All Chapters of MARRYING MY BEST FRIEND'S FIANCEE: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
440 Chapters
Chapter 91
Layla compressed her soft full mouth and pushed her rippling fall of fiery hair back from her taut brow, where a stress headache was beginning to tighten its grip. Her cousin’s best friend, Aria, who had originally planned to accompany Emily, had broken both legs in a car accident. Sadly, that was the only reason why Layla was being invited to take Aria’s place and, equally sadly, Layla didn’t want to accompany Emily, even though it was a very long time since Layla had enjoyed a holiday.The unhappy truth was that Emily didn’t like Layla. Emily had never liked Layla, and even as adults, the cousins avoided spending time together. A much-adored only child, Emily had thoroughly resented the arrival of another little girl in her home, and Layla wasn’t even sure she could blame her cousin for her animosity. The White’s had hoped that their daughter would see Layla as a little sister, but perhaps the fact that only a year separated the two girls in age had roused competitive instincts in E
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Chapter 92
‘Oh...’ Layla made no further comment, knowing how touchy Emily could be, confiding in you one moment and snapping your nose off the next."There’s plenty more fish in the sea!" Emily declared, slamming the fridge door and straightening, her blonde hair flying around her angry face. "If he comes calling again, he won’t find me waiting for him.""No," Layla agreed.Maybe you’ll meet someone tonight, "her cousin mused. I mean, it’s past time you leapt off the old virgin wagon and got a life!’How do you know I haven’t already? Layla inquired."Because you always come home at night and never that late. You know what I think? You’re too fussy.’"Possibly," Layla conceded, sipping her tea while wondering how soon she could make her excuses, strip off, and get into bed to catch up on her sleep.Emily’s entire world seemed to revolve around the man in her life, and she got terribly insecure if she didn’t have one. Layla’s world, however, revolved around her studies. She had worked incredibly
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Chapter 93
In receipt of a chilling glance from Emily, who was standing at the bar with Freddie, Layla hurriedly turned her head away, color sparking high over her cheekbones. Freddie had gatecrashed their night out. Emily had been overjoyed and, within minutes of Freddie’s appearance, had made it clear that Layla was a gooseberry.Layla sipped the sickly sweet concoction that Freddie had insisted on buying her. She pondered what she was going to do with the rest of her evening. Where was she to go? At least in a crowd, she was virtually invisible and drew no particular attention.Emily pushed her way through the crush and settled her impatient blue eyes on Layla. Why are you still here? I assumed you’d have left by now. Layla straightened. "I’m coming back to the apartment tonight," she warned her cousin. I’ve spent two nights sitting up in reception and I’m not doing it again.I can’t believe how selfish you’re being!’ Emily complained. You wouldn’t even be having a holiday if it wasn’t for m
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Chapter 94
Lucas stood at the rail, broad shoulders straight as an axe blade and rigid with tension until he relocated Layla again. He noted that she was dancing just at the edge of the floor, and he wondered if she planned to join him again. Or was she expecting him to chase after her? Lucas didn’t chase: he had never had to go to that much effort with a woman. Consequently, he should’ve been irritated by her behaviour, but he was not, and he didn’t understand that.What was it about her? She had extraordinary eyes, he recalled, as pale and translucent green as a piece of sea glass he had once picked up off a beach as a boy. And just as the sea fascinated him, she did as well. He was down the stairs before he even knew he was planning to retrieve her."Can't," he informed her with a wry look when she studied him expectantly. ‘No sense of rhythm’Lucas stood there in front of Layla like a very large statue frozen in place. Her breath hitched in her throat as she looked up into his exotically dar
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Chapter 95
Taken aback by that prosaic comment and struck by an outlook that came remarkably close to his own, Lucas elevated an ebony brow. But it was a most enjoyable one.Layla almost hit him with the shocking survey figures on the level of female sexual dysfunction and dissatisfaction in society, but decided to keep wannabe-Dr-Layla firmly under restraint. "I certainly hope so," she said, her face heating at the very thought of what she had already agreed to do with him. She fretted that alcohol could be affecting her judgement, although she had only had two drinks and hadn’t finished the first.But no, she wasn’t drunk, not even tipsy because she always got giggly if she drank too much. Yet in retrospect, her agreement to spend the night with him seemed so cold-blooded that she agonized over it for a nerve-racked few minutes. Yet wasn’t that attitude more sensible than waiting in the nave hope that someone would eventually offer her both romance and commitment? She was almost twenty-five ye
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Chapter 96
Layla frowned, surprised by the news. I’ve been cruising the California coastline for the past week. Lucas walked her down the stairs, but not before one of the men seated at the table across the way cleared their path. When she turned her head, she saw the other two falling into step behind them. One of them was talking into one of those security earpieces she had only previously seen worn in films, and the men backed into the dancers to impose a barrier around her and Lucas and ensure their smooth passage across the crowded dance floor."Are those men bouncers?" she asked."My security team.""Why do you need a security team?" Layla inquired nervously.Protection. I’ve had a security presence in my life since childhood, 'Lucas confided evenly, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. My mother and her sister were Greek heiresses. Sadly, my aunt was kidnapped and held for ransom as a teenager.’"Good grief," Layla whispered in the comparative quiet of the club foyer. Was she
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Chapter 97
"I’m more tart than sweet," Layla warned him."Sugar cloys," Lucas husked, and he wondered if that was the very basic truth that explained his reaction to her. She was independent and outspoken, and he had never met anyone quite like her before.He stroked a finger across the pulse flickering madly at her collarbone and her breath tripped in her throat. "You keep touching me..."His eyes glowed with potent gold. I can’t keep my hands off of you. Is it a problem?’Layla’s lashes screened her eyes. She wasn’t used to being touched, and he did it with such ease and spontaneity. Her mother had been physically demonstrative when she had been sober, and their brief time at the commune in Wales had been almost happy. But, after her mother’s death, her uncle’s family had been much more reserved, and Layla had received little physical affection from them. She said in a low voice, thinking she had better watch herself with him because somehow he was getting under her skin in a way she had not f
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Chapter 98
Layla blinked, bemused, having assumed he would be as eager to be touched as she was. And, ‘not for the first time’? Was that simply his prodigious self-assurance doing the talking for him? Layla, her body all aquiver about even the thought of a single experience and the unlikelihood of her wanting a second, watched him strip off his clothing with something less than the laid-back cool she had come to expect from him.Everything came off at once, ensuring that she had little time to be curious about what her first aroused male looked like. He was larger than she had assumed he would be, but that was only a point of academic interest, she assured herself nervously, surveying the prodding length and breadth of his bold shaft. She knew she would stretch, and she envisaged neither pain nor anything else that might reveal her inexperience. After all, she had gone horse riding from an early age and believed any physical barrier would be long gone. With the same focused intellectual interest
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Chapter 99
"It was private," Layla told him succinctly, her lush mouth folding into a compressed line. Now that it’s done, can we just go back to where we were?Do we go back to where we were? In a different mood, Lucas would have laughed at that wording. But he was in the grip of angry astonishment, his every assumption about her wiped out. He didn’t like surprises, but as Layla shifted up to him in a reminder that he was still inside her, he discovered that his body was much less particular. He stared down at her with stunning dark golden eyes. He was her first, and there was something mysteriously satisfying about that discovery. She was so tight and warm and wet. A struggle to control his every move, he sank deeper and a breathy little sigh that certainly wasn’t a complaint escaped her.Layla shut her eyes again, ripples of pleasure reclaiming her, that momentary stab of discomfort forgotten. She could feel his girth stretching her and his hips grounding into hers with every slow, heavy thru
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Chapter 100
Lucas swore vehemently beneath his breath and went off to use another shower. Why was she angry with him? Accidents happened, although it was the first time he had found himself in such a situation. Even as a teenager, Lucas had never had unprotected sex because he knew all too well the cost of such carelessness. His half-brother’s birth to his father’s mistress had been a painful lifelong commitment for Logan Jack, his wife and son.Layla emerged from the bathroom wrapped in the white toweling robe she had found hanging there. It was huge on her, but she had rolled up her sleeves and wasn’t sorry to be covered to her ankles. The intimacy she had naively sought suddenly struck her as having come at too high a price, and she was more self-conscious in the aftermath than she had been beforehand."I thought you’d be hungry," Lucas remarked, with a casual movement of his hand, pointing out the catering trolley that had appeared. I don’t know what you like, so I ordered a selection.’"You
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