All Chapters of Mr. Waltson, Refrain Yourself!: Chapter 541 - Chapter 550
710 Chapters
Chapter 541
Wills Waltson was so shrewd. How could he believe that Cathelina Bright would let her go after he jumped off?He guessed that Cathelina Bright hated Luna Greenwich now. Thus, he would not follow her instruction.He slowly walked over to them and looked at her.Luna Greenwich shook her head at him, "Wills Waltson , listen to me, go."Wills Waltson said to Cathelina Bright, "I took your hand, let go of Luna Greenwich , and let's jump together."Cathelina Bright was a little hesitant.Wills Waltson said, "I'm on the edge. Even if I want to go back on my word, as long as you jump, I can't escape. What are you hesitating about?"As he spoke, he extended his hand to Cathelina Bright.When Luna Greenwich saw that Wills Waltson seemed to be moving, her eyes were wet. "Are you crazy? Are you crazy? I don't allow you to be like this."Wills Waltson looked at her affectionately."Meeting you is the most honored thing in my life. I can't watch you die before me, so I won't be able to live. I'd rat
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Chapter 542
Where was Wills Waltson ?She could not see him.In the distance, there was a whistle from the police car.Police cars and fire trucks arrived. Workers from the factory nearby called 911.She quickly got up and ran downstairs.When she saw that Amily Waltson was still lying there weakly, she wanted to help her up.Amily Waltson cried, "Luna , go to find my brother first. Just go, I'll be fine."Luna Greenwich 's eyes were red. She really could not care about anything else now. Really ..."Now, it's still safe and the firefighters will be back soon. Don't be afraid. I found Wills Waltson and I'll come to save you."Amily Waltson did not dare to delay the time, and she just cried and nodded.When Luna Greenwich ran downstairs, there was already heavy smoke in the warehouse. Fortunately, there was no flammable substance inside, so it did not burn.She lowered her body and ran towards the door.As she rushed out of the doorway, her clothes were also stunned.She quickly slammed the fire aw
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Chapter 543
After some time, Judy's phone rang.She opened it and saw that it was Message from Benjaming .Benjaming told her that Amy Waltson had been pushed out from the operating room. She was fine.Judi replied, "It's not over yet. Take good care of her and I will let you know if the surgery is done."After that, she put her phone away and said to Luna Greenwich , "Luna , Amily is okay. She has already been sent to the ward. You can rest assured."She looked up at her and nodded.Judi reached out and held her hand. "Are you hungry? I'll buy some food for you."She shook her head.Judi asked again, "Then, do you want to drink water? I'll buy it for you."She still shook her head.Judi felt worried and looked back at Aven Harris.Aven Harris said, "Then I'll go buy water."Judi got up and said lightly, "I know what she likes to drink. I'll go and trouble you to help her see her."Aven Harris thought lightly. He also knew what Luna Greenwich liked to drink.Just that he did not know if her taste
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Chapter 544
Hearing the news that Wills Waltson had woken up, although Amy Waltson had just finished the operation, she wanted to come and see Wills Waltson .Benjaming was also very worried. So, he pushed her wheelchair and brought her to Wills Waltson 's ward.The moment she saw Wills Waltson , Amy Waltson cried, "Wills ... I'm sorry, it's all my fault."Seeing Amy Waltson was alright, Wills Waltson was relieved.He said coldly, "You still have the nerve to cry? Close your mouth."Amy Waltson choked, "I don't, I can't close my mouth. Do you know how much I'm worried about you? I'm so afraid that you will die.""Hmm, you're kind. Why did you not think about it when you were caught by Cathelina Bright?"Amy Waltson looked down. "I'm too stupid. When I saw Cathelina Bright on the way, I chased after her. Who knew that she was so calculating? She did it on purpose. ""You don't know? Stupid is stupid. Don't make excuses for yourself."Hearing Wills Waltson 's tone, Luna Greenwich sideways blocked Wi
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Chapter 545
When Luna Greenwich turned around again, she saw Aven Harris not too far away.She stunned and walked over."Is it over so soon?"Aven Harris hooked his lips and smiled lightly."He is direct and concise."She responded, "Today, thank you for helping me to save Wills Waltson .""He already said it."She nodded and smiled at him.Wills Waltson was really good. Aven Harris saw her smile and he was stunned.He thought that she wouldn't laugh at him in this life."Luna ."She looked at him and waited for his words.Aven Harris frowned. "Before ... I'm sorry.""Before?""Elise Clark and I."Luna Greenwich pursed her lips, "It's over, you know. I don’t care about the things happened in the past, so I let it go. Aven , don't apologize to me anymore. You should forget it. ""You ... do forgive me?"She replied, "I forgave you a long time ago. At the moment I let go, it's not important what I've experienced in the past. I only know that it's enough to leave the best things in my heart.""T
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Chapter 546
Luna Greenwich wondered, to discuss?Huh, her husband's words are getting more and more refined."Okay, let's discuss something."Wills Waltson sat up and said, "Just now I was on the phone with Max. Next year, Max will go to England to develop a branch there, so he might stay there for a few years. I want you to persuade Amy to return to England. "She thought about it, "Are you going to ask him to take care of Amy ?"Wills Waltson responded, "Did not she say that there is no relative in England, and she is lonely? I plan to let her live with him."Luna Greenwich was speechless. " this appropriate?""Why isn't it right?""You stuffed such a big girl into his house ... I don't think so.""Max is her big brother too. She lives in her brother’s house. What’s wrong with that? "She was confused, was she thinking too much, or was the man born with no sense of boundaries for this matter.Even though Amy was only 16 years old, Max had no blood relationship with her.A man with an adu
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Chapter 547
Seeing Max's gaze, Wills Waltson also turned to look out the window.He said indifferently, "Do you think that Amy is not the same as it used to be? The condition of Amy is a little too bad. After she goes to England, she has to continue to receive psychological treatment."Max stared at Amy Waltson for half an hour before he retracted his gaze, "Why does she need psychological treatment? What's going on?""That day, Cathelina Bright hurt her and made her hear and see the evil of humanity. She was frightened. Max, leaving Amy here is not a good decision. I don’t want to let her live alone in England. I'm also worried about her psychological problems, which will cause her to develop other situations. "Max' eyebrows frowned and he looked out of the window again."I'll send you my address in England. Let's have someone send her to me later."Wills Waltson smirked, "Thank you."Max glared at him, "We are brothers, so don’t talk nonsense. Rest well. I don't want to see you like this after
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Chapter 548
Luna smiled. "No she didn’t. Maybe I'm thinking too much.""Then you don't have to think about it. Penelope was a spouse who is chosen by his fAmy after weighed the pros and cons. Before they got married, she could not control him. She could be picky after she becomes the hostess of his fAmy. ""Okay, I will listen to you. I don't think about it. Don't you think it's cold? Let's go faster, your legs are okay, aren't you?"She shifted the topic and did not plan to continue talking about it.If she talked too much, Wills Waltson must be overly concerned.She didn't want to be seen through."Don't worry, it's okay for me to run around with you now. Do you want to try?"She put her hand on her hand, "Don't, just stop. I believe in you, OK?"Wills Waltson rubbed her head with the other hand."Luna Greenwich ."It had been a long time since he had called her by her full name.She looked at him seriously. "What?""Let's have a wedding.""Ah?"Luna Greenwich was stunned."I want to give you a w
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Chapter 549
Seeing Judy's expression, she was also worried, "Ah? What's wrong? What are you doing?""I ..."Judi looked down.She could not say it.Luna Greenwich was anxious, "Speak, what's wrong?"She made up her mind. "I'm pregnant."Ugh ...She was anxious before, but she was instantly dumbfounded now.What happened? What pregnancy announcement date was today?Everyone had gathered to announce the good news.When she saw Luna Greenwich 's expression, Judi knew that she was over."Luna , you're scared too, right? What should I do?"She could not help but laugh, "No, I'm not scared, I'm shocked. I thought the two of you weren't ..."She didn't finish, but Judi also understood the meaning of Luna Greenwich .She blushed.When Luna Greenwich saw this, she was afraid that Judi would think so much. She quickly said, "Pregnancy is a good thing. How can you say that it was trouble?""I'm just in trouble. I'm not married, and Benjaming is also studying. It's not just embarrassing myself, Benjaming is al
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Chapter 550
Judi looked down. Sure enough, Benjaming did not want child.However, Benjaming Waltson was thinking that before he could even give Judi a wedding, he would have let her be a mother first.But then, he was not prepared. He should have done something the last time.It was his responsibility not to do something well, so he had to advance the things he had planned before.Judy's expression was increasingly worried, "What about this child?"Benjaming looked at her worried expression and could not help but smile, "What silly question are you having? Of course, you have to give birth, why not?"This answer, within Judy's expectations, was one of the possibilities.Benjaming got up, walked to Judy's side, and hugged her."I'm really in a rush today. I didn't prepare a ring, but ..." He let go of Judi and clasped his hands on Judy's shoulders. "Judy, I want to propose to you, will you marry me?"Judi bit her lip, "You don’t have to do that.""Of course, I have to. This is our child and we shou
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