Lahat ng Kabanata ng MARRYING MY BEST FRIEND'S FIANCEE: Kabanata 31 - Kabanata 40
440 Kabanata
Chapter 31
To her surprise, he just nodded, no clever quick counterattack, his face still serious, the dark golden eyes wrapped in luxurious dark eyelashes, an even shape to his beautiful mouth. He’d dropped the cool mask, Charley realized, and all she was seeing now was the too handsome, worryingly alluring man.Then he was rising to his full height and holding out a hand for her to take so he could help her up. Charley stared at that hand for a few seconds, still hesitant to take what she knew it was offering, yet too aware of the tingling sting of enticement at work in her blood to stop her own hand from lifting and settling into his. His fingers closed around hers, and he drew her upright. When she tried to take her hand back, he held onto it and used it to bring her even closer until she was standing a mere breath away from touching his lean, hard, now very familiar length.Her heart began to thump. He was going to kiss her, and she couldn’t make up her mind if she wanted to be kissed right
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Chapter 32
Well, the cruelly perceptive bitch, Charley thought breathlessly. "My style team managed to get it just right, don’t you think?" She smiled through gritted white teeth.She hadn’t been around Adelina for years without learning how to respond to such a woman. And even if the floppy brim of her cute pink hat hadn’t been blocking him off from the shoulders upward, nothing on earth would have made her look up at him as she felt Dami’s fingers bite into her again."And with so little notice." Elena slid her eyes down to Charley’s stomach, the suggestion being that she was shocking Charley into releasing a gasp."Gosh," she rallied. "It never entered my head that people would think poor Dami had been forced into marrying me!"‘They don’t.’ Surprisingly, it was Fabio Romano who pulled himself out of his boredom to put a stop to this. Elena is fishing for information. She is always fishing for information—it is the staple diet for a professional bitch.Well, he said it; Charley’s eyes told th
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Chapter 33
"I believe Nina said so," he returned evenly."But you don’t?" She was staring up at the face of a breathtakingly beautiful creature who could have come straight out of a Titian painting."Your hair is darker, and your eyes are grey, not blue."But the shape of her mouth, the small pointed chin, and the hourglass shape of her slender figure inside a gentian-blue gown that could only have been fashioned by the finest haute couture looked like Charley."How old is she here?" she asked with a reverent murmur."Forty-nine," he replied, dragging another gasp from Charley’s shocked lips because she looked barely eighteen. "My grandfather commissioned the painting as a gift for her fiftieth birthday." He claimed that her beauty was the only thing about her that kept them together. She claimed they stayed together because she allowed it, despite the countless affairs he enjoyed during their long marriage."She loved him, you mean.""I like to think so, though I don’t believe he deserved such
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Chapter 34
"Yes, please," she breathed.He took that step back towards her, so impossibly beautiful, arrogant, and powerful that he made her heart pump deliriously."Enjoy," he invited, and she couldn’t believe how quickly she moved towards him; she couldn’t believe it was she who was so eagerly touching him with her fingers, tasting him with her tongue, and grazing his flesh with her teeth, while he stood there, passively allowing her with his hands grasping the bedpost so she was trapped in the circle of his arms.Though he wasn’t really passive—he flinched and flexed and breathed tautly to every move she made on him. When she stretched up for his mouth, he gave it; when she bravely dared to run her fingers down through the mat of hair and explore the length of his erection, the velvet-smooth length jerked and pulsed.And he was breathing as unevenly as she was; the tension in him was clenching his muscles tight. When she flung her arms around his neck and just clung, he seemed to see it as so
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Chapter 35
She didn’t even know if Adelina and Charles had reappeared. She hadn’t spoken to her father at all—she hadn't wanted to, and Dami hadn’t encouraged her to call him. And after their altercation about their wedding picture on their first day here, she hadn’t bothered to bring up the subject again because—well, she’d discovered that she preferred to pretend that all of this was the true reality and out there was the fantasy.He turned to look at her then, and she felt her heart squeeze to an aching standstill. He’d been in an unusually sober mood all day, and that mood still reflected in the golden eyes he lowered to the half-drunk glass in her hand, then lifted back to her too expressive eyes.I love you, she was thinking, and she just hoped to goodness he couldn’t read that as he walked towards her, the farmer having been distracted by his mobile phone."Would you mind if I finished that for you?" He took the glass from her without waiting for an answer and downed what was left of the
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Chapter 36
Later,’ he muttered, climbing on the bed and catching hold of her to lift her up, then bringing her down again so she straddled his thighs in a warm blending of soft womanliness and strong, hard masculinity.Her arms went around his shoulders again, her mouth already searching out his, and she moved her hips against him until she caught the thrust of his erection just where she wanted it, her quiver of pleasure making him gasp, the firm clasp of his hands on her slender ribcage there to support her so she could set her own sensual pace.And she rode the road of pleasure without a single care that she groaned, gasped, and even laughed; it was so glorious. She strung out the sweet agony for so long that it almost hurt when she finally fell over the edge."If you ever drink rum in the company of others, I will shoot you," Dami muttered into her hair as he held her limp body against him.But all Charley could do was whimper because "I want you again already."Passion was everything in par
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Chapter 37
Ten minutes to get ready to leave was nothing compared to the nine long hours it took to fly back to Milan. Dami wasn’t talking. He’d withdrawn behind a wall of icy courtesy, and Charley couldn’t blame him. His pride had been hit, as had his integrity. Charley didn’t think he was ever going to forgive any of them for it.And the only slither of comfort she could glean from it all was that Charles’s arrest had not leaked out into the public arena. Dami spent most of the flight on the telephone, working to ensure that it remained that way.They arrived at Linate Airport early in the morning to dark clouds and heavy rain. A limousine with blackened windows picked them up and transported them to Milan.Dami remained on the phone throughout that journey too, the monotone flow of his voice never tiring, though Charley had switched it off hours ago.Half an hour later, they were in his Milan apartment. Dami was checking his mail. Charley moved off, looking around her, aware that he was watch
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Chapter 38
He smiled for the first time in hours and hours, one of those sensually amused, very intimate smiles that softened the harshness out of his face, and it swam through her blood as potent as Martha’s home-made rum."Amore, having you by my side will be too much of a distraction—as will coming over there and kissing you for suggesting it."Charley moved; she just had to do it. "Then I’m coming to you," she said, and she covered the space between them, lifting her slender arms around his neck so she could give him the distracting kiss whether he wanted it or not.He tasted warm like the man of the Caribbean and smelled expensive like the man of Milan. When he didn’t pull away and even slid his hands beneath her jacket to mold her against him, the silly uncertainties she’d brought with her into this apartment melted away."Don’t let them bully you," she murmured as their lips reluctantly separated."You see this happening, with me?"No, she was just delaying the moment when he walked away
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Chapter 39
Why else, indeed? Charley thought bleakly. Desire? Anger? Wounded pride? a determination not to look the fool Adelina had turned him into, no matter what it cost him?She could have made the list grow and grow if he’d let her, but "Now all I want is you, so badly I ache," he roughed out, and the warm crush of his hungry mouth took away her ability to think.For the first time since their wedding night, they made love with a grim, silent intensity that pounded her wounded emotions and left her satiated but with tears on her cheeks.He gently licked them away and said nothing. He continued to hold her close and said nothing. And when she woke up the next morning, he had gone from their bed, leaving her with an ache that dragged on her insides.It was an ache that was not going to go away any time soon, and indeed, it was about to become a whole lot worse.though Charley didn’t know that when she crawled out of bed that morning. In truth, she would have preferred to remain in it, with he
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Chapter 40
"I needed Charles to come and take you away before you ruined my life!" Swinging around to face her, Adelina let Charley see the pained tears in her eyes. ‘He was going to do it too,’ she said thickly, ‘the very next morning after that—fiasco—when I caught you and Dami together on the terrace. I saw your face, Charley! I knew what you’d been doing!With the cringing guilt of that incident coming back to haunt her, Charley opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out.Adelina gave her a scathing look. "I got you away from there as quickly as I could," she went on. "Your brother wanted to go to your room then and there and drag you home by the scruff of your traitorous neck, but it was already too late." Her voice broke down into a choke. Dami arrived only minutes after we got back to the hotel. She cried. "He told me it was over—right there in front of my cousin Estelio and your brother, Charley!" "He finished it between us, and I have never been so humiliated in all of my l
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