All Chapters of If Loving You Is Wrong: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
363 Chapters
Chapter 171
"Boom-" Thunder and lightning rang through the sky, and everyone present was frightened, but Emma Richard was still immersed in her world. Keira is an angel given to her by heaven in the darkest time, the support and hope of her three-year prison life, all her expectations for the future, and a person more important than her life! "Go to the hospital..." She choked back tears, held Dr. Kim's hand tightly, and choked: "Take Keira to the hospital... the best hospital..." Master Wright sighed and looked at her granddaughter's eyes full of distress and pity: "Dr. Kim is an authority on blood diseases, you know. Emma, we have to trust Dr. Kim." "No!" Before the voice fell, Emma Richard flatly rejected it and insisted on sending Keira to the best hospital for a more detailed and comprehensive examination. Joe Wright walked up to her, gently held her hands in her palms, and said gently, "OK, let's take Keira to the best hospital. But after a little delay for half a day, I'll make some arran
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Chapter 172
"What did you promise me at the beginning? Now Keira has become like this, you said, what kind of punishment should you be punished!" This is not the first time that Joe Wright has been accused and reprimanded. In the past, Joe Wright was deferential on the surface and unwilling in his heart, but now he has no confidence at all, but feels deeply remorse. Blame him for not being careful enough. Emma Richard experienced a devastating disaster during pregnancy, and Keira in her belly was destined to be more vulnerable than ordinary children since then. During his three years of raising Keira, it also proved this point. In that case, he should have taken Keira for regular check-ups and kept an eye on her health. He should not have learned that she had leukemia only after her attack. He had long considered Keira as his own daughter, so he didn't even have the desire to defend himself. Master Wright wanted to teach him a hard lesson, but when he saw his head hung low and didn't say a word, h
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Chapter 173
Unfortunately, at this time, he did not understand where his loneliness came from. Outside the ward, at the end of the corridor, Marisa Miller is hiding in a dark corner talking to Paul Johnson. "...... That's right, something happened to that bitch's kid, but I'm not sure of the specifics ...... you investigate as soon as possible, it will certainly be beneficial to us." After hanging up the phone, Marisa Miller stared at the gradually darkening screen, smiling with a wry face. She really did not expect that she had previously tried so hard to deal with Emma Richard, but always could not find a way, today suddenly came to visit Alex Roberts, actually overheard such important information, but really good. The next day, the news about Keira's serious illness, which had been suppressed by Alex Roberts, was actually published on a website under the Roberts Group, under the name of searching for bone marrow. Once the news was released, it instantly became a front-page sensation, generating
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Chapter 174
So he decided to help take Marisa Miller away. Seeming to see what Alex Roberts was thinking, Marisa Miller wisely stopped arguing. "Alex, are you feeling better?" Alex Roberts glanced at her through the rearview mirror, then withdrew his gaze with a slight impatience and made a perfunctory snort. Marisa Miller's smile froze on her face and quickly returned to normal: "So ...... I'll move in with you tomorrow, okay? Before the words left her mouth, Alex Roberts suddenly slammed on the brakes. Marisa Miller lunged forward due to inertia, and before she could stabilize herself, there were clear words in her ears. "Get out of the car." When she was thrown out of the car halfway, Marisa Miller stood on the side of the road and watched Alex Roberts turn around and drive towards the private hospital. Her eyes were red with anger, her hands were clenched tightly, and her fingertips were stuck in her palms, almost bleeding. Just satirized by Emma Richard, now humiliated by Alex Roberts, her an
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Chapter 175
"What did the doctor say?" "The specific examination results haven't come out yet, but..." Emma Richard shook her head and swallowed back the second half of the sentence. The fever persisted for two consecutive days, and the examination process was so difficult that she didn't have to say it. Alex Roberts also understood what it meant. "... I'm sorry." Alex Roberts hung his head and looked at the sick Keira. His chest was filled with guilt: "I am too incompetent to protect you and your daughter." My daughter suffers from illness, and my wife takes care of her day and night, but he can't help anything except sneaking over to take a look. After hearing too many apologies, Emma Richard was hard to be touched and relieved: "Keira's illness is due to physical reasons, not your business." He is Keira's father. How can it have nothing to do with him? Alex Roberts laughed wryly and sighed, "I used to be a nuisance, didn't I?" "No." "I'm not annoying? Am I a competent husband and father?" Alex
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Chapter 176
He was thinking about the countermeasures to himself. The car had slowly stopped at the side of the road. Before he could see the situation around him clearly, it was suddenly dark. "Don't move!" The black dress person warned, then reached out and pulled him out of the car like a chicken. He stumbled for a few minutes and was thrown to the ground. Footsteps were getting farther and farther away, and then there was a loud door closing sound. Adams Harrah was scared to tremble and took off his blindfold. He still entered the darkness. There were no windows in the small room, and garbage was piled up in the corner. He groped for the door, but before he could get close, he tripped over some mysterious object and picked it up to see that it was actually a broken stool leg. This place is worse than a prison! Adams Harrah sat on the ground, thinking of his next life, a time full of despair. At that moment, Joe Wright had arrived at the hospital. The ward was empty. Asking the nurse on duty, h
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Chapter 177
"Doctor, is there anything else we can do to lower the temperature as soon as possible, Keira if the fever continues like this, I'm afraid ......" She turned her head to the attending doctor and asked with tears in her eyes. After a moment of thought, the doctor hesitantly said, "She is too young, she just went through first aid, and her body will not be able to withstand the medication immediately. Maybe we can try physical cooling, but I can't guarantee how effective it will be." As long as Keira could be saved, Emma Richard would try even if there was a glimmer of hope. She hurriedly went to the bathroom and got a basin of warm, cool water, soaked a towel and wiped Keira's hands inch by inch, starting with her hands. The wiping motion became more and more skillful, but there was no expression on her face, as if she were a robot doing a mechanical job. Joe Wright, seeing her almost demonic appearance, was inexplicably a bit disturbed, and stepped forward to take her place, but as soo
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Chapter 178
Master Wright understands that her so-called not to consider, which includes not only the love-hate relationship with Alex Roberts, but also contains everything about love. She still loves Alex Roberts, but for various reasons can not go back to the old love, and tired of dealing with a new relationship from scratch, can only stay in place. The Wright Family, however powerful, cannot take care of everything, not to mention the fact that he will die one day. She refuses to accept Joe, and after his death, who can guarantee that Joe will take care of them for the rest of their lives without complaint? Maybe it's because of the recent illness, Master Wright will always have a lot of worries, but even if these words to Emma Richard, she can not listen to it, right? Alas ...... Joe Wright got the details of Keira's condition from the attending doctor and returned to the hospital room when Emma Richard happened to go to the bathroom, leaving Master Wright sitting quietly in front of Keira's
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Chapter 179
"He, what's wrong with him?!" The previous time we met, Adams Harrah was at least neatly dressed although he was being chased, but now, his clothes and pants were dusty and wrinkled, and even had a few holes, his hair had not been washed for a long time, and his whole face had almost turned grayish black. Adams Harrah's look is also extremely wretched, seems to feel ashamed to see others, always hanging his head, shoulders scowling. Joe Wright was not surprised, contemptuously looking at Adams Harrah, said coldly: "It is a mercy to keep him alive. He's the one who got what he deserved!" It was lunchtime, and the noisy hospital lobby had calmed down a bit, so Joe Wright took the elevator upstairs and found Alex Roberts' room. Before entering, his eyes subconsciously swept to the window, and when he saw what was inside, he glanced over his shoulder. The assistant was not there, and Alex Roberts was taking his medication under the care of the doctor, why do you use the word "care", becaus
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Chapter 180
"They're definitely better off with me looking after them than they would be with someone." Joe Wright, who had changed his mind about Alex Roberts but still didn't want to hear him mention Emma Richard, interrupted him sarcastically and left without a backward glance. Despite being contradicted many times, Alex Roberts looked at Joe Wright's back, but did not feel the slightest anger, only a deep sense of remorse. Because he understands that Joe Wright is right, he must have failed to take care of his wife and daughter before, so he was rejected. Including now, he lives alone in the hospital, to accompany Emma and Keira people, but Joe Wright. Whatever the reason, he has lost. Miller Family Building. Marisa Miller was called into the chairman's office by an inside phone call. As soon as she entered the door, she was greeted with a sweeping scolding. "Are you waste? The business I got is gone. Do you know how many people laugh at me!" Marisa Mille is also very helpless. The partner s
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