All Chapters of Bound to my Wicked Stepbrother: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
175 Chapters
Chapter One-Thirty-Seven: To Nothing
The world around him was dark…blue…. cold… terrifying… empty… void… pointless… pointless. Pointless. “Your majesty?” Everything was hideous; food tasted of nothing; music burned his ears with its blandness, and everything remained meaningless in his misery. “Your majesty?” He hated everything in his sight. The statues, the art, and the halls were all decorated beautifully, but they soured everything within him. Yes, he should burn everything down. "Your majesty!" He jolted at the familiar call before his eyes raced across the room to place his surroundings. Where...was he? "Your majesty, you have wandered far from your room." His butler, Marcus, uttered as he offered a shawl to him. His gaze dropped to his shirtless attire and pyjama bottoms before accepting the old man’s kindness. “Thank you.” In the darkness that enveloped the room, he placed it finally as the ancestral hall that held the statuses of great Ivanov Lycans. A sacred room. Yet now, most of the artworks
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Chapter One-Thirty-Eight: How?
The warmth engulfing me seems to want to swallow me.My breasts ache. My centre throbs too maddeningly that the sensation does not soothe by pressing my thighs together; rather, that emphasises the deepness of the throb.I wonder if I can climax from only this sensation and the cool and crisp scent that is flooding my nostrils, making me feel as if I were burning in a winter forest.Squirming does not help.The move of my hand to my centre is halted by something big and strong pressed against me.Begrudgingly, my eyelids open, taking in the new light of day from the small windows in the room.Oh…right, the plane.We must have landed; I do not feel any movement around-“Hah…this crazy son of-”I press my lips shut when the bear-like man buried beneath my breasts shifts slightly to adjust before his steady breathing resumes.My arms are around him, but his are the ones keeping my body in place.How can anyone sleep in such a position?How can he keep his nose buried against me? What if
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Chapter One-Thirty-Nine: Celibacy
‘How could you make me someone he is wary of?’His question stills everything within me.If he asks it in that way, then there is no defence I can come up with. Everything I utter will be just another excuse.An excuse that, in his frustration, he will demolish, leaving me resting in nothing but guilt.When I left, I was in the worst situation possible, but much has changed since then. At some point, I should have been the one to tell him. He is right, I never gave him a chance.Giggles follow the silence following his question as Milos's head presses against my chest.Cute, but it worsens the situation as a scoff leaves his throat."Alba?"Sharon calls from the hall, rather, from the nursery.Her voice sounds groggy, meaning she must have fallen asleep on the couch in Milos’s room…again."Just a second!"I utter, then turn to Marko."I'll go-""Go and what? Hear the diagnosis without me?"Marko interrupts.Huh…I am saying everything wrong today.I meant that I would go and at least p
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Chapter One-Forty: Answer
"You are in my home, Marko."I remind as I maintain my stance near the door."Sit down."He it. Not the time.It isn’t that he scares me that I follow his order and find my seat opposite him on the couch; it is that guilt still dances in my chest suffocatingly.After a few seconds of silence pass between us, he speaks."I will announce Milos as my heir.""No.""You do not get a say, Alba.""Is that truly what you mean to say? I understand if you mean to enact some sort of revenge on me for keeping him from you, but Marko, do you mean those words? That I do not get a say in my son’s life?""That's...”A frown replaces the sternness of his expression before he sighs.“No. I mean to say you do not get to rid him of the opportunity to be the next Lycan of Ketria.”"And what if, like me, he wishes for a simple life? What if he does not want to be the next ‘Lycan King’?""He is my firstborn-""You might get more with another woma-"His gaze silences my interruption of him
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Chapter One-Forty-One: Everything {III}
"You must?”I question with a brave laugh, given his imposition on me.“You ‘mustn’t’ do anything, Marko; you are the king. Say you ‘want to’. Do not act as if you have no choice. You do; you just always choose force. Like when you kidnapped me from the stations and threatened to harm those I care about if I dared leave you, and now You intend to go to people that favour you enough to disregard Milos’s wants and needs-”"He is six months old; besides a pacifier and a caregiver, what else can he want?""Oh, I don’t know…Love? Care? Compassion? Understanding? I do not want him growing up being scrutinised for his existence or mistakes; it was hard for us, hard for me and you because our parents were not…there emotionally.""We do not choose where we are born.""That is not the response I expect from you!"I utter before trying to pry one of his hands from the wall on my side; however, this makes him press his body harder against mine.I hate the searing sensation scorching its way acros
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Chapter One-Forty-Two: Seven
The intrusiveness of Marko’s warm tongue finds my nub with ease weakening my knees. The support I had counted on, his hair and shoulders, were no longer enough, so I permit my back to rest on the wall behind me.His tongue stiffens beneath my nub as he runs delicious circles that flutter my eyes shut.A whimper escapes me at the merciless way his scent floods my lungs to sear my body inside out.I shouldn’t be in heat, yet this sensation feels ridiculously familiar.The burn of my nipples against my bra must be their scream of protest at being abandoned, and while I wish to rub them, I did not pump them of milk before coming down, so I do not wish to surprise him this soon.A series of moans I cannot seem to halt slide past my lips as the feel of his large fingers sliding into me overwhelms me."Marko, wait.""No."His curt no, which is muffled by my flesh, causes me to gasp.A stillness passes between us before he begins to hum."What are you-"It only takes a second for my flesh to
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Chapter One-Forty-Three: Oh?
"Are you sure?"Marko asks as he lifts Milos's tiny legs to finish wiping him on the diaper station.I can tell he isn’t happy about the stranger in his space, but he isn’t fussy either, which is weird."Yes, it’s supposed to be that colour.”I utter as I hand him a fresh new diaper.“It's normal.""But we can have the doctor check; I mean-"Spray that one can only hope is water -it isn't- springs from Milos's tiny and undiapered body all over Marko.An ‘Oh…’ is the only sound to leave my lips before a string of laughter follows from Milos’s lips, making me fight the urge to hold back my own."Oh, this is funny?”Marko asks, his eyes still wide from the little accident as he turns to me, and my head shakes from left to right to emphasise my ‘no’, yet my smile still holds.“You two are in on this?"Marko concludes with a smile as he widens his arms and begins walking towards me."Give me a hug.""No…no, thank you.”"Come now, you didn’t plan this, and it is natural, right? So, hug me.”
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Bonus #4: What a Relief
♥♥ Me: Bonuses should be a nice relief from the main story, with minimal conflicts and angst to complement an angsty main story. Also, me writing this chapter: (⚆_⚆) Lol, enjoy and again, thank you, thank you, thank you, for reading and voting for ‘Bound to My Wicked Stepbrother’. ♥♥ "Cut!" The director's voice rings clearly in the room, permitting me to slip from Marko's wet arms. He reaches for me, but he lets go when I fake a wobble on the slippery tiles. "You have been avoiding me, Alba." "It's in your head." I utter with a smile as my gaze turns away from his near-naked frame. "Oh, so you haven't blocked my number?" "I do not have your number; how can I block a number I do not have?" I respond with a smile before waving to Janine, who begins to rush over with my robe. I have blocked his number. It was easier than watching the phone over the break just to see if it would ring. It is pathetic of me, but if I wanted to reach someone who bl
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Chapter One-Forty-Four: Anything Like
Marko "Come with me." Marko uttered, trying his best to maintain the steadiness in his voice. Her gaze turned to the water; then again, she slid her body onto his so that her butt was to his groin and her gaze back to the ceiling. He did not wish to assume that her turning away from him was a form of rejection, but…he knew. Yet, despite the ache in his chest, he still craved her. His hands left her waist to part the cheeks of her buttocks so that his length rested between her tight warmth. He hardened instantly. She felt him; she must have for a breathy moan slid past her lips. "Come with me to Ketria, Alba." He asked again, this time grinding his length against her flesh. "No." He stilled at her answer. He knew she would turn him down, yet he couldn’t help the anger bubbling within him, begging him to ask if she intended to keep Milos from him or if she would flee in his absence. Petty questions considering the conversation they had, but he couldn’t help it. He was still
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Chapter One-Forty-Five: I Mean
My dressing of Milos in both socks and mittens is disrupted by his flailing about.I cannot voice my frustration because his smile is so distractingly bright that I seem to want him to do this forever.I wish he could stay this size for eternity, yet even the sock I place on him are new to fit his rapidly growing body."Babe, you there?""Babe?"I repeat, and Marko’s laugh fills the receiver.For a moment, I forgot that he was watching me through the phone I had propped on the wall during our video conversation."Yes. ‘Babe’, you are both my babies, aren’t you?""Mm..."I hum to cease the smile forming on my face, but I do not know if I have fooled him, for when my gaze lifts briefly to meet his, his cheeky smile captures me."You look beautiful, Alba.""Stop lying to me, it's six a.m. here, and my greatest achievement is waking and feeding Milos.""Feeding him my milk, you mean.""Oh my God, stop...saying that!"His laugh flows with ease.It's been three days since he left. He was to
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