All Chapters of Mr. Waltson, Refrain Yourself!: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
710 Chapters
Chapter 131
Belle EndersShe hung up the phone, returned to her office, and picked up his suitcase before saying to Mia, who had invited her to dinner, "Mia, please accept my apologies." I will be unable to accompany you to the cafeteria today at noon. I need to get some fresh air.""Of course, go ahead."She got a taxi after leaving school and proceeded to Enderson's Group.She wanted to go upstairs right away, but she was prevented."Hello, I'm here to look for your CEO Johny Enderson," she said as she approached the front desk. I've already scheduled a meeting with him. You can contact him to confirm."Please wait a moment, Miss. I'll check with the secretary's office."Luna was permitted to pass after three minutes of waiting.She had returned to the workplace for the second time.Her mother had been so depressed that she didn't know what to do, so she had considered for the first time that she would have to seek him, her nominal father, for aid five years ago.But he smacked her on the head th
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Chapter 132
Just as Luna was going to walk away, Amily , who was laying on the ground, yelled, "Tomy, just go, when the cops arrive, I will surely sue you for attempted murder." In any case, there are a lot of witnesses here."Hearing Amily 's words, Tomy spat at Amily who was on the ground, turned and left quickly.He, too, did not want to get into trouble.The surrounding people were still watching.Luna pushed her way through the crowd and helped her up.Amily 's eyes brightened when she saw her, but her mouth smiled."It sounds exactly like your voice."She supported Amily from the crowd because there were too many people spectating and even snapping photos.Luna led her to the coffee shop next to Enderson's Group.Perhaps there weren't many people here because it was lunchtime.They sat in the benches beside the door under the parasol."Luna, let me buy you a coffee,"Amily offered. Actually, I've always wanted to invite you out because you helped me obtain a steady work and handle an urgent s
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Chapter 133
She sat in the rear of the bus to school, watching a girl study the news that Wills Waltson had clarified the scandal between Meranda and him.As she moved her head to look out the window, the corner of her lips lifted slightly.When they were about to part ways at the coffee shop's door, Amily asked her, "Luna, why did you help me?"Luna did not respond at the time, simply a small smile.However, she was well aware that she was assisting Amily because she did not want a second Elizabeth Greenwich to arise in this world.Humans lived for themselves, but Amily and her mother seemed to have lived for others.They were willing to give up their bodies for the sake of others.They might neglect their own feelings for the sake of others.For the sake of others, they were willing to suffer humiliation that no one else could.They shouldn't do that, even if these folks were their closest friends. Because that was unjust to them.There were far too many methods for her to protect and care for h
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Chapter 134
She turned to face Wills Waltson, who was standing alongside her.He returned her gaze after sensing it. "I'm not sure why they're here either."She could see by his expression that he didn't know.After all, his animosity for the Endersons was equal to hers."Do you think we'll stay here?""It was the old man who invited me." The old man has always been friendly to me since I was a child. I have to demonstrate my appreciation." He walked inside, his arm around her waist.Belle Enderson approached, giggling. She was dressed in a short white dress.Because her chest was pulled down too low, the two lumps of flesh appeared to be on the verge of bursting.Luna was mortified when she saw her in this state.Belle Enderson, on the other hand, was cheerfully smiling.She gave her a kind smile. "Luna, you've also arrived. What a strange coincidence. Isn't it a coincidence that we happened to meet here?""I feel like I didn't check the calendar when I went out," she replied coldly.Belle Enders
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Chapter 135
Wills Waltson smiled, "Grandpa. Please, no.""Don't worry, I'm only looking to return the favor. That Johny Enderson believed that because your two families have some grudges, he shouldn't say it out loud, so he wanted to find a middleman to help them raise it.He probably came to find me since no one else was appropriate. As for me, that's exactly what I'm in charge of. It's not my concern whether or not it will work. There's no need for you to complicate things because I've already repaid the favor. Do you get what I'm saying?"Wills Waltson nodded with a smile, "I knew it. You're not going to throw me to the wolves because I despise them so much.""This brat, your grandfather isn't that evil. It's not like I hadn't just seen the girl from the Enderson family. Look at her clothing. I doubt someone from a good family would wear something like that."She didn’t understand me at all. At first sight, I could tell she wasn't very bright, yet her eyes were as sharp as a thief as she gazed
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Chapter 136
"What occurred?" His voice was soft, and he gave her a kind glance.Kelen Enderson said somberly, just as she was about to open her words, "Third Master, your friend is far too rude. I only wanted to speak to her alone, but she seemed to want to tug on me. My daughter tried to stop her, but Luna pushed her into the water."They could say whatever they wanted because there were no witnesses at the time.After Kelen Enderson finished speaking, she walked over to Belle Enderson's side and painfully held her."It's all my fault, Belle. If I had known sooner, she would have pushed me into the river rather than implicating you.""Mom, don't say that," Belle Enderson sobbed. "How can I do anything so disloyal?"Luna became the evil girl for a little while because the mother and daughter duo were talented actors.Someone in the audience said, "Miss, simply apologize for your mistakes. You shouldn't have a hard time apologizing.""Yeah, this is a meeting held by the Old General, and playing aro
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Chapter 137
She gazed at him, stunned.Someone had said this to her for the first time in her life.This... It felt like it wouldn't matter if the entire world abandoned her as long as she had Wills Waltson... It made her joyful and afraid at the same time.It wasn't that she didn't understand what it meant.She arrived at school the next day. As soon as she walked into the office, she was informed that all of the city's main institutions were planning MVP basketball tournaments for university students.Sabranda complained, "I've found out that the most tiring people in organizing such projects in the city are not the organizers but us ."Garryson stated: "Actually, this is quite good; at the very least, it is more engaging than a poetry reciting competition. It's fascinating to see a bunch of happy-looking guys play basketball."Sabranda expressed her sadness, saying, "The most significant thing is that no matter how hard we work, we don't have a single player in the entire department. We spend t
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Chapter 138
When she was going to return to the stadium after taking two steps to the side, she heard Mocika Brown say coldly, "Luna, you are certainly a clever person. On the one hand, you toyed with Mr. Waltson, and on the other hand, you are unwilling to let go of my Aven Harris. What do you plan to do?"She turned back and was ready to say something when Aven Harris abruptly interrupted her: "Mom, what nonsense are you talking about? I took the effort to find her. She did nothing.""Shut your mouth,"Mocika Brown coldly looked at his son. "You are a useless trash, There are so many women in this world. Why you are so obsessed with her? She doesn’t deserve your love.""Enough, Mom; stop talking and hurry back to your office."Mocika Brown smiled at her, her fury visible in her eyes. Mr. Waltson threatened her the previous time because of this woman. She ventured to bother her son this time.Not only did Mr. Waltson assist her, but her own son also guarded her.ExcAllen t, excAllen t."Luna , imm
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Chapter 139
Luna assumed he was now enraged.If he called Wills Waltson, he would undoubtedly say something extreme. She didn't want Wills Waltson to misinterpret her.She instantly followed him out after seeing the decadent Aven Harris on the ground.She ran for a long time before finally catching up to Benjeming Waltson.He had already taken out his phone and was preparing to make a call, as expected."Hang up first," she stated solemnly as she took a step forward.Benjeming Waltson had intended to reply 'whereby,' but after seeing her serious expression, he paused for a moment before hanging up the phone."Do you have anything further to say?""First, tell me what you want to say to your third brother.""Tell him you hugged him behind his back.""So you didn't even hear the conversation before and after. So, you're going to sue me based only on the scene you witnessed?""What did you say?" said Benjeming Waltson, clutching his chest in annoyance."Whatever we say is none of your business, but I
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Chapter 140
"It's great if you come, Mr. Waltson. There is no need to send flowers."Wills Waltson smirked, "How can I do that? Visiting the patients emptyhanded is not my style."He sat down, pulling over a chair and crossing his legs. "I'm on my way to see a doctor about your issue. I've heard you have arrhythmia.""Sigh, isn't my heart always in a bad state? This afternoon, after I had a conflict with that girl, my heart arrhythmia caused me to have a problem.""Yes. This issue of a bad heart cannot be postponed. You should stay in the hospital, Principal Brown.""Don't worry, Mr. Waltson , I'll do my best …""There is no need. You should gradually stay in the hospital in the future to treat your disease. I doubt you'll be able to continue as president of Philadelphia University for another term. I'll find a suitable candidate to replace you.""Mr. Waltson, I..." Mocika Brown's face stiffened."I've previously discussed this with the appropriate departments. Now all I need is a letter of resign
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