All Chapters of Mr. Waltson, Refrain Yourself!: Chapter 551 - Chapter 560
710 Chapters
Chapter 551
This year, many happy events happened in their family.Less than half a month after Benjaming and Judi were married, Luna Greenwich found out that she was pregnant.Eight months later, Judi gave birth to a princess at the hospital.Because this was the first girl in this generation, Benjaming asked Wills Waltson , the eldest in the family, to give her a name.He wanted to call her Wendy.Therefore, their first daughter was called Wendy.Before Judi was recovered, the little guy in Luna Greenwich 'sstomache started early and was born at 39 weeks.It was also a princess.Wills Waltson was very happy, named her Windy Waltson.In the hospital, after his friends left, Wills Waltson handed the child over to Nanny.He came to the bedside, holding her hand and smiling.She said, "I think you're much happier than that time when Wal was born.""Of course, my daughter is my sweet little Jackieet.""How about our Wal?""Also, the three of you are my armor and my weakness. It's good to have you."H
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Chapter 552
Amy Waltson stayed in the front yard for a while and felt that she was a little out of place with them. Thus, she went to Benjaming ’s place.Auntie made her a cup of coffee.She sat at the coffee table and was alone in a daze.Not too long ago, someone walked in at the door.She shifted her gaze away and saw handsome and tall Max.Her heart tightened. She stood up and looked at Max, her voice paNicky ed, "Brother Max."Max walked in front of her."Did I say that since you live under my eyes, you have to follow my rules? Who would allow you to leave without saying anything?"Amy Waltson looked down.Max said, "Don't think that you're Wills 's younger sister, I will spoil you. You can’t do that next time. "He turned around and left.Amy quickly said, "Brother Max, wait a moment."Max stood still.Amy Waltson walked over to him. "This time, you didn't tell my Wills ... anything. Right?""What do you think I can say?"Amy Waltson's hands were mixed, and she lowered her head anxiously. "W
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Chapter 553
Penelope was not surprised. Although she was nominally Max's fiancée, only she knew that Max didn’t like her.Of course, she didn't mind that. She didn't have that kind of feeling for Max anyway.Penelope said indifferently, "There are only two roads in front of me right now. First, our engagement will continue, but I hope Miss Waltson can move out of here. Second, our engagement will be revoked and our partnership will be restored. It's just like this, we're probably not able to handle both parents. After all, the reason for canceling the engagement ... "Her gaze lingered between the two of them, "It's hard to tell."Amy Waltson did not dare to lift her face.Max said to Amy , "Go upstairs and rest."Amy Waltson looked up and saw that he was talking to her. She turned around and looked at Penelope.Penelope said, "Don’t let her escape. It's a question she'll have to face sooner or later."Amy Waltson crossed her hands and looked at Penelope. "I'll move out.""Shut up," Max interrupte
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Chapter 554
The day before her birthday.Shane asked her, "tomorrow is your birthday. Do you want to have a party? If you do, you must invite me, and what gift do you want?"Amy Waltson said, "I don't have parties, because I don't like birthdays very much."Shane was a little confused and asked, "Why not?"Amy Waltson said, "Every year, as long as I have a grand birthday, something will happen.""You must be kidding me.""Really,"Amy seriously shook her head. "I don't mention it. In short, I'm not going to hold a party."Shane thought for a moment, then approached her face and whispered, "Then, do you want me to help you make an appointment with your goddess? Let’s celebrate it. "When Amy Waltson heard, she blushed and covered her mouth, "Shh, don't talk nonsense, you don't need to."Seeing her reaction, Shane laughed.She thought Shane would not do it.She never thought that that night, Shane called her and told her that she had successfully helped her to make an appointment. Edwin would accompa
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Chapter 555
He waved his hands to the aunts, "You all go out."It seems that he has to educate this little girl well.The aunts left one after another, and Max raised legs to look at her in his spare time."That day, I asked you how you would like to solve the matter, how did you answer me?"Amy Waltson did not expect that he would mention that day."I said... I hopeMax brother can help me keep it secret, and don't tell my family about it."Max nodded, "Very well, how did you do it?"Amy Waltson looked at him, what did she do?She just wanted to leave here according to Penelope's request, and didn't want to cause him any more trouble."What are you looking at me so innocently? Amy Waltson , you might as well just tell me directly. You hope I will talk to your third brother openly about this. It's better than you put on such a twisted expression every day, why? , Do you think it’s me who is at the culprit?""I didn't mean that,"Amy Waltson's face was cold, "I said I want to leave, but I don't want
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Chapter 556
Penelope glanced at Max, with a smile on her lips, and walked in front of Amy Waltson ."It's a coincidence, I thought you were at home, this is..."As she spoke, she turned her gaze to Edwin.Edwin stood up and politely extended his hand to Penelope."Hello, I'm Edwin, Amy's math teacher."Edwin?This name made Max's face dark, thinking of the three words that Amy Waltson called out in a daze under him that night.He didn't hear it clearly at the time, but now he thinks, aren't those three words exactly Teacher Max’?The coldness on his face was even worse.Penelope shook hands with Edwin, "Penelope, Amy Waltson knows...sister."When she said these two words, she looked at Amy Waltson .Amy Waltson turned to Max, her eyes full of sadness.Penelope couldn't help but smile, turned around and walked to Max, naturally took his arm and came to the table."This is my fiancé, Max."Edwin stretched out his hand to Max, "Hello."Max stared at his hand for a moment, then reached out to hold it.
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Chapter 557
Amy Waltson thought, anyway, she had said what should and should not be said, there isnothing to be afraid of."Can't I like anyone? I'm 19 years old and an adult."Max raised the corner of his lip and approached her step by step.Although she was flustered, she still pretended to be quiet and backed away.But in the end, he was squeezed against the door by Max.Max raised a hand and pressed it against the door, lowering his head,"Do you think you are worthy?""Yes, Teacher Edwin is a very beautiful person. I am not qualified to be with him. But it is my business to like him. I did not ask Teacher Edwin to like me."Max was angry, and her unrequited love was still so right and uncontrollable.The distance between the two at the moment was too close, Amy Waltson held her breath, and did not dare to breathe.Max sneered, his lips close to her ear, " if Edwin knew that you crawled across my bed, what would he think of you?"Amy Waltson 's body stiffened suddenly, and her hand pressed ti
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Chapter 558
Seeing Penelope not speaking, Amy Waltson said anxiously, "I apologize to you andwrite a letter of guarantee. I will never mess with Brother Max again in the future, okay?"Penelope couldn't help but smile, "You treat me as a three-year-old child, and you need to write a guarantee.""Then what can I do so that you can get married as scheduled without being separated from Max brother?""Why are you so eager to let us get married?" Penelope raised her eyebrows,"What's the purpose?"Amy Waltson 's eyes dodged.Penelope has always been a smart person. Seeing her eyes, she knew there was a problem, so she said, "If you don't tell me, I won't consider this matter. After all, I can't get married.""My third brother handed me over to Brother Max. If I said to move out for no reason, my third brother would be suspicious, but if you married Brother Max, then I could just move away. After all, my third brother would not want his sister to be a third wheel under the eyes of others."Penelope sud
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Chapter 559
Penelope pointed to the room behind her, and then joked, "You ask me , don't you know that Amy is with me?"Max said with a cold face, "At this time, don't you go to the meeting?""I still have guests here, why don't you go..."Max interrupted her, "Stop talking nonsense, and go quickly."Penelope curled her lips. Moxi these few days was so irritable and not like a person.She turned back to Amy Waltson said, "Amy, I have a meeting to go to first, you can sit down for a while."After she finished speaking, her voice was not small and said to Max,"My fiancé is here, and he will help me entertain you."After that, she smirked and said to Max, "If it weren't for a meeting, I would really like to watch the fun."Max glared at her, and she strayed immediately.After Penelope left, Max walked into the room and closed the door.After a few days, the two appeared together in the hotel room again, and Amy inexplicably thought of the scene of the two waking up in bed that day...She looked a li
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Chapter 560
Amy Waltson looked at the wall of the fitting room, "Why change it, I think it looks pretty.""It's because there are too few prostitutes standing on the street. Do you want to make up the number? Then just go naked."Amy 's face turned red."Do you have to say such wry things?""If you don't want to hear bad things, change them immediately, so as not to shame the Waltson family ," he said, snorted, and turned away coldly.Amy Waltson frowned, this person is really...The dress was clearly picked by the designer he was looking for, so why scolded her for being unreasonable.Max pointed to a slightly childish and rustic white lace dress and said,"Give her that one."In the designer's mind,he cursed fuck a thousand times.What is the taste of President Max.That's the style from years ago.However, the president had spoken, he did not dare to ask, he did not dare to refute it.In the end, 19-year-old Amy was dressed up like a doll, wearing a short dress and flat shoes, and came to the di
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