All Chapters of Mr. Waltson, Refrain Yourself!: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
710 Chapters
Chapter 171
Wills Waltson smirked as he saw her lovely smile and said, "I'm here."She drew his wrist naturally, pulling him inside the door.Elven and Fina were both taken aback when Wills Waltson appeared.Because they recognized the man standing before them.Her Uncle and Aunt were likewise taken aback because they thought this young man was just too attractive.Wills Waltson was called to the table and introduced himself "This is... Uncle, Auntie, Elven, and Fina. Wills Waltson is my boyfriend. These are my uncle and aunt, whom I previously mentioned. This is the Elven, and there is Fina, his girlfriend.""It's our first time meeting each other, great to meet you all," Wills Waltson said, nodding to everyone."Hello there. Come on in, Wills, and have a seat."Elven's mother then returned to the kitchen to retrieve the dinnerware.She couldn't stop smiling. Wills …Fina covered her lips in disbelief and murmured gently, "Oh my God, is that Mr. Waltson? Am I mistaken?"Elven was also sizing up W
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Chapter 172
Fina smirked. Was Mr. Waltson cursed to break her up with Elven?She didn't dare to reveal how miserable she was in her heart. She simply grinned and stated: "Even after getting married, a couple may decide to divorce. Are you certain that you and Miss Greenwich will marry?"Wills Waltson turned his head and looked her in the eyes: "We can get married Tomy tomorrow if she is willing. But she constantly believes she is too young and wants me to wait. Please assist me, uncle and aunt, as Luna's relatives. She is really obstinate."Elven's mother chuckled as she stared at her: "Yes, even as a child, this child is obstinate. Luna, once fate intervenes, you should marry as soon as possible. Then you can have children and experience the joys of life as soon as feasible.""I agree with that," Wills Waltson said, nodding his head.She patted his arm. "You'd better eat properly. Don't say anymore."After she finished talking to him, she turned to Elven ’s mother and said, "Aunty, there's no nee
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Chapter 173
The Waltson family's second brother and second sister-in-law returned together on Sunday.At noon, Benjaming came back from school to eat together.When Benjaming returned, he was sweating profusely and wearing a ball shirt.Cathelina Bright gazed at him hopelessly as he entered the courtyard and said: "Why did you come back like this, Benjaming? Don't you feel uneasy in wet clothes?""I was in a hurry to come back and eat with you folks," he replied, sniffing his clothes. "I'm going to wash immediately because it's quite stinky. I'll be right there in five minutes."Cathelina Bright shook her head, stunned, after Benjaming vanished like a gust of wind.She spoke to Luna , "I can still remember how Benjaming looked like when he was a kid. How quickly time passes. He's a university student in the blink of an eye."She nodded and pursed her lips "That's correct. Nobody was able to seize the time.""Right now is a good time for you, I'm actually pretty envious of your age," Cathelina Brig
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Chapter 174
Mr. Waltson was about to use his most powerful technique …When she looked at her, she always felt that... she had a stock that made her feel uneasy.After considerable thought, she realized that this was most likely the aura of a resentful wife.Her eyes, tone, and speech all seemed to be tinged with bitterness.She was genuinely pretty interested in what had happened between her and Wills Waltson all those years before. Why didn't she spend time with Mr. Waltson, whom she adored?"Miss Bright , everyone has to walk forward and look ahead. This is because people's efforts are always towards the future. It can't be for the sake of the past.""Miss Greenwich well, you're a teacher, so you're pretty good with these huge things," Cathelina Bright laughed.Her brow furrowed. "These aren't major issues; it's just that... I said it because it came to me."They exchanged smiles as they sipped their coffee.Benjaming walked into the living room and sat down next to his two brothers."Oh? You t
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Chapter 175
He squeezed the tip of her nose after noticing her astonished expression. "Are you not going to sleep?""You leave," she murmured, gesturing to the door."Why? I, too, want to sleep.""I'm not going to become involved with Belle Enderson's man. Leave now.""Are you angry?" His brow furrowed slightly."I'll let you out."He was taken aback. Was she really angry?"You're such a spoiled brat. Wasn't it you who enraged me first? I was merely making fun of your own words. How can you still be so annoyed?"She turned back and drew the blanket over herself, refusing to see him with a polite snort.Wills Waltson leapt onto the bed and wrapped his arms around her.He gripped her even tighter as she struggled."Let go of me!" she said violently."No.""Wills Waltson, you're such a jerk. You are not permitted to kiss me."He kissed her on the back of the head. "You are so liverish that a kiss from your boyfriend makes your hair stand on end.""Go look for Belle Enderson; didn't Belle Enderson wan
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Chapter 176
Oh my god," she exclaimed, waving her hand. I was telling you the truth. It is an honor for me to be able to attend your class. I am a mortal, and I would like to learn more from you. However, today's multimedia classroom is extremely... crowded. I couldn't fit in, so I returned to my office.""Oh? "Are you certain that what you just said is correct?""Of course, I said it while placing my hand on my heart. "How could it be otherwise?" Even though she knew he couldn't see it, she maintained a solemn expression.She knew how much he would repay her in the future, so... she should deal with it seriously."Mm, okay, I'll forgive you this time." I will grant your wish and allow you to attend my lesson in the next class. My car is waiting for you outside the school. I'll leave later and bring you back with me.""However, I have to stay for a while.""That's fine; I'd like to meet your principal as well." Just remember to show up."He got off the phone.Sabranda, who was dressed in a new out
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Chapter 177
"Mr. Waltson, I believe my daughter is your alumni, and she is familiar with your class," the principal promised, his voice depressed. Perhaps she can assist you, so...""Can I have Miss Burke as my assistant?" Wills Waltson interrupted the principal and shook his head dismissively.Emilia Burke, who was standing to the side, stood up and said, "Senior, I can definitely become a very good assistant." Allow me to give it a shot."Wills Waltson remained calm, his face blank, but his tone was clear and cold: "No, you can't keep secret, as my assistant, the first request must be to be able to control your own mouth.""I can, I really can," Emilia Burke said repeatedly. "I never open my mouth.""I swear to God.""I clearly asked Principal Burke and your father to keep the matter of me coming to school to be a special lecturer a secret, but you just casually turned around and told someone else?" Wills Waltson said calmly. You would have been fired a long time ago if this were my company.""I
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Chapter 178
"Wait a minute, stop the car," she said.Michal came to a halt, and Wills Waltson asked, "What's wrong?""I noticed a colleague."Her hand, pointed at Mia's location.Wills Waltson raised his eyebrows and asked, "It looks like you've been exposed; do you need me to help you kill her?"She looked at him with a sad expression. "Are you still in the mood to make me laugh?""Who's kidding ? Aren't you concerned that our relationship will be revealed? Since this person has discovered the truth, I'll assist you in getting rid of her. Isn't this for your own benefit?""What do you mean 'for my own good?'" she asked bluntly. "I can't accompany you back; you go back first, and I'll go down and talk to Mia.""I've been looking for you for over an hour.""This would not have happened if you hadn't been waiting for me. In any case, you can return first. This is already assisting me."She exited by opening the door.Wills Waltson had been dumped, but he smiled calmly. He was already accustomed to i
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Chapter 179
Wills Waltson was reading the financial news in the living room when Luna returned home.He smirked as he noticed her contented expression. "It appears that you have successfully solved the problem."Luna walked to the side of the sofa and sat down beside Wills Waltson, like a happy rabbit."I'm going to tell you a very strange story. "Do you realize how fated I am with Mia?""Go ahead," Wills Waltson said, turning off the television.She told Wills Waltson what had just happened in the coffee shop.She hugged her arm and said, "That was really the first time I saved someone after learning about first aid." I felt very accomplished at the time, but now I feel like I saved half of that family's happiness. "Am I correct in saying that I am very proud?"Wills Waltson rubbed her back: "Un, you're very handsome." This Mia appears to be one of the people on your side.""She has previously assisted me. "Last time I had hickeys on my neck, she found it and even lent me her scarf," she said, cl
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Chapter 180
]Her upper body moved slowly to the side of his neck, but her buttocks returned to the sofa.She turned around and ran once she was in position.The wind in front of him swung back and forth.Wills Waltson opened his eyes to find her running to the stairs.This speed was unquestionably sufficient to break the world record.He pressed his lips together. Oh, you silly girl.She quickly locked the door after entering the room.Her heart was racing.She clearly wanted to punish him a little, so she poured blueberry juice on him to make him feel disgusted.But why was she the one running away?No, she always lost when she played a trick on Wills Waltson.Ah … It was too aggravating. She would definitely turn the tables against the wind the next time.Her heart leapt to her throat as the doorknob abruptly turned."Wills Waltson, you must make three agreements with me before you can come in," she said guiltily."Mn, speak," Wills Waltson, who was standing at the door, said calmly, as if he wa
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