All Chapters of A DASH OF TEMPTATION : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
71 Chapters
Chapter Thirty One
“She just wants attention,” Bonnie said quietly. “My goodness, you are beautiful. Look at those feathers. You’re like a flying rain-bow.” “Senor Dave’s regular! Squawk.” Bonnie giggled and now David felt his cheeks heat. “That’s just obnoxious. Go away, bird.” “Stop it,” Bonnie ordered, stretching up higher and managing to stroke a finger down Duchess’s chest. “You aren’t a duchess, are you? You’re a queen.” “Queen Duchess! Pretty bird Queen. Four, three, two, one, pulse, pulse, pulse.” “Great. A workout with our lunch.” David offered Flora a mouthed apology when she returned with their drinks and the guacamole. Flora merely shook her head and laughed, her knee-length blue skirt bustling around her legs as she disappeared back into the cantina. “You going to wash your hands after that?” David asked when Bonnie took her seat again. “I guess I should.” Bonnie winced. “Be back in a second.” She darted off to the bathroom. “Duchess Queen! Squawk!” A flap of wings and a burst o
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Chapter Thirty Two
“I can understand why you miss her so much.” David said. He understood her better now. He understood why she wanted to leave… figure out herself. There was something freeing about impulse, something life-affirming. “She’d have liked you,” Bonnie confirmed. “You’re very roll-with-the punches, much like she was. And your taste in boats?” She gave him a thumbs-up. “Glad to have been of assistance. So what was the plan for after the wedding? I mean… if you had gone through with it” “To live happily-ever-after.” She toasted him with her bottle, but he didn’t miss the sarcastic smirk. “Take over his late mother’s role on various charity boards. Throw parties for his clients and business associates.” “Sounds…fun?” “It might have been, although I doubt it. But as my father reminded me, it wasn’t like I had a career or anything to worry about. Marcus was a safe bet. Or at least I thought he was. I didn't want to agree at first but my father kinda talked me into it… and I know that I shoul
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Chapter Thirty Three
She took a deep breath and tilted her head to stare up at the cloudless sky. “How much we give up of ourselves trying to impress or please someone whose opinion, it turns out, doesn’t really matter.” David didn’t think he’d ever heard a sadder statement in his life. “Go back to when you started college. If you’d had a choice, any choice. What would you have done?” “I’d probably still do the business angle, but with a side of something more creative like event planning or maybe interior design. Not that high-end, don’t-touch-it-or-even-breathe-on-it decor, but real-life design that works with people’s lives. Our home, mine and Grams, was always that. A home. I never worried about spilling something or getting the floors dirty. Sounds pretty silly, huh?” “No.” He shook his head, mildly impressed. “It doesn’t sound silly at all.” Flora reappeared with their bill and took away their plates. A few minutes later they were off to find Bonnie some new clothes at the only discount store i
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Chapter Thirty Four
He could try to believe that all he wanted was for the real world not to interfere, but it would. Reality was exactly what was waiting for them once she went back home. He reached for his cold coffee, checked his gauges. It looked like it was clear sailing ahead, straight through to High Tide Harbor. And that, David tried to convince himself, was most definitely good news. Bonnie left the bow of the ship and went to her favorite spot below the wheelhouse. Sitting down, she scanned through the photos she’d been taking, deleting and tweaking them. It was a small task, but big enough to keep her from focusing on what she’d be dealing with once they docked in High Tide Harbor… and she was excited about it. “Squawk! Guaca-mooleeee!” Bonnie yelped and shot up in her seat. The phone toppled out of her hand and clanged onto the deck. She swung her legs down and, shielding her eyes, searched the boat. There, on the wheelhouse railing, was Duchess, perched in all her festooned, parroted gl
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Chapter Thirty Five
“Double negatives always fascinate me,” he murmured and dipped his head. She let out a sound—a gasp? A moan? She couldn’t be sure until he stopped a breath away from the kiss he promised. His smile widened, those tiny crinkles in the corners of his eyes appearing as he slid one of his hands around her waist. He pulled her close. His mouth brushed hers; a touch so light she wondered if she’d imagined it. In that moment, every cell in her body surged to life. The feel of his warm skin beneath her fingertips left her longing for more as his lips drank her in. Until now, kisses like this had been relegated to the books she read, the movies she watched. The kind of kiss that ignited a woman’s blood and had her craving more from the man in her arms. His mouth was as perfect on hers as it was when he spoke to her; filled with humor and laughter and quiet intensity that demanded a response. There wasn’t a part of her that wasn’t filled with thoughts of David Stewart. “Squawk! Nice flat
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Chapter Thirty Six
“What are you—?” Clearly, she created brain fog for him because it took a beat to understand what she was doing. When her shorts hit the deck and she kicked off her shoes, he couldn’t do anything but stand back and watch as she stepped up to the edge of the boat and, after a quick wave and grin at him, dived over the side. She disappeared into the depths like a mermaid. He moved closer, heart in his throat, until he saw her surface a few feet away from Blue Blood. She slicked back her hair and bobbed to the surface, a contented smile on her face. “It’s glorious in here!” With the calm water and the clear sky, he could hear her without trouble. “I couldn’t stand being cooped up on that boat for another second.” David grinned. He’d never been seduced into stopping his boat before. She swam effortlessly until she twisted, tucked and dived back under. When she popped up again, she was reaching for the ladder at the side of the boat. “Are you coming in or not?” “Not sure I can beat t
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Chapter Thirty Seven
Bonnie kneeled beside the turtle, which had gone scarily still. “I’m so sorry this happened to you.” She plucked at the kelp and plastic debris until she could see the shell glistening in the sun. “There you are. Aren’t you a beauty.” The turtle jerked, flippers flapping as if it suddenly realized it wasn’t in the water. “David , she’s getting restless. You’d better hurry!” “Get those knees up! Work it. Work it!” “Hush, Duchess,” Bonnie snapped. “Got a few different ones. Here.” David dropped down on the other side of the animal. “Cut near the shell if you can.” “Right.” She shoved her wet hair out of her face, lifted a section of the line and pried it free just enough to slip the sharp blade under it. When she broke through, other sections of the line slackened. “Shouldn’t take too much longer,” she said. They worked as one, moving quickly to cut the turtle free. She unwound the last bit of line from around the flipper. The turtle waved it around as if testing that it still
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Chapter Thirty Eight
“It’s really good,” she moaned around a mouthful of spicy tomato sauce and melted cheese. “It is. You’ll have to try Zane’s when we get to High Tide Harbor. It’s even better.” “I'm sure it will be,” she said. “Best pizza I ever had was in this little town in Italy. My Grams and I took cooking lessons one summer. Pulled the tomatoes right off the vines on the villa property where we stayed. Now that’s an experience.” He glanced away, his jaw tensing. Okay, so maybe he wasn’t a fan of the real stuff. "Okay. So back to what I was about to tell you… I spoke to your father.” The slice of pizza stopped halfway to her mouth and she shook her head. "Okay… so what did he say?" she asked. David reached for another slice and Bonnie considered if they should order a second pie. As if he read her mind, he signaled their server, ordered another beer and, to Bonnie's amusement, another pizza. “I think he's beginning to get used to the idea of you not being home. I told him you were fine and sa
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Chapter Thirty Nine
Darkness descended and Bonnie waited, minute after minute, breath after breath, for the worry to cease and the calm to return. One call from her dad and she was right back in the lonely hole she’d been trying so desperately to climb out of. She sighed, regret lodged in her chest. She couldn't blame David. How could he not doubt her when there were times she doubted herself? Duchess’s talons clipped along the fiber-glass deck as she approached Bonnie and dropped her new toy, the plastic keys, into Bonnie's lap. Bonnie managed a weak smile and drew her finger down the parrot’s head. “You’re such a pretty girl, Duchess.” she whispered. “Make it work.” Duchess bobbed her head. “You’re also lucky, Duchess. Flying from boat to boat. Nothing to worry about other than who you’re going to annoy next. No one to disappoint.” “No one’s disappointed in you, Bonnie.” David's voice echoed out of the darkness. She was shocked when she heard him and even embarrassed that he'd heard her, but sh
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Chapter Fourty
In unselfconscious masculine display, he dragged one hand through his chest hair, scratching a little, then flexed his shoulder and rotated his head. Bonnie’s mouth went dry. In something of a rasp, she asked, "What are you doing?" "It's a bit warm out here." He glanced down at her. "And I'm a little stiff." So saying, he turned to head inside and Bonnie caught sight of a bruise on his ribs. "David ." She was out of her chair in a flash, catching his arm and holding him still. "What happened to you here?" He looked down at the darkening flesh she indicated. "Nothing serious. Just bruised myself a little when I went to check on the engine." Wishing she could soothe him, even heal him, her fingertips grazed over his warm skin. "I'm sorry." she said softly. His gaze stayed on her face, piercing and bright. "No problem, Bonnie. You getting hungry?" She jerked, but she didn't reply. Instead she took an automatic step toward him. Good Lord, the man oozed sex appeal. She could
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