All Chapters of MARRYING MY BEST FRIEND'S FIANCEE: Chapter 401 - Chapter 410
440 Chapters
Chapter 401
"I want you to leave," Kate said tightly, her chest heaving as she fought to drag oxygen into her lungs.She could not bring herself to look at him. It was pointless trying to defend herself—pointless to explain that she’d never had a proper boyfriend in all her twenty-two years. Ahsan clearly believed she was the Mata Hari of the Yorkshire Moors, and after the shameful way she had responded to him, she couldn’t really blame him.Shaking with reaction, she yanked open the library door and stood aside for Ahsan to pass—then gasped when he caught hold of her arm and slammed the door shut again, the blaze of anger in his eyes filling her with trepidation."I came here to collect my brother’s child, and I’m not going anywhere without him," he warned her savagely."So what are you going to do?" Kidnap him? Take him from me by force? Kate demanded shakily.Ingledean was eight miles from the nearest village, and she had always loved its remoteness, but Ahsan was strong and powerful, and she
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Chapter 402
Ahsan was silent for so long that she risked another glance at him and was startled by the hardness of his expression. "He married a woman who had not been chosen for him," he replied at last. Farhan was engaged to the daughter of an influential family in Qubbah, but before his wedding he eloped with another woman and brought great shame to his family."When you say that his fiancée had been chosen for him, do you mean that it was an arranged marriage?" Kate queried and was shocked. "Isn’t that a rather outdated tradition?""It is the tradition in Qubbah," Ahsan informed her coldly. My father had selected a number of potential brides, and Farhan chose one of them."But he didn’t love her," Kate said, her voice ringing with conviction. "He loved Farrah." He talked about her all the time, and I know that her death left him heartbroken. Why did Farhan have to elope with her? Why couldn’t he have married her and stayed in Qubbah?"Because Farrah was promised to another man," Ahsan said fl
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Chapter 403
It had stopped snowing when they left Ingledean. The evening air was crisp and cold, and Kate shivered in the cream linen skirt and jacket that she had changed into for the journey. Ahsan had warned her that it would be hot in Qubbah, and she only hoped he was right.At least she no longer looked like a "menial domestic," she thought, recalling his scathing description of her when he first learned that she was Farhan’s widow. Stung by his remarks, she had taken time with her appearance and teamed her suit with a pale blue silk blouse, swept her unruly curls into a knot on top of her head, and even added a touch of make-up—just a soft taupe shadow on her eyelids and pink gloss on her lips.She had felt supremely self-conscious when she’d walked down the stairs to where he'd been waiting in the hall with Hazem, and the flare of sexual heat in his eyes had caused her heart to jerk painfully beneath her ribs.Her doubts about taking Hazem to visit his family in Qubbah were intensifying by
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Chapter 404
He waited for Kate to absorb his words, noting how the color had drained from her face. She looked very young, and that air of innocence was very convincing. It was easy to see how she had fooled Farhan three years ago, when he had been a grieving widower with a baby son. "Hell, she had almost fooled him," Ahsan mused grimly. But the information his personal assistant had emailed him after running a data check revealed things about her that he was sure his brother knew nothing about. Things like a shoplifting conviction and details about a life that had spiraled out of control—until she was fostered by an elderly couple who took her to their home in the caretaker's cottage on the grounds of Ingledean House.There she had managed to catch up on her education and had trained as a nanny, but more controversy followed with her first job, looking after the children of a respected barrister and landowner at his country estate on the outskirts of York. Zaid had unearthed talk of an affair be
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Chapter 405
Her feeling of unease had grown from the moment Ahsan’s jet had landed in Qubbah and she’d seen the fleet of vehicles lined up on the runway, flags fluttering on their bonnets. Ahsan had said that his family was influential in Qubbah, but she’d been startled when they had descended the plane’s steps and several Arab men, whom she’d guessed were members of his staff, had immediately leapt from the cars and bowed to him. Anyone would think he was royalty, given the way people seemed to worship the ground he walked on.With a heavy sigh, she resumed her contemplation of the barren landscape, relief flooding through her when she spotted the distant outline of walls and high towers. But her relief gave way to sheer astonishment ten minutes later, when they drove through the huge arched gateway of what was clearly an ancient fortress and then down a mile-long, sweeping driveway, lined on either side by palm trees, before halting outside the most amazing building she had ever seen.She turne
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Chapter 406
From a corner of the room came an audible gasp, and she swung around to see a young woman dressed in traditional robes staring at her with a look of undisguised horror on her pretty face."This is Jamila, who will be Hazem’s nanny," Ahsan said tightly. His face was a taut mask of fury, and Kate’s spurt of angry defiance wavered when he gripped her arm and dragged her over to the door. "I will escort Hazem’s stepmother to her room." He addressed Jamila in English, and the young woman nodded and smiled faintly, clearly still shocked that Kate had shown such disrespect to a member of the royal family. "We will leave you so that you and Hazem can become acquainted."To Kate’s relief, Jamila replied in perfect English. "Of course, sir." I will let Prince Hazem explore the nursery, and then I will give him his lunch—if you wish me to," she added hesitantly when Kate opened her mouth to argue that Hazem was her responsibility.Before she could comment, Ahsan tightened his hold on her arm and
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Chapter 407
"You can’t kidnap him." "I'll go to the British Embassy," she cried wildly. I agreed to bring him to Qubbah to visit your father, and I trusted that you would not stop me from taking him back to Ingledean. You can’t go back on your word."I said nothing about you taking Hazem away from Qubbah," Ahsan shrugged impatiently, as if bored with the debate."You are free to leave whenever you like." But he is staying here at the palace—for good.‘No! You can’t do that.Kate’s face drained of color, and Ahsan felt the faintest tug on his conscience. Her eyes were huge in her pale face, and her vibrant hair seemed to have a life of its own, fighting free of the pins that secured it to tumble around her shoulders.She was so beautiful, he thought angrily, infuriated by his body’s unbidden response to her. He had never met a woman so exquisitely lovely or wanted one with such shaming hunger. But the level of his desire for her surprised him. He had spent his adult life enjoying the company of bea
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Chapter 408
The command was a low growl that resonated through her, and when she lifted her heavy lids, she saw that Ahsan’s sharp cheekbones were stained with dull color, his face a taut mask of undisguised hunger. Once again, the voice in her head advised caution, but her body had a will of its own. Her fingers fumbled with his shirt buttons until eventually the last one was freed, and she pushed the material aside and ran her hands over the olive-gold skin that felt like satin beneath her fingertips, while the mass of black hairs that covered his chest tickled her palms.She traced the ridges of his powerful abdominal muscles and felt his stomach contract. She heard him growl something against her skin as he dragged her bra strap down her arm to expose her other breast. She gasped when he caught her swollen nipple between his lips and sucked hard, causing a peculiar sensation to spiral down through her body from her breasts to her pelvis.She twisted her hips restlessly as she felt a flood of
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Chapter 409
She refused to stay here for another day, and Kate vowed to return the following morning as she stood at the nursery window, blinking back angry tears. She would not allow Ahsan to manipulate her and treat her as if she were worthless—particularly where Hazem was concerned.She screwed up her eyes against the brilliant glare of the sun and scanned the palace gardens. But only the peacocks that lived in the grounds were strutting along the paths, and there was no sign of a man or a small boy.She’d spent the previous night plagued by memories of her shameful response to Ahsan and worrying over his shocking statement that he would never let her take Hazem back to England. She'd eventually fallen into a restless sleep and awoken late as a result.The sun had already been streaming through the blinds when she’d hurried to the nursery, where Jamila, the nanny Ahsan had appointed, had explained that "His Royal Highness" had taken Prince Hazem for a camel ride in the desert.How dared he take
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Chapter 410
Kate’s face flamed. Admittedly, her dress left her shoulders exposed, but the hem of the skirt fell to her knees, and to her mind, that was perfectly respectable. Ahsan made her feel like a tart, and mortification made her voice sharp. "What do you suggest I wear?" A sack that covers me from head to foot? "Or do you expect me to dress in robes and a veil?" she snapped."My father is a liberal-minded man who would not expect you to wear clothes that are not part of your culture," Ahsan said tersely. "But out of respect for him, I expect you to dress and act with a little decorum—and to restrain your insolent tongue."On that parting shot, he strode out of the room and slammed the door behind him with such savagery that Kate was surprised that great cracks did not appear in the palace walls."What is Ahsan upset about?"Hazem turned his huge brown eyes on her, and his bottom lip quivered."He’s not cross with you, darling," Kate quickly reassured him. "He would never be angry with you, H
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