บททั้งหมดของ One more kiss, Mr. CEO: บทที่ 61 - บทที่ 70
A boring Sunday...
Chapter 61"Sex?" I shuddered just thinking about it. It made sense why Kathy would ask me that question. I have been with Elliot for as long as I remember. I went to his house and slept drunk till the next morning. But it was already too late to bring the issue up. She didn't see that. I drank a glass of water in one gulp, and I recovered from choking on my pizza. "Yeah, sex. I wasn't mincing my words when I asked. Have you and Elliot slept with each other?" "I got your question the first time." I saw the coy smile on her face. "You haven't answered. You are stalling." She carefully sipped her tea with a smile that refused to fade. It was creepy. I breathed.I forced a grin on my face and took a seat at the dining table. "Okay, let's get things straight. Elliot and I are just taking things slowly. We don't want to rush on anything."She was about to say something but I cut her off. "What about your decision? Have you made up your mind?" She glared at me. If I didn't deflect fro
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It was good while it lasted...
Chapter 62We were heading home after a fun-filled Sunday. Kathy and I spent a lot of time on the way, hitting on every joke we found on the internet. As much as I loved the fun, her words of tease still left an impression in my mind, a feeling I couldn't shake off. We got home sooner and Kathy went ahead to fix dinner. Kathy was indeed cheerful and I didn't want to ruin her moment. "I would have left the kitchen for you but you might end up burning the whole house. Besides, I am a better cook." She bragged. I just shook my head not wanting to reply her. Just when you feel she is being all nice, she would bring something up that would change the mood. "You do, you. I don't mind. I already know that I do not know how to do these things, you don't have to rub it in."She smiled as a knock on the door distracted us. Kathy was about to get it, "Don't worry, I will get it."I went to get the door and I saw Fred with a huge smile on his face. He was looking all neat like he was going so
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Sharon Myles...
Chapter 63Morning came very quickly, it seemed I didn't get any sleep at all. When I woke up everything seemed foggy until yesterday's event played in my mind again. I checked the bed and Kathy wasn't there. It took a while before I could get her to sleep and she was up early again. I knew her well and if anything, she feels things a little too deeply. I knew that the squabble between the three of them was going to crush her because she ended up hurting both of them. I had an interview so early, so I freshened up. I dressed a little casually because I had a feeling it was going to be a quick one. I came downstairs to make coffee and eggs toast, I saw Kathy holding a mug in her hands. She was alone, staring into blank space. I sat down close to her. "You don't have to think about it too much. Everything will play out just according to its will."She stared at me with sad eyes. "It is already acting out according to its will. I lost the one I love and hurt the one that I care for.
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A new job...
Chapter 64The last few days were still foggy but I remembered Elliot took me back home after the charity event. Seeing Sharon Myles reminded me of the interview that was sabotaged because of her silly questions and her hatred for me. I had to keep my cool although Elliot thought I was just trying not to get pissed because of the time she came to the restaurant. I didn't tell him about the interviews because he would have interfered and I didn't want that. He knew something was wrong but he didn't stress it out on me which I appreciated. It was a reminder from the previous night that woke me up, going ahead to do my regular morning routine. I had to promise myself not to skip work anymore because my paycheck at the end of the month would be minced to crumbs None of the interviews proved to be successful and although I feigned nonchalance, it actually did hurt a bit. A lot. Maybe the reason I haven't been successful in that way is that it wasn't what I was meant to do. I stopped dr
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You look good together...
Chapter 65I woke up with body cramps. I was not the only one on the couch twisting our bodies in different positions. It was obvious that we slept by binging and watching lots of movies. It was an unhealthy thing to do, we knew and our bodies were suffering from it.Bowls of popcorn were scattered everywhere on the couch, I groaned as I staggered to my feet. It was a long day ahead of us and I believed that Kathy also had that too. I woke her up. "Come on! I want to sleep some more." I slapped her on her thighs until she jolted up with speed. She glared at me, itching her eyes to clear her vision. We both went upstairs and entered the shower when it was our turn to freshen up for the day. Kathy was done first and she went downstairs, I heard the sound of the coffee maker as I came downstairs. She made coffee for herself, I wasn't in the mood to get my own coffee so I had bread instead. We finally finished our breakfast, Kathy and I walked down to the bus station before we parte
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You should tell him...
Chapter 66That was the only thing in my head as I tried to make breakfast. I knew that I wasn't the best at cooking but I thought of Elliot and I knew that I would want to make him a meal one day. I tried my hands with some toast and eggs, but I hardly had any success. Also, I planned to do a full-course meal later in the evening. As much as I wanted to get past it, the picture of them together filled my mind. Seeing them together meant only one thing, they made up. Things were fine between them but I was scared of Kathy rushing things. Amongst barging into them making up, I really wanted them to be sure that they were doing the right things.The most important thing was everyone was getting the life they wanted, being with who they wanted, people that tickled their fancy. I was trying to make pancakes this time, but I burnt half of them. I was trying to imitate those perfect brown pancakes that looked fluffy and easy to chew because of how much they were prepared with finesse and a
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Chapter 67I had contemplated this for a very long time, ever since I had gone to the agency and started my new job. There was no way I could do it without feeling nostalgic, I thought about giving it time but time would only make it worse. It is better to act on a feeling, especially when you have decided on your next few steps. It was better to act on it than allow it to linger for a while, without taking any course of action. I got to the restaurant with my resignation letter in my hands. I held on to it tightly as I stood in front of the building. I saw through the glass as the open sign dangled on the doorknob, I remembered all of the memories this place held for me. This was the place that Elliot thought it wise to start seeing me because, at some point, he couldn't come to my house. I made great friends here, it was this job that paid most of the bills. It gave me a sense of independence, the experience I had at the restaurant was next to none. There was nothing that could co
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A full house...
Chapter 68My days were getting busier. I didn't know how long I would be able to hold on. I mostly come home with back pains and sore feet, sometimes a hissing pain in my knees. Then I signed up for this, modeling. The stress and the must training were all worth it. As I began my day, I took my phone and texted Elliot if he was down for dinner because I had a lot of things to discuss with him. I finally wanted to talk to him about my job and everything in between. I was hoping for the worst, I paused as I typed the message. Then, I didn't think about it too much. I just clicked the send button. He replied almost immediately.I smiled, shuffling my phone in my coat as I focused back on the class we were taking. I tried to shake the heaviness that was lying on my shoulders, I thought about the several ways that he would snap. Elliot was not the type to have a temper but when something was accumulating for so long, he'd snap. That's how well I knew him. So, I began to think of his reac
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Drew is fond of you...
Chapter 69At first, we were filled with silence because I resisted the urge to ask the obvious question. We had little talks but Elliot could tell that I had a lot on my mind. I turned to Kathy. "Did you know about this?"She was puzzled. "About what?" I blinked my eyes at Drew. She shrugged. Drew on the other hand was busy enjoying his meal and pretending he wasn't part of the conversation. Elliot chipped in. "I don't think she was aware. I just needed Drew to accompany me." I nodded. Drew broke the silence. "This meal is so nice, babe. " he smiled at Kathy. "I know you prepared this, you've always had good hands."Kathy was trying to stop him but I was too late. My blood was filled with rage. Elliot swallowed a burst of laughter. "I…I didn't prepare the…meal." Kathy stuttered. Drew was confused, I didn't know why he thought he was invited. Kathy pointed at me. "Oh, I'm so sorry Zora. I didn't mean that you do not know how to cook. I just….thought….""Chill, man. You just acc
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I don't like other men seeing you...
Chapter 70We were pretty confused about what to get for lunch. Later we finally decided to get a healthy lunch, with salad as the side dish. Jason was not much of a talker but he gave healthy tips on how to be better since everyone was all about competition. Myra and I were pretty focused on our food when he asked us. "Do you hit the gym from time to time?" Myra and I stared at each other for a while unsure of what to say. "Nope." Myra shook her head. He wasn't impressed. "That's not good, you have to go to the gym at least three times a week. You guys could also have a dumbbell at home so you can have private workouts. It would help you guys in the long run." We both nodded. It was cool that someone was finally putting us through, we didn't seem all that lost. I kept thinking about where I was going to get a dumbbell because that was something I really wanted to try.After lunch, Myea and Jadon reminded me of the party. Going through the tasks of the day, I totally forgot about t
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