All Chapters of Mr. Waltson, Refrain Yourself!: Chapter 561 - Chapter 570
710 Chapters
Chapter 561
Amy Waltson rolled her eyes, "You come on."Max said coldly, "Mr. Dave, as far as I know, Amy Waltson is still single. Is it appropriate for you to call a single woman that way?"Dave looked at Max, his face still bright, "Max may not know it. I had a marriage engagement when I was a child. I called her this since I was a child. When my uncles and aunts were alive, they never objected. Yes, we are all used to it."Max's voice was cold, " Now that you have grown up, the verbal marriages you ordered when you were young are naturally uncountable. "Hearing what Max said, Dave couldn't help but look at him."This matter, can’t be decided by Mr. max. This is a marriage made for us by our mothers. How can it be not counted? Do you agree with me, wife?"Amy Waltson knows the rules of life that Max, such an unreliable name, he must be very angry to listen to it.She hurriedly said to Dave, "Don't you want to go in and say hello? Go ahead."Dave's hand is pistol-like, lightly point to Amy Walts
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Chapter 562
Amy Waltson opened the door and saw that it was Max. She asked, "Brother Max, what's the matter?"Max did not respond, and stepped into the room.Amy Waltson pouted and closed the door.As soon as Max sat down, he heard Amy's cell phone rang.Amy Waltson went over and took a look at the phone.Just as he was about to reply, Max said, "I have been back for a long time, why haven't you changed your clothes?"Amy Waltson looked down at her clothes, then said, "I'll change it in a while.""Change now, and talk to me after the change."Amy Waltson nodded, "OK."Although she didn't know what he was going to say, Amy Waltson obediently entered the cloakroom and closed the door to change clothes.Max got up, walked quickly to the bedside table next to the bed, and picked up her mobile phone.The password of her mobile phone has always been her birthday.After clicking, he opened WeChat and confirmed that it was indeed Dave who had just chatted with Amy Waltson .He quickly browsed the chat con
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Chapter 563
At noon the next day, Amy Waltson went out wearing a very ladylike dress.Max, who was'watering the flowers' in the courtyard, only glanced at her and told her to go back and change her clothes.Amy Waltson looked down at her clothes, "Doesn't it look good?"She picked this on purpose.Max looked cold.Good-looking, but * good-looking, he can't let her wear this way.You know, Daveis now at a young and vigorous age. Seeing a girl like Amy with curve, what if he gets into trouble."Don't you watch the weather forecast? The temperature will be lowered today,so you can change it. If you catch a cold, don't want me to take care of you."Amy Waltson snorted, as if he had taken care of her when she was sick before."What are you doing in a daze? Change it."Amy Waltson turned and went back, changing into her casual sweater and jeans and white shoes.Max frowned. Before he could speak, Amy Waltson hurriedly said, "I can wear this way. It's not cold. I'm going to be late. BrotherMax, I will
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Chapter 564
After eating, Dave personally sent Amy Waltson back.Originally, Amy Waltson didn't want him to send her back.But Dave is also domineering.In name, it was here to send Amy Waltson , but in fact he came to annoy people.After getting off the car, Amy Waltson said to Dave, "Okay, your mission is complete, you can go back.""You didn't invite me in and sit down."Amy Waltson smiled speechlessly, "This is not my home.""It doesn't matter if it's your home, it's where you live," he said, already coming to the door and ringing the doorbell.Amy Waltson wanted to stop, but it was too late.She stepped forward and said in a low voice, "Dave, listen, you will go in for a while, don't cause trouble.""What can I mess with, I just want to see where you live is good or not."The aunt opened the door, and the two walked into the villa side by side.Seeing Dave, Max's face in the living room was as cold as last night.Dave stepped forward and waved to Max, "Hello, we meet again."Max ignored him,
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Chapter 565
Amy Waltson did not want to have these unnecessary arguments with him, so she nodded casually.She changed the subject and said, "Brother Max, didn't you say that you have something to do with me?"Max raised his eyebrows, his eyes seemed to hide.After a full two minutes, he pointed to the courtyard and said, "I plan to do it myself today and move the flowers in the courtyard. Come with me.""what?""Why, dignified Miss Waltson, can't you move the flowers with your noble hand?""That was not what I meant."Amy Waltson did not expect that Max still had this leisure time."Then go," Max got up and came to the courtyard first.He instructed the aunts to leave work early after leaving the tools and gloves.Amy Waltson followed behind him and took the gloves he handed over.The two sat beside a pile of flowers and dried them for a long time.Regarding changing the pots of flowers, let alone her, even Max is not good at it.Amy Waltson asked, "Brother Max, what shall we do first?""Why ask
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Chapter 566
Amy Waltson looked at Shane, "What way?"Shane leaned in her ear and whispered something.She hurriedly said, "No, how can it work.""If I say yes,count on me."When Amy Waltson still objected, the teacher came.Shane hurriedly raised her head to read a book, preparing for class.Amy Waltson quickly took out her book.She glanced at Shane, and just as she was about to say something, Shane gave a hush."Class begins."Amy Waltson was speechless.This girl, when has she been so concerned about class?It's obviously a guilty conscience.After class, Shane ran out impatiently.When she came back again, she gave Amy an OK gesture."I've been to Teacher Edwin, and Teacher Edwin promised to be your relatives andfriends team, so this time, you must devote yourself to the competition anddon't shame Teacher Edwin."Amy Waltson frowned, "Shane, you did it on purpose.""I didn’t.""You will put me under a lot of pressure, okay?""There is no pressure, where is the motivation, dear, come on."Sha
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Chapter 567
At that time, Amy Waltson was like a statue, standing there quietly, motionless.She was frightened.Never thought that Max would kiss her...When the kiss became more and more presumptuous, Amy Waltson finally reacted.She pushed Max's chest hard.Max ended the kiss, but took her into his arms and whispered, "Penelop..."In Amy 's mind, it was like being poured with cold water.Brother Max regards her as Penelop?That's right, if he didn't misunderstand her, how could he kiss her.She shook a fist, "Brother Max, you should rest."Amy Waltson resisted the discomfort in her heart and helped him to the bed.Watching him fall into the bed, she put the quilt on him, and went out without even having time to help him with shoes.As soon as she walked to the door, she saw Amanda walking up with a bowl of soup which can make one sober."Miss Amanda, you haven't slept yet."Amy Waltson tried her best to calm her mood."Sister Amanda, why did Brother Max drink so much alcohol?"Amanda smiled and
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Chapter 568
Shane's sudden high decibels scared Amy Waltson, and she hurriedly reached out and covered her mouth.She gritted her teeth and said, "What are you talking about?"Shane realized her gaffe just now, and hurriedly pulled her hand away,"How does he treat you as someone else?"Amy Waltson sat down again, blushing and said, "It's not him.""Impossible, the man next to you has no one else except him. Besides, if it's someone else, wouldn't you still have to slap the other person with your personality?"Amy Waltson stared at Shane's face speechlessly. Did this woman know her so well?She didn't dare to continue talking about it.Shane moved forward, " my dear, don't hide it, tell me honestly, what's the matter, you have to tell me I can help you, he just kissed Did you do nothing else?"What should be done was done before, what else can be done?She shook her head, "No, just called his fiancee's name, gave me a kiss, and fell asleep on the bed.""Then he didn't tell you anything this mornin
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Chapter 569
After eating, Amy Waltson hesitated to go downstairs.Going out now may disturb the two people.After thinking about it, she decided to endure it.She came to sit down in front of the classic violin and began to play.After only a short talk, the door was opened from the outside.Max broke in without knocking at the door.He came to the piano stand and stood still, looking displeased at Amy Waltson .Amy Waltson blinked, "Brother Max, something is up."Max asked, "What do you mean?""what?"Max pointed to the empty plate on the side table, "I ask what you mean, Amy Waltson , what did you want to do when you ran up to eat alone?""I... just want to give you more time to be alone with Penelop."Max's face turned dark.Amy Waltson hadn't noticed that something was wrong, and continued, "I show in front of you every day, so you don't have time to be alone.""If we were to be alone, wouldn't we go to the hotel or the restaurant? Do you think we are still three-year-olds?"As soon as he ment
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Chapter 570
Amy Waltson stood on the stage, and after receiving the flowers from the two, she stepped down again in applause.Max and them came to the place where Amy Waltson had been sitting before.Seeing Max, Shane was also stunned.She got up and waved to Max, "President Max, hello."Edwin stood beside Amy Waltson and praised her, "You just played so well. Many people here have been conquered by you.""Thank you."Max nodded to Shane, and stared at Amy Waltson coldly.No wonder she doesn't need to watch the game by him. It turns out that she has found the right person...Shane asked Max curiously, "President Max, why are you here to watch the game.""As Amy's guardian, can't I come?""No, no, I mean, aren't you busy."Max looked at Amy Waltson , "If her brother was here, he wouldn't watch her sister participate in the competition, but no one would cheer up."Shane patted her chest, "It's okay, it's okay, there's me."Edwin also stood sideways to Amy Waltson 's side."This point, President Max
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