All Chapters of Dragon Son In Law: Chapter 311 - Chapter 320
467 Chapters
Chapter 311
The young man at the front was dyed with green hair. Hearing this, he gently kicked the young man. "Don't you believe what I said? I'll let you see in a moment. Waiter, order."Hearing that a guest came to the door, the girl who first talked to Allen Peterson came out. When she saw the group, a look of disgust flashed in her eyes, but she said politely, "what would you like to eat?""Big... Big brother. Such a beautiful little girl, you just bring her here now. Come my little sister, and brother will help you have fun."This flirtation immediately made several people laugh.Cheng chuxue looked at the people in front of her in a panic. They were obviously not good people. They held the menu in their hands and stepped back from time to time.Soon, she was pushed to the corner of the wall. Allen Peterson frowned. When he was going to help, a middle-aged woman with a kitchen knife came out of the back kitchen."What are you doing? Stop it."Seeing this scene, the young people were a little
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Chapter 312
He took out his finger knife from his pocket and went towards Allen Peterson.Looking at these people in front of him, Allen Peterson frowned. If it were normal, even if these people are kongfu masters, he would not be afraid.But now it's different. He can't use force on his left arm. It can be said that he directly lost the help of one hand. However, it seems that he can use it."You, hum!I ."As he spoke, Allen Peterson carried his left hand behind him. It looked like an expert.In this way, he also frightened the group of young people. They have never seen such existence in their usual fight. They were stunned by such action,and their action was slowed..Even their actions are slow, Allen Peterson would not be slow. He would not miss such a good opportunity. He came forward directly and punched a young man in front of him.Soon, after he knocked down three young people, the remaining people did not move, like Cheng chuxue's mother , shrinking in the corner of the wall."Don't come
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Chapter 313
Allen Peterson nodded: "I know! You'tve said it many times today, but you don't know. Are we allies of the Smith Group and the Chu family? Zhuang Hongcai can't do anything to me."As a dandy, green hair guy didn't contact with business affairs and didn't know the current situation of the Chu family. He panicked when he heard the name of the Chu family.His father was powerful, but it was only in Donghai City, but it was nothing in front of the Chu family.Looking at the green hair in front of him, Allen Peterson squeezed his fist."What do you want to do?""What am I doing? You broke my glass. What do you think I will do? Do you think I want to invite you to dinner?""Ah!".......After a period of stress relief activities, Allen Peterson shook his hand: "your skin is so hard that it hurts my hand."He was blue and purple, and had two green hairs with panda eyes. He looked at Allen Peterson in horror.He has just used his many years of fighting experience in the streets and alleys. Who
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Chapter 314
Just then, the doorbell of the villa suddenly rang.Allen Peterson thought it was manager Du. Ava Smith didn't go to work today. It's estimated that there's something important!Hurriedly ran to open the door, but the man who appeared at the door made him confused.It was a young man, pretty good-looking, but his face seemed to have been beaten by someone, with a pile of gifts behind him."Excuse me, who are you? Who are you looking for?""Master, it's me! Zhuang Chengren, I dyed my hair back specially. Look."The familiar words immediately made Allen Peterson understand that this is the one. Isn't it the green hair last night?But there's something about his name."That's a good name. What's the matter with you? please come back! I'm going to cook."Zhuang Chengren certainly knows what's going on. he was often teased because of his name(Zhuang chengren pronounced as Pretended to a be man in pronunciation of Chinese). The first fight in his life was because a man laughed at him because h
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Chapter 315
Allen Peterson looked at Wu Zixia in surprise: " deal with it without complaint?"Asked by Allen Peterson, Wu Zixia realized that what she had just said was ambiguous, but after thinking about it, she still clenched her teeth: "yes, I have no complaints about how you treat me."Looking at the back of the beauty leaving, Allen Peterson shook his head. It seems that the well-known thing at the beginning had a great impact on her. If it goes well, it might not be able to help her.Wu Zixia looked at the document in her hand and showed a look of doubt. She is no stranger to these companies. These are the industries in the information she gave Allen Peterson.It is not the main source of income of the Han family. It can even be said the assets of these companies can exceed 10 million together.In her opinion, it was a one sentence thing. But thinking of Allen Peterson's words, she felt that it was impossible. Is there anything else she didn't know?Thinking , she picked up the phone in her
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Chapter 316
Allen Peterson hurriedly wanted to help Wu Zixia: "don't worry about this first. You can talk about it when you get up."Just then, a surprised voice suddenly remembered: "master, are you..."The visitor was Zhuang Chengren. He wanted to ask Allen Peterson for advice on acupoints, but he didn't expect to see a woman kneeling in front of his master as soon as he got to the door.Although he didn't see the face, it was just the woman's back and temperament, which made people infinite reverie."Master, I didn't expect you to like this kind of woman?, I won't say it. Don't worry."Allen Peterson frowned and quickly helped Wu Zixia up: "it's not what you think."Zhuang Chengren is familiar with Allen Peterson these days, and will make some jokes appropriately: "I know it's not what I think. Understand, but you'd better go in! It doesn't have a good impact outside."At this time, Wu Zixia stood up and looked back and snorted coldly, "is that enough? Just leave when it's enough."At the momen
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Chapter 317
In the hot summer, the noon sun is undoubtedly the hottest time. They found an air-conditioned barbecue shop on the roadside and walked in.After ordering, they chatted casually."What can I do for you today?"When Zhuangchenren heard this, he immediately showed a flatted smile,”Master,I have learnt medicine for so many days, when can you teach me Kongfu?”Allen Peterson laughed: "with your current body and bones, what unique skills can you practice?"Zhuang Chengren was stunned: "master, just my bones are good. I can run the fastest when I run a kilometer race in school."Then he raised his arm.Allen Peterson looked at Zhuang Chengren, who didn't have much meat on his arm. As soon as he reached out,his fingers and pinched his arm and twisted a little."Master, let go, it hurts.""Now you know how weak your bones are! Look at my left hand. A few months ago, I fought with an old guy and was punched and fractured by him. I removed the plaster a few days ago."Zhuang Chengren was stunned.
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Chapter 318
Now the banquet hasn't started yet. Everyone is wandering around. Looking at the scene in ye family’s garden, Allen Peterson and Wu Zixia are wandering around, trying to find the trace of Zhuang Chengren.Allen Peterson sees a small challenge arena, standing around the onlookers, while Zhuang Chengren is standing on it.On the other side of him, there was a white strong young man with two boxing gloves in his hand: "Zhuang Chengren, I haven't seen you for such a long time. It't better to let my cousin see if you have made progress!"Zhuang Chengren kept swallowing his saliva and looked nervous. The last thing he wanted to come was the Ye family, because he couldn't escape a severe beating every year when he came here.Allen Peterson frowned and looked at Zhuang Chengren's Kung Fu on the stage. He knew it. Although he was much better than ordinary people, it was all practiced in street fighting.It will never be the opponent of the young man opposite. Just look at the bulging temples. A
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Chapter 319
Zhuang Chengren took two deep breaths: "uncle, my cousin insisted on competing with me, and I said that my fist and foot have no eyes. My cousin said it was not my blame, and they can testify."Ye Yuande's eyes narrowed immediately, looked at the group of people under the stage and snorted coldly: "who heard it and who wants to testify to this little beast?"The people under the stage shook their heads. If they don't understand this, they won't be here today."I didn't hear it. It's the little beast talking nonsense."....... Just as everyone was crusading against Zhuang Chengren, a strange voice suddenly sounded: "I heard it."This distinctive voice immediately attracted everyone's attention. For a moment, more than a dozen people at the scene were in a trance. Someone even walked aside, and immediately isolated Allen Peterson.Seeing someone against him, ye Yuande's eyes narrowed immediately: "I'll give you another chance to say it again."Allen Peterson snorted coldly, "even if you
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Chapter 320
It is also inevitable that Zhuang Chengren misunderstood: "if you let me hear other people talk about today's things, you think about your end.""Understand, understand master’s wife, just be relieved, I understand."Wu Zixia didn't know what he understood, so she stopped talking after a cold hum.At this time, Allen Peterson estimated that it was almost time. He went to the pavilion and pulled out the needle for Zhuang Chengren."Can you tell me this is the case? Isn't it in your grandfather's house? Even if they hate you, they shouldn't be so hostile to you!"This sentence made Zhuang Chengren silent. After a long time, he raised his head and said to Allen Peterson with a strong smile: "master. My cousin and I were just having fun."But anyone who saw the scene just now would not believe him. Allen Peterson was no exception. He didn't want to say or ask when he saw Zhuang Chengren is unwilling to say it.After all, this matter is related to Zhuang Chengren's privacy. If you force him
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