaking to him.”“Father, this is Caine Fenella, the reason I’ve survived Rochester this long.”“Mr. Laterza,” Caine said formally. “I have a letter from my father I’m to give to you.”He placed the envelope on the desk. My father took it and opened it. He didn’t read long.“Your word is your father’s. What do you bring to the table?”“Security for your son.”The fuck!“My family will give their loyalty to Dante when it is time. We will move here, all of us, including my sisters. We are not wealthy, but we come with connections that will be helpful after Dante marries Chaney.”My father stared him in the eyes and asked one question that shocked the shit out of me.“Is your family as insane as y
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DanteCaine, shook up, which almost dragged a smile out of me, deleted his first. I thought of Chaney and her record. It would have been fun to do this together. There were calls with my father in the record. It was sad to lose them but I knew why he sent me here. I knew why he was proud of me. I hit delete.Graduation was bittersweet without my father. Caine’s family came and cheered me as their own. They would have rooms inside the house along with Caine and his sisters whom I met for the first time. Rosa, the older of the two, was a firecracker. She was starting Rochester the following school year. Caine told me she was the smartest in their family and it boggled my mind that there was an order to their brilliance. It would be interesting.Caine would be my consigliere and right hand. When I had money to oversee, he would take on that role too. His father wanted to run the house and that surprised the hell out of me.“He wants to keep an eye on me and he’s growing lazy in his old a
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DanteI sat up and carefully situated Chaney cross-legged and I did the same. We faced each other.“What are your terms?” I asked.She was not self-conscious about being naked and exposed even after being away for months.“I am your crazy girl and your dirty girl.”I liked the sound of this.“You will treat me as such. You will never cheat on me. I will be your wife and mistress. If I find out you cheated, I will cut your dick off.”“My balls just receded.”“I need them; pull them back out, please.”I burst out laughing but she wasn’t done.“I will lead by your side. There will be no secrets. I will also be the mother of all your children or there will not be any because you will be dickless.”My dick was a major concern of hers and I liked it.“I’m returning your inheritance. Your father was stupid and don’t hate me for saying that, but what if I hadn’t come back?”“He knew I would find you.”“I can’t keep your money.”“Our money.”“I can’t keep it.”“Then don’t. We will make it work
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ChaneyHouse hunting and organizing my life were not as easy as I expected. I missed Dante. Mr. Xavier came to speak with me after the reading of the will to inform me I was richer than I had been the day before.I was shocked.He also gave me a letter. It was from Dante’s father.“Miss Gimonde,” it read. “I’m the one who ordered you found and sent Mr. Xavier after you. Your safety was my only concern. Your money posed a problem and it’s important you know it was the only reason I wanted you kept from Dante. He loves you and will not be complete until you go to him. Do not disappoint me. I’m proud to call you daughter. Take care of my son.”“You have decisions to make,” Mr. Xavier said.“No.” I looked up at him. “There is no decision. Dante needs me.”It was that easy.Things moved slow. I had to wait until after graduation to go to him. I didn’t know why but I did not want to return to Rochester. I was my own woman now and I’d taken what I could from the school and would use it throu
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ChaneyMr. Xavier, who I had a first name for now but would never use, was giving me away. Brightly was my flower girl and Megan my maid of honor.I was nervous and so far beyond eager, it was embarrassing.Mr. Xavier stepped into the room with me and Megan after knocking. I was ready, my white dress flowing around me. I was beautiful in his eyes and I could see the pride in the look he gave me.“I’ll see you downstairs,” Megan said and carefully kissed my made-up face.My hair was swept into an updo with a thousand bobby pins and enough hairspray to hold up the walls of the house against a tank. I felt beautiful and wished my mother could see me now. She ran from this life. I knew she wouldn’t approve of who I was marrying but she would want me happy and Dante is the only person I wanted. Like his father accepted me, she would have accepted him.“You need to know something before we go down,” Mr. Xavier told me after Megan closed the door.He didn’t look concerned so neither was I.“
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DanteI lived through the never-ending greetings and social family shit. This was designed for an older generation because even my bow tie of the damned tux bothered the fuck out of me. I needed time alone with my wife.I knew where Chaney wanted to be right now so after the receiving line inside the monstrous tent, I led her to her family.Her nephew was all she saw until I introduced her to his parents.“This is Rack and Beth.”Tears appeared in her eyes and Beth pulled her in for a huge hug.“None of that on your wedding day. Meet Carson Andrew, your nephew who tried to steal the show at your wedding.”Chaney went to her knees and spoke to him directly.“Thank you for carrying my ring. It’s very shiny and you did a good job.”His chin came up slightly.“I was bestest,” he said firmly with a solid shake of his head.“You were to walk straight down the center of the aisle and hand the ring off, not try to put it in your pocket,” his father said.Rack was his name. I knew he wasn’t Ca
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ChaneyDante went to his knees between my legs. It wasn’t what I wanted but he obviously did and who was I to say no? It felt wonderful.“I love you here and I’ve missed this.” He kissed my pussy.He licked, he sucked my clit, he made me moan, but he wouldn’t let me come and when I was close, he pulled back.“None of that, Mrs. Laterza. You have a lot to make up for.”“Caine was right. You may not survive the night.”He stood too quickly for me to react, flipped me over, and landed a solid hand on my ass. I gave a very unladylike shout. He leaned in and kissed the spot he’d slapped.“What’s the matter, Mrs. Laterza? Did you decide following your husband’s directions was smarter than disobeying?”“Why did it hurt and instantly I was more turned on than I was. I would swear that was impossible.”She was analyzing her pleasure and that was cute. I didn’t want her cute though. I wanted her turned on and raging.I flipped her over and went back to work on the most beautiful pussy in the wo
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