All Chapters of MARRYING MY BEST FRIEND'S FIANCEE: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
440 Chapters
Chapter 41
All was quiet in the hallway as she walked along it. Even Elenora was nowhere to be seen. And the door to Dami’s study was shut tight into its housing, telling her that he must have taken Adelina in there.Outside, it was still raining, raining, raining. She waved down a cab and climbed inside. Linate Airport was busy. It was always busy, but she managed to get a seat on a flight about to leave for London. Three short hours later, she was walking through the arrivals gate at Gatwick.And the first face she focused on was her father’s. Tears once again started to threaten. "H-how did you—?""Dami called me," he explained, then nodded his head at someone standing behind her.Charley glanced around, then withered out a smile as she turned back to her father’s sombre face. She had been followed from the moment she’d stepped out of the apartment, tracked every foot of the way here by one of Dami’s security team.She didn’t know why her tears picked that moment to break, but she threw herse
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Chapter 42
The light was soft in here, the ceilings lower than those in his homes, so he suddenly looked taller and bigger, his face not quite as pale as it had looked on the doorstep a moment ago, with the autumnal cool helping to blanch the color out of it. And—tired, Charley noticed for the first time—the grim lines of tension he’d worn on his face throughout the week before Adelina had turned up well and truly back in place."You’ve lost weight," he said, making her aware that while she had been studying him, he had been doing the same thing to her."No, I’ve not," she denied, but she wrapped her arms around her body all the same as if they were going to disguise the pounds she knew she had dropped."And you look tired." He ignored her denial. "Missing sleep over me, cara?""Oh, isn’t that just typically arrogant of you to say that?" she snapped back.To her surprise, he grimaced and said, "Probably not." Then, with a sigh, he lifted his hand. "May I remove my coat?" It is warm in here.Char
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Chapter 43
Charley stood still in the doorway. "Won’t what?" she demanded."Be home soon," Dami extended. "He knows I am here," he explained huskily. "He thinks I am taking you out to dinner."‘Dinner?’ Her shoulders wrenched back. "I don’t want to have dinner with you.""It is the only way you will get rid of me, Cara," he said.It was the cool way he relayed that that made her twist back to look at him. The moment she saw the way he was standing there, looking as contained as hell, she knew he had turned back into the cool-headed Dami De Santis who did not play fair in a fight.Tall, though, lean, and sexily handsome. Charley found herself nervously moistening her lips. "Explain that," she instructed."Dinner," he repeated. That is all. I have already reserved a table. All you have to do is sit down with me and eat.Never in a million years was that all he expected her to do."Or I will call in your family debt."Ah, now he was talking, Charley thought. She understood this Dami so well! The un
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Chapter 44
But his face didn’t wear a hint of mockery anywhere, and neither did his sigh sound mocking as he reached into the inside pocket of his jacket, then leaned forward to place something on her menu.Needing to swallow the lump in her throat now because his eyes were so dark and intent on her, Charley looked down—and froze."Tell me," he said quietly, "which part of this note upset you so much that you screwed it into a tight ball and threw it to the kitchen floor."Charley shook her head, the tears gathering. "I didn't know I had dropped it there."‘This part?’ he persisted as if she hadn’t spoken, pointing with a finger at the bit where he’d written, "Dinner eight o'clock." This part upset you because you believed I was issuing one of my arrogant commands instead of a request? "Or was it this part, Cara," he went on gently, "where I was insensitive enough to point out it would be our first date?"He knew which part it was that had upset her—he’d just teased her with it before he produce
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Chapter 45
"What do you want me to say?" He demanded heavily. "I’m a 34-year-old man, and I did not embrace celibacy while getting to this age." "I didn’t think you did," Charley said stiffly. "I just didn’t—" She stopped, taking a bite out of her bottom lip, because she knew what she had been about to say sounded stupid and immature and totally unfair—but she just hadn’t thought about Adelina with him in that way. She didn’t even know why it should matter to her so much, yet it did. "With Adelina, it was just—" "Don’t," she choked, not needing to hear him compare the two of them as if they were— "No," he sighed, hunching his shoulders and turning away from her, his stance weary and bleak. Then—"No," he said again, spinning back to face her again. His chin jutted, and his expression turned fierce. "I am going to say it," he insisted, "because I think it needs to be said." Adelina and I were engaged to be married, so of course we were intimate. This is the twenty-first century, Cara, an age
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Chapter 46
Hi Fam!!! Here is the beginning of another sizzling romance story. TITLE: PURE LUST Enjoy!!! The moonlight that poured over the mountaintop hotel gave it an ethereal, mysterious quality. From one perspective, it looked enticing and welcoming. From Dianne’s perspective, the shadows it cast spelled danger. The moonlight shouldn’t be silver. It should be red. But this was no time for imagined threats. She was here for one purpose and one purpose only. Taking a fortifying deep breath, she waited for the barrier to rise, then drove through and parked in the main car park. No valet approached to whisk her Chevrolet Traverse off to the secure parking area filled with Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Maseratis, and the like. Ambient music greeted her in the sprawling lobby where hotel guests were lounging around in their finery sipping on pre and post-dinner drinks. She didn’t make eye contact with anyone, intent on slipping through to the function room at the back. The closer her steps took he
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Chapter 47
When he next spoke, she could hear the tightness of his vocal cords. Excuse me, ladies.’ With those polite parting words, he bore her away, taking hold of her arm and clasping it tightly enough to prevent her escaping but not so hard as to hurt her.Eyes followed them as they walked in silence to the far corner of the garden, the part where discreet benches were placed amongst the blooming flowers for lovers to be alone. With every step she took, Dianne forced her mind to concentrate, to remember the words she’d spent the day rehearsing.Being here with him was a thousand times harder than she’d imagined it would be.The last time she’d seen her husband had been exactly six hundred and thirty-three days ago.The last time she’d seen her husband, they’d been screaming at each other, real hate and fury spilling out like a bunch of fireworks detonating in one big bang. She’d left that night and hadn’t seen him since.She’d thought all the hurt and anger from that evening and everything t
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Chapter 48
He waited for gratification to hit him, but all he felt was something akin to guilt, although why that should be the case he couldn’t begin to fathom. Dianne had left him. After three years of his lavishing his money on her, helping her to improve herself, supporting her, giving her everything she desired, she’d refused him a child.After three years of stringing him along, dangling the promise of a child over his head, she’d finally admitted the truth. She didn’t want to have his baby.Their whole marriage had been a lie, reduced to nothing but a cauldron of recrimination and hate.And now she had the nerve to ask for his help.Yet, staring at her now, her skin as pure as alabaster under the moonlight, Taylor had to clench his hands into fists and hold them tightly to his sides to prevent them reaching out to touch her.The first time he’d met her, he’d just taken over the running of the Moore Hotel chain, the family business run by his father until he’d suffered a major stroke. Desp
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Chapter 49
As he rejoined the party, the sight of her hurt, shocked face played heavily on his mind.His date, Evelyn, stared at him coolly, taking a long drag of her cigarette. ‘What was that about?’He looked at her. They’d been dating for almost a month, his first foray into the dating world since Dianne had walked out.Evelyn was tall, lithe, and stunning, frequently topping polls of the sexiest women.She was poised, cool and considered, and looked fantastic on his arm.Dianne was inches shorter and considerably curvier. She was warm and impulsive, with a laugh that warmed you to hear it. She smelled of fresh vanilla.He could still smell her now."Well?" Evelyn demanded, crunching her cigarette out of the ashtray.Dianne had always smelled gorgeous, especially first thing in the morning when the vanilla had turned to musk and mingled with the scent of their night’s lovemaking.He hated the smell of smoke. Was it any wonder he’d been loath to even kiss Evelyn?A dart of red crossed the perip
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Chapter 50
For a moment, she was too stunned to move or say anything else.Seeing him in full daylight, gorgeous in a dark blue suit and light blue shirt that made the colour in his eyes gleam, threatened to knock what little stuffing she had left out of her heart.This wasn’t a coincidence. It couldn’t be. Over the years, Taylor had wined and dined all the major players in the New York banking system. He had all the best contacts. His web is covered everywhere.He’d probably known the outcome of her meeting before she had.Suddenly, it became clear what he was here for.She marched over to him. "Here to gloat, are you?"He unfolded his arms and straightened, his pale blue eyes fixed on her without expression.‘No, Dianne.’ The faintest of smiles tugged at his sensuous lips. I’m here to offer you a lifeline.She studied him carefully, trying to read his face."What kind of lifeline?" she asked, not hiding her wariness."The kind of lifeline that will save your center."Taylor watched a dozen emo
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