All Chapters of Bound to my Wicked Stepbrother: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
175 Chapters
Chapter Eighty-One: Man
“But surely, priestess…” Magnolia sneers. “Even if your intention was to copy me, shouldn’t you have made yours a little more decent? Perhaps not copied my size?” Did…did she alter my dress’s size? She is smaller than I am, petite with even proportions, while my body has a nasty habit of making garments more provocative than they should be. My hand reaches for wine or perhaps grape juice from a nearby waiter’s tray, to which I then proceed to spill its cherry-coloured contents on my chest. The liquid drips between my flesh to seep into the gold and stain it hideously. “I do not think they are the same now; mine bears a cherry mark.” I utter. “How can you spill such an expensive beverage that thousands worked hard to make?” She responds. One cannot win with her, can they? “Magnolia.” Rhett calls warningly, but not enough to establish any boundary, more like, ‘Magnolia, please stop misbehaving on my behalf.’ In the end, it seems all familial bonds but my own are tough to
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Chapter Eighty-Two: It
A boisterous laugh, one I was certain I held no capacity to produce, slips from my lips at his words.“A real marriage?”I repeat.“With whom?”I take a step back from him, doing my best to hide any emotion my body exhibited. I hate the keenness with which my gaze traces the muscles underneath his shirt.Christ, for the first time this evening, I appreciate his shoulder garters, not because they remind me of Marko, but because they frame him like an Adonis.Did…did he have good fashion before, or am I just noticing this?“Alba.”He calls my name in a low tone that almost causes me to inhale in preparation for…for what?Is this how he gets his women?Christ, I thought I was immune to his charms; what if he had never used them on me?Still, before he says anything, I proceed with my point.“So, let me get this straight, I utter to you that I am terrified to think of you in any other way for fear you will leave me, and your response is to taunt me?"Which part of me terrifies you when I
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Chapter Eighty-Three: Rebound
I must be floating…I must be, or I have been in misery for too long that I the light holds an intoxication I am weak to.“Stop me.”He utters again, his hand sliding to graze my flesh as he peals the bodice further from me, exposing me to the cold.His coat and the squeezing bodice maintaining the shape of my flesh hit the ground as he offers to warm me with his flesh instead."Stop me."Again, he utters with more desperation as if hoping I was the logical one of us.Yet how? How can I stop him when his touch feels better than the cloud that follows me all day? When this feels better than drinking? When I don’t have to stop.We do not have to! The only thing to affect us if we get caught will be impropriety. I will not be dragging his family line through the mud; he will not be losing the thing dearest to him.This is what I want in a partner, I do not wish to be their demise but merit.A moan escapes me as his tongue trails between my bare breasts.He moans, perhaps tasting the suga
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Chapter Eighty-Four: Hah...
"Face me, Alba."Again, the deepness of the breath I take startles even me, but with him, there is always a need to brace myself.Surely, he wouldn’t do or say anything implicating now that we are in the lobby by the entrance meant to receive guests.I know his speech was meant to release the teens now that midnight approaches, and since that is the case, wouldn’t this place be flooded soon?So, what is the merit of holding a conversation with me now?Or should I be grateful? It must mean he expects nothing."Your majesty."I utter with a polite smile as I turn to face him, bowing low enough that none would even consider the possibility of history between us.A scoff sounds before the scent of his cologne grows stronger.His feet appear before my gaze that is trained on the floor, and just like when we met in the restaurant, he lifts my head.His gaze looks unreadable, I want to make a joke about the familiarity of our actions, but it halts in my throat at his perfection.His lashes:
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Chapter Eighty-Five: Jealous
The room smells of perfume, but what catches my attention is that all the women in the room cease their activity upon my arrival.I know I must resemble a deer in headlights, but I am not that show-stopping.My attempt to turn out of the room is met with a bout of nausea. Wolves are loyal to their leader. It is Kaisa who is bound by his abilities, but since she is a part of me, I am bound in the same way.I slide the coat I had removed and toss my straying, frazzled and loose hair over my shoulders before moving further into the room that was now filled with murmurs.‘Is that her?’‘I heard Magnolia had to change because they wore the same dress?’‘I heard she was punished to stay in the temple.’‘…Political debauchery.’‘…. gold digger...’'....mate to another pack...''...mother died pregnant..''....ran from Ketria..''....Alpha Rhett's Luna...'The dessert table is more well stocked with delicate treats as compared to what they offered the mix of teens in the gardens; then again,
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Chapter Eighty-Six: Why
The introductions went on as smoothly as they could. Rebecca is by no shot a trouble magnet; if anything, she holds a refined dignity that matches Beatrice, only Beatrice was more outspoken.Judging by how easily she yields to Magnolia, she may have been bullied psychologically instead of physically, but both of those kinds leave their unique scars.But again…none of my business.It surprises me that Magnolia is outside alone, devoid of her posse, more so the sombre contemplative look her gaze holds is nothing like the conniving snake I know and detest.“What was it you wished to discuss?”I ask, shutting the door behind me to stand next to her by the ledge where the view of the full moon embraces us.The night was so beautiful. If only it did not threaten to shatter me.“Why don’t you sit first?”She asks, gesturing to the outdoor chair next to the door.Again, another show of power.“You have two minutes, do not waste them.”She scoffs.Even with the strength of the cold wind, her h
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Chapter Eighty-Seven: It Will Pass
The second I take a step back from my position, he emerges, walking slowly from the shadows to the window, where a majority of the moon’s light floods.His white fur seems to shimmer under the moon’s glow, and the beauty of his sliver eyes is magnified captivatingly, but it is his large frame that holds my attention.How can one be so big yet move so fast?Should I not have stifled my wolf?Marko breaks the stillness of the moment by approaching me.My turn to the exit is quick, but his mind-linked command is quicker.“Stop, Alba.”“Don’t come near me, Marko. I swear to God I will scream.”I threaten, and his steps slow.My body is frigid, I want to move, but it will not let me.He will not let me.“You do not command me if you want my honesty! You do not force me to wait for you! You do not get to do this, Marko, not to me.”My throat is hoarse; of course, I am yelling; I always have to yell when it comes to him.“Take that jacket off, or I will tear it off of you along with every ga
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Chapter Eighty-Eight: Thank the Goddess
Marko “It will pass?” The sweetness on his tongue from her blood was fading, and so was her scent that he engraved on his skin; again, the panic at the sense that she was slipping from him returned to his gut. “Did you just say ‘it will pass’?” He asked. “Yes, matters of the heart, you know…yada yada…it’s not you, it’s me...” Her words were so dismissive that he almost anticipated she would toss a few notes to him and ask him to buy himself something nice. Was she...was she serious? She groaned at something before bending to slide her now-wet underwear from her centre. Another groan escaped her as she visibly looked around for a place to stash it. “Do you want this?” That she would offer his seed back to him was no surprise; her words, on the other hand, were. He was certain their relationship would go back to what it was after Red Graw, that they would fight each other, to fall into each other, only with more passion because he saw a glimpse of what she hid so beautifull
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Bonus #1: April's Fool
** Hello! First of all, happy fool’s day! This chapter has nothing to do with the main story; consider it a parallel universe; it is an extra, hence free. This is my appreciation for the support you have shown me thus far. I am looking forward to hearing your response to this bonus chapter; let me know if it is something you would like to read more of occasionally, perhaps during some holidays or if the bonus is negatively affecting your relationship with the main plot (Again, think of this as a parallel universe, it is not part of the plot). Quick disclaimer this chapter bears a consent trigger warning. Please Note: 1. The continuation of the bonus depends on your response. 2. The bonus chapters will always be free. 3. The regular chapters resume tomorrow As always, thank you for reading! Undercover_Ostritch (Ostrich Ostrich) ** “Cut!” The director’s call rings in the hall, causing the atmosphere of the stage to lose its magic. Rhett’s turn to me is fast, perhaps too f
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Chapter Eighty-Nine: In an Instant
The sight stills me.Rhett takes a step back from the petite brown-haired girl claiming to be his mate, but his expression is too wild for one claiming her words to be false.It is not jealousy that fills me, but an ache similar to the one I felt when mother had sat me down in Red Graw to announce that she had found her mate.Loss?Maybe, but I have no business feeling this bitterly when my core remains bare with traces of Marko’s stain between my thighs.Yet I do.The word ‘mate’ has again robbed me of something."Look, kid, I am not your mate."Rhett answers, his movement backwards halting now that she no longer stepped towards him.“How can you say that when I smell you, I know you smell me too; that is why you asked about my perfume, is it not?”He doesn’t answer her, but his expression is terrifyingly easy to read.It is as if he wants to see more of her, yet escape at the same time, the same one Marko used to show me before he grew too bold in his demands.My heel is silent as I
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