All Chapters of Love And Hatred: A Vampire's First Love : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
198 Chapters
Chapter 91
It was eight at night and the girls were dancing and laughing heartily at the various jokes they said, it was a day to forget all the worries and enjoythemselves. Elise had ensured that there wasn't any alcohol or anything that might get them drunk, she wanted to memorize all the happenings in this special day. Since it had been her lifelong dream since she was young, she had to o everything right.It was at this hour that Lisa's friends arrived, they were three beautiful but mysterious ladies. Not one of the people at the party had seen them such that everyone was glancing at their direction when they went in. Lisa immediately spotted them and headed over tothem. No one would believe that the queen and her sisters could grace such an event,but all these were a secret.Lisa welcomed them and helped them to the wine. Elise was still preoccupied talking with some of her friends from the showbiz world.Miranda was able to identify one of the women as being part of Elise's adoptive family
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chapter 92
The day had finally arrived and everyone was busy getting themselves ready. Elise was in her room while having her makeup done. She was so gorgeous and breath taking that everyone would admire her. She was about to get into her gown when Lisa walked in, she was dressed in emerald green knee length dress, she fitted perfectly.Everything was made by Salma collection and it was really touched by the hands of God. Elise looked through the mirror and noticed the hesitation in Lisa's eyes."What's up Lisa, did you change your mind about being my bridesmaid?" Elise asked."It's not that dear, but I really don't know what I should do," Lisa said. She was really torn into pieces, the information she had might just ruin everything."You know you can always tell me anything Lisa, I'm here to listen to you, and no matter how hard the situation could be we can always help each other," Elise said getting up from her seat infront of the mirror."Elise what if what I'm about you will change everythi
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Chapter 93
At the sametime Alma and grandmother Caren made their way into the room. Alma was shocked when she saw who it was."Uncle Ishmael!" Alma exclaimed. She had met her father's other brother who had actually been helping her with the investigation about her sister's death."You two know each other?" Elise asked."He's my uncle,my dad just introduced him to me two months ago. But I've known him for a while,’ Alma explained."Wow, I could not imagine that all these while we were cousins. Grandmother I know that this is a little strange and fast, but when I got the information I had to ask him to come. Please meet my father," Elise said. She could see the conflicting emotions in grandmother's eyes."I'm so happy for you my dear, especially on this special occasion. I'm glad you finally found your true family." Caren said as she hugged her tightly. Though it was painful knowing that she belonged elsewhere, ti was something she knew would happen eventually. Caren was thankful that she had spen
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Chapter 94
Elise and Logan held hands as they made their way outside the temple. They had scheduled for a photo session just outside the temple. That had been her lifelong dream since childhood. The camera crew from Salma collection was ready and waiting for the couple."We should go now, I'm sure the photographs are enough," Logan said."Not yet dear, just one more. I have to take one with my dad, I just met him earlier on, and my family we have to take one," Elise said excitedly."But that would take like forever,’ Logan complained as he planted wet kisses all over her neck, the camera's were still rolling."Have patience love, it won't take the entire day," Elise responded, it was already late in the evening and the setting sun cast beautiful rays in the sky."About your dad I'll need to meet him and talk, but not today. Our time is limited," Logan said."I know, but you will love this later, our kids will have something to look up to," Elise said."That's really nice, then I'll wait all you
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Chapter 95
It was late at night when Elise opened her eyesafter a log sleep. Her surroundings werea little bet strange. She remembered falling asleep while in the car on Logan's arm, but right now she was sleeping on a wide bed covered in all white sheets. She uncovered herselfa n d found that she was totally naked.Her mind went back to what they had done the previous day at the wedding, she covered her face in embarrassment, she must have been intoxicated with love. Elise got up and covered herself in the white sheet, the posh and beautiful well lit room was empty, Logan was nowhere to be seen.She got out of the room and opened the door which revealed a balcony overlooking the sea, that was when she realized that they were on a ship. At a closer look she realized that it had been cruise that Logan had gifted to her. Elise felt that her honeymoon would be wonderful considering the fact that she hadn't had enough ofthe sea the last time she went there. Her husband had been so thoughtful. With t
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Chapter 96
Elise was lost for words, this however wasn't thesame voice from before. She had a lingering familiar feeling about this presence but could not put a finger on it. Elise decided to concentrate, after learning so much from Lisa Elise knew that anything could be possible, she might actually be a witch considering only witches had such power.Elise felt a strong force build within her and she focused on the floating bed, making ti descend slowly. She was amazed at this and she got thrilled immediately. She was able to return everything to their place. It was all natural and beautiful. Elise loved this side of her that she wanted to explore all her abilities at once. She wondered why she was scared at first when it was so perfect.Elise got up and was about to head off to the bathroom when she felt lightheaded and went to the side of the bed to lie down a bit, maybe she had overstretched her new found powers. However the next thing freaked her out, she could see herself lying on the bed w
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Chapter 97
Logan had woken up exhausted and thirsty, he hadn't slept this much his entire life. Glancing around he saw Elise sleeping peacefully beside him, but the thirst attacked him more when he saw the veins of blood around her neck flowing deliciously. Logan immediately lost control and his fangs were already elongated, this thirst was strong that h ecouldn't control himself. He was about to dig into her neck when Elise sat up abruptly startling him.He immediately jumped off the bed before Elise could see him in that state and disappeared into the bathroomElise on the other hand just woke up from a terrible nightmare, because whatever it was, was real. Elise glanced around and saw that she was on the same bed that she had seen herself lie down. She got up and touched her body, all was real. She recalled everything that happened and decided that she had to share this with someone. Elise didn't bother with Logan and went to search for her mobile phone.Halfway across the hall she remembere
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Chapter 98
Within two hours the great hall had been filled with people. It seemed as though everyone had come since it wasn't a common thing for the queen to hold a feast for everyone. Shirley and Mike hadn't been left behind, they had solved their differences and stayed together. Lisa hadn't bothered them, at least not after the meeting.Shirley and Lisa had a few months ago. There was no need to break their friendship over a man, for Lisa Mike was already dead, she could only pray that he could become a better husband for Shirley."Why do you think the queen decided to hold this feast, no one seems tohave an idea why," Mike asked Shirley as they sat side by side, their son in the middle."I guess we'll have to wait and find out for ourselves," Shirley replied. The next instant the hall became quiet and the queen made her way in. Everyone watched in anticipation, constantly glancing behind her to see whether someone special followed her, but only the two sisters were behind her.The three siste
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Chapter 99
Luna was making her way out of the hall, she staggered a few times as though she had been drunk when she spotted a figure clumped up at a corner close to the entrance. She immediately recognised herfrom her golden hair. Luna immediately rushed over and her heart broke into a thousand pieces at the sight before her.Lena was almost reduced to bones and her previously beautiful face seemed a thousand years old.Luna tried to get her up but it seemed like all energy had been drawn off her, her eyes were closed, just the warm body showed that she was still alive. Luna screamed for help but the guards just stared down at her as though she were speaking a strange language. She realised that no one would help her. Behind her the hall was bustling with laughter as they enjoyed their feast.Luna picked her daughter up and carried her on her back . Lena didn't weigh much so she was able to carry her out of the palace grounds to her mansion. Along the way her heart boiled with anger, she would m
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Chapter 100
At Alma's apartment she was getting ready for the much anticipated business summit. Since she had wanted to ensure the visibility of her brand countrywide she had made the most beautiful gown that she h d dreamt of all her life. With that she was sure to leave tongued wagging after her.Alma stepped out of her mansion and right there at the entrance was a white limousine. The moment the driver saw her he got out and opened the door, bowing as he waited for her to make her way in.Alma was left with her mouth agape, as far as she knew she hadn't called for one. Her mother would not be attending the business summit. She wanted to call her mother when Damien got out of the limo, smiling ear to ear, the sight before him was so enchanting that he had controlled himself for too long while in the car. It seemed Alma wasn't a fun of surprises so he had to lure her in."Hello Alma, I just brought your ride," Damien said."Damien, but you didn't have to," Alma said sweetly, she had just remembe
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