All Chapters of Forbidden romance : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
173 Chapters
"I'm still not sure about this.." Émile Gaston stuttered unsure of the mission they were all about to embark on."Shut up!!" Moreau howerled rushing at Émile, pinning on the wall As he landed a punch on his face."Tell me, do you like the way we're being belittled, all because we're mere humans, tell me!!" He yelled anger blazing through his eyes, he hated weakness, and what Émile was portraying right now was nothing but weakness, which is not expected from a man like him."We humans have no say in the council all because the witches think we are weak, they act as if they own the world, and treat us helpless humans as trash, what we seek is real power, real power, Élise, wake up!!" He growled, slapping Élise across the face for the second time."All the members of the council are witches, hiding their existence from us, do you know how I managed to find out about them?" He asked angrily as he began chuckling." That's because of Estelle La Fey, she told you her secret, how do you thin
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" Where are we heading, we've been journeying for two days now?" Delphine asked while Celeste lit the fire, as they both sat around it, to warm themselves up.After embarking on a very long and tiring journey, they've finally come to rest, it was past midnight and the other men had gone hunting for food. Only the women sat with each other around the fire they made."I see your husband didn't discuss any of this with you?" Celeste asked looking up at the stars."No, he only told me to pack up for this…"" I see, you must love your husband a lot" Celeste reasoned," I do and I Know you also have an eye for the Lord, Moreau I mean" Delphine phrased out as Celeste chuckled, everyone here knew how much Moreau loves and cherished Estelle La Fey, she's the only woman whom he holds in his heart, but seems like he chose power over his love, for reasons best known to him, and also how Celeste was always seen around him, because she had special feelings for him, though he never baits an eye at h
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"So where is she, we have been here for quite a long time now?" Élias asked, sucking his teeth." je suis ici ( I'm right here)" a voice said from behind as a woman emerged, her appearance leaving everyone stunned. She was far from what they had expected her to be, her beauty was unmatched even though she wore tattered clothes."Bonne journée Serefina, ( good day Serefina)" Moreau said, stepping out as he walked up to her, picking up her hands as he planted a kiss on her knuckles." Avez-vous le diamant avec vous? ( Do you have the diamond with you?)" She asked, retracting her hand backwards."Oui ( yes)" Moreau replied, putting his hand inside his leather pouch as he reached for the diamond which he handed to Serefina."Bon, nous allons commencer les rituels tout de suite, nous avons juste un peu de temps jusqu'à minuit. (Good, we will begin the rituals immediately, we have just a little time until midnight.)" She said tucking the diamond away." Dites à vos amis de s'agenouiller dan
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The five members of the council were all seen gathered in one place, all of their faces wearing a worried look."What do you all say about this issue?" A man with golden hair, that stopped at his waist asked."What do we say, the death rates of the villagers have been increasing everyday for the past three months." A bulky man stated."No, the fact that these vile acts have been done by humans?"Don't you all see, we have blood suckers among us, they are Humans like us, the walk about looking for preys" he grunted angrily, he lost his wife to those monsters." The Vampires are deadly creatures" another said," We have to do something about this, many will keep dying.."" That's nor the problem now Henri," a woman spoke out, referring to the golden haired man." The problem now is how they came to exist, I've never come across the so called Vampires all my life, until now" she added, the death rates of the villagers kept increasing, at first they all thought it was done by a wild anima
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YEAR 1256 AD….The fire crackled beneath the large utensil with the burning charcoal and the logs of wood which were added just a few minutes ago.The woman in the kitchen with a baby bump, picked up a wooden ladle to mix up the food she was making.Bending towards the pot, she smelled the aroma coming from it and smiled.Just as she finished setting the table, she heard the clucking sounds of horses coming to a halt just outside the house, going towards her window she looked outside the curtain to see rather an unfamiliar figure, she was certain it was the man from the way his built was, but was unable to identify who the person was, as he was covered with a black coat.She watched the man walk to her door as she heard a knock, wiping her hands on the front of her apron, she opened the door to see who the person was."Hello how can I.." she stopped talking midway the moment she saw the person, he's the last person she ever expected to see, not anytime soon."Hello" the person smiled,
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"You are back" Celeste exclaimed, immediately she saw Moreau leap In, he came in earlier than expected."How way your trip?" She asked they all hoped to hear good news."Productive, Estelle La Fey agreed to perform the sacrifice, soon we will be able to go out in broad daylight" he informed, the news might be good news to others, but not to him, it hit him real hard, when he saw Estelle La Fey's Condition, she moved on so quickly,now she's even with child, carrying the child of one of the men he hates most in life, Pierre, one of the members of the council, the main reason he embarked on the journey, to find power.When he learnt about the existence of witches, he felt inferior to them, and wanted to be able to stand up to Estelle La Fey and claim her, now he has lost he, Lost everything, even his freedom, he can't even come out during the day, or the sun will fry him like potatoes."Then why do you look this way,this is meant to be great news right?" Celeste questioned, wondering wha
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YEAR I300 AD.The golden moon emitted a soft glow as the clouds passed by, a few of them trying to hide the Moon, but only to be blown away by the wind.It was like any other night for the Vampires who lived in between Britaris, from the west empire, to the east, south and north, Surrounded by a big river, and hills, making anyone believe living things actually reside there.Each empire had a lord governing them, as Britaris has been divided into seven provinces, but nonetheless, they all lived in peace and quiet.The Huntersville province for Hunter Moreau,Callahan's province for Régis Callahan,These two provinces resided at the west,While at the east side, the Nero's province for Evans Montenero and Erald province for Élliot Gérald resided also.Then Gaston province for Émile Gaston, and Yannick province for Eugene Yannick, laid at the south.Xandre province for Hugo Alexandre in the north.Britaris had long grown into a very big city solely for Vampires, passersby usually ended
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All the lords of Britaris were seen seated, along with the ladies, no one wore a smile on their faces, they just lost a fellow lord, the once peaceful land and turned into a sorrowful one."I say we wedge against them, we are going to make sure no witch makes it out alive" Delphine said in a stern voice, and she'll be leading the war."But don't you..""No more objections, Moreau…or are you doing this because of the woman" Delphine chimed in referring to Estelle La Fey, she's totally different from the weak and delicate Delphine they used to know." It's not that.."" I hope so, so if you don't feel like joining me in this war, I suggest you step back, xandre province is going to take care of it all" Delphine stated, she will not rest until there's no living witch on earth, they are all going to pay with their lives for Killing her husband." We are all with you, Hugo was not just a lord but a friend, and he must get the justice he deserves, so we are all with you.. what do you say Mo
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HELLO LOVELIES…. Hope you've been enjoying TALE OF VAMPIRES so far.But I guess our journey will have to end hereಠ︵ಠ, I know it was rushed a little, but that part of the story was just to brief about how Vampires were created, and how the witches were annihilated, so welcome back to Adia and Sebastian's story. Love….Blu~vee.Do check or add other books of the author REVENGE ON THE MAFIA LORD.......BACK TO THE PRESENT….Silence reigned in Sebastian's room, not even a single sound was heard, the atmosphere, perfect for couples who wanted some alone time for themselves.Adia remained in Sebastian 's arms, as he just finished telling her the story about vampires.It all sounded like a fan fiction to her, she was still finding it hard to believe that something like that actually happened in the past, if not that she's already met a vampire, she wouldn't have believed any of that, and thought the whole story was made up."So witches used to exist.." she asked in denial, not only
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The air around Adia was so suffocating, she felt her throat tightening, finding it difficult to breathe."I'm sorry if I made you angry" she managed to say,"I just.." she was taken unaware by Sebastian who kissed her, cutting her short from saying anything further.Adia's eyes opened wide in surprise, shocked that he kissed her, but who was she to back down, she placed her hands on his neck kissing him back, feeling his sweet taste.Never did she think that a man as domineering, dominant and masculine as Sebastian, would taste this good.His lips tasted, that she didn't mind kissing him forever, as long as he was hers.The tense atmosphere around her suddenly subsided as if it was never there, he circled his arms around her waist, drawing her closer to him, as he made her sit on his legs, in a way that she was now straddling him.Breaking away from the kiss he spoke,"Any one who dares lay their hands on you, will lose it forever" he looked straight into her eyes as if making her a v
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