All Chapters of MARRYING MY BEST FRIEND'S FIANCEE: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
440 Chapters
Chapter 61
I am not a team player, Dianne. I don’t deal with collaboration. You will get your centre but you will not have the opportunity to mess up the renovations.’"I am not going to mess this up!" she shouted.He gave her a measured stare. Control your temper. It is most unattractive.’"Do you think I care what you find attractive?"You should, considering the project hasn’t even started yet.She knew exactly what he meant. "Are you seriously serious? If I don’t toe the line, then you’ll pull the plug. ’‘If necessary, But as I’ve said numerous times, if you fulfill your side of the bargain, then I will fulfil mine.’You lied to me.’"No." You made assumptions.’ He rose from his seat and rested his hand on the desk, leaning forward. ‘I made it very clear that I would be taking control. I will be in charge and you will be by my side. Look at it from a positive perspective—this time you’ll see how a project is conducted properly all the way to its conclusion.’The anger inside her had risen s
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Chapter 62
‘You said I could do whatever I liked.’And you can. But that doesn’t mean I have to participate or enjoy it.’He tugged her hair back and stared into her insolent eyes. Anger flooded through him at the confirmation of the game she was playing. But he tempered it.She wanted to play?Nothing would give him greater pleasure.And she would learn that whatever game she played with him, she would never win.He released his hold on her and swept his fingers over her shoulders and down over her breasts, lightly pinching those gorgeous nipples, already hard with the arousal she wished to deny, in the way that had always made her moan.There were no moans this time, but her lips parted a fraction, her cheeks heightening with colour. The defiance remained.“Sit on the chair,” he commanded, indicating the armchair in the corner of the room.“What?”‘Sit on the chair. You said I could do whatever I liked, and what I would like is for you to sit on that chair.’She swallowed, looking at the chair
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Chapter 63
Beatrice and Audrey Moore, Taylor’s mother and sister, respectively, were in the drawing room awaiting their arrival. Both were dressed impeccably, as if they were heading off to a night at the opera, something Taylor had once taken Dianne to and which, to her shame, she had fallen asleep through.She wondered when Taylor would comment on her own attire. He’d given her a sharp glance but hadn’t said anything.If she’d known they were coming here before she’d got in the car, she would have made a greater effort than the casual inky-coloured silk trousers with the tapered legs and the silk blush-pink roll-neck top. On her feet were flat snakeskin-effect sandals. She knew her outfit would hold its own at any restaurant, but in the Moore household, she might as well have come dressed in her pyjamas.It shouldn’t matter to her. In the days after she’d left, she’d gone through her wardrobe and removed every item that had been purchased for its suitability for Taylor Moore’s wife and not for
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Chapter 64
There was Beatrice, the pillar of society.Frederick, the infirm head of the house,Audrey was the daughter with a mischievous streak that only came to the forefront when away from the stifling presence of her mother.and Taylor. The man who had to be the best at everythingIt was like observing a cleverly crafted game of manners in which everyone wore masks that hid anything resembling real emotion.After a two-year absence from this table, it was as if Dianne had sat down with a brand-new pair of eyes.During her marriage, she’d always felt intimidated in this house, terrified one of them would point a finger at her and expose her for being an impostor that no amount of expensive clothing or cosmetics could hide. Her fear had left her blind to what surrounded her.The past two years had been a chance for her to find herself again and, no matter what happened in the future, she was determined never to lose herself again.When did you see my sister? Taylor asked, as soon as he had dri
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Chapter 65
Where did family loyalty come into his sister’s thinking? When Chris had ended his relationship with Audrey, Taylor had been ready to kill him, not suggest they share cosy lunches together.But then, Audrey hadn’t had loyalty drummed into her as he had. For Audrey, childhood and life itself had been a charm; she’d been doted upon by a father who only spoke to his son to pick fault with him."Audrey didn’t want to upset you," Dianne said softly. ‘She said you would think she was being disloyal.’"You’re damn right she was disloyal. But I’m not upset.’‘Then what are you?’He forced his features into neutrality and glanced at her. "I’m not anything."Silence rang out, not even a whisper of sound to be heard until Dianne said, "Nothing changes, does it?""What are you talking about?"Her voice was sad. ‘Nothing is allowed to be less than perfect, not even your own feelings.’The silence was suddenly filled with a roaring noise. It took a moment for him to realize the sound was in his own
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Chapter 66
The bed dipped, the sheets rustled, and a large, warm figure slid in beside her.The dryness in her mouth became a memory as moisture filled it...and a lower part of her anatomy.Immediately, she pressed her thighs together in a futile attempt to counteract the heat filling between them and closed her eyes, anticipating the moment he reached out and pulled her to him.Did she have the strength to even pretend a lack of interest when every part of her felt so heightened?It felt as if she waited for ever for him to make his move, every passing minute dragging on to the next.Nothing.He lay on his side facing her, making her scold herself for not having faced the wall rather than the centre of the bed. She might have had her eyes shut, but she could feel his gaze upon her."Well?" she said, before she could stop her tongue from speaking. Isn’t this the moment when you take your next payment? "He shifted closer to her, his face near enough for her to feel the warmth of his minty breath
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Chapter 67
Dianne’s cheeks flushed at the unexpected compliment.She hadn’t expected that.She became even more flustered when Morgan carefully refolded her plans along the seams she’d made and tucked them into his large carry-case. ‘Next time, you roll them.’"Sorry?" She didn’t have the faintest idea what he was talking about.Next time you create plans, roll them, don’t fold them.’She bit into her bottom lip to stop the smile that was fighting to spread over her face. Morgan was a renowned architect with over twenty years’ experience, and he was complimenting and advising her as if she were, if not an equal, then a promising student.So stunned was she that the rest of the conversation passed her by, right until the moment came for them to leave.While Taylor and Morgan headed outside, she gave the place one last look, imagining how bright and fabulous it would be when the renovations and subsequent decoration were completed. Her heart swelled thinking of the children’s faces when they saw i
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Chapter 68
Was that really true? All the evidence pointed to her leading a frugal existence without him. And she hadn’t asked for any money for herself.She’d lapsed into silence, her head bowed. Then suddenly, she lifted her chin and stared at him with enough force to keep his focus on her and not the coffee machine.“Marrying you was all wrong,” she said, her eyes wide. You were the shining star, turning the family business from silver into gold—everything you touched turned into gold. Everything I touched turned into rust. I couldn’t compete.’“Our marriage wasn’t a competition.”‘I know, but for me...’“For you, what?” he asked, when her words tailed off.I wasn’t equipped to deal with any of it. I tried. Really, I did, but I knew you wanted perfection. Never mind learning Spanish, you wanted me to speak proper English, to wear the right clothes, to be a wife you could be proud to have on your arm...’He retorted, irked that she could twist things round to make herself seem like some kind of
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Chapter 69
Heat bubbled deep within her, a sweet yet torturous sensation that begged for attention, and she dragged herself to her knees, taking in every part of him, from his toes to his cropped dark hair, as she unclasped her bra and threw it to one side, not caring where it landed. Then, finally, she pulled her underwear down past her hips, as Taylor’s eyes watched every move she made, his strong throat moving as he swallowed."Lie down," he instructed, his words guttural.She did as she was bid and lay back, posing provocatively for him with one arm hooked over her head, a hand clasping a breast that was practically crying for attention, deliberately encircling a hard nipple.A muted groan came from his throat, and he yanked at his boxers and tugged them down past his muscular thighs, freeing his erection.More moisture filled her, the heated ache in the apex of her thighs now nothing but a mass of sensation begging for his touch.A warning thought rang out, breaking through the haze."I’m n
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Chapter 70
“What does he want?”‘He’s replying to a message I left for him last week.’ She winced at her slip that she’d been waiting a week to hear back from him and hurriedly added, ‘I wanted to know when he’s free for lunch.’His expression was even. “Are you forgetting our deal? Your place is by my side.”She rolled her eyes. Not for a second. That’s why I suggested he choose a weekend.’‘You’re still by my side at weekends.’"Even prisoners are allowed visitation rights." She took a sip of her coffee.A pulse worked on his jaw."Do you seriously believe you can prevent me from visiting my family?"she asked. "Because that would make you even more hateful."His eyes crinkled at the edges. You didn’t think I was hateful last night when I made you cum with my tongue.’"You’re very talented," she responded sweetly, wishing her face didn’t flush at the memory.Why don’t you sit on my lap and I’ll show you how talented I am with something other than my tongue?’ He placed his chin on his hand and h
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