All Chapters of Dragon Son In Law: Chapter 351 - Chapter 360
467 Chapters
Allen Peterson, wearing an apron, walked out of the kitchen and frowned when he saw what Zhuang Chengren had sent him."Now that you are here, you can stay here for a meal. After dinner, take these things back!"Although he did not know what Zhuang Chengren had sent, he knew the outer package! That's Tang Fanshuang's luxury.Even the most common one needs tens of millions. Unlike other famous brands, their luxury goods have no brand, or a luxury goods can be regarded as a separate brand.Because of this, the unique score makes the price of their home products higher than the normal value.Allen Peterson doesn't know how much Zhuang Hongcai spent on these things, but for him, this is meaningless.Luxury goods, if they do not have the added value that the world has given them, are just like ordinary things.Zhuang Chengren was stunned. He was very jealous of these things. As long as he took them out, he could catch one girl who thought he was a petty bourgeoisie.But when he thought abou
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At the sight of this enchanting woman, she snorted coldly: "Ouch, what kind of people would associate withHe covered his nose as if he was in the same house as Allen Peterson, which was an insult to her.Allen Peterson smiled and said that the hell is easy to see, and the little devil is hard to deal with. He has seen many great people. Money is one aspect, and self-restraint is also an indispensable part.And this self righteous woman is exactly the type he most disdains."Sorry, I heard you say just now that Xiao Di's clothes are not more than 100 yuan. How much can your clothes cost?"Shiwang Ya looked at Allen Peterson, took her hand with the diamond ring, and gently brushed his clothes."It's not expensive. It's just this ring, but it's only 100000 yuan. My husband, I really don't want to stay with such a bargain. Would you like to give it to someone else?"Luozhishang nodded and looked at Sasha with a premonition from the corner of his eyes."Of course, as my woman, I must eat a
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Allen Peterson looked at him twice, turned to Sasha and said, "Sasha, please find two security guards in the future! With your wealth, you can never be looked down upon."Before Luozhishang and Shi Yawang could figure out the situation, a business car drove into the courtyard and a middle-aged man came down from it.The moment Luozhishang saw this man, he hurriedly welcomed him: "Manager Yan, I was Xiao Luo who had dinner with you last time. Don't you remember me?"The middle-aged man was stunned and nodded in amazement: "Oh, let me talk about it later. I will report to the chairman of the board of directors."Then he came to Sasha and respectfully handed over a folder: "Please look, Chairman, this is the financial statement of our company last quarter, which is three percentage points higher than the same period on the whole."Sasha carefully looked at the document in her hand and nodded: "Well done. Let's talk about something later. I'm going to buy lunch for the children."Looked at
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Sasha sipped a cold drink and looked at Allen Peterson secretly.This scene of dating like two people appeared more than once in her dream, but unexpectedly, her dream would come true one day.At that moment, two people suddenly walked into the door: "Master, why are you here?"It was Zhuang Chengren who came here with a girl with pure temperament. She should be a college student according to her age."I, of course, came here to buy cold drinks in such hot weather. You are......"Every time I see Zhuang Chengren's sister, she changes her appearance. Allen Peterson is not interested in knowing Zhuang Chengren's romantic history, but it's always bad to play with each other's girl's feelings.Zhuang Chengren was stunned, obviously he understood what Allen Peterson meant."Master, let me introduce you to my girlfriend, Qidanzhen, a student of Donghai University."Allen Peterson looked at him, sighed and shook his head.Taking Zhuang Chengren aside, he whispered: "You are playing, but don't
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And Allen Peterson couldn't let such a thing happen. Otherwise, everything they did was in vain.What's more, next, the Zhuang family would have to face an unprecedented strong enemy. Ye clan would never follow the oral agreement at that time.Zhuangchengren knew everything. He asked, "master, what should we do now?"He was the one who didn't want the Ye clan to rise again. He didn't want the shadow of childhood to cover his whole life.Allen Peterson nodded. He was the one who brought it up, so he had the responsibility to solve it."It doesn't matter. Maybe I was wrong. Today is your girlfriend's birthday, right? You can go with her first. Even if there is a sign, the other side of the Chu family can be put out."Allen Peterson comforted Zhuangchengren."Master, you scared me to death. I booked a private room in the White Jade Restaurant. Let's go there now!"Allen Peterson waved his hand and said, "I'm not going to enjoy the love between you two. I have something to do, so I'm leavi
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Yeyingcai seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw. "Grandpa, what should I do now? Those companies who had the intention to be integrated before all avoided me now. There are three or four companies!"On the other end of the phone, Mr. Ye smiled and said, "well done. You are my grandson."Yeyingcai was stunned, "Grandpa, are you cursing me?"Although old master Yespoke highly of him, he still couldn't believe what had happened these days."Who said that? I'm praising you. If ordinary people meet this matter, none of them will stay. It proves that my grandson's personal charisma is enough. You can unite these companies."Yeyingcai was stunned, "but Grandpa, what's the point of combining these companies? For the situation we are facing now, this is a drop in the bucket."It was impossible for these companies to merge together."Humph! The news that our Ye clan is going to go bankrupt is just a rumor. As long as they see the benefits, these companies will naturally come up."Yeyingcai'
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"young master, can you count me in?""And me.".......Looking at the almost crazy people around, Allen Peterson frowned. In the past few days, Yeyingcai had made enough benefits in public, which completely made these people lose their usual sanity."Wait a minute. I have a question for you, Mr. Ye. If we join you, if something happens, I don't know if we should solve it together or listen to your jurisdiction."The crazy people around had made way for Allen Peterson. They wanted to ask him this question, but they were afraid that Yeyingcai would get tired of it, so they didn't say it.Now that Allen Peterson was the first one to stand out, they were naturally happy to enjoy themselves.Yeyingcai narrowed his eyes and looked at Allen Peterson. This was a key problem. If he wanted the Ye clan to get through this, he must have absolute control.But if he said it out on such an occasion, he would probably persuade a large number of rational entrepreneurs who were not willing to lose the c
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She really didn't know what to do. In her heart, she was not so resistant to such things, but the shyness of her daughter made her refuse instinctively.Allen Peterson, an insensitive man, just didn't understand what his daughter meant. When he saw Ava Smith refuse, he thought she really resisted."Well, don't worry. I won't force you. I really have nothing to do with Chuyao."As soon as he finished his words, Allen Peterson saw Ava Smith looking at him straight in the eyes. "What's wrong with you? Are you sick?""Allen Peterson, you are an idiot."After saying that, Ava Smith got out of the car angrily and walked straight to the company, leaving Allen Peterson, who was totally confused and didn't know what was going on.Just then, his phone rang in his pocket."Hello, Wuzixia. What's up?".......Half an hour later, Allen Peterson saw Wuzixia in a hurry at the airport of the East Sea city."You don't have to do this. I'll go back with you. There's no need to see them."Wuzixia shook
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Ye Yingcai over there is plotting to ask Ye Yingcai to help. Allen Peterson has helped Wu Zixia find the hotel."It's too late. I'll go back first. If anything happens, just call me directly."Wu Zixia nodded, walked up to Allen Peterson, kissed him gently on the face, and said, "Thank you so much today."Allen Peterson stared at Wu Zixia in surprise.Wu Zixia blushed and whispered, "Am I not your lover? That's not too much!"Allen Peterson swallowed a mouthful of saliva, ignored anything and turned out of the room.He is in a mess now. Although he has always known that Wu Zixia has some interest in him, he only thinks that it is because Wu Zixia wants to borrow his identity to speak out in front of his stepmother.However, Wu Zixia's performance just now is definitely not as simple as trading. It also contains other things that he dare not think about, nor does he want to think about.Returning to the villa in a hurry, Allen Peterson saw Ava Smith who was washing vegetables: "Why did
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Hearing this, Wu Chengping trembled all over and almost throw the phone out. Of course, he knew the little owner of the Wu family. For people of that status, he would never lie to him.Seeing Wu Chengping afraid of this, Allen Peterson smiled and took the phone from his hand."Uncle, do you believe this time?""I believe, I believe, I'm sorry, Master Peterson. I said something crazy before, I'm sorry."Allen Peterson shook his head and put his arm around Wu Zixia: "Uncle, you don't need to tell me so much. I need your consent to deal with Zixia."Wu Zixia was hugged by Allen Peterson and her heart suddenly stopped beating. Her father was right in front of her and she was in Allen Peterson's arms. Suddenly, she did not know what to do with her hands.Wu Chengping had something to say. Originally, when he saw Wu Zixia's unwillingness, his heart was shaken. But seeing that the Ye family was also a big family in the provincial capital, Wu Zixia would not be bullied when he married.He also
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