All Chapters of Mr. Waltson, Refrain Yourself!: Chapter 591 - Chapter 600
710 Chapters
Amy looked up at Edwin.No matter how naive she was, she knew something.It was not reasonable for her to have dinner with a man who liked her best friend alone when her best friend was not there."I'm sorry, Edwin. I have something to do tomorrow.""What about the day after tomorrow?""The day after tomorrow..." Amy felt a little headache and said awkwardly, "I can't go out the day after tomorrow. My brother watched me very carefully.""It's just a meal. It won't take you too long. At most... Half an hour?""I'm really sorry, Edwin."Edwin was almost sure now. "Amy, why are you hiding from me?"Amy thought for a while and smiled, "no, Edwin. It's really inconvenient for me. How about this? I'll treat you to dinner when Shane comes back.""Why do you wait for her to come back?"Amy smiled politely and said, "Edwin, I seldom go out alone. If you have anything to say, just tell me now.""Amy, you used to be very enthusiastic about me. But recently, you have been avoiding me. Did I do som
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On the afternoon of the second day, Max finished his work early.He looked at his watch and drove away.he had planned to go home first, but when the car arrived at the door, he felt bored.It seemed that she seldom picked Amy up from school.After hesitating for a while, he turned around and came to the gate of Amy's school.He waited for nearly an hour before some students came out of the school one after another.Max adjusted his seat, turned his head to look at the school gate and waited.After school, Amy went out and saw Edwin waiting at the door.Edwin wore casual clothes with a big shoulder on his back.The backpack didn't seem to be in proportion to his thin figure.It was the first time that Amy had seen Edwin in such casual clothes.She stepped forward and greeted, "Edwin, have you been waiting for a long time?"Edwin said, "I came here at school time. I just arrived. Let's go.""Okay."After more than ten minutes, Max finally arrived at Amy's home.But the moment he saw Amy
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"I have confirmed it."Hearing this, Amy stopped picking up food.She didn't expect that Max would say such words to her.How... How could she answer it?"Max Brother, the food here is... Delicious."Amy tried to calm herself down.But when she looked up at him, she was still relieved, because her face was unnaturally red.Max smiled and said, "well, it's really good. Eat more."Amy picked up the food quickly and put it in her bowl.After thinking for a while, she looked up at Max."Max Brother."Max didn't look at him. He just ate calmly and said, "Okay, go ahead.""Do you remember what happened that night clearly?"Max couldn't help but look up at her, "have you forgotten?"Amy held her breath, which meant that he remembered everything clearly.At this moment, the two of them looked into each other's eyes. Amy thought to herself, "Amy, Amy, why do you ask such an embarrassing question again? Are you crazy?"Seeing the embarrassment on her face, Max smiled and said, "it's good that yo
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Max knew what she was worried about, so he said to the police, "let me see."He didn't want Amy to see those pictures that would easily cast a shadow on her."I..."Before Amy could finish her words, Max interrupted her, "I know Shane, too. Don't worry. I won't make a mistake."After saying that, Max held her hand.Amy took a deep breath and nodded.After Max left with the police, Amy waited anxiously in the police station alone.Fifteen minutes later, Max came out.Amy rushed to him and held his arm. "Max Brother, what do you think?"Max smiled at her and said, "No."Amy breathed a sigh of relief. "I was scared to death."After saying that, she said angrily, "where on earth has this bad girl gone?"Max didn't want to make her anxious, but he told her the truth. "However, her situation should not be optimistic now. After all, her cell phone was left in the deserted trash can..."Hearing Max's words, Amy couldn't help but frown.Yes.Max added, "call her father."Amy looked at him sadly
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Amy didn't feel much pain. Before she lost consciousness, she heard someone shout something from a distanceWhen she came to her senses again, she was in the hospital.Seeing the wet room, Amy swallowed slightly."Are you awake?"Max said.Amy turned around.Max touched her forehead and said, "don't be afraid. It's all right."Amy looked at Max and frowned. Her throat was burning.Max hurriedly said, "don't say anything. You have inhaled something poisonous in your throat. You can't open your mouth now."Amy shook her head and opened her mouth.Max continued, "when Edwin was about to hurt you, he ran away and you were saved."He said as he rang the bell.Soon, the doctor came in and examined Amy. After making sure that she was all right, he asked her to take care of herself.After the doctor left, two more people walked in, a man and a woman. They were Penelope and Noah Collins.Penelope stood beside Max and asked in a low voice, "are you all right?"Max nodded and cast a cold glance a
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Amanda looked at him and said, "It's the body."There was no surprise on Max's face. This was the worst result. He had already thought of it."Max, if Miss Amy knew about this, it would be very difficult. After all, Miss Amy has only one friend Shane.""Just keep it a secret."Amanda responded, "Yes.""Go back first.""Yes."After Amanda left with the document, Max returned to the ward.Amy is sitting up from the hospital bed to get out of bed.Max stepped forward and asked softly, "Do you want to go to the bathroom?"Amy nodded.Max came forward to help her.Amy felt embarrassed. She didn't hurt her foot.She patted Max's arm and jumped in front of him twice, indicating that her legs were OK.But Max ignored: "I'll take you to the bathroom door."Amy didn't act any more, and she passed honestly.When she came out of the bathroom, she sat down beside the bed, picked up her mobile phone, typed a string of words, and came to Max's eyes."Max Brother, what Sister Amanda said just now is r
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"I didn't do this. I left. I left... Why did I leave? Why did I leave? Max Brother, why did I leave?"As she spoke, she began to wriggle.Max was very distressed when he heard her crying and blaming herself. He took her in his arms."It's not your fault, but that Edwin is too cunning."Amy shook her head and said, "It's my fault. Shane was not familiar with Edwin at first. It was to help me catch up with Edwin. She would go to Edwin again and again for me. If it wasn't for me, Shane would never end up today. I killed her."Max released her and held her face: "Amy, listen to me, don't blame yourself like this. It's not your fault. Edwin's disguise is too perfect. No one knows Edwin's other face. It's a devil. You're just cheated.It's really a pity that Shane was killed, but it's not your fault, because Edwin's chosen target was originally her, otherwise, he would not take it for granted because Shane said he was close to you, and even if it wasn't you, Edwin would still kill, do you un
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Max stroked her head and paused: "Do you want to go back?"Amy shook her head and said sadly, "I want to go out and live by myself.""No, that Edwin has not been arrested yet. You are the only one who escaped from his hands. Who knows what will happen if you go out and live now."Amy's voice was firm: "But I insist.""Why?"Amy looked at him and said, "I just want to... stay away from you.""You hate me?""No, Max Brother, it's not because of you, it's because of myself. Before, they said that my life was full of obstacles. My relatives and friends around me always ended badly. My father, my elder brother, my second brother, my second sister-in-law, and... my only friend Shane..."Max's heart ached. He didn't know that she had so many things on her back."I said it wasn't your fault.""Max Brother, do you believe in fate?"Max nodded, "I don't believe it.""But I believe, why are all the family and friends around others good, only me..."Max pulled her into her arms, and Amy didn't thi
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"Brother Max, you haven't heard of it," Benjemin smiled and said: "After Amy's birthday, my three brothers and I will always be watched by those old guys who have unmarried sons of the right age in their homes whenever we go to dinner parties. They say they want to chat, but in fact, they are indirect in recommending their own sons to us."Max ironically raised the corner of his lips: "How old is she?""It doesn't matter how old they are. What matters is that they want to marry the Waltson family."Max put down his teacup and said, "This kind of person with a crooked mind is not worth being elected.""My third brother also means that, but recently, there is really a good candidate. Both my third brother and I think it is very good."Max looked cold.Amy was curious: "Who is it?""The little fiance my mother ordered for you."Amy could not help laughing and said, "Dave."Max looked at Amy's face and said in a cold voice, "You sound very satisfied.""Did I?" Amy looked at him. How did sh
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Amy thought for a moment and said, "Well... I like men who love to laugh."Max frowns ?In his opinion, all men who love to laugh are dissolute and immoral."What else?"Amy smiled and said, "he is gentle, gentle in speaking, gentle in character and polite to others."Max can't help shaking his head, gentle man? Oh, not all of them are animals in clothing."The most important thing is to be optimistic."Max raised his eyebrows. He thought he was quite in line with this.However, at the thought of this, he cleared his throat and said, " laugh gently and optimistic."Amy nods.Isn't this the virtue Edwin used to disguise? No wonder Amy was attracted to him."Your requirements are too low. It is easy for men to disguise what you want, so you are also easy to be cheated."Amy looked at him and remembered that she had loved Edwin before.Her eyebrows slightly coagulated, "Is it low?""Low, you should set a precise goal for yourself. For example, his love of laughter and tenderness can only
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