All Chapters of Love And Hatred: A Vampire's First Love : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
198 Chapters
Chapter 121
Back at the human world Belinda and George just woke up and were preparing to go to the office. Alma had left her parents in charge of the various businesses while she had some time off work. Belinda and George had become the perfect lovers they were once before overcoming all the barriers in their lives. It was as though they were new found lovers unable to get their hands off each other. While at the bedroom,"George dear we'll be late at this rate," Belinda said trying to break away from his embrace."But love you know that I can't possibly begin my day without having a warm up, you won't deny me and expect that I’ll let you off the hook that easily. Please dear, just ten minutes will be okay,’ George pleaded playfully."You never get satisfied do you? But I promise I'll make it up to you after work, how does that sound?" Belinda asked picking up her clothes from the closet, she had just returned from the shower."You know I don't forget promises easily, so don't think you'll escap
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chapter 122
Tilda Elise woke up after several hours but seemed to be dazed, she didn't respond to whatever her aunt Miranda talked about to her. Miranda decided to seek help from her mother, maybe she would know what to do."She is fine Miranda, just exhausted after performing such a ritual with no basic knowledge, I don't know how she pulled it off but it must have an effect on her, maybe it will be weeks till she regains her strength, for now we just have to monitor her closely to ensure that she and the baby are fine. I can already tell that she would be having twins," Celeste explained."I could already tell that too, I'm glad that nothing happened to her, I would not be able to take it if she developed complications just because we wanted Elise to return to us," Miranda said as she helped adjust Tilda on the bed."Don't worry my child, I'm here now and everything will turn out just perfect, Celeste replied."Mother, I've been meaning to ask you about Elise's miscarriage, how did you know abo
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Chapter 123
At the Vampire world, the king had organized the annual festival for the kingdom. It would be a period of celebration marking the Logan's first year as the king. The people had anticipated to see their queen after words went round the kingdom that she wasn't there, maybe she had gone back to their world. Most people had graced the occasion mostly to confirm the rumours.As everyone was busy chatting and drinking, Tessa on the other hand was a few miles off the lake, she had a deal with one of the witches who would give her a special portion that she needed, at times you had to fight for yourself to reach to the top, that was exactly what she planned to do."Now you have to keep your end of the bargain," Luna said handing over to her a small bottle containing a dark liquid."Of course, I should return the favour. I bet you have no idea that there is a human witch in your kingdom, in fact she has a vampire child within her as we speak,’ Tessa said as she prepared to leave, she would not
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Chapter 124
As Logan waited for the crowd to calm down he accepted the glass held for him by Tessa and gobbled up its contents, he needed to clear his mind with whatever he could. Immediately after the drink he felt so refreshed that he felt nothing wrong with the arrangement."My people, let me have your attention, I'm sure you are wondering how all these happened but you have to realize that I am a vampire first before everything else, and being the king I had to secure my kingdom's future by ensuring that the first born son had to be purely one of us, that explains how this happened. And on top of that I wanted someone strong enough, a woman who would take on the leadership of our people knowing about the history and traditions of our people.As you all know our kingdom is facing a lot of threats from the Dragon kingdom, I had to plan ahead in the interests of my people. And so today I present to you my son and her mother Tessa," Logan said and there was an applause all over the hall.Nate and
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Chapter 125
It was evening when Elise felt settled in, she had gone through the entire palace and admired the beautiful building and the surrounding, everything was all new as compared to those years ago, though most of the things had changed, she could feel that sense of belonging coupled with a the buildings from ages ago.Elise felt tired and decided to go lay down when she met her aunt Bernice carrying a tray of food to Tilda's room."Aunt could you let me help you with that, I want to get to know my cousin," Elise said."Sure Elise, but please be cool with her, you might have been gone for ages but you are still the same person, remember she is just a twenty year old girl, Bernice said."Sure aunt, I'll remember that, maybe I've changed through the course of time," Elise said smiling to herself, but she knew it deep down nothing about her had changed, maybe she had become worse.Slowly Elise opened the door to Tilda's room and found her leading on the bed. She was more beautiful than she eve
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Chapter 126
"No, this can't be, you are dead," Luna said."Why, did you kill me so that I be dead?" Elise said."And why are you snooping around the palace, I think you have no more business here Luna,’ Elise added."I don't want any troubles with you Elise, I'll get going," Luna said and made her way out when Elise blocked her path."I still haven't forgotten what you did to me back then, do you think I’ll let go of you just like that?" Elise said as she began to cultivate her powers within, she could remember vividly what Luna and her daughter did to her back then, when they forced her to clean the palace on her own, Elise hadn't shared this with her mother since she wanted no trouble, but she was here to pay back every single cent.Luna who felt that she had a lot to do after uncovering the mystery of Elise began to walk away when Elise unleashed her powers and the branches of a nearby tree caught Luna by her neck and chocked her. Luna had been caught off guard and struggled to break free, tha
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Chapter 127
Tessa had the guards discreetly bring Logan back to the palace, the people must never find out about his condition which could only be saved by fresh human blood. Tessa took it upon herself to find someone to quickly feed the king, he had taken so much from her that she felt dizzy too. But she would not allow that prevent her from saving Logan. She called the pilot and immediately took her to the human world, back to the place she had almost forgotten about.After the death of the brothers she hadn't found any more reason to continue with her business, but they would be useful now since her funds had also stopped flowing.She pushed open a door to one of the houses which stenches from the inside, a woman was lying on bed with several tubes attached to her. A woman in her early thirties stepped out of the kitchen holding a basin of warm water to clean her mother up. She had almost dropped it when she saw Tessa."What brings you here?" Tabby asked as she went to her mother and started t
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Chapter 128
Alma and Ishmael bid Tilda goodbye before being led away back to their world by palace guards, they had to use the tunnel that had been built by Miranda so that the prying eyes of the council would not Spot them in their kingdom. If word got out of such relationship it would only bring more trouble for them when they had a lot on their plate. They stayed quiet, each lost in their ownthoughts till they arrived at the point where they left their car days ago. It seemed as though they had time travelled as they were now in a whole different world.Driving through the tall trees, for the first time Alma remembered Damien, it had been just a few weeks since they were married and they already differed, what life would she lead now that she knew the truth about him.Did he also kill humans for blood, Alma could not help but wonder to herself. What if she accepted him and someday he turned against him just like what Logan did to his first love."What are you thinking about Alma, you seem so
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Chapter 129
Belinda was preparing dinner when Alma and Ishmael arrived. They were exhausted after the long journey that they needed rest before anything else, but that would not be possible. George welcomed his brother to the living room where they could talk. He had been worried about her daughter having not heard from her for days, something must have happened to her and only Ismael could help him uncover that."I really need to get going, so what is it about Ella that you want to talk about?" Ishmael started."I know that we haven't been close as brothers, but I really need your help, so could you set aside our differences and help me. My daughter Ella has been missing for a while now, I've asked her friends but no one has heard from her," George explained."Why do you think I might be able to find her, somebody like that might not want to be found," Ishmael said."Uncle I think this time my dad's worries are real, ever since Ella became the CEO of her grandfather's company she has been seriou
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Chapter 130
The whole palace was awaken by the loud cry that everyone sprang up immediately. Sophia remembered that she had left Tilda back at the balcony as she had some fresh air. She could already tell that it was her. Her heart began thumbing hard as she feared what might have happened to her. Her pregnancy was a little risky and anything rush could harm her and the baby.Sophia was the fast to get to the balcony followed by her sisters and her mother, the palace maids had woken up too and stood by the side as they watched in horror. Tilda's white dress was smeared with blood from behindand she clutched her stomach still crying in pain. Logan hurriedly went by her side when he noticed the blood stain but Sophia pushed him aside. Tessa on the other hand was pacing about not knowing what to do, she hadn't planned on harming her."Tilda please calm down, everything will be alright, mother please come and help her," Sophia said as she carried Tilda bridal style, it was as though she were a littl
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