All Chapters of MARRYING MY BEST FRIEND'S FIANCEE: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
440 Chapters
Chapter 81
“Then what? I loved you.’Her eyes became pincers. If you loved me as much as you say you did, then why did you try to change me?I didn’t try to change you.’Well, that’s what it felt like, “she said, a tremor carrying in her voice. She rubbed her forehead. Before we’d even exchanged our vows, you’d thrown tutors at me to teach me elocution and all that other stuff. You got your sister to take me shopping to all the best places; you hired me my own personal trainer and dietician... The only reason you went to all that effort was because I wasn’t good enough for you and your perfect family as I was.”For the last time, I was trying to help you fit in.And why was that? It was because I didn’t fit in.’He slammed his fist on the steering wheel. ‘I was trying to protect you!’Astonishment crossed her features. Protect me from what?“From my world and the people who live in it. I didn’t want you in social situations where you felt intimidated or unable to hold your own.”The only sounds
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Chapter 82
Grabbing her bag, she slipped out of the car and slammed the door with so much force the Lotus shook.Taylor stared at her rapidly retreating figure, his heart thumping, something sharp tearing at his throat.What the hell had just happened?It took a few heartbeats before the shock of her reaction dislodged him and his body unfroze.He unbuckled his seat belt, jumped out and, ignoring the dozens of angry drivers honking and waving their fists at him, slammed his own door shut.For a moment, he couldn’t see her, and there were seconds when his heart seemed to stop with the panic of it all. Then he spotted her, already far in the distance in the middle of a crowded pavement.Dianne slipped through the crowds and into a narrow side street where cars were banned, not knowing and not caring where she was going. All that mattered was escape.A hand grabbed her arm. Her throat opened to scream, but then she saw it was Taylor who had hold of her.She yanked out of his grasp. “Taylor, please,
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Chapter 83
Taylor let himself into the villa and threw his keys on the sideboard.The house sat in silence, the staff having long since retired for the night.He rubbed his temples and headed to the bar. After fixing himself a strong drink, he sat on a stool, used the remote to turn the television on, and flicked through the sports channels until he found the highlights of the evening’s La Liga games.Sipping at his drink, he concentrated on watching Barcelona demolish Celta Viga. There were some good goals to enjoy and ordinarily he would have been cheering his team on football. His guilty pleasure.Tonight, though, he was distracted. Something in his trouser pocket was digging into the top of his thigh. He should pick it out.Instead, he waited for the advertisements to finish, swallowed his drink, and poured himself another.The damn thing still dug into him.With a grimace, he shoved his hand into the pocket and fished the small square box out. Without looking at it, he stuck it on the bar a
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Chapter 84
She sat up straight, suddenly as certain of something as she’d ever been in all her life.Taylor loved her with all her imperfections.She jumped to her feet, bouncing, then slumped back down as another thought occurred to her.He might love her, but she’d hurt him badly. His pride was enormous, and she’d wounded it not once, but twice.He might not want to listen to her. Even if he did listen, he could still walk away.Oh, get some backbone, she snapped at herself. If he walks away, it’ll be nothing less than you deserve. You’ll still live.It is better to try than to spend the rest of her life wondering what if.But before she could do anything, she realized there was something that needed to be taken care of first.She’d spent the years of their marriage searching for her self-respect. Somewhere in their short time together, she’d found it. She didn’t know where or when, but it had nestled inside her. And now she needs to claim it. Until she claimed it and embraced it, she would ne
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Chapter 85
She was wearing a royal-blue lace dress that fell to mid-thigh and displayed her gorgeous curves; her now even lighter blonde hair was loose around her shoulders. She wore black heels, which made her fabulous legs appear even longer.Even with the distance between them, he could see the animation in her eyes.A tall man he recognized—possibly a famous American singer—stepped in front of her and the contact was broken.Everyone took their seats.The wine was poured and the evening began.Course after course was brought out to them by an army of attentive waiting staff, laughter filling the room, overshadowing the piano player in the corner.Through it all, through all the conversations he had with the others at his table, Taylor’s eyes didn’t stray far from his wife.Dianne's table of twelve looked as if they were enjoying themselves immensely, and she chatted away happily as she ate her food. Every so often, she would look over to him and catch his eye, and he would feel that pull tha
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Chapter 86
‘Allowed what to happen? For your father to correct you, as was his right as your father?’At least she wasn’t pretending not to understand.‘My own father was far harder on me than Frederick ever was with you.’ She lifted the sleeve of her arm and showed him the old silvery scar that ran along her biceps. ‘My father did this to me in a drunken rage when I was seven. For all his faults as a father, Frederick never once lifted his finger to you.’He felt as if he’d been punched. She’d always shrugged it off as a childhood accident. ‘I never knew.’‘It was a long time ago when such things weren’t spoken of, especially amongst people like my family. Personal problems were kept behind closed doors. We both suffered at the hands of our parents and we tried not to repeat that with you and Audrey.’He laughed without any trace of humour.‘You think your father was hard on you?’ his mother said, a sharpness in her voice. ‘William would beat him when he failed at anything or disappointed him i
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Chapter 87
‘For you?’ she asked, confused at the turn of direction.‘I’ll pay for the building and any renovations that need doing. The funds raised can pay towards staffing and day-to-day running costs.’ He must have caught her dumb silence. ‘I’m happy to pay outright for it all, staff costs, upkeep, everything. The money raised tonight has been earmarked for the centre and it’s only right it be spent on it, but it can also be used to help other children in the same position. If we keep fundraising we can raise more awareness of what these children are living with and help even more of them.’‘And you want me to help you?’‘I want you to run it all for me. I’ll pay you a salary—’‘I don’t want a salary.’‘I know but I’ll pay it anyway. That’s if you choose to accept my offer.’She opened her mouth, not sure what to say, but he spoke forcefully before she could make a sound.‘Don’t make a decision now. Think it over. Let me know when you come to a decision.’If Dianne had felt dazed before, that
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Chapter 88
‘It’s beautiful,’ she whispered.‘I bought it to show you that my love for you is for ever,’ he said, taking it out of the box and sliding it onto her empty ring finger.It fitted perfectly.‘See—now you are mine again.’She beamed, happiness radiating through her.‘Dianne, we will build our own bubble to live in,’ he said, placing a reverential kiss to her hand, ‘and we will love and celebrate all our imperfections in it.’‘You, me and our babies?’The laughter died, a serious expression forming in his eyes. ‘We will have children when you’re ready and not a day sooner. I don’t care for the perfect family any more—perfect is boring,’ he added with a crooked grin. ‘Our children will be an expression of our love and commitment, nothing else.’‘How does seven months from now sound to you?’The shock ringing from him was so palpable that Dianne was the one to burst into laughter. ‘Yes, you wonderful man, you’re going to be a father.’His eyes were so wide she feared they would pop out. ‘
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Chapter 89
I'm really excited about this story!!!TITLE: MR HANDSOME'S ADDICTION'Oh yes!, I should mention that I ran into your future father-in-law, Wyatt Carter, last week,' Logan Jack said near the end of congratulatory phone call to his son."He seemed a little twitchy about when you might finally be setting a date for the wedding. It has been three years, Lucas. When are you planning to marry Beverly?’"She’s meeting me for lunch today," Lucas disclosed with some amusement, unperturbed by the hint of censure in his father’s deep voice. ‘Neither of us has any desire to sprint to the altar.’"After three years, believe me, nobody will accuse you of sprinting," Logan said drily. "Are you sure you want to marry the girl?"Lucas Jack frowned, his level black brows lifting in surprise. Of course I do.I mean, it’s not as if you need Carter Electronics these days.’Lucas stiffened. It’s not a matter of need. It’s a matter of common sense. Beverly will make me the perfect wife.’"There is no such t
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Chapter 90
Predictably, Lucas did not even wince, but she flushed uncomfortably at the look he shot her.But then, very few things bothered Lucas Jack, and regular sex was as important to him as ordered meals and exercise, and ranked no higher than either. He was a very logical male, and he saw no need to explain himself when he and Beverly had yet to share a bed.The very fact that they had both chosen to retain the freedom of taking other lovers during their long engagement had convinced them that it would be much more straightforward just to save the sex for when they were married. His father had only said that an hour or so before, but Lucas had not expected to be confronted with definitive proof of that statement so soon.His high opinion of Beverly had been damaged because it was obvious that she saw nothing inherently wrong with sleeping with another woman’s husband.Had his own views become so archaic, so unreasonable? Was he guilty of allowing childhood experiences to influence his adu
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