All Chapters of Brian Kings and His Substitute Bride : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
147 Chapters
Done and dusted
/Meelah’s POV/“Over here Mr Kings” the first reporter on the first row and the first seat takes the initiative to start his round of questioning and I brace myself up for what is to come. “When did you and your fathers secretary meet for you to be involved in so deep a office romance to the point that you went as far as substituting your bride twice just to marry her, because I did some digging and realized that Mrs kings only started working as the secretary to the chairman four months ago so a lot of things are just not adding up here” the reporter takes time to construct his question before firing it in Brian’s direction making me gulp nervously because I was expecting us to progress from the simple questions to the difficult ones. “You sound like you have done a lot of digging about how my wife and I met, but I will like to refresh your memory a bit…” Brian starts radiating the confidence of a King. “First of all, my wife is an alumni of the prestigious Jade university, and so
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Grow the fuck up
/Meelah’s POV/“Hmmm hmmm” I clear my throat on getting to the front of the elevator. “I don’t think I will be able to get on the elevator with you guys because I need to get to the toilet” I speak up in an attempt to excuse myself from the entourage because the attention that I am getting from it is too much, and I am not enjoying it at all. “Fine..” he answers almost immediately, signaling a few bodyguard to step aside and they split without wasting time. “Are they going to be accompanying me to the bathroom?” I question him yo be sure that I am not the one overthinking and he nods “Yh” he answers briefly before taking his attention back to the phone that he is pressing. The thought of obediently agreeing to his option, then making sure to escape from their company so that Brian won’t think that I am challenging his authority crosses my mind for a split second, and I actually pause to consider it. “How the hell are you supposed to escape from six able bodied men” the stupid vo
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Severe case of an obnoxious ex
/Meelah’s POV/“You!” I let out in confusion as soon as I steady myself. “Yeaaa…’s me” she says taking calculated steps towards me “Your worst nightmare” she whispers and then draws away with a sinister smile on her face that makes me furrow my brows in confusion because I can’t remember us ever speaking to each other before this. “Why are you here?” I ask her instead of stressing myself to think about it “Why are you being so mean?” She says lifting my chin up with her finger and I avert mg gaze. “Eloise Jenson!” I say trying to conceal my rising anger because I don’t want to loose my cool. “Can you go straight to the point as to why you are here, or will you rather clear yourself away from my path so that I can be on my way” I lay the cards down for her to pick. “That’s quite mean for someone that just saved you from tripping and making a fool of yourself in front of so many people, but that’s fine……it is in the nature of humans to be ungrateful, so I won’t take it to h
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Psycho ex girlfriend
/Brian’s POV/“What was that?” I ask Eloise as soon as we leave the crowd of people that her attention seeking self pulled in the snack room. “What is what?” She Inquires feigning ignorance and looking around like she lost something. “Eloise! Don’t get me mad” I start with a stern warning. “Go straight to the point as to why you suddenly showed up in Kings Corporation with so many people” I ask her again. “Ohhh….that” she pretends to recall by scratching the nape of her neck with her coffin nails. “Nothing much, I just came bearing the invitation to the reality TV show”she answers like she is innocent and I am just trying to frame her. “My friend come off it!” I raise my voice at her. “I dated you for two years, so don’t you think I can tell when you are lying?” I try to keep myself from loosing my cool. “Ohhh wow!” She exclaim. “If you still remember that we dated for two years, how come you and Jayden Connors bastard were together for Almost seven years, because and if I ca
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My own kinda normal
/Meelah’s POV/“Sorry for keeping you guys waiting” Eloise voice comes from the direction of the door, making me leave what I was doing to check her out. “How many viewers do we have on the LIVE” she asks her assistant, but there is just something off about her that I can’t place because her countenance looks completely different compared to how she was when she left with Brian. “Over 11k viewers” the assistant answers. “Perfecto!” She exclaims. “ now let’s get the cameras rolling” she instructs and I quickly take out my phone to check the comments on her LIVE video, since that is how I have been keeping myself busy since she was away. “Sorry guys for keeping you all waiting, Brian Kings wanted to talk to me in private and considering the history that we have together, I just had to hear him out” she says putting emphasis on the word private and that makes me pause to wonder what exactly she is trying to prove by insinuating such a thing when we have such a sensitive situation at
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Reality TV show saga
/Brian’s POV/After angrily leaving Eloise, I made my way to my office because I wanted to be alone, but they were not done with the process of moving offices so I had to leave and change my location to the conference room because that is a place that I was very sure that I wasn’t going to bump into anyone since half of the workforce of kings corporation are busy dealing with the scandal, and the other half are busy enlarging their gossiping coast. All in all, I just hope what ever drama Eloise is cooking ends before it even starts because I hate how Kings Corporation has gone from the serious environment that it used to be to an avenue for gossip related affairs. More than anything, I hate the fact that my personal life is clashing with my professional life because more than anything I hate mixing those two things but over the past one month, I have failed miserably at doing that, and now that I am married as per what my father wants, I just hope that everybody can stop focusing on
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Impromptu interview
/Brian’s POV/I stood rooted in my spot and tried to figure my life out till I got a call from my personal assistant that I should return to my dads office since they were done with the moving. Since I got to this office and settled in, I have been dealing with my fathers most immediate project, and my wife is no where around to put Amelia through so I have been making do with the information that my fathers secretary provided. I was hoping that Meelah was going to come back soon and I didn’t want to call her because I didn’t want it to start looking like she is so indispensable so I had to made do with what i had by going through my fathers itenerary for the day. I thought my father used to just stay in his position feeling so high and mighty as the chairman of Kings corporation, I never knew that he always had so much to do in a day. I thought I was going to be able to deal with all this meetings, but I barely know anything about those meetings and I am not ready to show up at t
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Call of duty
/Brian’s POV/“What the hell is going on?” I question her as soon as we step out of the lounge not minding if my questions will cause a scene in the cafeteria. “What does it look like” she answers my question with another question. “Why did you suddenly show up with so many people to create a scene at my welcome party after I made it very clear to you that I am not interested in which ever drama it is that you are cooking?” I question her again “I thought I made it very clear that I came over to film the first episode of the reality tv show, so why are you making such a scene here?” She questions me back. “That aside, why did you go ahead to announce that I no agreed to join the show when I made it very clear that I wasn’t interested” I question her again because I have a lot of questions for her. “what other avenue can I have to make you and Jayden Connors bastards life a living hell if not the reality tv show” she questions making me blink back in shock at the level of confidenc
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Let’s get this lunch party started
/Meelah’s POV/After getting out of the elevator, I made my way to the cafeteria as per Samantha’s instructions only for me to realize that they want me to be on ground in advance so that I can join them in welcoming big boss Brian. I was low key pissed that I was taken out of my newly comfort zone just to to be a party to what they wanted to do, but I didn’t dare show it in my expression or my countenance because if there is one thing that the events that have been happening from Saturday’s has thought me, it is the fact that people can take the liberty of generating over a thousand story that is not true based on their perception of what your mood looks like. I have been through a lot already, and I didn’t want to start dragging a non issue just because I was not interested in tote welcome party so I plastered a smile on my face and pretended to be interested as we made preparations to welcome Brian kings. I was hoping that the whole welcome party will start and end smoothly, but
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Good riddance to bad rubbish
/Meelah’s pov/“Do you want to be the one to order or how do you want us to go about it?” I ask Brian as soon as I pick up the menu since that is what almost everybody is doing more so, I need an escape so that I won’t start looking stupid being sandwiched between Brian Kings’ and his ex-girlfriend. “I will go with anything that you order,” he finally speaks up after a long pause which makes me blink back in shock because I only asked him for formality's sake, I wasn’t expecting him to give in and allow me to order for us both, I just really wanted validation that we both were allowed to do out things separately before I will start hearing gossip over something so simple. It is so frustrating that I have to be overly cautious over minimal things like this, but it is what it is. “Are you sure that she is aware of your likes and dislikes,” Eloise cuts in, making me resist the urge to tell her to get her nose out of my business because it is just so annoying that she is hovering around
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