All Chapters of MARRYING MY BEST FRIEND'S FIANCEE: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
440 Chapters
Chapter 71
Gone is the haute couture. Gone, the immaculately coiffured hair. Gone is the rigid diet. Gone too, were the rock-hard abs she’d developed during their marriage, replaced with the luscious softness he recalled from their early days.When he’d completed his daily two hundred lengths, he hauled himself out of the pool. For once, there were no hunger pangs. Everything felt tight inside him, far too tight to eat.He grabbed his towel and rubbed it over his hair and face. As he towelled the water from his back, Dianne came out into the morning sunshine and walked over to him, her phone in hand.“Have we got anything planned for tomorrow?” she asked, keeping a respectable distance from him, although he noted with some satisfaction that her eyes lingered on his chest for longer than was respectable. All at once, the disquiet within him evaporated. He closed the distance and reached for her hips.“You’ll get me wet,” she scolded, but with definite half-heartedness. After a week of erotic love
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Chapter 72
A small hand tugged at his arm, and he looked down to see a young boy gazing up at him."This is Damian," Leo said, with a benevolent smile. ‘I think he wants you to watch the show with him.’"I’m not here for the entertainment," Taylor said, intending to add, "I’m here to take Dianne home." But when he opened his mouth to say the words, he caught Damian’s eye and was rewarded with a smile that could melt the entire Arctic Circle.Somehow, Taylor allowed himself to be guided over to the floor by the child who, it was obvious, had Down syndrome. As he looked at the other faces, one thing was abundantly clear—every single one of these children was severely disabled. One other thing was clear, though, too: every single one of these children was enthralled with the performance Dianne was giving them.For a moment, she spotted him, and for a moment she faltered. When the balls fell out of her hand this time, there was nothing feigned about it.A girl who looked to be no more than eight and
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Chapter 73
Once back in the villa, the sun setting on the horizon, they proceeded for something to eat, wedging themselves on an outside table inches from the pavement.One thing Dianne had always appreciated about Taylor was his lack of snobbery when it came to food. His tastes were refined towards everything else, but he would happily wolf down anything put in front of him. When she’d suggested they eat here rather than the dinning, he’d shrugged his shoulders and agreed.Fancy food was something she’d had to get used to when they’d married, having been raised on a diet that consisted mostly of microwave meals or baked beans on toast. A chocolate bar or ice cream would have been their usual form of dessert.How simple everything was back then. Her mum had been young and naive but incredibly hardworking. She’d held down two jobs for as long as Dianne could remember but had always made sure she was home to have dinner with her only child. Half the time, she was unaware her daughter had skived of
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Chapter 74
He knew the answer even as her eyes shot back up at him and her cheeks tightened in on themselves. "No! I wanted to help. Solace daycare center has no assets and no back-up capital. I thought I had enough money left to pay for it all. All I could think was, let’s get this done, but I had it in my head that once it was completed I would get some kind of charity established and hand it all over so the center would always be guaranteed a home.’All along he’d made assumptions, but if his assumption that Charley was a gold-digger had been wrong—and today had only confirmed what his senses had been trying to tell him for weeks—what else was he wrong about?He reflected on all the lengths he'd gone to throughout his childhood and adolescence to impress his father, working so hard on his studies, often studying until the early hours, regularly declining invitations that took him away from his books, determined to be the top-ranked student in his private school. He’d succeeded in that aim, le
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Chapter 75
“Really?”You know the brief better than anyone. Think of it as PR. His name will help in the awareness drive we’re going for.’“There is that,” she conceded. This, on top of the fundraising cruise trip, would raise so much awareness and funds for the children that she felt like pinching herself to make sure it wasn’t all a dream.A thought crossed her mind. When at the end of the month are we meeting him?‘The last Wednesday.’‘Oh.’“Why?”The last Wednesday of August is for their outing. We’re planning on taking some of the kids on a boat ride to the Liberty Island.’“You’re taking the children on a boat cruise?”From the look on his face, she might have said they were taking the children to watch bare knuckle boxing.He eyed her thoughtfully. "Have you already got your name down to go?"‘Yes, but don’t worry, I wasn’t planning on stealing your helicopter again to get there.’You wouldn’t have had any luck if you did—my pilots now know not to take you anywhere without my express per
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Chapter 76
A lance of pain shot through her chest as she thought of him with another woman on his arm. She sucked in her breath, holding it tightly, waiting for the feeling to pass, as it always did, although it seemed to be taking longer and longer for it to pass as the days went by.She would not make the same mistakes as she had before.Mind-blowing sex did not equate to love. That was what had gotten her into trouble in the first place: mistaking the lust she’d felt for him for love; then, when love truly had come, it had been too late and she’d been trapped. Worse, she’d become a stranger to herself.But this time, she knew better.This time...Unless you want to come here and take me in my office...She’d told herself hell would freeze over before she made the first move. As if she would give herself willingly to the man who’d blackmailed her back into his bed.And yet...There would be no consequences if she walked away. Taylor would never back out of the centre, not now. She’d known that
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Chapter 77
Her mouth didn’t move from his as she worked at his belt, then unzipped him, with just a whisper of her lips touching him. He placed a hand on her waist, the warmth and softness of her skin deepening the burn in his loins.He didn’t think he’d ever been aroused so quickly and so deeply as he felt right now, or ever been as aware of the sound of his blood pumping.A sudden urgency rippled through him and he reached down to help tug his opened trousers and boxers down enough to free him. Immediately, she took hold of him.He inhaled deeply to stop the groan that wanted to escape.She breathed out in shallow pants. She guided him to her opening and sank down on him.His groan could not be suppressed this time, and as his mouth parted, she moaned into him, the sound of their pleasure muffled.She broke away from his mouth and raised herself, placing her hands on his shoulders to steady herself, then sank back down.With a hand on her back and the other on her hip, Taylor began to move wit
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Chapter 78
When they arrived at the plaza, where most of the action would be kicking off from, they were greeted by the manager, who led them straight up to the small roof terrace. From what Taylor could see, their spot was one of the only ones that allowed spectators to actually see what was unfolding.And what a sight it was. Tens of thousands of men, women and children were crammed into the plaza and the surrounding narrow streets. Many of the shop fronts and homes had been protected with huge plastic sheets. Scores of mostly young men were attempting to shimmy their way up a two-story pole with what looked like a hock of ham at the top, but he guessed it must be greased, for the men got no further than a couple of feet before sliding back down on top of each other, only to immediately try again.Chairs had been laid out for them; the terrace was safe enough for the kids to jump up and down with the excitement of it all.Never in his wildest dreams had Taylor imagined he would take a day off
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Chapter 79
“More wine?”Dianne blinked. She’d been a thousand miles away.She breathed deeply and fixed a smile on her face. “Go on, then. We might as well order our food too.” They’d been in the restaurant for an hour and still there was no sign of her dad. Neither did he answer his phone.“Are you sure?”She gazed back at the menu open on her lap. She didn’t want to look at Taylor or the sympathy radiating from him.He was only an hour late. For her dad, that was nothing. As a kid, she’d often spent whole days waiting for him to arrive.Definitely. The minute we order is the minute he’ll arrive,’ she said brightly. ‘You wait, he’ll be here any second.’Of course he will,’ Taylor agreed, with eyes that said he thought the total opposite.She snatched up her glass and downed the last of the red liquid. Forget bouquets of blackcurrant and cinnamon and whatever else it was reputed to have, the only attribute she cared for was its anaesthetic quality.She was an adult now, she reminded herself, and
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Chapter 80
Taylor tried to keep his features composed, not to let Dianne see the anger her words were provoking in him.He had little doubt that if her father walked into the restaurant at that moment, he would connect his fist to his face with all the force in his possession. How that man had the nerve to call himself a father...How Dianne had managed to grow up into the warm, compassionate woman she was today stumped him too.“Can we go home?” She asked. I’ve got a headache.She did look pale.He called for the bill and discreetly told the waitress to cancel the cake waiting in the kitchen that was to have been brought out when their meal had finished. Getting to his feet, he felt in his pocket for the square box. He would give Dianne her present when they got home, after a relaxing massage and a bottle of champagne. He would spoil her rotten and make this a birthday to remember for all the right reasons.But first he had to get them home. The streets surrounding the restaurant were gridlock
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