All Chapters of One more kiss, Mr. CEO: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
130 Chapters
Out with Aaron
Chapter 41Breakfast was the most serene. The conversation of last night was still lingering in my mind. I still haven't told him about Dad's condition. If I did then he wouldn't be happy with me. That I am certain of. I stayed up throughout the night thinking about it. Mostly too about the idiotic attitude of that handsome man, who pissed me off. Why don't I have the heart to resent him and send him out of my life?I knew the answer to that but I was too proud to admit it. It was too heavy for me to do that to myself. If I do not admit anything then it wouldn't hurt. Then, it hurt just as much. We were having avocado spread and omelets for breakfast. Kathy was the first to speak. "I think Aaron is going to turn each one of us into a vegetarian. I mean, they are good but then I would really need lots of calories."We all laughed. "That's how he does back at home. I remember how he made us eat his food without any of those carbs. I drank those weird smoothies for a whole week."Sit
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Not your decision to make, Zora
Chapter 42"It is already a new week. Honestly, I cannot imagine why time has to fly so fast." I muttered to myself. We have finally agreed to see my father and Aaron still doesn't know the state of his health. He had been asking a lot of questions and I just smiled through, giving monosyllabic answers to them.I wanted the weekend to be slower, so I would have to prepare myself mentally for this moment. I didn't think it would have to be soon, I thought he would be better by now. He was still in a coma and has been responding well to treatment according to the doctors. I couldn't wait for this phase to be over. For him to come home and be fine. I remember going through some success stories of people who have fought cancer. I prayed and hoped that we would be one of those people.A message popped on my phone, and it was Mrs. Lane."You can take the rest of the day off. No need to come in to work today, it won't affect your salary." I had already given an excuse that I would be coming
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Brothers love their sisters, no matter what...
Chapter 43If anyone saw me they would definitely say that I was losing it. That was because I actually was losing it. The pain I felt throughout the night wasn't somewhat familiar but it was difficult to pull through because I was thinking about everything that happened so hard that I cried myself to sleep.I didn't know when Kathy came in last night, I was just sinking in my own troubles to know when she arrived. "I'm just going to approach him and apologize, how hard can it be," I said to myself.I was heaving. There was this fear that was eating me from inside, it was tugging at my sleeves till my hands wouldn't stop twitching. The pain was heavy but not more than what Aaron was feeling. "I feel terrible…but he can't stay mad at me forever." I squeezed my red eyes as I stared at my bloated face in the mirror. "Aaron…I'm so…" sighed. "Fuck this!" It has been three days and he hasn't said a word to me. What's even more painful was that he hadn't even had dinner or lunch with us
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Aaron is still pissed...
Chapter 44I didn't know what hurt more. The fact that Aaron found and shamed me for it or that we were having breakfast with this heavy silence hovering above us. Aaron was still very pissed at me and I couldn't bring myself to tell him the truth. Telling anyone breaches the contract and I didn't want that until I found a way around it.We continued to eat in silence and my brother was so focused on his food that he didn't even bother to steal a glance. I sighed and ate what I could."Would both of you tell me what's going on?" Kathy sighed. "I mean, the house is so cold and it's making me uncomfortable."Aaron was about to stand up and go to his room with his plate. "Nah, you don't have any fucking right to do that." She stopped him."Not when I want to find answers to what has been going on, then you feel you can opt out of the conversation? Nah, not on my watch. Both of you, do you hear me? Not on my watch.""Kathy you are worrying over nothing, we are cool.""Yes, we are cool. No
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A full-grown man
Chapter 45 First, it was the sobbing and the anger that followed afterward. I was so flushed with anger, I punched the door. Aaron rushed out of his room staring at me concerned. I was glad that he still held those for me "What's going on?" "Nothing." "Come on, are you really going to do this?" He asked. I paused in my tracks and sighed. "Okay, since you are so eager to know. Imagine that you are the main character of a stupid girlish cartoon, and she has no reason to keep malice with you." "Huh?" I knew he was confused but I didn't stick around to find out about the details of his confusion. I dashed into my room and banged the door. I was breathing heavily this time, I needed to calm down. I carefully sat on the floor as I remembered everything again. Did I say too much? Was I too rude? Was I harsh to him? How is he feeling? All of these questions continued to disturb me. "It wasn't a nice thing to do." I thought Then, why should I put him in consideration when he had no
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Your lips...
Chapter 46I was filled with so much happiness. For the first time in a long while I slept without thinking too much about anything. My mind was free and I'm glad that we resolved everything. The morning was a peaceful one and we had breakfast as usual, this time it wasn't in silence. We had fun and Aaron was back to treating us like vegetarians.I got to work and I was still to hear the news of the new workers. The one that Bella talked about recently. Deep down I was scared because I didn't know how I was going to get another job, that was paying this much. I wasn't the type to rely on someone just because they were being generous with their money. I prayed that it turned out well in the end. I carried a tray to serve these young couples who looked like siblings. They were having these different views and it was obvious that one cared but the other didn't care as much. It started when they were choosing their meals, the guy seemed adamant about it. He kept saying things like,"You
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Wealthy people are like anorexic folks...
Chapter 47 "I feel the world is so busy today." I tried to make sense of what Bella was saying. It was ringing as I expected it to. I shook my head as she laughed. We were walking home together after a long day at work, when we got to the bus station we diverted to our different lanes. I carefully counted every step as I sank into the brief silence the environment had. Not too many cars passed through years lanes it was mostly from those who lived here. It was towards the evening, the sky was filled with the hue of subtle orange blending in with pink. The sun was going to sleep as the sky drowned it burning flames, it was producing more beauty by the second. The wind was lush against my skin, I close my eyes and breathed through every gentle kiss. I quietly walked home as Foot In Front Of The Other by Griff, echoed unto my ears through my earphones. As I slow-walked, I swayed my body slowly to the beat, my hair carried away by the air leaving it untamed. The memories I held clos
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Mrs. Garrett hates me...
Chapter 48I found myself bringing up several scenes of how the dinner would go. Like I haven't done that already. I knew it all boiled down to one thing, it could either end on a good note or a bad note. Nothing more. I didn't notice when the car stopped. We had already reached our destination. Elliot released his seat belt and came down from the car to get to my door. He has a passive look on his face but I pretended not to have seen it."Thank you," I whispered. I could feel my hand twitch as nervousness kept grinding inside me. I came down from the car, losing my footing. Before my body hit the ground, Elliot held me by the waist to stabilize me. I thanked him again, fiddling my hands together before smoothing my dress.I looked up at the golden plate at the top of the building. I tried to pronounce the name that was boldly written in French. Elliot backed me up."La Monet." I nodded. I wondered about French and Italian places. I've noticed that he always had the right connection
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Getting better...
Chapter 49The night wasn't the most pleasant but the little act of kindness he showed made it worthwhile. The sweet feeling of his lips on mine and the after feeling of his cologne on my breath. I couldn't get over the feeling because I feel I had the same effect on him as he had on me. He was doing a really good job at hiding it. I didn't want to blur this feeling and memory that seemed to have a lasting effect. I hope he comes out of his head and accepts whatever his heart is telling him.It was a long shot but whatever the outcome is, I was willing to bear through it all. I touched my lips with one hand, and used the other, to ring the doorbell. I breathed into the cold air as goosebumps rose on my skin. I was beginning to feel an immense amount of cold. Seconds later, Kathy opened the door for me and I walked in. Several times, they have left this door unlocked, other times it is ajar as they were inside. They paid less attention to being vigilant. "You are not very security co
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Fun Day...
Chapter 50It is just windy but somehow my body temperature seems to go below, which made me cold. I was always cold and it was something I really calmly dealt with. Aaron seemed to always have it different, he hardly ever gets cold except the weather is below its normal temperature. I tried to breathe because my chest was beginning to tighten, leaving little space for air to stay in my body."I don't know why I have to deal with this. I might as well have an inhaler because this is becoming like asthma." Bella laughed. Although I was being serious, my sarcasm got in the way of that. I saw Bella on my way to work and we just walked down together. When I got in, the smell of coffee filled my breath, it was pleasant. Even with the difficulty to breathe, I could still smell the streams of coffee mixed with milk. I saw the freshly baked fried, I inhaled the smell and it felt like I was already eating it. It gave me the homely feeling, those lazy afternoons where you do nothing but bak
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