All Chapters of Mr. Waltson, Refrain Yourself!: Chapter 571 - Chapter 580
710 Chapters
Until she got in the car, Amy Waltson didn't care about Moss.Max could feel that he said that bad about Edwin, and Amy was angry.But even so, he has to say."Amy Waltson , I know you are a bit rebellious now. If you think that person is good, then what others say is useless. But you'd better remember what I said. In fact, it is easy to say that you love someone, but you really choose It's the right person, but it's hard."Amy Waltson's eyebrows moved slightly, she believed this.What a cold person the third brother used to be, but how lucky he was to find the third sister in law...But Max brother was not so lucky.He likes Penelop, but Penelop doesn't care about him.Thinking of this, the person who was still angry just now felt that Max was very pitiful.Max said again, "You are still young, the future has unlimited possibilities, don't put all your concerns on one person, do you hear it?"Amy Waltson nodded, "I see.""I hope you don't just know, but you can do it."Amy Waltson pur
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Amy Waltson pulled out her wrist, with an expression of rejection on her face."I'm very good."She went down the steps and got directly into Max's car.Max curled his lips and got into the car in a very good mood."Take you to a movie?"Amy Waltson looked at Max. He knew that she was in a bad mood. Was this deliberately trying to shame her?"I'm not going, I want to go home and rest."Max said to the driver, "Go home."The driver drove the car back to the villa, and Amy Waltson said nothing on the way.Max didn't say anything, he knew that she needed time to digest this ‘bolt from the blue. ’After nine o'clock, Max went upstairs after finishing work from the study.When passing by the door of Amy Waltson 's room, he found that her door was not closed.He pushed open a small slit and found that the light in the room was on, but there was no one on the bed.He pushed the door open, "Amy Waltson?"Seeing no one, he turned and walked downstairs quickly.Seeing the aunt, he asked in a col
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Forget about troubles?What does he mean.Amy followed Max.Max took her to the underground cellar.He turned on the light and led her to the sofa, "Sit down."Amy Waltson looked at him, frowned.In the past, Max would not allow her to come here.She sat down and looked at Max, "What are you doing here?""Wait."Max walked to the wine cabinet at the back, picked two bottles of wine, and took two glasses by the way and put them on the coffee table.He found the remote control and turned on the projector."What kind of movies do you like to watch?"watch movie?Seeing her silent.Max looked back at her, "Mute?""Don't all girls like to watch romance movies, and I am no exception."Max looked back, searched for a foreign horror film, and clicked on it.Amy Waltson 's eyebrows narrowed, "I'm talking about romance."Max sat down, poured his wine, and said faintly, "In life, there are always some things that you can't control. You often don't get what you want, and there are some things that
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Max had a black face.Amy Waltson has never looked at people's faces, and continued, "You don't have to be too moved, just as my reward for taking care of you for so many years."Max stood up and said coldly, "I don't need other people to intervene because of my own relationship problems. You will be honest, don't do anything, have you heard?"Amy Waltson looked at Max in wonder.just don't.Why are you suddenly angry?Max walked outside after speaking.Amy Waltson pursed her mouth, but when she thought of the horror movie scene she hadjust seen, she immediately stood up, chased behind Max's butt, and ran out."Brother Max, wait for me."Max ignored her at all.The two went upstairs one after another.Max stood at the door of Amy Waltson 's room and said, "Don't think about it anymore, get a good night's sleep."Amy Waltson nodded, "Oh."Max ignored her and went straight back to the room.After entering the house, Amy Waltson looked around and couldn't help but shudder.She trot to th
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Penelop looked at Max, "Have you heard, she said, you are not her food."Max glanced at Penelop and walked past her calmly, wiping her hair and walking to the cloakroom."Go downstairs and wait."As soon as Amy Waltson heard it, she immediately said, "I'm going now, you guys talk slowly."She ran out for two steps.Penelop stepped on her side, blocking her way.Amy Waltson's face turned dark, "You won't really want to fight with me, let metell you, oh, last night, I slept here, I was at a loss, but when you really fight, you may not beat me, after all, I am younger than you."Penelop's face turned black, "If you don't say this, I don't want to fight withyou yet. Once I say I am old, I will not do it.""Then it's a fact that you are older than me."Penelop snorted, "He asked me to go downstairs and wait for him."She shook her head speechlessly, and didn't intend to continue talking withthe young girl. After all, she was said to be old.Penelop turned to go out, Amy Waltson was taken
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Shane looked shocked, "Ah? Why? Did President Max say something to you?""This matter has nothing to do with brother Max, but... I suddenlydiscovered recently that my feelings for Teacher Edwin are not between men andwomen."Shane shook her head, "How could it be possible? You blushed when yousaw Teacher Edwin. What else can it be if you don't like him?"Amy Waltson explained as calmly as possible, "Mr. Edwin is very knowledgeable ata young age, gentle and kind, and I must be the one who blushes, but I can't just take this feeling as a liking because of this. ."Shane pouted the corners of her mouth, a little unhappily, "But I are very suitable, men and women look good, standing together is seductive.""Speaking of this, I think you and Teacher Edwin are also quite right.""What a mess," Shane waved her hand, "Teacher Edwin is not my type. I like boys who are more sunny and lively. Teacher Edwin is too bored."Amy Waltson pursed her lips, "Anyway, my feelings for Teache
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Go home from school in the evening.Amy Waltson put down her schoolbag, changed her clothes and went downstairsinto the kitchen.The aunt asked a little puzzledly, "Miss Amy , are you hungry? Wait a minute,the food will be ready soon."Amy Waltson waved her hand, "No no, you take care of your own business, I just want to makesomething for Brother Max by myself."The aunt looked at Amy Waltson inexplicably.This girl had such an interest to cook.After Amy Waltson went round the kitchen, she snapped her fingers.Just make a cake with a smile emoji.The second sister-in-law... Cathelina Bright taught her that the only thing she coulddo was the basic chiffon cake.When Max came back, seeing Amy Waltson not there, he went downstairs andasked, "Amy hasn't come back yet?"The aunt pointed to the kitchen and said with a smile, "Ms.Amy went into the kitchen as soon as she came back.""What is she going to do in the kitchen," Max, with a bit of displeasure, walked to the kitchen door and op
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Max did not answer her directly, but he said with a faint expression, "Let others eat cakes without giving them knives and forks. Why, let me grab them and eat them with my hands?""Oh, yes, yes, I will get it now."Amy Waltson also ran out, Max shook his head and smiled.Really like a child.He raised his eyebrows slightly and patted the cake on the table with his phone.When Amy Waltson ran back again, Max had put the phone back in place.Amy Waltson took the initiative to move over, helped Max cut the cake,and handed it to him.Max took it and took a bite.Amy Waltson approached him and asked curiously, "How is it, is it delicious?"He turned his head to look, and saw Amy blinking a pair of big eyes looking at him, there seemed to be stars in his eyes.Seeing her raised lips again...He hurriedly looked away."You really did this?""Of course, I won't even lie about this kind of thing," she chuckled, "Is itdelicious?""Not bad," but Max didn't forget to critize her, "Compared wit
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Seeing that she suddenly stopped moving, Shane pushed her and said, "Hey, what are you looking at?"Amy pouted and said, "that's Penelope, the fiancee of Max Brother."Shane looked over there and took a deep breath. "Oh my God, this woman is a meetting man. You caught her on the spot. But anyway, this man is really good-looking. He is my type."Amy looked at her with disdain and said, "what's so good about such a toy boy?"" a good face. Don't you know that I'm from the appearance association?"After saying that, Shane asked in a low voice, "but you have seen it. What are you going to do now?"Amy pouted, "well, you go and order something first. I'll be back soon."Shane nodded and left with the waiter.Amy went straight to the table where Penelope was. "Penelope."Seeing that it was Amy, Penelope was delighted. "Oh, it's Miss Waltson. What a coincidence. Alone?"As she spoke, she looked behind Amy."Max didn't come with you?"Amy pointed to Shane, who was lowering her head and orderin
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When Amy got home, she saw the light in the study was on in the yard.Max was still working at this time.He was the most diligent man she had ever seen.When third brother came back home, he still had to live a normal life with his wife and children, but Max was working all the time.How could such a hard-working man keep Penelope's heart if he didn't have any time.She frowned and pushed the door open after entering the room.Max, who was reading the document, looked up at her and said indifferently, "you're back?"Amy walked to his desk and asked, "Max Brother, aren't you tired?"Max stared at her face. There was something wrong with her."What's wrong?"Amy bent over, pulled out the document from his hand and closed it."You are so busy every day. How can you have time to accompany your family?""What? What do you need me to do for you? Just tell me.""I'm not talking about me. It's about Penelope. You can't just take your girlfriend to go shopping and watch a movie just like other
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