All Chapters of If Loving You Is Wrong: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
363 Chapters
Chapter 151
"There's something I want you to do." Alex Roberts hooked his lips. This made Randall Harrah sweat even more, "Just say what it is." "Then I'll thank you in advance."Alex Roberts spoke to Randall Harrah about his arrangement, "You must be careful that absolutely no one finds out including the protected person." Randall Harrah understood what Alex Roberts meant after a moment's thought, he nodded, "That's no problem, just feel free to take care of your injuries." Alex Roberts smiled at Randall Harrah, "Then it will be hard for you." In this way, Emma Richard and Keira can be assured of safety. Randall Harrah, who was looking at a tall glass of red wine in front of him in the hotel box, mulled over this arrangement of Alex Roberts. It seems that Alex Roberts is not sure about the people around him, and this is because of what? Alex Roberts' side, who seems to be the most unsuspecting person at the moment ...... Randall Harrah instantly lit up, he finally found the key point of the mat
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Chapter 152
She couldn't help but be overjoyed, "Mr. Harrah's friendship, I will definitely remember it, I owe Mr. Harrah a favor!" "No, no, no." Randall Harrah looked like he couldn't afford it, but he turned the tables and said, "Ms. Miller, I'm a businessman, business people are most concerned about credit, let me break the rules like this, I'm not very good at accounting, how about this, Ms. Miller give me a token that can represent Ms. Miller. In case Mr. Roberts really blame down, I also have an excuse." This request is not too much, for Randall Harrah's caution she can understand, but she is originally acting behind Alex Roberts' back, if really give a token, it is the same as a handle to Randall Harrah, she must think carefully. Randall Harrah saw Marisa Miller's hesitation clearly, his index finger tapped the arm of the sofa silently, and after counting to ten, he immediately said. "I think it's better to forget it, Ms. Miller, Mr. Roberts does not let Ms. Miller worry, also has his own c
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Chapter 153
Emma Richard stood at the door of the room, and pulled the corners of her already flat clothes, fearing that there was a little wrinkle. Just before pushing the door in, a bodyguard in crisp overalls appeared, "Who is it, what is it?" "Check-in nurse, here to do the daily check-up on this patient." Emma Richard tried to make her voice sound as smooth as possible. The bodyguard took out an instrument and swept the name tag over Emma Richard's shoulder, then asked Emma Richard to hold out her finger, "Please confirm the fingerprint." Emma Richard slowly stretched out her hand, "ding-", the bouncer looked at it, "Okay, it's ready to go through." The door was slowly pushed open, but for every step Emma Richard took, the two bodyguards behind her followed, and there were four more people filling in at the doorway. This guy, I really don't know how many people he has placed here. When Emma Richard walked into that ward, she saw the person lying in the hospital bed at once. Luckily she had do
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Chapter 154
Ah!" A woman's shriek rang out in the garden, "Who!" Emma Richard after seeing clearly who was standing behind her, she couldn't help but scream again, "Ah!" She was lost and couldn't contact Kenny Clarke, so she had to go around the garden by herself. After going around the garden several times, she didn't see anyone, so Emma Richard resigned herself to her fate and just wandered around for a while, as Kenny Clarke would call her after a while. The view looked good and Emma enjoyed it, but at that moment, Emma Richard suddenly heard a coughing sound behind her, which startled her a lot. When exactly did Alex Roberts come after her and when did he appear behind her, she didn't even feel it. "Alex Roberts......" Emma Richard stammered a bit because of the shock. Facing Emma Richard, who was even more nervous than he was, Alex Roberts suddenly felt a little funny about those inexplicable emotions he had just felt. "What are you doing here?" Alex Roberts' eyes were like a deep, deep spri
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Chapter 155
Emma Richard heart more and more feel this old man is really lovely, although already full of white hair, but still a childish heart, the words and actions also let Emma Richard from the heart feel very comfortable, she softly comforted: "Well, well, old lady, things have happened, don't be angry, health is more important. " The words made the old lady feel better in her heart. She couldn't help but take Emma Richard's hand and looked at Alex Roberts beside her and said, "Young man is really lucky to find such a good wife, you must cherish her well. Otherwise, when she leaves with someone else, see where you can go to cry!" This made Emma Richard's cheeks couldn't help but blush, "Old lady, he and I are not ......" "Yes old lady, I will treat her well." It was Alex Roberts who answered the old lady's words in a serious manner, making the old lady look relieved, while Emma Richard was shocked and looked at Alex Roberts. After the old lady left, Emma Richard's cheeks were still flushed a
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Chapter 156
It turned out that Marisa Miller was the woman who destroyed the greenery. "Damn it! As long as there's that damn Emma Richard, Alex Roberts can't really come back to me." The viciousness in her eyes made a good-looking face look twisted. At that moment there was a knock at the door, and Marisa Miller yelled out in no good mood, "Who is it!" "Ms. Miller, it's me, Randall Harrah," the voice at the door was polite and civil, pulling Marisa Miller back from the anger she had just felt. What was Randall Harrah doing here at this hour? But Marisa Miller still went over and opened the door for Randall Harrah, "It's Mr. Harrah, why are you here today?" Randall Harrah, standing at the door, was carrying two gift boxes in his hand, "Mr. Roberts asked me to come, he said he had a gift for Ms. Miller, so I took the liberty to come here. Since Mr. Roberts said it was a surprise, I didn't say hello in advance, so I didn't delay Ms. Miller, right?" Alex Roberts gave the gift, Marisa Miller immedi
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Chapter 157
This Black was his friend in his early years, mainly as a hacker, originally had entered Silicon Valley, but ended up almost dying because his skills were too outstanding, it was Randall Harrah who saved him, since then he owed Randall Harrah a favor and followed Randall Harrah to do something. Randall Harrah thought about it, there are people watching over here, he just wait for Adams Harrah to appear, now go to Emma Richard first, after all, this master is Alex Roberts' beloved. Since the day of the crash, Keira sometimes feels dizzy and once even started vomiting, which scared Emma Richard. Because of this, Emma Richard put off her hospital work for a while and shortened her daily work hours to spend more time with Keira. "As long as mommy is with me, Keira's head doesn't get dizzy." Keira's heart melted as she drank the sweet orange juice, smiling and pouting at Emma Richard. Emma Richard leaned forward and kissed Keira's forehead before smiling and saying, "Mommy will be careful
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Chapter 158
Suddenly listening to Judi Dench mention the name Alex Roberts, Emma Richard had a momentary trance, then she looked down, smiled, and said: "Between him and me, not a word to say, but I think, in the end, we are not destined to be. After all I've been through, I'm actually still a little scared of him." Judi Dench thought at first that these were Emma Richard's words of denial, but as soon as she thought about it, she realized something was wrong. Fear, why fear. Judi Dench cocked her head at Emma Richard, who had started to glower at the mention of Alex Roberts, and sighed. "You go back, don't worry, I'm familiar with it." Judi Dench pushed Emma Richard, who had been seeing her off, back, "I've been here as many times as I can, what do you have to worry about." Emma Richard also smiled and went back to the door, "Then you take your time on the road, be careful on the way." Judi Dench waved her hand and walked away with a dashing stride. It's not easy to meet such a confidant, and
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Chapter 159
Emma Richard rushed to stop, "You have something to say, don't be so impatient, maybe it's just a coincidence, it's not what you think." "Hey, hey, hey." Randall Harrah is not happy with Judi Dench's words, "Please allow me to introduce myself ah, my name is Randall Harrah, is a friend of Alex Roberts, and two days ago Miss Emma Richard was involved in a car accident explosion, fainted, I was the one who informed Joe Wright." What, it was Randall Harrah who saved her? Emma Richard thought it was Joe Wright who picked herself up directly, but she didn't expect it to be Randall Harrah. Randall Harrah smiled and said, "Miss Emma Richard was already unconscious, so you don't remember, I was looking for Mr. Roberts, and when I went there, I saw Mr. Roberts holding Miss Emma Richard lying there, both of them fainted. So I called Joe Wright and asked him to come and pick up Miss Emma Richard." In that case, this Randall Harrah is still Emma Richard's lifesaver. But Judi Dench, who was a law
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Chapter 160
here were already many people standing there, all with anxious faces, and after seeing Randall Harrah's arrival, they all showed more or less reassuring expressions. Seeing Randall Harrah came in a wheelchair, many people then showed a surprised look, someone opened his mouth to ask Randall Harrah what is going on, was Randall Harrah raised his hand to stop, "How is the situation now, Mr. Roberts, where is he? " Judi Dench, who was on the other side of the room, heard clearly, "Mr. Roberts? It can't be Alex Roberts, right? It seems that the relationship between Randall Harrah and Alex Roberts is really good, Randall Harrah could be talking about the person is Alex Roberts? After having this thought, Judi Dench only felt her heart beat heavily and listened to their conversation more seriously. "Mr. Roberts has passed out, we have urgently invited Dean Wright, now Dean Wright is inside, not clear inside the situation." The man who replied had a sad face, very worried look. Randall Ha
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