All Chapters of Bound to my Wicked Stepbrother: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
175 Chapters
Chapter One-Fifty-Six: Filth
"Okay, I'll clean Milos. Sharon was supposed to drop by and take him, but she realised much work waited for her in her Ketria clinic, so that’s a rain check-”"Then let him bond with his nanny, at least for an hour. No two..""The night. I will trust him with her for the night but-""But?""When I attend the tea party, you are the one I want in charge of him, not the nanny.""Okay."How hard could it be to look after a child?"I am serious, Marko; I want you to bond with him. I feel like you treat him like my pet, that you only like him because he is mine.""Ours."He corrected, but she wasn't wrong.He'd seen parents show pictures of their children to everyone that showed the faintest of interest, and while he wished he could be like that, he did not feel it.Perhaps they had failed to bond; who knows, that did not bother him much. All he wanted was Alba, so he would take anything she came with.Alba’s pictures, on the other hand, he had them in plenty; most of them were s
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Chapter One-Fifty-Seven: Remember
Marko N Ivanov."It is not so easy to be confident with the person you adore more than anything, is it?"She asked with a wicked smile as if she intended to teach him a lesson."But I want you to be that. You are the sexiest and most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and that you would be mine is...astounding, Alba; you look magnificent, and if you don’t believe that despite stroking me to find your effect on me, I am at a loss."She swallowed."I want to be comfortable with you. And I want you to be comfortable with me. Also, I want to make so many pups with you that-""That you will proceed to treat as endearing pets?""Those...are not the right foreplay words."A scoff left her lips at his reply.If they were to discuss Milos, the night would take a turn, so he lowered himself to her breast and placed the hard nub he had teased in the warm wetness of his mouth.An ‘O’ that remained unvoiced took over her lips."It's my birthday, Alba, so I will lie on the bed and you..."He uttered
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Chapter One-Fifty-Eight: Morning
Marko N. Ivanov“What does your silence mean, Alba?”His fingers traced the curve of her ass before he leaned in and sunk his teeth into the soft flesh.A gasp escaped her lips but nothing else, so he slid his fingers between her thighs, to her wetness, where he sunk them inside her moist slit and rubbed it to life until her pained cry from his bite turned into a moan.The taste of her blood had a hint of sweetness typically gotten from fruits, but he should not grow used to this. It would be dangerous for both of them if his diet changed to her.His tongue lapped the wound that proceeded to close far too fast, leaving the taste fast fading in his mouth.He almost didn’t swallow just to prolong its aftertaste, but the way her body clenched around his fingers as he rubbed the walls of her sex was too enticing that his mouth closed, and an involuntary dry swallow followed.There it was again, berries and cold cream that weaved beautifully into his lungs, threatening to choke him.His th
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Chapter One-Fifty-Nine: My Moon {I}
Alba M. CraneThe stone beneath my feet is hot, but I do not feel the pain of the burn; no, I do; it is that everything else within me hurts more than my body has the capacity to express.My hand holds something putrid that I am terrified to gaze at. I can feel its cold, wet and slimy nature, almost like decayed flesh, yet I cannot abandon it; It feels too precious.The room I walk into resembles a throne room, but the walls have crumbled, and there is no ceiling, all of which permits me to watch fire devour everything in sight.There is nothing to quelch the towering pillars of flame; the sky is a burning white, not a cloud in sight, and the air is far too hot and dry to hint at any life.It is as if I am watching the end of the world, and I feel…nothing.Everything is over, nothing is left, and the emptiness in my chest only emphasises this...I do not know how to describe it.Not even tears find my eyes, or perhaps the heat has devoured them?No... they just aren’t there.My gaze t
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Chapter One-Sixty: Dad
Marko N. Ivanov"He takes a nap in the afternoon and wakes at-""At three and fussy, I know,"Marko repeated the words she had chanted endlessly since breakfast.He didn’t understand why she was so worried about his capabilities as a father; had he ever looked after a child? No, did that mean he was bad at it? Also, no.So why did she assume he would fail at this?“Maybe I shouldn't go.”"I've got this, me."Her gaze moved to Milos in his arms before her hand wiped the bubbling drool he spat out.“Eww.”He whispered with a mischievous smile that caused her to pinch him."You need to go; you are getting Violet from the airport first, right?"She nodded.He pressed a kiss to her lips before his hand strayed to the fleshy curve of her buttocks that grew pronounced with the tightness of her bright silver cocktail dress.He swallowed her gasp, and before she could melt into him, a coo sound followed.“Ahabaa!”She broke his kiss instantly to turn to Milos.“Sorry, baby, did I
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Chapter One-Sixty-One: Mooch
Alba M. Crane"How is my baby?""Which one?"I ask as Violet settles in the car, and the drive to Rebecca’s mansion begins."Not you, obviously.”She utters as she throws the length of her hair over her shoulder.“You decided to leave me behind in Chrysalis.""Oh please, I asked you to come with me. But you refused; I almost thought you didn’t like us enough to want to come to Ketria with me.”I utter, feigning sadness with an exaggerated pout of my lips."I like you, I like Sharon, hell, I may make some wolf friends that I may grow to like during this party, but let's be honest, I am not cut out for this ‘world’ of howling at the full moon.”“We do not howl at the moon.”“You probably should; you don’t even hunt as a pack anymore like the olden days; that’s why you picked up the habit of smoking.” “Okay. Is this going to turn into a lecture? I would rather it doesn’t, so I will move on; how are Beatrice and George?”“Great, interestingly enough, she is thinking of coming back here t
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Chapter One-Sixty-Two: Ease
As opposed to an elegant parlour room, Rebecca escorts us outside to a greenhouse-like place that holds numerous colourful and bright plants that add to the bright aesthetic of the party, and despite being outside, the scent of pastries and tea hang deliciously in the air.My gaze turns to the nearby pond, and it is so clear that I can see my reflection in it, but more than that, I can see the tiredness in Rebecca’s build.I guess all the Clive relatives, regardless of association, had a tough time after Magnolia’s treason.The deeper we walk into the space, the more the sound of laughter and chatter calls to us only; it is not as inviting as she had once presented during the mate ball.“About Magnolia…”I begin, but she turns so suddenly on her track that I wind up trailing my words.“Oh, we are fine. Our relation is only from the maternal side.”What the hell is that supposed to mean?Does it matter from which side your cousins hail?“Anyway, I saw today’s papers; how are you holdin
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Chapter One-Sixty-Three: Sun
“That’s like saying I do not care for my skin.”The girl Violet converses with responds.“I am not responsible for how you choose to interpret my words.”Christ, Violet.I almost groan, but Georgia yells a question impolitely at me."Is that a ring? Are you engaged, priestess?" Silence follows the words; even the blonde, who almost responded to Violet’s taunt, turns her attention to me.“That’s right; you said you would discuss it inside,”Rebeca chimes.Hesitation echoes within me, I thought I would be amongst friends as I open up about this tender subject, but instead, I feel as if I am-"Yes, uh...I am getting married."I announce into the silence, and gasps follow from the majority of the lips but Rebecca’s."Oh! The Lycan King was carrying a baby in his arms in the papers, perhaps a week back. Was the baby yours? I mean, you did go missing for years after the whole Red Graw saga. Did they… I mean, is that why you are being removed from the royal line."Georgia asks; her brashnes
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Chapter One-Sixty-Four: Magnum
The woman’s voice holds remorse so deep that it stills me momentarily; it is only when tears stream down her face, ruining her perfect make-up, that I try my hardest to squat in the tightness of my dress and hold her in my arms, for God knows what reason.A feeling I had not felt since Red Graw dances in my chest."My Su-""I am sorry for the way it ended, my dearest misunderstood crimson moon."My lips utter with a voice that comes from deep within me before a smile tilts the corners of my lips upwards.Despite the smile playing on my face, a deep heaviness feels my chest.“It shall awaken soon; find your centre, my precious blood moon; only then will you find peace.” The moment her head slumps heavily on my shoulders, the ‘enchanted’ feeling dissipates from me before I feel her stiffen in my arms."Oh...oh, you must think I am insane."She whispers through my flesh before she peals away from me, hiding the crimson covering her face.“Help me up?”She asks her chauffeur, who assists
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Chapter One-Sixty-Five: Betrayal
"Ahh...that hits the spot."Ruby utters as she places her pitcher of cider beer on the table with a thud. Without missing a beat, she turns to the table grill and turns the thinly sliced steaks before they burn.It was amusing watching her eat, actually more than amusing; I keep growing envious of her appetite.Still, how were the Clive illegitimate children treated for her to behave this similarly to Violet and me?While I like her playful maturity, we understand the scars that made us this way.After explaining my dream as the ‘sun’ to her (I am not sure if she believes me or thinks I am crazy), we settle and enjoy each other’s company at the eatery that offers each table a small grill and a wide selection of meats for one to fry up themselves if they do not wish for any item from the precooked menu.It took quite a bit of patience, but I finally finished the steak Violet made for me; it is hard to avoid eating when everything around me smells delicious; hell, even the smoke smelled
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