All Chapters of Dragon Son In Law: Chapter 331 - Chapter 340
467 Chapters
Allen Peterson, who is still in Wu Zixia'ts villa, doesn't know that he has been watched by Han caizhe. At this time, he is busy guiding Wu Zixia's cooking?As a woman who lacks family care, Wu Zixia always likes to do everything by herself. But cooking is something you can't learn with two eyes. It is a little too complicated,which seems to be a common problem of beautiful women."You see, it'ts OK to put salt at this time. Don't put more, just half a spoonful. Hey, you're distracted again."Allen Peterson had been cooking with Wu Zixia, but when he looked at the woman's eyes, he didn't know what she was thinking, so she said helplessly."Ah! Sorry, I, I was thinking about the company just now."Since Allen Peterson lived in the past few days, she has felt the feeling of home she has not seen for a long time. Every day, someone cleans the housework with her and cooks for her. When they are free, they will sit on the sofa and chat.She doesn't know how a person like Allen Peterson can
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Wu Zixia shook her head: "I'm afraid these people are lazy. Look at them for a while. Don't worry about me."She doesn't want to leave Allen Peterson for a moment. Even with this clumsy reason, a woman in love has no IQ. That's her situation.Allen Peterson can naturally hear that bodyguards are not like other jobs. They are lazy. To what extent can they be lazy? Will they find a hotel to take a nap?It was not until more than eight o'tclock in the evening that Wu Zixia drove back reluctantly after they had dinner together.Allen Peterson smiled bitterly and went to the room arranged for him by Wu Zixia. Just looking at it, Allen Peterson knew that this was the place where Wu Zixia usually rested.Not to mention that there are still faint fragrance residues in the room, but the clothes placed on one side have proved this.At this time, a group of people came to the outside of the rose garden. The person in charge was wearing a suit, triangular eyes and a scar on his face!"Wu Zixia, th
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Under the darkness of the night, the continuous gusts of night wind blew away the dull night.Unconsciously, Allen Peterson went to the side of ze'tan lake. The night here is different from the day. It's very quiet. Only tramps sleep on one side of the bench.However, his eyes were soon attracted by a figure. It was a slim figure that made him familiar and sat on the steps next to the lake.There are also several empty beer bottles next to it."Do you mind if I drink a little, Miss Ouyang?"Omi was stunned and looked aside in surprise."Allen Peterson, why are you? How did you come to the provincial capital?"She really didn't expect to see Allen Peterson here. She was in a bad mood. She came out alone to drink wine. It seems that she is accompanied now.Allen Peterson sat aside and picked up a can of beer: "I have something to do and I have to come. What about you? How can the eldest lady of the Ouyang family come here alone to drink wine alone?"Ouyang zhilan smiled bitterly: "the el
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Allen Peterson secretly complained. Ouyangzhilan just fell into the water. How could he meet such a thing?Although he didn't know the species of this water snake, looking at its bright color, it was estimated that it was not a good kind. If Ouyangzhilan was bitten, God knows whether he can stand to the side of the shore.Carefully stretched out his hand, Allen Peterson planned to get it down, and the snake coiled on Ouyangzhilan'ts thigh seemed to notice the abnormality around him.The snake head jerked up and just stared at Allen Peterson's hand.At this time, Allen peterson will not dare to move. If Ouyangzhilan is not rescued, he will be bitten by this thing. They will be buried in the lake.He and the snake are in such a stalemate. Allen Peterson is secretly worried. He is different from this water snake. As a terrestrial creature, he wants to breathe.And in the water, the physical strength consumed is definitely not comparable to that of land. Looking at the water snake in front
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The next morning, Allen Peterson woke up from his sleep with sour waist and back pain, constantly activating his muscles and bones, and sleeping on the uneven ground. It is indeed a test for people’s body."You’re awake. Good morning."Ouyangzhilan sat beside the burnt out fire, looked at the rising sun and said with a smile.Allen Peterson only saw that under the mild sun, Ouyangzhilan was dressed in white. The breeze in the morning kept blowing her hair. For a time, he was stunned."Well, good morning, good morning."Looking at Allen Peterson’s appearance, Ouyangzhilan chuckled: "let’s go! My life-saving benefactor.""Where are you going?""Lend me money and I’ll treat you to breakfast! Aren't you hungry?"Allen Peterson felt a little hungry when she said so. Last night, Han caizhe came to the door and ran for a long time. After meeting Ouyangzhilan, he went into the water to save her.The food he ate last night had long been exhausted. When Ouyangzhilan said so, Allen Peterson’s sto
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Hearing Allen Peterson'ts address, Omi was surprised: "you still know Zixia. Is she ill?"In her opinion, if she hadn't been ill, she might not have known Allen Peterson all her life. After all, their world is fundamentally different.But Wu Zixia's identity is higher than her!Apart from being ill, she couldn't think of any way to make them know each other."She’s not ill, but she’s my lover, so I know her. Are you satisfied now, Miss Ouyang?"Hearing this, Omi chuckled and gave Allen Peterson a white look."Don't say that in front of her, or she will be angry."Allen Peterson shrugged, but he told the truth. Ou yanzhilan didn't believe it, so he couldn't help it.The rose garden was not far from Wu Zixia’s villa. Within two minutes, they arrived at the villa area and rang the doorbell of the villa."Ding Dong, Ding Dong."After pressing for a long time, no one came to open the door. Omi frowned: "strange, isn't Zixia there?"Allen Peterson was surprised and was about to find a window.
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Allen Peterson nodded secretly under the bed. As expected, the reason why the Han family has strong funds is because they do that kind of business.Listening to the footsteps of the two people leaving the room, the three people under the bed breathed a sigh of relief.At this time, Wu Zixia suddenly gave a painful hum, put her hand over her stomach and clenched her silver teeth.Seeing this, Allen Peterson knew it was bad. He quickly put his hand over Wu Zixia’s mouth. They hasn't gone far yet?At this time, the slightest sound may be fatal.Wu Zixia also knew that she couldn't make any sound at this time, but she really couldn't help it when the pain hit just now.Originally, she couldn't catch a cold these days, but now she can't help it. She can only lie on the ground, which directly led to a stomachache."A group of waste, hurry to chase. They can't run far."Allen Peterson’s previous arrangement worked. Looking at the footprints on the windowsill, Han caizhe felt that Wu Zixia jump
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Seeing this situation, ouyangming’s old face stiffened and soon eased down: "it’s all right, you young people are too busy and too hard. You should pay more attention to your health!"He is afraid to turn against Han caizhe. In case he offends the Han family, the examples of Chu ye and his family are still there?Even if it is compromise, he will suffer.Han caizhe snorted coldly and looked contemptuously at ouyangming: "old man, you know."With that, he took Ouyang Yue out.Allen Peterson and Omi, who witnessed all this, almost couldn't help laughing.He also wondered what the marriage was like. After Omi also showed that he wanted to agree, two people who couldn't sit down came here." your grandfather was really tolerant o. I can't see any intention of marrying Han caizhe."Hearing Allen Peterson at this time, Omi was not a bit unhappy. She had long been used to the weak family relationship.Seriously, even if Han caizhe bullied Ouyang Yue in front of him, he estimated that Ouyang M
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"That's good! Drink.""Wait a minute. I don't like cold drinks. Waiter, take them and scald them."He picked up White wine and handed it to the waiter beside him.Seeing this scene, Ouyang Ming snorted coldly: "Go to burn it. I'll see how long you can wait."Allen Peterson smiled, picked up the teapot beside him and filled the quilt in front of him with a cup of tea. The thick hot air, with the fragrance of petals, kept coming out of it."I'll see if you can drink those White wine later."Allen Peterson calmly drank tea. He ignored Ouyang Ming's taunts, and Ouyang Zhilan was secretly sweating.If Allen Peterson didn't look confident, she would like to show her identity and help him.Before long, the waiter came back with a bottle of steaming White wine."Sir, your White wine is already hot."Allen Peterson took the wine and opened the bottle cap. Suddenly, the fragrance of the wine spread all over the room. I have to say that Ouyang Family really paid for it.Just looking at the aroma
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Chu Xiuzhu frowned, "She?"It was just this word that made Ou Yanzhi Lan know that his dislike. She knew that if she didn't do something at this time, she would miss a great opportunity."Uncle Chu, to be honest, I escaped from marriage and have nothing to do with Ouyang's family. Otherwise, the marriage object you saw today would be me.""So what? You still have two brothers. It's not your turn to be the head of the family. If they put forward this proposal, I might consider it."Hearing this, Ouyang Zhilan smiled. Their Ouyang family's affection was weak, let alone two half brothers. Even her own grandfather, she could not feel the warmth of the world."Uncle, if I say I can get rid of them, can we talk about it?"Chu Xiuzhu was stunned and suddenly stepped on the brake: "That's serious."Seriously.""Well, as long as you can get rid of the two of them, let me deal with the old guy Ouyang Ming, you can just take over the Ouyang family."It's easy to deal with the Han family, but it's
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