All Chapters of Love And Hatred: A Vampire's First Love : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
198 Chapters
Chapter 101
Damien was the first to get out of the car, he straightened his suit and buttoned up then opened the door. No one had guessed that he had been in the company of someone, just seeing him had been their only dream, but now they could not wait to seewho it was inside the car. The crowd watched in anticipation as he opened the door.What the crowd noticed first was the five inch red stiletto followed by a beautiful gown as Damien held out his hand that was received well by the lady. It was as though everyone had held there breath as a moment of silence prevailed.Alma made her way out of the car graciously as Damien held her hand, her head was held high as she watched the awe struck faces before her. Her mermaid off-shoulder v-neck sequins long evening dress had done justice to her body, revealing her perfectly curvaceous body and the beautiful thighs that peeped out as she watched. Coupled with the handsomely dressed male god by her side, Alma was a sight to behold, or so the perfect pai
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Chapter 102
It had been three weeks since Celeste arrived back at the palace, everyone had wanted to see what shewould do but it was as though she never even existed. Life went on like usual, Miranda being the queen led the activities of the tribe.Luna had been busy collecting herbs for her daughter's treatment but till now Lena hadn't woken up, it was as though they had cast a spell on her that maimed her forever. Luna felt resentment towards her sister and her daughter's, they were the ones who did that to her.Luna dropped everything else and went out of her house, she had stayed cool for too long, it was now time to act. She put on her cloak and made her way deep into the dew filled forest, to the deepest part where only a way had the courage to go into. She chanted a few spells infront of what seemed like a huge rock opening up to a pathway. Luna madeher way through and arrived at a very old stone structurethat on the outside threatened to fall at any time. She passed through the cobweb fil
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Chapter 103
The two ladies who couldn’t wait to hear all the gossip sat down on the couch.‘I’m warning you beforehand that I won’t coat it, ‘ Elise said.‘I love it even more,’Alma replied. Elise took a whole thirty minutes as she narrated all the episodes uninterrupted.‘I’m so jealous right now, you truly enjoyed it all.’ Alma said.‘But im wondering, did you guys use any protection? Are you on some kind of pill? Lisa asked. It was at that moment that Elise remembered that she hadn’t purchachased a pill as planned. It finally dawned on her, they had spent a whole three weeks without using any protection.‘Oh girl, I think you are already pregnant,’ Alma said getting up from the couch.‘Don’t tell me that I got pregnant on my honeymoon.’ Elise said.‘No need for guesswork when we can confirm it right here and now,’ Lisa said as she picked her purse and took out a test kit.‘I came prepared love, so you have to do iyt, go on, we are waiting,’ Lisa added.‘Don’t be afraid dear, we are all here f
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chapter 104
Logan and elise wnt back to thevampire world early the next morning. Logan had tones of matters to take care of after being away for too long. He helped his wife settle in before heading down to take care of pressing matters.Elise on the other hand being bored alone requested for Nala who immediately agreed to show her around the kingdom.The two arrived at a lake with clear waters. Elise was thrilled that she immediately jumped inside. Nala whoimmediately noticed that Elise had no change of clothes requested her to return to the palace and have the maids bring her clothes. Elise didn’t mind considering that no one had followed them back there, she would enjoy the nivce cool morning swim till Nala returned.Tessa who had been watching from a distance took the opportunity when Nala was gone and approached the queen, the woman who took what she had longed for for a long time now.‘Your highness, pardon me for the intrusion but I couldn’t help when I noticed you here,’ Tessa said as sh
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Chapter 105
Martha finally caught up with Shelly who had been headed to their special hideout, she was surely going to sell them out."Where do you think you are going to?" Martha asked when she saw Shelly getting up from where she sat resting."What do you want from me Martha, why don't you go back to the princesses, maybe they can give to you more powers so that you can take down Sophia onyour own,’Shelly replied as she walked ahead, not minding Martha's attitude, it was her that took all her powers, but it didn't matter, she would get more in no time."I said where do you think you are headed to, who told you that you can just open your mouth and think that you can return whenever you please, it doesn't work that way my friend,’ Martha said and grabbed her from behind sending her to the ground immediately."Don't think that you can hurt me Martha, your mother needs me and you know that, so get out of my way, I have to go back,’ Shelly said trying to get up but Martha landed a heavy blow to he
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Chapter 106
It was nightfall at the Vampire world, Elise and Logan just had dinner, it was actually the first time Elise saw Logan eat. Previously he would always tell her that he had eaten and could only drink wine, but today he had taken little bits of meat, Elise saw that he never touched the vegetables onthe table, she decided not to comment about it, Tessa's words still ringing in her ears."What's bothering you my dear, I've noticed that you have been distracted for a while now " Logan said as he helped Elise out of her chair."I guess I'm just tired, especially after everything that the council and you made me learn," Elise complained."I'm so sorry dear, but that was something you had to do „now that it's in the past the better, we can have all the time for ourselves," Logan said, he held her hand and led her upstairs to their bedroom.Immediately he closed the door Logan began to touch her suggestively, but she turned to face him, giving him a pc on the cheek."I've to take a shower dear
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Chapter 107
It was later that morning that Elise woke up, she glanced around the room and there was no sign of Logan, he heart broke at this, she had hoped to find him next to her, but it seemed her pregnancy was a bad idea. Elise slowly picked herself from the bed as she headed for the bathroom for a shower. Her stomach had begun to protrude a little giving evidence of the life growing in her.Painful tears mixed with water ran down her cheeks as she consoled her baby, she had no idea what would become of her if her father denied her. When done with the shower she headed out for breakfast, she felt unusually hungry, she had to eat for the sake of her kid. A maid was headed to the room she just left noticing that she was awake."Is my husband in?" Elise could not help but ask."I'm sorry your highness, the king left early in the morning but had everything prepared for you. He said that he had important matters to take care of, so you should not worry yourself," the maid explained and bowed as she
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Chapter 108
That night as the two went to bed, the air was heavy around them, no o n e ready to speak. After Logan had apologized Elise just glanced up at him and went to bed. A simple sorry could not make up for the hurt he made her undergo. The two lay on the furthest ends of the bed till both were able to fall asleep. The next morning it had been the same story, Elise would try as much as possible to avoid any discussion with Logan.It had been a week since the incident happened. Elise had seen Logan only in a few occasions, especially at night when he went to sleep. Elise decided to have some space and head home, she had met her dad a month ago and had not spent any quality time together. Elise didn't bother to pack anything but took one of Logan's cars and drove off.The drive through the dense forest was exhausting considering the fact of how long it was, it had taken her a whole two hours to get to a clear part. Elise wondered why she didn't notice the distance on her first day there, mayb
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Elise woke up an hour later and found herself lying on the bed, it took her a few seconds to register what had happened to her. Elise immediately shot up from the bed as she remembered her grandmother, but a nurse entered the room and held her down."Sorry miss but you have to wait a little while, we have to ensure that you and the baby are okay before we can let you go." the nurse said, careful enough not to anger the woman she had easily identified as a celeb."But I'm alright doctor, how is my grandmother? I need to see her, Elise asked impatiently."Your grandmother is yet to wake up, so relax dear, we noticed that you had spotting and it's not good for the baby. Miss you need to relax if you want your baby to be alright,’ the nurse explained.Elise lay down on bed as she faced the ceiling, everything was a total mess, she could not believe that she had expected to reunite with her family only forthem to be gone. And the kids she had no idea where they went to. Elise remembered t
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Chapter 110
Over at Ella's company, she was waiting for a meeting by the various heads of departments when she saw the trending news about Elise being at the hospital, that would be the perfect opportunity for her to make her move. Ella was sure to find Alma there as they had been good friends. It just turned out that the three were family after al. Immediately Ella left her office and rescheduled the meeting that was about to begin, everything else could wait.Ella made sure to have her journalist friend who would do the job for her. Minutes later she was at the hospital and was let in being a well-known figure in the country and the fact that she had been Alma's step sister."Ella what are you doing here?" Alma asked immediately she spotted her, she always smelt trouble wherever Ella was."Why sister, am I not allowed to visit my cousin when she's sick at the hospital, I'm just here to offer my support to her,’ Ella said as she brushed past her. At the same time Caren's body was being moved out
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