All Chapters of Brian Kings and His Substitute Bride : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
147 Chapters
A massive change in my status
/Meelah’s POV/After Eloise left Brian and I, I pretended to be so focused on my food while making noise of appreciation as the foodgit my taste buds, and it wasn’t because the pineapple teriyaki tasted like anything out of the ordinary, I just had high expectations for it and it didn’t meet up to that expectation, but I didn’t dare show it in my countenance because it was obvious from Brian’s expression that he was going induced hell fire treatment because of the food in front of him, so I had to increase the way I was forcing myself to act like the food was giving everything that it was supposed to give. U didn’t know how deep Brian kings hatred for pineapple flavored stuff runs, but it was really satisfying to watch him suffer because his momentary suffering couldn’t even compensate for everything that he put me through today After the meal,I made sure that I escaped from the crowded and to do that I had to go through the stairs so that anyone familiar won’t walk-in on me inside
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Heroines of chaos
/Brian’s POV/I have been suffering since I had lunch, worse still the cause of my suffering is so uncalled for but the heroines of chaos in my life have decided to put me through this hell because they want to prove a point to each other. As for Eloise, I know that she is obviously pissed about how I told her about the true status of our relationship, but she forced my hand and now that I have done it she is probably trying to prove to her self that she is not as worthless to me as I think she is, but the truth is that nothing she does can change how I feel about her more so our history is in the past and it can never be revisited under any circumstances. As for Meelah, she was exhibiting pettiness that I was not expecting from her and playing up to Eloise game which is just totally u called for because everyone knows where they stand with me, so what is the need to try to prove a point? People that knows me well knows that I hate pineapple with passion, but o ku a few people kno
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Specimen of jealousy
/Meelah’s POV/I make my way out of the dining room angrily only for Edens call to come in and almost make me want to send my phone crashing into the wall out of anger because I really want to talk to my bestie,but this is not the time and place for that. I am at a point where the the only thing I can accommodate on my plate is my own emotions, I can’t afford to start processing and processing how someone else is going to feel via how I chose to react to what is being said to me. “Relax……” I try to calm the fury burning inside me because G mama always emphasizes that if I am dealing with things, I should try to control my anger instead of being destructive and dealing with the consequences of my hot temper later. I watch the phone ring as I stop in-front of the staircase, trying to perform breathing exercises to control my anger as I grab the phone firmly. The phone finally stops ringing only for it to start ringing loudly again after a few seconds. “This won’t do……I need to rant
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First civil conversation of the century
/Meelah’s POV/“I can see that you have stopped protesting” Brian whispers making It is more than difficult for me to concentrate on what is playing on the flat screen television. no matter how I try to settle my mind that seating on a guys laps is not supposed to be so much of a big deal,especially when that guy is somebody like Brian Kings that I see as off topic,I still can’t stop thinking about it because everything that is going on is one hell of a big deal to me. I am somebody that likes keeping my hands to myself, so I don’t indulge with public display of affection that has to deal with touching other people, and I don’t care if that person is a make or female, it is just not in my nature to be touchy so tell how so much can be going on all at once and my virgin mind will be able to behave itself?the video stops making Brian and I the main focus of the event, and the scene happens to be here Brian announced that the “food is here” and instead of airing the showdown that happ
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Team mother in law and Ex girlfriend
/Brian’s POV/After Meelah angrily walked away to change her clothes, I settled down to eat because I was not ready to jeopardize my food for a non issue, only for Eloise to start moving mad in my direction and making me extremely comfortable. When I saw that the food option was not working well, I stood up from the dinning and went to seat in the sitting room so that we can get the movie premier over and done with so that the crazy woman can return to her house,but Eloise came from the dining that I left her on to specially plant herself beside me with the excuse that the love seat is directly ibfront of the tv and she needs to get the best Angle for her videos. I sat on the chair boiling because I couldn’t wrap my head around why Eloise is making so much fuss over a movie premier that she must have watched before it was aired then an idea popped into my mind and I decided to take the movie premier to the cinema in the house. I excused myself out of the sitting room to talk to th
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Walking on egg shells
/Meelah’s POV/“Your phone has been vibrating for the past fifteen minutes now and you have not made conscious effort to check who it is” Brain calls my attention to the phone that has been sturrbornly vibrating on one side of the desk. “I am sorry for the disturbance, I wasn’t expecting the vibration to be loud enough for you to hear” I apologize as I quickly skim through the pile of document on the table to navigate the phone. “I actually flipped the Ring/silent switch so that I won’t disturb you, but I don’t understand why the phone is still not totally silenced” I explain so that he won’t think I intentionally did what I did, since we have been doing a lot of clarifying for each other for the past few days so that we can coexist peacefully. “Flipping the Rjng/silent switch won’t send the phone to total silence, you need to put the phone on DND” he calls my attention to it “Doesn’t the Ring/silent switch and DND do the same thing?” I question him because sometimes I use DND, s
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If I perish…I perish
/Meelah’s POV/“It’s better for me to face my destiny instead of sulking over here”I console myself after a few minutes of sulking as I pull myself together to start working. I scan the documents on my table and I realize that I still have a very long way to go, and there is just no way I can crash everything in the next five hours. “Let’s tidy up this baby so that I can pick up the pressing task to tackle within the next few hours, then I will sort the rest out over the weekend” I decide as I get down to arranging my abomination of table. I sort out the files on my table very fast by bookmarking it from the most important and the least important because I am don’t thinking I am a super woman that can crash everything at once, so let’s see how going bay a steady pace work for me. I put on my desktop and open up Microsoft excel where the new schedule that I started working on for Brian since I officially resumed work is, and I start to look through the materials one by one so that
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Motivational speaker Elliot
/Brian’s POV/“Before we bring this meeting to a close, I will like Amelia and Tiffany to jointly report to Mrs Kings office after this meeting to greatly reduce her work load and offer help in every way they can because Mrs Kings has something important to do by 5 pm, so I want every file on her table to be treated and arranged accordingly” I instruct only for them to start to murmur and I raise my brow at them. “There is really no need to murmur…..if you have anything to say, just say it boldly in front of me” I urge them only for they start sharing glances as the murmur quiets down. “Most of the departments in Kings Corporation is quite busy because of the transition and I get it that everybody is trying hard to adjust but half of the work force under me is unnecessarily idle, and the person bearing the burnt of your laziness is Mrs kings which bus not supposed to be” I decide to tackle the issue of their newly developed laziness. “Mrs Kings is not just the special assistant to
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Husband of the year
/Meelah’s POV/“Is it just me or Brian kings has been strangely considerate today?”At this point,it is Not just Brian kings, but everyone that used to work under him because they are being strangely respectful today, and those are the same set of people that have been taking the lead to revolt against every single order that I give in the office, but this afternoon two people came to help ease my work load according to the chairman’s orders. Initially,I thought it was another of Amelia’s ploy to get back at me, so I ran out of the office on the pretext of needing to use the bathroom, and then when I got to the bathroom I messaged Brian to ask why his assistant was insisting to help me when she was supposed to be assisting him with his meeting, then he explained to me that he has work for me after 5pm and he needs my schedule to be cleared. After I got the message from Brain, I left the bathroom for the office to rush my work because I wanted to finish up before five so that I could
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\Meelah’s POV/“Ari! Ember! Dianne!” Aurora shouts as she approaches the mansion, making me shake my head because I didn’t know that she was serious.“What is the deal between you and Aurora?” I turn back to question him.“You don’t have to know that” he answers smugly, making me eye him suspiciously.“I don’t trust you guys” I make it known to him and he just smiles confirming the fact that everything is suspicious about him and Aurora's sudden alliance.“You don’t have to trust us, just help me to bring out the things in the car so that I can leave you guys to enjoy yourselves” Brian says as he opens the door of the car and starts to bring out the gift bags.“Hmmmmmm…...” I mentally prepare myself to question him.“Did Aurora mention that the girl’s night is a sleep over thing?” I question him so that he can be carried along in my program.“It is very obvious from the name” he chuckles.“If you need me to pick you up tomorrow, you need to, give me heads up in advance…… an hou
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