All Chapters of Dragon Son In Law: Chapter 361 - Chapter 370
467 Chapters
Wu Zixia took a look at him and said, "aren't you afraid that you will annoy my father and destroy your Ye clan?"The strength of the Wu clan was far beyond Ye clan's imagination. If Wu Chengping wanted to destroy Ye clan, he must have the strength.Ye yingcai nodded, "of course I'm afraid. But as long as we have sex, I'll show him my good grandson. What will he do to me?"As a matter of fact, he had never thought of doing that.However, a few hours ago, Wu Chengping found him and asked him to cancel his engagement with Wu Zixia and Allen Wu Zixia to Peterson.He was confused at Wu Zixia's words. Although he didn't know how the married Allen Peterson got involved with her, Allen Peterson once he got the help of the Wu family.It was easy for ye clan to destroy Ye clan in this situation. How could he let this happen? He kidnapped Wu Chengping directly.Soon, it was not until the engagement party began that ye Ying took Wu Zixia to the party.Nie Qianyan sat on the middle stage early in
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But now it was obvious that he couldn't hold on any longer. "I...""Wait!"Before she finished her words, a voice full of anger interrupted him.Ye yingcai angrily looked at the place where the voice came from. Seeing that Wu Zixia was about to say something, why was she interrupted again?But when he saw the person clearly, his pupils shrank sharply and he almost fell to the ground. He had never expected that Wu Chengping would appear here.Didn't he kidnap her?Seeing Wu Chengping, Wu Zixia was so surprised that she almost jumped up."Father.""Wu Chengping, you're finally here. Come and have a seat. Because of your absence, Zixia is unwilling to get engaged."Seeing the appearance of Wu Chengping, Nie Qianyan breathed a sigh of relief and greeted him in a hurry.Wu Chengping snorted, "we are not engaged. Your Godson is so filial! How could he do such a thing?"Ye yingcai suddenly thought of something. It would be terrible if Wu Chengping told her everything at this time.Without the
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Nie Qianyan's face sank suddenly, and she thought of Allen Peterson in a moment. Only Allen Peterson had the time to poison at the scene that day."Talent, go find someone and bring me that Allen Peterson. I will let him die in front of Chengping."Ye Yingcai naturally won't oppose it. Only by finding a replacement ghost can he be completely safe."OK, Ganma, I'll go right now."At that moment, the door was pushed open: "Don't go, I've already come."It was Allen Peterson who pushed the door. He was followed by Wu Zixia. Just as he was at the door, he heard the conversation between them. How could he not stand out at this time?Nie Qianyan's eyes turned red when she saw Allen Peterson: "Little brute, you dare to come here. I will kill you today to avenge Chengping."Allen Peterson took a surprised look at Nie Qianyan. He did not expect that although the woman was mean, her feelings towards Wu Chengping were not fake.If it hadn't happened, Allen Peterson might have thought she was a go
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Although Nie Qianyan doesn't like Wu Zixia, she still knows her father daughter relationship with Wu Chengping. She doesn't think Wu Zixia will harm Wu Chengping.After taking a deep look at her, he gave a cold grunt: "If Chengping delays his illness because of you, you can't walk out of this ward alive."Ye Yingcai saw that, and the corners of his mouth turned up a little. He knew what kind of poison he was poisoning. Wu Chengping was hopeless.The bottle as evidence was taken away by Allen Peterson himself, and there are too many things that can be fabricated."Godmother, I have something to do, so I'll go back first. If something happens here, give me a call, and I'll come right away."Nie Qianyan looks at Ye Yingcai in front of him with satisfaction. She is a dry son, but she is really good. She is really much better than that little bitch."Yingcai, if you have something to do, go ahead. I will take care of your godfather's side naturally. But you need to find someone to look afte
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At that moment, the door was suddenly pushed open and Allen Peterson came in: "Can you get the coffin fungus as soon as possible?"Coffin fungus? Nie Qianyan was shocked by this kind of thing. She knew this kind of thing. It was rare and unusual. She saw it once when she was a child.It was to cure her dying grandpa. It took about three months and countless money to find a coffin fungus to cure her grandpa."What do you want that for?"Allen Peterson looked at her and said, "I have found out the poison in uncle. Coffin fungus is the most important medicine."Although Wu Zixia did not know what the coffin fungus was, he knew it was not a common thing when he saw their reaction."Allen Peterson, can't we replace it with something else? For a while and a half, where can we find this kind of medicine that we haven't heard of?"Allen Peterson shook his head and said, "If there are other medicinal materials, I can naturally replace them with ordinary drugs, but this coffin fungus is not good
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He just instinctively put down the phone and thought it was the boss of that company. He wanted to talk with him about business, but when he was lying in bed, he suddenly remembered Allen Peterson's last words.In my memory, I found the master of this voice, the powerful Zhao family, Allen Peterson.In a flash, a cold sweat came out and he was not sleepy at all. He even hung up Allen Peterson's phone. Is it true that his life is long?As long as Allen Peterson said a word, within a month, his family property would disappear. Under such circumstances, how could he still sleep.I called back in a hurry.Allen Peterson really didn't expect that things would develop like this. He really didn't expect the Xu family owner to call him after he put down the phone."The shelf of Xu Family Leader is really big! I thought it was no longer my Zhao family.""I dare not, I dare not."The head of the Xu family is sweating. He doesn't know why Allen Peterson found himself. He hasn't cooperated with th
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In the morning of the next day, Allen Peterson would go to the ward and saw Wu Zixia, who was struggling, guarding beside the hospital bed, while Nie Qianyan, who was sitting in the corner of the ward, looked at Wu Zixia complexly.Last night, Wu Zixia forgave her, but the more so, the more guilty she felt.It can be said that with Allen Peterson's identity as a woman, Wu Zixia wanted to kill her, which was no more difficult than killing an ant.According to her idea, even if Wu Zixia did not kill her for the sake of Wu Chengping's face, at least she would suffer and kill her half.After all, the death of Wu Zixia's biological mother has a direct relationship with her. She also remembers the irony of these years. If it were her, it would never be better.Now, she doesn't know how to face Wu Zixia.When she saw Allen Peterson and came in, she shrank back and tried not to attract Allen Peterson's attention. Yesterday, she said that Allen Peterson was a liar. If Allen Peterson took reveng
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When he said this, he took a special look at Allen Peterson, which was self-evident.He didn't want Allen Peterson to get involved in this matter.Nie Qianyan said to Allen Peterson in embarrassment: "Doctor Peterson, do you want to go out first? Mr. Huang needs treatment."She wanted to say Allen Peterson, but Allen Peterson interrupted her earlier in the introduction. She knew that Allen Peterson didn't want to let others know his identity, so she changed her name to Doctor Peterson.Allen Peterson took a deep look at Nie Qianyan and said, "You have to think well. If he intervenes, I won't be responsible for what happens to Wu Chengping."Nie Qianyan nodded hurriedly.Allen Peterson saw this and pulled Wu Zixia out of the ward.Wu Zixia hurriedly said, "Allen Peterson, that's my father. You can't ignore it!"Allen Peterson shook his head and said, "If the coffin fungus is not available for a moment, your father's poison will not be solved for a moment. It's better to let Huang Wenkan
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Allen Peterson was relieved to see Wu Chengping gradually settling down in the hospital bed. He knew that the soul-fixing needle had succeeded. Next, as long as the poison in his body was removed, Wu Chengping would naturally wake up."Old Huang, don't worry, this soul fixing needle is your unique skill. I swear, it will never be passed on to another person."The old Huang at the other end of the phone looked at Allen Peterson's pale face, smiled and waved his hand: "Don't you, this soul-fixing needle can't let him lose it, otherwise, I'm ashamed of my ancestors! If you have a suitable candidate, pass it on to him!"When he said this, Allen Peterson stood in awe. To tell the truth, he was not greedy for the unique skill of soul fixing needle, but he never thought he would learn it."Old Huang, you can rest assured that I will never let this unique skill be lost."This soul-fixing needle requires a high level of injection from doctors. Didn't you see that Huang Wenkang, who has studied
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Allen Peterson was angry this time, and his voice was not small, which directly frightened Ava. This was the first time she saw Allen Peterson speak so loudly.Tears immediately came down: "I guess what happened when I didn't go home for two consecutive nights and stayed with Wu Zixia. Can I guess?"The quarrel between the two directly caused Chu Yao, who had already slept, to come out, rubbing her eyes."Brother Peterson, what are you arguing with Sister Ava? She cooked a lot of dishes in the evening and said she would wait for you to come back to eat and apologize for you. She shouldn't be so excited yesterday. Why did you come back so late? She didn't even eat dinner."Allen Peterson was shocked and looked at Ava in surprise. He was about to ask something, but Ava ran back to the room.He followed, but the door was locked."Ava, open the door. I'm sorry for you. Can you listen to my explanation?"But there was no word in the room. Allen Peterson put his ear to the door and could onl
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