All Chapters of Mr. Waltson, Refrain Yourself!: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
710 Chapters
Chapter 141
"Do you want me to assist you in getting sick leave tomorrow, Tomy?""Sick leave?" She extended her arm. "Because of this?""However, what if you get infected if you work like this?"She responded, "I'm not going to perform any heavy labor. My job is to stay out of the water. Furthermore, there has been a friendly basketball match between departments over the last few days. How can I be absent as a coach?"Wills Waltson still had something to say, but he said it in a Luna tone: "Benjaming is also taking part in basketball games; if I am uncomfortable, I will inform him. Benjaming is your spy that was planted by my side, you shouldn't trust your own little brother, right?"Spy... "You may go to school, I'll take care of you during the day, and I'll take care of you at night," Wills Waltson grinned.He moved towards the door as he spoke. "I'm going to take a shower. I'll be right there with you.""I'll be heading to bed soon. Please do not return later."She was becoming very worried. Wh
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Chapter 142
While she was immersed in her own thoughts, she overheard the counselors conversing in low tones next door."Oh, her son is also not coming to school today.""I heard. It's most likely due to his mother's resignation from her work. He can no longer cover the sky at school with one hand.""I hope he could step down.""True, his mother has already left. What is he doing still here? How vexing is he?"They both chuckled quietly as they spoke.She shook her head and grimaced slightly, no longer thinking about anything else.She removed a handful of her students from the field after the department's competition ended."Third Sister inLaw, if our school can win this tournament, assist me out with something,"Benjeming Waltson said quietly next to Luna."What do you want?" she asked, looking at him."In any case, this is something you can accomplish.""Why do I get the impression you're trying to deceive me?""How is that possible? I could fool anyone, but I wouldn't dare to conspire against m
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Chapter 143
It was fortunate that she was at a dark restaurant.She didn't have to face his comments in humiliation because of the darkness.Wills Waltson arched an eyebrow as he observed Luna's silence: "You are always avoiding questions, but there are some problems you can't solve by escaping, don't you understand the logic?""Then allow me to ask you a question.""Go ahead and ask.""Do you care about me?""I love you more and more," Wills Waltson laughed."Then... Who do you think is more important, Cathelina Bright or me?"Her question effectively hushed him."Would you like to compare yourself to her?""Is it difficult to choose?"Wills Waltson murmured quietly after a long time. "Of course, it's because you mean a lot to me.""Wills Waltson, you paused Elven because you weren't sure who was more important between us. You thought Cathelina Bright had your second brother after evaluating the advantages and negatives, which is why you concluded, I'm more important, right?""Everyone, Luna, has
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Chapter 144
She was scared to death.She was about to close the door when she heard a knock.She covered her lips and burped, surprised.The door was knocked once more.She hurriedly let go of the hand that was covering her mouth, rubbed her palms together, and said anxiously: "Senior, I... I have nowhere to go, therefore I'm powerless to intervene. I hope senior doesn't mind if I spend the night here, and I promise not to disturb your sleep. Senior, please take a detour."Wills Waltson grimaced as he approached the door. What did this woman say?"It's me, open the door."The worry in her heart dissipated as she heard this voice.She quickly turned back and flung open the door. She breathed a sigh of relief the instant she saw Wills Waltson. "You are it.""Who else do you suppose it might be? What were you saying just now?""No....nothing," she shook her head, attempting to appear more composed. "What brings you here?"He said, "I'll pick you up after work," with a frigid expression."Ah? I... I w
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Chapter 145
"Then congratulations," Luna said, shrugging. "You live in such a good place."Wills Waltson reacted angrily, "Are you deliberately infuriating me?""What else do you want me to say?""My house is good, so, is it compatible with you?""However, you don't intend to sell it, and I don't have the funds to purchase it."Wills Waltson raised the corner of his lips casually.Good."I have no intention of selling my house, but I can sell myself. You can simply take me.""Mr. Waltson, you are quite interesting; who doesn't know that you are the most expensive guy in Philadelphia? I can't even afford your house, yet you're the only one I'm afraid to approach.""What if I give you a deal? I am available for purchase as long as you are ready to pay for me.""No, I can't take care of it," she laughed."I'll look after myself. You only need to be responsible for regularly oiling my bro.""I purchased you and intend to give it to your brothers..." She became aware that something was wrong with his w
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Chapter 146
Aven Harris understood he had touched her bottom line when he heard her harsh voice and saw her despairing expression.She had never been as heartbroken as she was now when she learned their relationship.He moved closer, clasping her arms with both hands.Luna, on the other hand, took a step back, keeping her distance from him.Aven Harris' voice grew much weaker "Luna, I'm not sure about this. I honestly didn't believe it...""So, I told you not to look inside me, but you persisted. You kept saying you loved me, Aven Harris, but your love is more terrible to me than poison. You're always so self-centered. What you are most concerned with is always your own sentiments.I genuinely regret not listening to my mother and avoiding a man like you. I choose to be with you solely because of your perseverance. I will never have anything to do with you, Aven Harris, if I can reverse the flow of time. No matter how far you go or how far you die, I will never give you or your mother an opportuni
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Chapter 147
"Childish?" Wills Waltson sighed, "Is it childish of me to do anything I can to pursue you?""The only thing you can do is allow me to live on your land without your knowledge?""Back then, I had someone destroy someone's door in order to find you." Since it was smashed, I had to take responsibility. After all, you like it there. What's wrong with me buying it?"She wasn't feeling well tonight.Their values differed when they discussed this topic with him. The more they talked, the more enraged they became.She exhaled a sigh. "Forget it; I'm not going to tell you."She stepped around him and up the stairs.Wills Waltson followed her up the stairs and into her room, asking, "What's the matter?""I'm not upset.""Luna, do you think I don't understand you after spending so much time with you?" I know you're upset, and I'd like to know what's bothering you.""I am not furious," Luna said. I suddenly realized that our argument was meaningless. We disagree because our beliefs are so diametr
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Chapter 148
He had given up on the idea of leaving the Waltson family.Wills Waltson had said it would be safer to stay in his house since she had moved out and he still wanted to follow her.She focused her entire concentration on her students.Benjaming successfully entered the school basketball team and became the main force.He successfully persuaded the old players on the basketball team to let him lead the team because of his outstanding leadership.He restructured everyone's division of duty and has been exceedingly busy since the match began.Because she could feel at peace with Benjeming Waltson present.When Luna was watching the competition on the sports field on Friday afternoon, she received a call from her old school principal, Mocika Brown."Luna, come to the hospital and look for me.""Ms. Brown, you are no longer my leader as of now. I don't understand why I should continue to heed your command.""This time I've come to find you for the sake of my son.""I can't go any further if
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Chapter 149
She ran back to her room after returning to the villa and sat by the window.When Wills Waltson came in, she was in a daze and did not hear anything.He approached her from behind and bent to embrace her.She ducked to the side, startled.Wills Waltson let her go and chuckled, saying, "What are you thinking, you look like you've lost your soul.""Nothing," she said, her face flushed."You just went to the hospital, Michael said, is there something wrong?"Her chest constricted briefly before she shook her head. "I went to see a friend.""Colleagues?""Aven Harris," she didn't want to lie to him."Does he have a hospitalization?""Yes.""Is he ill?"She softly shook her head. "There was a vehicle collision.""Look at your expression, he's very serious.""I don't know either; I didn't go in to see him," she admitted as she stared at him. "I went there because Judi told me that Aven Harris was in a car accident and that his leg was definitely crippled.""How come you didn't go in and ask?
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Chapter 150
She ignored Elise Clark once she finished speaking, pushed open the door, and entered the ward.She wasn't, of course she wasn't.It was because of Aven Harris himself that she accepted to be with him.The Harris family's Madam title couldn't compare to the Aven Harris in her eyes all those years ago.The moment the door closed, Aven Harris yelled from his sickbed, "Scram, all of you..."Her voice suddenly stopped, because Aven Harris saw the person who came was her.She walked to the bedside after standing by the door for a bit."Why did you come?" Aven Harris inquired coldly. Come and make fun of me? I, Aven Harris, betrayed you, and the heavens couldn't stand it, so they helped you exact retribution on me. "Are you happy that I'm now a cripple?"Her Luna voice was serene. "When I was younger, I couldn't understand why my mother was often mistreated by my father, despite the fact that she was so industrious." I had done nothing wrong, yet my father despised me. I also don't understan
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