All Chapters of Mafia High: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
111 Chapters
GabrielI fought my way to the top at Rochester Academy using fists. It was easier than admitting I was a dumbshit with a learning disability. The members of my family were known as thugs and I fit right in. Braun over brains won in my world.Rochester Academy had given me more know-how and helped refine the thug part of my behavior. It also kept my fists in shape while I honed the muscle and boosted my ass-kicking abilities.The academy was the home for Mafia infants who would leave four years later as adult members of their families with the burdens it carried. Ours was not an easy life and I never fooled myself about the world I navigated. The rules were different for us; our education was different. The dictates of our families still meant something.It meant everything.Unfortunate but fucking fact.Senior year and the first day of school was tomorrow and I hadn’t heard from Isabella, my future bride. Not that this was abnormal, but she usually showed a few days before the start
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GabrielThe halls were crowded and noisy. The last night before the start of school pushed the anticipation up a notch. A few guys called out but I kept walking and made my way downstairs and outside. A group of girls were standing a few yards away and they turned.Seniors. They knew the score. I looked them over and saw Joni, who was good with her tongue. I placed my arm around her.“No Isabella?” one of the girls asked, reminding Joni that harassment would come her way if Isabella found out.“Fuck Isabella,” I said. “You want to take a walk?” I whispered in Joni’s ear, ignoring the others who were simply jealous.Joni smirked at her friends before we left. We didn’t go far. I needed the edge off quickly. The side of the next building was perfect and Joni went to her knees, eager for a taste. I leaned back against the old brick and unzipped myself. Joni knew what I liked and had her hands clasped behind her back. I rubbed the tip of my dick over her bottom lip before putting myself i
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RosaWhen I received the email from Rochester with my new roommate assignment, I kicked a hole through my closet door. I couldn’t think of a worse way to spend my senior year than putting up with Isabella Tumicci and her future husband aka Gabriel Caruso, asshole of the century.Isabella’s last roommate found a way to escape the torture. If I knew how she did it, I would replicate it. As it was, I’d been in a pissy mood since I’d found out.Gabriel flashed in my mind and I dug my fingernails into my arm to stop any thoughts of him. He was the last guy on campus I should be interested in. It drove me crazy that he was the only guy I thought about. Now I was stuck rooming with his fiancée.“That bastardo,” Isabella screeched as soon as we entered the dorm.I wasn’t sure how long I could take the high-pitched sound without knocking her teeth out. Less than a day, I’m sure.“You see what is forced on me?” Her hands lifted and her fingertips pinched together to add emphasis to her point.W
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RosaUntil I’d come up with the bios idea, I’d shared everything I’d done to hack Rochester’s server with my brother. He’d never given me ideas, but I would see his eyes light up when he thought I had a chance. I’d figured out that his interest came because he had never been successful. I would prove to him that I was no longer the little girl who cried when he pulled her ponytail. I had no trouble grabbing my brother’s balls to get his attention.The shell went poof after it gave me access as the system’s user. I did this using my phone’s internet which I’d also manipulated over the summer so the IP address couldn’t be traced back to me. The first hurdle was pulling up the screen and having the ability to function as the user.Bingo. The secretary’s pretty flowers she used for her background appeared. I saw the folder marked senior schedules and opened it.After two years of failure, I’d finally done it. I took a few screenshots to send to my brother when I was done being angry at hi
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GabrielLate start. I stared at my ceiling while lying in bed, contemplating my hangover and the first day of school. I’d just pulled up my class schedule on my cell and found nothing exciting. I always had half my classes with Isabella. This year, I didn’t want to know which ones ahead of time.We always sat as far from each other as we could get.Most thought mine and Isabella’s relationship hatred bordering on love. The emotions we pulled from each other appeared that way. There were no good feelings between us. We wouldn’t magically fall in love and live happily ever after. It would never be in our cards.Duty was our four of a kind. Without duty, we had everything to lose and I wouldn’t let that happen. My hand went to my dick because Rosa popped into my head while thinking of Isabella. Bella could kill wood faster than a Mafia princess’s father. It didn’t stop Rosa’s image from filling the vision.From the top of her head, which was about six inches below mine, to the bottom of
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Gabriel“Franko,” Theo said to warn the group of a potential problem.Armando Franko had given me shit last year but was too pussy to back it up with his fists. He and his crew had just entered the hall. Their hangout was at the opposite end from us. We enjoyed pretending neither side watched the other even though we always watched. Armando had a reputation for fighting dirty when he did fight.No one complained to me when they tangled with him so I’d never given a damn. I would deal with him early this year. I refused to have his shit hanging over my head. We’d settle it one-on-one or with our crews. Either way, Armando would limp away if he was lucky.The bell rang and I watched Isabella’s pink flamingos break up and head to class. I glanced at the schedule on my cell while Isabella went the opposite direction from the class I had. Brando had first period with me and we headed over together.We walked in and I immediately noticed Rosa in the back corner. Brando saw her too and went
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RosaI’ll admit I was having fun. Gabriel was off his game and I’d gotten him there. He tore out of class as fast as he had in first period. I handed in my test, not caring that the teacher would shake his head when he saw my score. I dumbed myself down when I needed. I could pass every class and never open a book. School would be boring if I didn’t spend the time writing code in my head. That didn’t happen in classes with Gabriel but he would never know that.I didn’t rush after him. I knew where he would be in five minutes.I passed Isabella in the hall.“Rosa,” she called which surprised me and I stopped.“The girls want to have a get-together in my dorm tonight. Could you find some place to go?”Most of her friends tittered which ground on my nerves. I didn’t miss the “my” dorm remark and I knew she didn’t mean her bedroom.“I don’t know, Isabella; my friends are coming over to sage the rooms to get the bad spirits out. I’ll see if they’ll wait until you and your crew are gone so
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RosaGabriel was standing outside the door to fifth hour, talking to one of his crew when I walked up.“You can’t seriously have this class?” he asked when I went past him.“Afraid I do. Who on earth would put you in accelerated English? You can barely speak pig Latin.”He pulled his phone from his pocket and looked at his schedule.“Fuck my life,” he said.“It won’t be so bad,” I told him with an insincere smile. “I read the syllabus and we’ll be working on definite and indefinite articles along with phrasal verbs. If you put the word fuck in every sentence, you should at least pass.”He stared at me like I had two heads. My victory was sweet. I turned and entered the room. My ass might have had just a bit of extra swing. Gabriel took the seat next to mine. This was getting to the point that he had to be suspicious.“If you don’t have a pencil, just ask and I’ll loan you one,” I told him sweetly.He didn’t blink while he studied me. The teacher came in and took roll. Gabriel never st
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GabrielI’d had Rosa in every single class. I might not be school smart but I wasn’t stupid. Rosa did not have Home-Ec which was a senior requirement for the female students and Phys-Ed was missing from my schedule. There were rumors about Rosa’s brother and his hacking abilities. The rumors weren’t tied to Rochester but I doubted he left the academy without trying. I was sure Rosa hacked the schedules which put her computer abilities up there with her brother.Why would she align my classes with hers? It made no sense. If she wanted to make my life a living hell, this would work. I always thought she just wanted as far away from me as she could get.It was Thursday and I’d survived another day of blue balls. Me and the crew headed to the gym for a workout. Our school didn’t have sports unless you counted fighting. We practiced bare-knuckle carnage, not boxing, but today was about weights and muscle. We cranked the music up and made the freshmen get lost over the next two hours. When
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GabrielI got to my hands and knees and spit blood onto the grass.“Gabriel, don’t move.”“Fuck that. I’m getting out of here.”I had no other thought but to get away. The threat was gone but I still needed to move.“I’ll help but stop trying to do it by yourself. Come on.”She placed an arm under my shoulder. It hurt and I sucked in a loud breath.“Don’t stop,” I told her. “Get me out of here.”“Your dorm?”“No.”I leaned against her and got my feet beneath me, then stumbled and went back down. It fucking hurt but I couldn’t tell you where at this point.The next try I was able to stay upright, if unsteadily.“I have a place if you can climb stairs.”“K.” It was the best I could do.I don’t know where she led me until we entered a side door into the school rotunda. She went to the stairs that took us up to the library. It was still early enough for the library to be open, but I only heard silence and I didn’t see anyone around.I couldn’t handle the climb and knew it. She moved past
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