All Chapters of Reborn:Curse of the Lycan : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
120 Chapters
Chapter 11_Let's take the search into the woods
"Bingo!" I yelled as realization dawned on me, marek already understands what I meant as he looked at me in awe. "I do not think that's possible, the Goddess can't let such a cruel twist of fate befall you. Iyyar wouldn't hide such a thing from us," Marek said with a shaky voice, he tried his best to sound more believing. I decided to not let him in on my suspicions so I tap his shoulder and gave him the most pretentious smile I could muster "I never said anything, Marek" I wanted him to feel guilty for suspecting our friend and he did." I thought he was your friend too, how could you suspect him of keeping secrets," I scold him."What!, I thought we are both doing the same thing," he said as he stood all spaced out.I walked past him as we have already arrived at the prince's residence. The guards were all active, they all stood at their various posts. noticing my presence they all bowed as courtesy demands. The prince's residence is not as big as the alpha king's residence but en
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Chapter 12_Dylan is out there alone
I could hear the sounds of Marek's horse and the others as they trail behind me."Let's leave our horses here on the clear field," I said to them.We scattered deep into the woods and searched.The search was tiring as the werewolf soldiers uses their heightened sense of smell. The elves made fireflies that lit our path, while some of the other strongly built creatures guard the entrance of the woods.I noticed a hilly side in the woods and climbed it, I wanted to get a clear view ahead of us. The clear view I was so desperate to see didn't come to be. instead, I saw a dark storm, not that storm that happens before it rains. This one was foreign and different, very dark. Darker than the sky at night and vast too. I stare deep into it, and without batting an eye, my eyes become blurry and I felt dazed like my strength is being drained by the second. Within that minute I felt my brother's energy but it was faint, the energy was not stable the way it should."That way," I pointed out to
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Chapter 13_To the Latma field
************************************Some hours back in the woods************************************"They are eighty soldiers in total coming this way, your leadership, Nikkal said."We will ambush them and take them down, As a message to the alpha king. the leader of the witches in black cloaks said.Nikkal stood with her mouth agape, she couldn't get the leader's words right. how on Tierra can thirteen witches take down eighty able soldiers not just any soldiers but different creatures in uniforms? The alpha king army does not only recruit werewolves as their soldiers but other different kinds of creatures. How can she be asking us to take them down, She wondered.As if seeing through her the leader of the coven yelled a command at her "Just do as I say!"But your leadership, that's suicidal! she yelled back, Nikkal was shocked at her voice.ignoring her, she said with a deep frown. "And specifically, kill the werewolves among them!She warned them sternly not to let anyone of the
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Chapter 14_I guess my tactics works again
Dylan's POV***********After that small heated argument with my brother, I went straight to my residence and up the stairs to my chamber. "My prince, I hope all went well. the chief servants asked. Casper, the closest one among all the servants, maybe it was because he had been my servant right when I was little to this moment. Regardless of our difference in the title and the huge age gap, he would treat me like his own little brother. Casper would dot on me as per the queen's mother's request and he took care of me like a nanny.with a visible frown on my face I muttered "Yes, all went well. before banging the door and slumping into the nearest bed. A knock came disrupting my thoughts, I didn't budge to answer as I already knew it was Casper checking up on me, he always does this.the knock came the second time but without an answer, I heard the door knob turn and he let himself in."I guess my prince is having a rough day, you can go see the beautiful view on the balcony and also
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Chapter 15_Dark abnormal eyes
it was only when I made it out of the palace wall, that was I able to breathe a renewed air of freedom. You must have thought being a prince and a werewolf gives me all the freedom. yes, it does give me all the freedom and lots of privileges but aside from that. there are some sacrifices you make for the sake of the kingdom. The kingdom demands a real swordsman that can lead an army if the need arises as their prince, I spend all eight years of my life learning the swordsman skill when I would had prefer to learn art more. I was restricted from going into the woods alone without any given explanation whatsoever and if need be I should always go with my brother.the wood which is a bit far from the main town took me an hour to reach there on foot. I had rented a place for my horse at the last house with a stable for rent.I walk aimlessly in the woods, the chipping of birds and swaying of trees was calming my nerves. deep inside the woods, I kept going till I found a suitable fallen bra
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Chapter 16_A brown eye woman
This woman had an intensive gaze, it made me cringe. I wonder what kind of power she holds that makes her presence so suffocating."You fought with your brother this morning? she asked.And she doesn't seem to disappoint me. I regained my composure and with an arm crossed with a clenched fist. "since you already know all about me, how about you tell me who you are, I said."why asked questions you already have answers to, she said carefreely.I was confused and a bit upset as she kept on speaking in riddles. "Does that mean we've met before? I thought to myself.I didn't even attempt to look closer as I thought, who would let a mentally deranged-looking woman into the palace? I was tired of her creepy words and decided to head back to the palace."Well I'm out of here, I said as I turn to leave."Don't you want to know the secret your brother is hiding from you. she said with a sly smile.I stopped in my tracks as I was taken aback by the question. with a smirk, I turned to look at he
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Chapter 17_lets talk Empusa
In the middle of the night, Liliane woke up with a throbbing heart, she decided to have some herbal tea outside under the night sky before returning to bed. She thought about checking up on Dylan but she decided against it. I should not let my feeling of insecurity disturb his sleep, she thought.She settles down in the tea house that has no roof over it, and the servant serves her some herb tea."Queen mother," Nala called out to her.Nala is the queen's mother's servant and the only one closest to her, she had worked as her servant and assistant right from the moment Liliane step into the palace as a queen and a mate to the previous alpha king Almoret Blakewood, till this moment. She just got back from an errand for the queen's mother.She bows to her and gestured to the other servant that she will take it from there. she picks up the kettle and pours out the herb tea into the tea cup and hands it over to Liliane."Did you deliver my message to Casper?" Liliane asked."He sends his
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Chapter 18_The Fall Of The Mighty Queen 1
Liliane was panting so hard, if Empusa is here in her residence unharmed by the guards that means she can get to her children too."Liliane my dearest Liliane," she said in a mocking tune."What are you here for? Liliane asked.Amused by her question Empusa laughed."Oh, please stop being hostile towards your guest, she said, as she took a sit and pour out some tea for herself."I don't remember inviting you here, Liliane said.Empusa smirked, ignoring Liliane, she lifted the cup to her black devilish-looking lips and took a little sip from the cup, she knitted her brows, a gesture that the tea was not pleasant to her taste buds."Woah, who made this!?" It is so bitter" she said.Empusa gestured to Liliane to sit with her at the table and roughly she did."You know, I've always wanted to be in your shoes Liliane, have a mate like Almoret and live in the palace, be his queen and have his kids", she said with a sad look on her face which was soon replaced with a frown. " But now I am gla
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Chapter 19_The Fall Of The Mighty Queen 2
At the tea house she was only gone like a second it seems there, in that whirling darkness time stands still.Even when she wasn't given the full liberty to completely show him his way she knew Lucian will always find a way, he was her brilliant boy."You should understand I didn't mean all this to happen, trust me, Liliane". Empusa made a pretentious innocent face.Liliane look down at her thigh where she had placed Nala's head. her face had become too pale due to blood loss but her heart was still beating."How dare you mess with my children, Empusa!" she screamed, boiling in pure rage."Yes Liliane that's what I want, your rage, trust me I feel the same rage as you. Empusa said laughing maniacally."My rage is nothing like yours, my rage is driven from the love for my children, yours is madness!" Liliane charge at her.Empusa had already foreseen her attack as she move backward and Liliane found her claws stuck in the walls. she had aimed at her throat.the two aged women stood star
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Chapter 20_Mine!
******************************That Night In The Capital******************************Clarissa was walking in the darkness of the town alone and utterly miserable, the town outside the palace was so quiet, there was no single soul on the street, It was midnight after all.She wipe her tears with the edge of her gown and headed towards her house at the far end of the town. there's nothing to be afraid of, as the town is mostly full of friendly creatures.She slightly gives her door a push and the door creak wide open."Hmm," she sighed.As she step into the room, she felt a familiar energy and a sweet pine scent, she was in a haze."it smells like heaven," she thought as she move to put on the touch on the wall.Her eyes fell on a shadow of a man sitting on the kitchen stool with his shoulders draped. He was staring right at her with his amber eyes.He looked so daringly handsome, With an average height he had a defined cheekbone and a concrete jaw, long Viking- gold hair, and bristle
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