All Chapters of MARRYING MY BEST FRIEND'S FIANCEE: Chapter 381 - Chapter 390
440 Chapters
Chapter 381
His hand smoothed its way down her collar-bone to the space between her breasts where her heart was beating steadily, and speeding up when he shifted them subtly and a leg came over hers, nudging them apart. The frisson of awareness, the hunger and need after a night of love-making scared her with its intensity. Today they were going back to Paris. Back to reality, back to the cruel, harsh world of media and photographers and reminders that all was not what it seemed.She turned her head and opened her eyes. Her pain was buried deep and hidden inside her. He pressed a kiss to her lips, long and lingering, and drew her up on top of him so that her breasts were crushed against his chest. His hands spanned her waist and moved her up and then down slightly, where she could feel the powerful thrust of his erection.She was already wet and ready for him. She slid her legs on either side of his hips and rocked back gently, coming up slightly, and sucked in a deep breath when she felt him thr
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Chapter 382
She’d closed her eyes briefly. The more time they spent together, the sooner he’d want to get rid of her. Maybe it was the best solution.‘I’ll only do it out of respect for my area, for this building. I can’t afford to be thrown out because I’m causing a disturbance.’Cassia walked over to the window of his palatial living room and looked out. They were between the Ritz Hotel and the Jardin des Tuileries. A truly spectacular address And she couldn't have given a damn.She could have been in the gritty suburbs for all she cared, as long as she was away from him. She sighed deeply. because she knew that wasn’t true.Calix watched her back from the door. It was ramrod straight, her hands stuck into the back pockets of her jeans. Her cashmere cardigan buttoned down the back, making his fingers itch to go and unbutton it, run his hands around to her front and up to cup her breasts. He could feel their warmth and weight in his hands.She was getting him hard just looking at her back!She wa
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Chapter 383
Cassia’s feet ached. She had visions of buckets of hot water and Epsom salts. She smiled and greeted the umpteenth person coming in through the heavily decorated damask-covered doors. The memorial for Pierre Baudat was a celebration of his life’s work. A-listers from all over the world were there. This was the biggest event she’d been given so far, and she’d been working night and day to get it organized. She hadn’t failed to notice how Calix’s bemusement over recent days had turned to irritation pretty quickly. No doubt, she thought bitterly, this wasn’t part of the game plan. A wife who worked."Well, tough," she told herself. and knew that she’d probably put in more hours than necessary. As far as avoidance tactics went, she was a master of the game. Extreme self-protection. Keep busy to avoid the pain of seeing Calix every day. She was sure it’d only be a matter of time now before she’d receive divorce papers, and then she could start to pick up the pieces of her broken heart. Bec
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Chapter 384
‘Cassia.’ His face darkened. "Would you prefer if I told people how we came to be married?" that you betrayed me and I took advantage of meeting you again to take a convenient wife?She shook her head miserably. An ache formed in her throat as he put two hands on her arms and pulled her close again.She hated herself for reacting, even now. Her head felt heavy as she looked up.He brushed the back of his hand across her cheek. ‘We do have a real marriage, Cassia. As real as it can be in this day and age. We have great sex—’His words tore at her. "Yes, but that’s all." If we didn’t, you would have divorced me as soon as you could after the wedding, and I wish you had, believe me.Two bright spots had appeared on her cheeks, and Calix could feel her chest heaving against his.Cassia couldn’t tear her gaze away from his. The room had disappeared, they could have been anywhere. Heat coiled in her belly like a live wire, her breasts tingled and pushed against the fabric of her dress. Cali
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Chapter 385
With easy strength, he lifted her up, her legs automatically coming around his waist, and with her back resting against the door, with one smooth movement, he surged up and into her, piercing her moist silken flesh with his. She gripped his neck and stifled her gasp of pure pleasure against his heated skin and the corded muscles that spoke of his effort to control himself.Time and time again, he thrust himself into her heart, taking them both on a roller-coaster ride more intense than ever before. When he thrust upwards for the final time, Cassia’s whole body shook with the violence of her orgasm and shook still as he threw back his head and allowed himself to spill into her, his release unending. It took a long time for the room to right itself or for either of them to have the strength to extricate themselves. Calix lowered her gently back down, and Cassia’s legs couldn’t hold her up. They buckled, and she would have fallen if he hadn’t caught her and swung her into his arms. She b
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Chapter 386
When Cassia woke up, it was nearly lunchtime. She didn’t panic; she knew she and Cécile had a day off today to recover. Needless to say, the bed was empty beside her. She sank deeper. The glorious feeling of knowing she had finished a job well done made her smile. But it wasn’t long before her thoughts turned back to Calix. She groaned and rolled over, burying her head under a pillow.After a few minutes, she sat up on the edge of the bed and, finding her robe to pull on, stood up. The intense wave of dizziness that struck her made her sit down again quickly. What was that? On an instinctive reflex, her hand went to her belly. Then, just as quickly as the dizziness had hit, she felt nausea rush over her, fast and urgent. She just made it to the bathroom in time.When she had finished retching into the toilet, she stood up and washed her face. She had an awful certainty about what was wrong. And she didn’t even question that it could be something else. The past few days, the intense ti
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Chapter 387
Getting out of the four-wheel drive at the villa the next day and watching Thea come down the steps made a vivid sense of déjà vu wash over Cassia. She held onto the vehicle door to steady herself. She had felt nauseous again that morning but had managed to make it to the bathroom without Calix hearing her. She had to keep her secret. Had to. If he found out before the divorce, he’d insist she stay married to him. She knew him too well now.At least if they were already divorced, he couldn’t march her back up the aisle, and as for her uncle... She could feel the blood leave her face. She couldn’t think now about what she’d do if he threatened them again.Thea came and embraced Cassia, looking at her closely. Cassia felt a quiver of panic. Could Thea see her secret? But the moment was gone as Thea led them inside. This time there were no questions about bedrooms, and both their bags were left in his bedroom.That night, Cassia made a pact with herself as she lay in Calix’s arms. After
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Chapter 388
Cassia was struggling to breathe through the intense pain. ‘I can't… Calix… I'm unable to breathe or move.For a moment, when Cassia pushed weakly at Calix’s chest, he thought she was still fighting him. He looked down. She was pasty. The same color as the previous night at the restaurant. Panic slammed into his body, even as he tried to rationalize what could be causing the same reaction.He lifted her up into his arms and strode through the house, an unbidden and constricting fear making him feel uncoordinated. He bellowed for Thea, and when she appeared at the top of the stairs, he instructed her to call the doctor.After Cassia had thrown up, he brought her over to the bed and sat there, cradling her in his lap, until the intense, violent shaking calmed somewhat, until the storm had passed and she could breathe again. She was so limp that he felt a shard of ice slice through his chest. He was about to shout for Thea again when the doctor appeared at the door. The relief he felt wa
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Chapter 389
Cassia got up and walked up into the hall from the kitchen. Calix was coming down the stairs."I had been looking for you..."She nodded jerkily. "I think we need to talk."‘Yes.’ He was grim. ‘We do.’This is it. He’s going to tell me about the divorce, and I know I should tell him about the pregnancy now, but if I do...‘Cassia?’ He was looking at her intently.She faced him squarely and drew up reserves of strength from somewhere.‘Yes?’"Let’s sit down."He took her hand and led her over to the sofa, sitting down beside her. Putting a little distance between themOh, God, he’s going to be nice about it. This is so much worse...Cassia felt the bile rise and had to take deep breaths to will it down.‘Cassia. The doctor told me what he thinks happened last night—that it was some form of a panic attack.The abject and pitiful relief that washed over Cassia when he didn't bring up divorce right away made her want to burst out laughing.She nodded her head and focused on his face. His s
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Chapter 390
He gently cupped her cheek, the look in his eyes, his tenderness melting something inside her. She tried to fight it.‘I know… "I know that now.""I’m so sorry, Helena was so beautiful..." He had to have loved her. Perhaps still…Something twisted in his face, and a hard look came into his eyes, making Cassia shiver inwardly. "She was not beautiful, Cassia." The day before the announcement, I went to her apartment and witnessed something... awful. She was there with a group... He shook his head. Believe me, you don’t want to know. My only regret about that marriage falling through was the collapse of the merger...The guilt washed through her again. If I hadn’t followed you that night and tried to kiss you, none of this would have happened. "You wouldn’t have had to work so hard to rebuild the company; my parents wouldn’t have been so cruel."She shuddered and wanted to hold a hand up to his cheek. "When my parents sent you out of the house..." Her voice died away. The tears in her ey
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