All Chapters of Mr. Waltson, Refrain Yourself!: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
710 Chapters
Chapter 151
When she heard that, she felt relieved.That's correct, it's no small matter. How did Wills Waltson have the authority to make decisions on the school's affairs?"My third brother's abilities exceed this,"Benjaming said at this point.Luna Greenwich was taken aback when she saw him."However, it is dependent on him. If you go and beg him, this matter will be settled. "The principal should be replaced because she bullies you, and my brother is upset about it.""But …How is it feasible, given that she is the president of a public university?""You must understand, Mocika Brown is merely a principal." She is also not very responsible. It's pretty simple to find proof against her."She was speechless."Let's go, Third Sister-in-Law; I'll send you back first, then the driver will take me to see Second Brother and Second Sister-in-Law,"Benjaming reMarktin ed."Benjaming, you should take a taxi to visit them," she said after some thought. There's no reason to send me away. I'd like to go sho
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Chapter 152
Principal Burke was suspicious, first looking at Luna, then at Wills Waltson.These words... Something wasn't right.As she gazed at him, her heart skipped a beat. Why did he break his promise, this guy?Wills Waltson snickered in his heart as he looked at her shocked expression: "Previously, she was my brother's tutor, and she was dressed even more carelessly than this."Luna was immediately relieved."So Miss Greenwich is a casual girl," Principal Burke chuckled.She laughed.A causal girl? It was all thanks to Principal Burke that he came up with this phrase.She did it because she was impoverished.The waiter brought over the menu, and the Principal Burke passed the authority to order to Wills Waltson.Wills Waltson naturally turned over the menu to Luna. "You order."As she glanced at him, she felt a surge of nervousness."Ladies first," Wills Waltson smiled.She smirked. This guy was taunting her on purpose, right?"Mr. Waltson, I've been too impoverished since I was a child," sh
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Chapter 153
Seeing that she looked as if she was about to die, Wills Waltson smiled. After drinking it, she put the cup down.He would occasionally recall how she looked while she was drunk and hugging a tree."Luna, go get a cup for Mr. Waltson."Luna was taken aback. Was he still trying to get her to drink?" Let's have two drinks together. Today, we must satisfy Mr. Waltson."Peterson Burke could only wager on it by drinking because Wills Waltson refused his request.Her face was already somewhat pink after a few rounds of drinking.She stroked her chin, attempting to clear her mind.Wills Waltson, noticing her inebriation, raised his eyebrows and stated to Peterson Burke: "This supper has satisfied me. Because Principal Burke sincerely wishes to strengthen the university. And if you intend to serve the institution, I will personally pay for the construction of your dorm. In terms of research financing, I'll provide a million dollars to your school each year in the name of the corporation.""On
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Chapter 154
"She is a female. You got her intoxicated. Is it okay if you send her to a hotel?"When Principal Burke heard it, he quickly explained, "Mr. Waltson, don't get me wrong, I am already old enough to be Miss Greenwich's father at my age.""Don't tell me you can't be considered a man because you're elderly. Principal Burke may not have such ideas, but Miss Greenwich is still young; wouldn't her reputation be wrecked if people saw her walking in and out of the hotel with a man who may be her father?"While Peterson was mortified, Emilia Burke stated, "Then Senior, I will take her home.""No need, Miss Greenwich was my brother's home tutor before, the driver knows where she lives, and I can easily send her back," Wills Waltson said flatly.He looked at Principal Burke as he said this "Principal Burke, you did an excAllen t job with tonight's supper; I am extremely pleased. As promised, I will have my secretary contact you tomorrow. Don't be afraid.""Okay, OK. Thank you very much, Mr. Waltso
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Chapter 155
He assisted Luna in getting up and guided her to the tree.Her body was pressed up against the tree.Wills Waltson strolled over to the flowerbed, picked up a brick from the side of the road, and smashed it against the shop window, seeing that she had calmed down.She was terrified by the sound of glass smashing.She stood by the tree in a daze as she watched Wills Waltson take out that little bear from the window side, walk to her side, and hand it over to her: "Now, am I a man who keeps his promises?"She took the small bear and clasped it securely in her arms while she glanced foolishly at Wills Waltson.When the driver of the car heard the rumbling sound, he sprang out and stared at Mr. Waltson.What was the situation?His Third Master had been severe with himself for half his life?His lips curled into a smile as he glanced at her. "Can you get in the car?"Luna gave a nod.The two of them climbed inside the car, as did the driver."You stay outside and deal with it," Wills Waltso
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Chapter 156
"Who is this young man? He looks so handsome!"They entered and sat on the sofa.He bowed and she sat.At this point, the space between them was... Close enough that you can feel each other's breath.From the start, he was unable to control his emotions.She was very naive at the time. Her big eyes stared at his face and sized it up."What exactly are you looking at?" Wills Waltson's throat was a little sore at the moment.He understood why.She lifted her hand and twice poked his eyelids. She then grinned."Your eyelashes are incredibly long and beautiful.""Only my eyelashes seem good?" Wills Waltson's breathing became heavier.She leaned back and gently murmured, "Um … Not many males have such stunning eyes.""Is there anything else?"Her finger moved down to his lips slowly. "Your lips are bright red."Her lips were licked. "It's as though you applied lipstick."She chuckled as she said, and her attention returned to him. "What is your name? You're very attractive."She raised her
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Chapter 157
After leaving the room, she immediately remembered why they had returned here the night before.Wasn't there a journalist at the door? She had no idea if they had been filmed.It would be considerably riskier for her to go out with him at this time.She took a deep breath, texted him, and walked away.She bent down and patted her leg as she entered the elevator.What made her feel guilty?Could it be... She was truly his...Her face flushed even more as she considered this.Wills Waltson discovered she had escaped after finishing his shower.He couldn't help but smile as he moved his head to the side. She didn't seem to realize she'd never be able to flee. He moved over to the bed and grabbed up his cell phone, wiping his hair casually.He was about to call her when he noticed she had sent him a text message.He read a few phrases from the text message."I'll leave first to prevent being discreetly photographed by the reporters." Take care when you depart."Wills Waltson furrowed his b
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Chapter 158
The driver was already waiting for her when she arrived at the school gate after work in the afternoon.She approached and said: "Michael, you may return first. I need to go shopping, and I can return by myself."" I'll send you over.""No need, I might just walk around for a while. Back then, I'll just take a taxi.""Miss Greenwich, if Mr. Waltson finds out that I couldn't find you and returned an empty car, he'll be furious and dismiss me.""He's not going to.""Please, Miss Greenwich, I've already been warned, this is my job, and if I don't make it, it'll be a dereliction of duty."She had no choice but to get in the car because she didn't want to make things tough for him.Wills Waltson called as she approached the mall's entrance.She twisted her lips and remained silent.She intended to question him about why he didn't bring up the bite on her neck.When she realized he done it on purpose, she felt irritated and refused to speak with him.She wandered around the shopping mall til
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Chapter 159
William gazed at her with his arms folded.She turned to look the scenery through the window."Thomas, take a taxi and go back first," Wills Waltson said to the driver, raising his eyebrows."Yes, Mr. Waltson ." The driver exited the vehicle and drove away.Only two individuals remained in the carriage. "Who is that man?" Wills Waltson inquired.She didn't look him in the eyes. "It doesn't appear to be related to you.""Do you want me to look into him myself?""Wills Waltson, what are you attempting to do?" she asked, turning her head."I'd like to ask you, Luna, what do you want to do? As a man who has slept with you before, I don't even have the qualifications to ask you, who is the man you are chatting with? "Wills Waltson felt defeated; he had had this woman in his hands, but in her eyes, he could not exist."You are also aware that I slept with you. "How come you didn't inform me there were hickeys on my neck in the morning?""I called to tell you not to move. What do you think w
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Chapter 160
She gently frowned. "Don't mess around. I mentioned before that I liked him at the time because I didn't see him very much. Of course, I recall him vividly.""You are not permitted to use the word 'like' again." His gaze was icy and envious. "Continue."She was depressed. Isn't this exactly what he wanted her to say?Was she supposed to hide half of it now?She enjoyed the Elven at the time, so why should she lie?"That year, I met him twice. The first time was at the start of the new year. He came to my house on behalf of his parents to give some items. Uncle and Auntie used to be quite helpful to us in the past. The second time he came to my place after his SAT test to get some lunch, he told me he was going to study overseas. Since then, I haven't seen him. We haven't seen one other in almost a decade.""Looks like it's a pity to say goodbye for more than ten years.""Don't carry a gun clip," she said."Then when did you guys regain contact?" he lamented."We haven't communicated."
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